Commit b119aba8 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Initial import

Pipeline #82 failed with stages
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Generated by the OpenACS Package Manager -->
<package key="acs-mail-lite" url="" type="apm_service">
<package-name>Mail Services Lite</package-name>
<pretty-plural>Mail Services Lite</pretty-plural>
<version name="0.7a" url="">
<owner url="">Eric Lorenzo</owner>
<owner url="">Timo Hentschel</owner>
<summary>Simplified reliable email transmission with bounce management.</summary>
<description format="text/html">This package provides a simple ns_sendmail-like interface for sending messages, but queues messages in the database to ensure reliable sending and make sending a message 'transactional'. Prefered over acs-messaging or acs-mail.</description>
<provides url="acs-mail-lite" version="0.7a"/>
<callback type="before-uninstall" proc="acs_mail_lite::before_uninstall"/>
<callback type="after-install" proc="acs_mail_lite::after_install"/>
<parameter datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="BounceDomain" description="Email Domain for outgoing messages" section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="BounceMailDir" description="Location of the maildir location that accepts incoming bounces" section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="BounceScanQueue" default="120" description="How often (in seconds) to scan for new bounces" section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="EnvelopePrefix" default="bounce" description="The prefix for sending mail that will be handled by this instance" section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="MaxBounceCount" default="10" description="Number of bounced emails after resulting in disabling an email-address" section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="MaxDaysToBounce" default="2" description="Number of days after mail sending a bounce is expected at the very latest" section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="MaxNotificationCount" default="4" description="Number of times the user will get a notification that his email got disabled in the system" section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="MMEncodeBin" default="/usr/bin/mmencode" description="Location of mmencode executable." section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="NotificationInterval" default="7" description="Number of days the users with bouncing email will be notified again on how to reenable the email again" section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="NotificationSender" default="" description="Sender of the notification email" section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="send_immediately" default="0" description="Boolean value to say whether new mails should be send out immediately or stored in the db before send out." section_name="email"/>
<parameter datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="SendmailBin" default="/usr/sbin/sendmail" description="Location of sendmail binary on your system (Set to SMTP to use SMTP server)" section_name="email"/>
-- A simple mail queue
-- @author <a href=""></a>
-- @version $Id$
create sequence acs_mail_lite_id_seq;
create table acs_mail_lite_queue (
message_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_queue_pk
primary key,
to_addr varchar(400),
from_addr varchar(200),
subject varchar(200),
body clob,
extra_headers clob,
bcc clob,
package_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_queue_pck_fk
references apm_packages,
valid_email_p varchar2(1)
constraint acs_mail_lite_qu_valid_em_p_ck
check (valid_email_p in ('t','f'))
create table acs_mail_lite_mail_log (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_log_user_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_log_pk
primary key,
last_mail_date date default sysdate
create table acs_mail_lite_bounce (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_bou_user_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_bou_pk
primary key,
bounce_count integer default 1
create table acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_li_bou_notif_us_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_notif_pk
primary key,
notification_time date default sysdate,
notification_count integer default 0
-- A simple mail queue
-- @author <a href=""></a>
-- @version $Id$
drop table acs_mail_lite_queue;
drop sequence acs_mail_lite_id_seq;
alter table acs_mail_lite_queue add (package_id integer constraint acs_mail_lite_queue_pck_fk references apm_packages);
alter table acs_mail_lite_queue add (valid_email_p varchar2(1) constraint acs_mail_lite_qu_valid_em_p_ck check (valid_email_p in ('t','f')));
create table acs_mail_lite_mail_log (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_log_user_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_log_pk
primary key,
last_mail_date date default sysdate
create table acs_mail_lite_bounce (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_bou_user_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_bou_pk
primary key,
bounce_count integer default 1
create table acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_li_bou_notif_us_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_notif_pk
primary key,
notification_time date default sysdate,
notification_count integer default 0
\ No newline at end of file
-- A simple mail queue
-- @author <a href=""></a>
-- @version $Id$
create sequence acs_mail_lite_id_seq;
create table acs_mail_lite_queue (
message_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_queue_pk
primary key,
to_addr text,
from_addr varchar(200),
subject varchar(200),
body text,
extra_headers text,
bcc text,
package_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_queue_pck_fk
references apm_packages,
valid_email_p boolean
create table acs_mail_lite_mail_log (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_log_user_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_log_pk
primary key,
last_mail_date timestamptz default current_timestamp
create table acs_mail_lite_bounce (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_bou_user_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_bou_pk
primary key,
bounce_count integer default 1
create table acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_li_bou_notif_us_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_notif_pk
primary key,
notification_time timestamptz default current_timestamp,
notification_count integer default 0
-- A simple mail queue
-- @author <a href=""></a>
-- @version $Id$
drop table acs_mail_lite_queue;
drop sequence acs_mail_lite_id_seq;
drop table acs_mail_lite_mail_log;
drop table acs_mail_lite_bounce;
drop table acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif;
\ No newline at end of file
alter table acs_mail_lite_queue add column package_id integer constraint acs_mail_lite_queue_pck_fk references apm_packages;
alter table acs_mail_lite_queue add column valid_email_p boolean;
create table acs_mail_lite_mail_log (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_log_user_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_log_pk
primary key,
last_mail_date timestamptz default current_timestamp
create table acs_mail_lite_bounce (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_lite_bou_user_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_bou_pk
primary key,
bounce_count integer default 1
create table acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif (
user_id integer
constraint acs_mail_li_bou_notif_us_id_fk
references users (user_id)
on delete cascade
constraint acs_mail_lite_notif_pk
primary key,
notification_time timestamptz default current_timestamp,
notification_count integer default 0
\ No newline at end of file
ad_library {
initialization for acs_mail_lite module
@author Eric Lorenzo (
@creation-date 22 March, 2002
@cvs-id $Id$
# Default interval is 1 minute.
ad_schedule_proc -thread t 60 acs_mail_lite::sweeper
# check every few minutes for bounces
ad_schedule_proc -thread t [acs_mail_lite::get_parameter -name BounceScanQueue -default 120] acs_mail_lite::scan_replies
nsv_set acs_mail_lite send_mails_p 0
nsv_set acs_mail_lite check_bounce_p 0
ad_schedule_proc -thread t -schedule_proc ns_schedule_daily [list 0 25] acs_mail_lite::check_bounces
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.send_notification_to_bouncing_email">
insert into acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif
(user_id, notification_count, notification_time)
(select user_id, 0 as notification_count,
trunc(sysdate-1-:notification_interval) as notification_time
from acs_mail_lite_bounce
where bounce_count >= :max_bounce_count)
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.get_recent_bouncing_users">
select u.user_id,, u.first_names || ' ' || u.last_name as name
from cc_users u, acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif n
where u.user_id = n.user_id
and u.email_bouncing_p = 't'
and n.notification_time < sysdate - :notification_interval
and n.notification_count < :max_notification_count
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.log_notication_sending">
update acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif
set notification_time = trunc(sysdate),
notification_count = notification_count + 1
where user_id = :user_id
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.delete_log_if_no_recent_bounce">
delete from acs_mail_lite_bounce
where user_id in (select user_id
from acs_mail_lite_mail_log
where last_mail_date < sysdate - :max_days_to_bounce)
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::send.create_queue_entry">
insert into acs_mail_lite_queue
(message_id, to_addr, from_addr, subject, body, extra_headers, bcc,
package_id, valid_email_p)
(acs_mail_lite_id_seq.nextval, :to_addr, :from_addr, :subject, :body,
:eh_list, :bcc, :package_id, decode(:valid_email_p,'1','t','f'))
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::log_mail_sending.record_mail_sent">
update acs_mail_lite_mail_log
set last_mail_date = sysdate
where user_id = :user_id
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::log_mail_sending.insert_log_entry">
insert into acs_mail_lite_mail_log (user_id, last_mail_date)
values (:user_id, sysdate)
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::sweeper.get_queued_messages">
select message_id,
decode(valid_email_p,'t',1,0) as valid_email_p
from acs_mail_lite_queue
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::send_immediately.create_queue_entry">
insert into acs_mail_lite_queue
(message_id, to_addr, from_addr, subject, body, extra_headers, bcc,
package_id, valid_email_p)
(acs_mail_lite_id_seq.nextval, :to_addr, :from_addr, :subject, :body,
:extraheaders, :bcc, :package_id, decode(:valid_email_p,'1','t','f'))
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.send_notification_to_bouncing_email">
insert into acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif (user_id, notification_count, notification_time)
select user_id, 0 as notification_count,
date_trunc('day', current_timestamp - to_interval(1 + :notification_interval, 'days'))
as notification_time
from acs_mail_lite_bounce
where bounce_count >= :max_bounce_count
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.get_recent_bouncing_users">
select u.user_id,, u.first_names || ' ' || u.last_name as name
from cc_users u, acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif n
where u.user_id = n.user_id
and u.email_bouncing_p = 't'
and n.notification_time < current_timestamp - to_interval(:notification_interval, 'days')
and n.notification_count < :max_notification_count
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.log_notication_sending">
update acs_mail_lite_bounce_notif
set notification_time = date_trunc('day',current_timestamp),
notification_count = notification_count + 1
where user_id = :user_id
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.delete_log_if_no_recent_bounce">
delete from acs_mail_lite_bounce
where user_id in (select user_id
from acs_mail_lite_mail_log
where last_mail_date < current_timestamp - to_interval(:max_days_to_bounce, 'days'))
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::send.create_queue_entry">
insert into acs_mail_lite_queue
(message_id, to_addr, from_addr, subject, body, extra_headers, bcc, package_id, valid_email_p)
(nextval('acs_mail_lite_id_seq'), :to_addr, :from_addr, :subject, :body, :eh_list, :bcc, :package_id,
(case when :valid_email_p = '1' then TRUE else FALSE end))
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::log_mail_sending.record_mail_sent">
update acs_mail_lite_mail_log
set last_mail_date = current_timestamp
where user_id = :user_id
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::log_mail_sending.insert_log_entry">
insert into acs_mail_lite_mail_log (user_id, last_mail_date)
values (:user_id, current_timestamp)
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::sweeper.get_queued_messages">
select message_id,
(case when valid_email_p = TRUE then 1
else 0
end) as valid_email_p
from acs_mail_lite_queue
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::send_immediately.create_queue_entry">
insert into acs_mail_lite_queue
(message_id, to_addr, from_addr, subject, body, extra_headers, bcc,
package_id, valid_email_p)
(nextval('acs_mail_lite_id_seq'), :to_addr, :from_addr, :subject, :body,
:extraheaders, :bcc, :package_id,
(case when :valid_email_p = '1' then TRUE
else FALSE end))
ad_library {
Provides a simple API for reliably sending email.
@author Eric Lorenzo (
@creation-date 22 March 2002
@cvs-id $Id$
namespace eval acs_mail_lite {
ad_proc -public with_finally {
} {
Execute CODE, then execute cleanup code FINALLY.
If CODE completes normally, its value is returned after
executing FINALLY.
If CODE exits non-locally (as with error or return), FINALLY
is executed anyway.
@option code Code to be executed that could throw and error
@option finally Cleanup code to be executed even if an error occurs
} {
global errorInfo errorCode
# Execute CODE.
set return_code [catch {uplevel $code} string]
set s_errorInfo $errorInfo
set s_errorCode $errorCode
# As promised, always execute FINALLY. If FINALLY throws an
# error, Tcl will propagate it the usual way. If FINALLY contains
# stuff like break or continue, the result is undefined.
uplevel $finally
switch $return_code {
0 {
# CODE executed without a non-local exit -- return what it
# evaluated to.
return $string
1 {
# Error
return -code error -errorinfo $s_errorInfo -errorcode $s_errorCode $string
2 {
# Return from the caller.
return -code return $string
3 {
# break
return -code break
4 {
# continue
return -code continue
default {
return -code $return_code $string
ad_proc -public get_package_id {} {
@returns package_id of this package
} {
return [apm_package_id_from_key acs-mail-lite]
ad_proc -public get_parameter {
{-default ""}
} {
Returns an apm-parameter value of this package
@option name parameter name
@option default default parameter value
@returns apm-parameter value of this package
} {
return [parameter::get -package_id [get_package_id] -parameter $name -default $default]
ad_proc -public address_domain {} {
@returns domain address to which bounces are directed to
} {
set domain [get_parameter -name "BounceDomain"]
if { [empty_string_p $domain] } {
set domain [ns_info hostname]
return $domain
ad_proc -private bounce_sendmail {} {
@returns path to the sendmail executable
} {
return [get_parameter -name "SendmailBin"]
ad_proc -private bounce_prefix {} {
@returns bounce prefix for x-envelope-from
} {
return [get_parameter -name "EnvelopePrefix"]
ad_proc -private mail_dir {} {
@returns incoming mail directory to be scanned for bounces
} {
return [get_parameter -name "BounceMailDir"]
ad_proc -public parse_email_address {
} {
Extracts the email address out of a mail address (like Joe User <>)
@option email mail address to be parsed
@returns only the email address part of the mail address
} {
if {![regexp {<([^>]*)>} $email all clean_email]} {
return $email
} else {
return $clean_email
ad_proc -public bouncing_email_p {
} {
Checks if email address is bouncing mail
@option email email address to be checked for bouncing
@returns boolean 1 if bouncing 0 if ok.
} {
return [db_string bouncing_p {} -default 0]
ad_proc -public bouncing_user_p {
} {
Checks if email address of user is bouncing mail
@option user_id user to be checked for bouncing
@returns boolean 1 if bouncing 0 if ok.
} {
return [db_string bouncing_p {} -default 0]
ad_proc -private log_mail_sending {
} {
Logs mail sending time for user
@option user_id user for whom email sending should be logged
} {
db_dml record_mail_sent {}
if {![db_resultrows]} {
db_dml insert_log_entry {}
ad_proc -public bounce_address {
} {
Composes a bounce address
@option user_id user_id of the mail recipient
@option package_id package_id of the mail sending package
(needed to call package-specific code to deal with bounces)
@option message_id message-id of the mail
@returns bounce address
} {
return "[bounce_prefix]-$user_id-[ns_sha1 $message_id]-$package_id@[address_domain]"
ad_proc -public parse_bounce_address {
} {
This takes a reply address, checks it for consistency,
and returns a list of user_id, package_id and bounce_signature found
@option bounce_address bounce address to be checked
@returns tcl-list of user_id package_id bounce_signature
} {
set regexp_str "^[bounce_prefix]-(\[0-9\]+)-(\[^-\]+)-(\[0-9\]+)\@"
if {![regexp $regexp_str $bounce_address all user_id signature package_id]} {
ns_log Notice "acs-mail-lite: bounce_address not found"
return ""
return [list $user_id $package_id $signature]
ad_proc -public generate_message_id {
} {
Generate an id suitable as a Message-Id: header for an email.
@returns valid message-id for mail header
} {
# The combination of high resolution time and random
# value should be pretty unique.
return "<[clock clicks].[ns_time].oacs@[address_domain]>"
ad_proc -public valid_signature {
} {
Validates if provided signature matches message_id
@option signature signature to be checked
@option msg message-id that the signature should be checked against
@returns boolean 0 or 1
} {
if {![regexp "Message-Id: (<\[\-0-9\]+\\.\[0-9\]+\\.oacs@[address_domain]>)\n" $msg match message_id] || ![string equal $signature [ns_sha1 $message_id]]} {
# either couldn't find message-id or signature doesn't match
return 0
return 1
ad_proc -private load_mail_dir {
} {
Scans qmail incoming email queue for bounced mail and processes
these bounced mails.
@creation-date 22 Sept, 2001
@option queue_dir The location of the qmail mail queue in the file-system.
} {
if {[catch {
# get list of all incoming mail
set messages [glob "$queue_dir/new/*"]
} errmsg]} {
ns_log Notice "queue dir = $queue_dir/new/*, no messages"
return [list]
set list_of_bounce_ids [list]
set new_messages_p 0
# loop over every incoming mail
foreach msg $messages {
ns_log Notice "opening file: $msg"
if [catch {set f [open $msg r]}] {
set file [read $f]
close $f
set file [split $file "\n"]
set new_messages 1
set end_of_headers_p 0
set i 0
set line [lindex $file $i]
set headers [list]
# walk through the headers and extract each one
while ![empty_string_p $line] {
set next_line [lindex $file [expr $i + 1]]
if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $next_line match] && $i > 0} {
set end_of_headers_p 1
if {[regexp {^([^:]+):[ ]+(.+)$} $line match name value]} {
# join headers that span more than one line (e.g. Received)
if { ![regexp {^([^:]+):[ ]+(.+)$} $next_line match] && !$end_of_headers_p} {
append line $next_line
incr i
lappend headers [string tolower $name] $value
if {$end_of_headers_p} {
incr i
} else {
# The headers and the body are delimited by a null line as specified by RFC822
if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $line match]} {
incr i
incr i
set line [lindex $file $i]
set body "\n[join [lrange $file $i end] "\n"]"
# okay now we have a list of headers and the body, let's
# put it into notifications stuff
array set email_headers $headers
if [catch {set from $email_headers(from)}] {
set from ""
if [catch {set to $email_headers(to)}] {
set to ""
set to [parse_email_address -email $to]
ns_log Notice "acs-mail-lite: To: $to"
util_unlist [parse_bounce_address -bounce_address $to] user_id package_id signature
# If no user_id found or signature invalid, ignore message
if {[empty_string_p $user_id] || ![valid_signature -signature $signature -msg $body]} {
if {[empty_string_p $user_id]} {
ns_log Notice "acs-mail-lite: No user id $user_id found"
} else {
ns_log Notice "acs-mail-lite: Invalid mail signature"
if {[catch {ns_unlink $msg} errmsg]} {
ns_log Notice "acs-mail-lite: couldn't remove message"
# Try to invoke package-specific procedure for special treatment
# of mail bounces
catch {acs_sc::invoke -contract AcsMailLite -operation MailBounce -impl [string map {- _} [apm_package_key_from_id $package_id]] -call_args [list [array get email_headers] $body]}
# Okay, we have a bounce for a system user
# Check if the user has been marked as bouncing mail
# if the user is bouncing mail, we simply disgard the
# bounce since it was sent before the user's email was
# disabled.
ns_log Notice "Bounce checking: $to, $user_id"
if { ![bouncing_user_p -user_id $user_id] } {
ns_log Notice "acs-mail-lite: Bouncing email from user $user_id"
# record the bounce in the database
db_dml record_bounce {}
if {![db_resultrows]} {
db_dml insert_bounce {}
catch {ns_unlink $msg}
ad_proc -public scan_replies {} {
Scheduled procedure that will scan for bounced mails
} {
# Make sure that only one thread is processing the queue at a time.
if {[nsv_incr acs_mail_lite check_bounce_p] > 1} {
nsv_incr acs_mail_lite check_bounce_p -1
with_finally -code {
ns_log Notice "acs-mail-lite: about to load qmail queue"
load_mail_dir -queue_dir [mail_dir]
} -finally {
nsv_incr acs_mail_lite check_bounce_p -1
ad_proc -private check_bounces { } {
Daily proc that sends out warning mail that emails
are bouncing and disables emails if necessary
} {
set max_bounce_count [get_parameter -name MaxBounceCount -default 10]
set max_days_to_bounce [get_parameter -name MaxDaysToBounce -default 3]
set notification_interval [get_parameter -name NotificationInterval -default 7]
set max_notification_count [get_parameter -name MaxNotificationCount -default 4]
set notification_sender [get_parameter -name NotificationSender -default "reminder@[address_domain]"]
# delete all bounce-log-entries for users who received last email
# X days ago without any bouncing (parameter)
db_dml delete_log_if_no_recent_bounce {}
# disable mail sending for users with more than X recently
# bounced mails
db_dml disable_bouncing_email {}
# notify users of this disabled mail sending
db_dml send_notification_to_bouncing_email {}
# now delete bounce log for users with disabled mail sending
db_dml delete_bouncing_users_from_log {}
set subject "[ad_system_name] Email Reminder"
# now periodically send notifications to users with
# disabled email to tell them how to reenable the email
set notifications [db_list_of_ns_sets get_recent_bouncing_users {}]
# send notification to users with disabled email
foreach notification $notifications {
set notification_list [util_ns_set_to_list -set $notification]
array set user $notification_list
set user_id $user(user_id)
set body "Dear $user(name),\n\nDue to returning mails from your email account, we currently do not send you any email from our system. To reenable your email account, please visit\n[ad_url]/register/restore-bounce?[export_url_vars user_id]"
send -to_addr $notification_list -from_addr $notification_sender -subject $subject -body $body -valid_email
ns_log Notice "Bounce notification send to user $user_id"
# schedule next notification
db_dml log_notication_sending {}
ad_proc -public deliver_mail {
{-extraheaders ""}
{-bcc ""}
{-valid_email_p 0}
} {
Bounce Manager send
@option to_addr list of mail recipients
@option from_addr mail sender
@option subject mail subject
@option body mail body
@option extraheaders extra mail header
@option bcc list of recipients of a mail copy
@option valid_email_p flag if email needs to be checked if it's bouncing or
if calling code already made sure that the receiving email addresses
are not bouncing (this increases performance if mails are send in a batch process)
@option package_id package_id of the sending package
(needed to call package-specific code to deal with bounces)
} {
set msg "Subject: $subject\nDate: [ns_httptime [ns_time]]"
array set headers $extraheaders
set message_id $headers(Message-Id)
foreach {key value} $extraheaders {
append msg "\n$key\: $value"
## Blank line between headers and body
append msg "\n\n$body\n"
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Rollout support
# ----------------------------------------------------
# if set in etc/config.tcl, then
# packages/acs-tcl/tcl/rollout-email-procs.tcl will rename a
# proc to ns_sendmail. So we simply call ns_sendmail instead
# of the sendmail bin if the EmailDeliveryMode parameter is
# set to anything other than default - JFR
set delivery_mode [ns_config ns/server/[ns_info server]/acs/acs-rollout-support EmailDeliveryMode]
if {![empty_string_p $delivery_mode]
&& ![string equal $delivery_mode default]
} {
# The to_addr has been put in an array, and returned. Now
# it is of the form: email email_address name namefromdb
# user_id user_id_if_present_or_empty_string
set to_address "[lindex $to_addr 1] ([lindex $to_addr 3])"
set eh [util_list_to_ns_set $extraheaders]
ns_sendmail $to_address $from_addr $subject $body $eh $bcc
} else {
if { [string equal [bounce_sendmail] "SMTP"] } {
## Terminate body with a solitary period
foreach line [split $msg "\n"] {
if {[string match . [string trim $line]]} {
append data .
#AG: ensure no \r\r\n terminations.
set trimmed_line [string trimright $line \r]
append data "$trimmed_line\r\n"
append data .
smtp -from_addr $from_addr -sendlist $to_addr -msg $data -valid_email_p $valid_email_p -message_id $message_id -package_id $package_id
if {![empty_string_p $bcc]} {
smtp -from_addr $from_addr -sendlist $bcc -msg $data -valid_email_p $valid_email_p -message_id $message_id -package_id $package_id
} else {
sendmail -from_addr $from_addr -sendlist $to_addr -msg $msg -valid_email_p $valid_email_p -message_id $message_id -package_id $package_id
if {![empty_string_p $bcc]} {
sendmail -from_addr $from_addr -sendlist $bcc -msg $msg -valid_email_p $valid_email_p -message_id $message_id -package_id $package_id
ad_proc -private sendmail {
{-valid_email_p 0}
} {
Sending mail through sendmail.
@option from_addr mail sender
@option sendlist list of mail recipients
@option msg mail to be sent (subject, header, body)
@option valid_email_p flag if email needs to be checked if it's bouncing or
if calling code already made sure that the receiving email addresses
are not bouncing (this increases performance if mails are send in a batch process)
@option message_id message-id of the mail
@option package_id package_id of the sending package
(needed to call package-specific code to deal with bounces)
} {
array set rcpts $sendlist
foreach rcpt $rcpts(email) rcpt_id $rcpts(user_id) rcpt_name $rcpts(name) {
if { $valid_email_p || ![bouncing_email_p -email $rcpt] } {
with_finally -code {
set sendmail [list [bounce_sendmail] "-f[bounce_address -user_id $rcpt_id -package_id $package_id -message_id $message_id]" "-t" "-i"]
# add username if it exists
if {![empty_string_p $rcpt_name]} {
set pretty_to "$rcpt_name <$rcpt>"
} else {
set pretty_to $rcpt
# substitute all "\r\n" with "\n", because piped text should only contain "\n"
regsub -all "\r\n" $msg "\n" msg
set f [open "|$sendmail" "w"]
puts $f "From: $from_addr\nTo: $pretty_to\n$msg"
close $f
} -finally {
} else {
ns_log Notice "acs-mail-lite: Email bouncing from $rcpt, mail not sent and deleted from queue"
# log mail sending time
if {![empty_string_p $rcpt_id]} { log_mail_sending -user_id $rcpt_id }
ad_proc -private smtp {
{-valid_email_p 0}
} {
Sending mail through smtp.
@option from_addr mail sender
@option sendlist list of mail recipients
@option msg mail to be sent (subject, header, body)
@option valid_email_p flag if email needs to be checked if it's bouncing or
if calling code already made sure that the receiving email addresses
are not bouncing (this increases performance if mails are send in a batch process)
@option message_id message-id of the mail
@option package_id package_id of the sending package
(needed to call package-specific code to deal with bounces)
} {
set smtp [ns_config ns/parameters smtphost]
if {[empty_string_p $smtp]} {
set smtp [ns_config ns/parameters mailhost]
if {[empty_string_p $smtp]} {
set smtp localhost
set timeout [ns_config ns/parameters smtptimeout]
if {[empty_string_p $timeout]} {
set timeout 60
set smtpport [ns_config ns/parameters smtpport]
if {[empty_string_p $smtpport]} {
set smtpport 25
array set rcpts $sendlist
foreach rcpt $rcpts(email) rcpt_id $rcpts(user_id) rcpt_name $rcpts(name) {
if { $valid_email_p || ![bouncing_email_p -email $rcpt] } {
# add username if it exists
if {![empty_string_p $rcpt_name]} {
set pretty_to "$rcpt_name <$rcpt>"
} else {
set pretty_to $rcpt
set msg "From: $from_addr\r\nTo: $pretty_to\r\n$msg"
set mail_from [bounce_address -user_id $rcpt_id -package_id $package_id -message_id $message_id]
## Open the connection
set sock [ns_sockopen $smtp $smtpport]
set rfp [lindex $sock 0]
set wfp [lindex $sock 1]
## Perform the SMTP conversation
with_finally -code {
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 220 $timeout
_ns_smtp_send $wfp "HELO [ns_info hostname]" $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout
_ns_smtp_send $wfp "MAIL FROM:<$mail_from>" $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout
_ns_smtp_send $wfp "RCPT TO:<$rcpt>" $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout
_ns_smtp_send $wfp DATA $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 354 $timeout
_ns_smtp_send $wfp $msg $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout
_ns_smtp_send $wfp QUIT $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 221 $timeout
} -finally {
## Close the connection
close $rfp
close $wfp
} else {
ns_log Notice "acs-mail-lite: Email bouncing from $rcpt, mail not sent and deleted from queue"
# log mail sending time
if {![empty_string_p $rcpt_id]} { log_mail_sending -user_id $rcpt_id }
ad_proc -private get_address_array {
} { Checks if passed variable is already an array of emails,
user_names and user_ids. If not, get the additional data
from the db and return the full array.
@option addresses variable to checked for array
@returns array of emails, user_names and user_ids to be used
for the mail procedures
} {
if {[catch {array set address_array $addresses}]
|| ![string equal [lsort [array names address_array]] [list email name user_id]]} {
# either user just passed a normal address-list or
# user passed an array, but forgot to provide user_ids
# or user_names, so we have to get this data from the db
if {![info exists address_array(email)]} {
# so user passed on a normal address-list
set address_array(email) $addresses
set address_list [list]
foreach email $address_array(email) {
# strip out only the emails from address-list
lappend address_list [string tolower [parse_email_address -email $email]]
array unset address_array
# now get the user_names and user_ids
foreach email $address_list {
set email [string tolower $email]
if {[db_0or1row get_user_name_and_id ""]} {
lappend address_array(email) $email
lappend address_array(name) $user_name
lappend address_array(user_id) $user_id
} else {
lappend address_array(email) $email
lappend address_array(name) ""
lappend address_array(user_id) ""
return [array get address_array]
ad_proc -public send {
{-subject ""}
{-extraheaders ""}
{-bcc ""}
{-package_id ""}
} {
Reliably send an email message.
@option send_immediately Switch that lets the mail send directly without adding it to the mail queue first.
@option valid_email Switch that avoids checking if the email to be mailed is not bouncing
@option to_addr List of mail-addresses or array of email,name,user_id containing lists of users to be mailed
@option from_addr mail sender
@option subject mail subject
@option body mail body
@option extraheaders extra mail headers
@option bcc see to_addr
@option package_id To be used for calling a package-specific proc when mail has bounced
@returns the Message-Id of the mail
} {
## Extract "from" email address
set from_addr [parse_email_address -email $from_addr]
## Get address-array with email, name and user_id
set to_addr [get_address_array -addresses [string map {\n "" \r ""} $to_addr]]
if {![empty_string_p $bcc]} {
set bcc [get_address_array -addresses [string map {\n "" \r ""} $bcc]]
if {![empty_string_p $extraheaders]} {
set eh_list [util_ns_set_to_list -set $extraheaders]
} else {
set eh_list ""
# Subject cannot contain newlines -- replace with spaces
regsub -all {\n} $subject { } subject
set message_id [generate_message_id]
lappend eh_list "Message-Id" $message_id
if {[empty_string_p $package_id]} {
if [ad_conn -connected_p] {
set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
} else {
set package_id ""
# Subject can not be longer than 200 characters
if { [string length $subject] > 200 } {
set subject "[string range $subject 0 196]..."
# check, if send_immediately is set
# if not, take global parameter
if {$send_immediately_p} {
set send_p $send_immediately_p
} else {
# if parameter is not set, get the global setting
set send_p [parameter::get -package_id [get_package_id] -parameter "send_immediately" -default 0]
# if send_p true, then start acs_mail_lite::send_immediately, so mail is not stored in the db before delivery
if { $send_p } {
acs_mail_lite::send_immediately -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr -subject $subject -body $body -extraheaders $eh_list -bcc $bcc -valid_email_p $valid_email_p -package_id $package_id
} else {
# else, store it in the db and let the sweeper deliver the mail
db_dml create_queue_entry {}
return $message_id
ad_proc -private sweeper {} {
Send messages in the acs_mail_lite_queue table.
} {
# Make sure that only one thread is processing the queue at a time.
if {[nsv_incr acs_mail_lite send_mails_p] > 1} {
nsv_incr acs_mail_lite send_mails_p -1
with_finally -code {
db_foreach get_queued_messages {} {
with_finally -code {
deliver_mail -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr \
-subject $subject -body $body -extraheaders $extra_headers \
-bcc $bcc -valid_email_p $valid_email_p \
-package_id $package_id
db_dml delete_queue_entry {}
} -finally {
} -finally {
nsv_incr acs_mail_lite send_mails_p -1
ad_proc -private send_immediately {
{-subject ""}
{-extraheaders ""}
{-bcc ""}
{-valid_email_p 0}
} {
Procedure to send mails immediately without queuing the mail in the database for performance reasons.
If ns_sendmail fails, the mail will be written in the db so the sweeper can send them out later.
@option to_addr List of mail-addresses or array of email,name,user_id containing lists of users to be mailed
@option from_addr mail sender
@option subject mail subject
@option body mail body
@option extraheaders extra mail headers
@option bcc see to_addr
@option valid_email_p Switch that avoids checking if the email to be mailed is not bouncing
@option package_id To be used for calling a package-specific proc when mail has bounced
} {
if {[catch {
deliver_mail -to_addr $to_addr -from_addr $from_addr -subject $subject -body $body -extraheaders $extraheaders -bcc $bcc -valid_email_p $valid_email_p -package_id $package_id
} errmsg]} {
ns_log Error "acs_mail_lite::deliver_mail failed: $errmsg"
ns_log "Notice" "Mail info will be written in the db"
db_dml create_queue_entry {}
} else {
ns_log "Notice" "acs_mail_lite::deliver_mail successful"
ad_proc -private after_install {} {
Callback to be called after package installation.
Adds the service contract package-specific bounce management.
@author Timo Hentschel (
} {
acs_sc::contract::new -name AcsMailLite -description "Callbacks for Bounce Management"
acs_sc::contract::operation::new -contract_name AcsMailLite -operation MailBounce -input "header:string body:string" -output "" -description "Callback to handle bouncing mails"
ad_proc -private before_uninstall {} {
Callback to be called before package uninstallation.
Removes the service contract for package-specific bounce management.
@author Timo Hentschel (
} {
# shouldn't we first delete the bindings?
acs_sc::contract::delete -name AcsMailLite
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::bouncing_email_p.bouncing_p">
select case when email_bouncing_p = 't' then 1 else 0 end
as send_p
from cc_users
where lower(email) = lower(:email)
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::bouncing_user_p.bouncing_p">
select case when email_bouncing_p = 't' then 1 else 0 end
as send_p
from cc_users
where user_id = :user_id
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::log_mail_sending.record_mail_sent">
update acs_mail_lite_mail_log
set last_mail_date = sysdate
where user_id = :user_id
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::log_mail_sending.insert_log_entry">
insert into acs_mail_lite_mail_log (user_id, last_mail_date)
values (:user_id, sysdate)
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::load_mail_dir.record_bounce">
update acs_mail_lite_bounce
set bounce_count = bounce_count + 1
where user_id = :user_id
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::load_mail_dir.insert_bounce">
insert into acs_mail_lite_bounce (user_id, bounce_count)
values (:user_id, 1)
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.delete_log_if_no_recent_bounce">
delete from acs_mail_lite_bounce
where user_id in (select user_id
from acs_mail_lite_mail_log
where last_mail_date < sysdate - :max_days_to_bounce)
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.disable_bouncing_email">
update users
set email_bouncing_p = 't'
where user_id in (select user_id
from acs_mail_lite_bounce
where bounce_count >= :max_bounce_count)
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::check_bounces.delete_bouncing_users_from_log">
delete from acs_mail_lite_bounce
where bounce_count >= :max_bounce_count
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::get_address_array.get_user_name_and_id">
select user_id, first_names || ' ' || last_name as user_name
from cc_users
where email = :email
<fullquery name="acs_mail_lite::sweeper.delete_queue_entry">
from acs_mail_lite_queue
where message_id = :message_id
<head><title>User Documentation for ACS Mail Lite</title></head>
<h2>User Documentation for ACS Mail Lite</h2>
Acs Mail Lite handles sending of email via sendmail or smtp
and includes a bounce management system for invalid email
When called to send a mail, the mail will either get sent immediately
or placed in an outgoing queue (changeable via parameter) which
will be processed every few minutes.
ACS Mail Lite uses either sendmail (you have to provide the
location of the binary as a parameter) or SMTP to send the mail.
If the sending fails, the mail will be placed in the outgoing queue
again and be given another try a few minutes later when processing
the queue again.
Each email contains an X-Envelope-From adress constructed as
The adress starts with "bounce" (can be changed by a parameter)
followed by the user_id, a hashkey and the package_id of the
package instance that sent the email, separated by "-". The
domain name of this adress can be changed with a parameter.
The system checks every 2 minutes (configurable) in a certain
maildirectory (configurable) for newly bounced emails, so the
mailsystem will have to place every mail to an address beginning
with "bounce" (or whatever the appropriate parameter says) in that
directory. The system then processes each of the bounced emails,
strips out the message_id and verifies the hashkey in the bounce-address.
After that the package-key of the package sending the original mail
is found out by using the package_id provided in the bounce
adress. With that, the system then tries to invoke a callback
procedure via a service contract if one is registered for that
particular package-key. This enables each package to deal with
bouncing mails on their own - probably logging this in special tables.
ACS Mail Lite then logs the event of a bounced mail of that
Every day a procedure is run that checks if an email account
has to be disabled from receiving any more mail. This is done
the following way:
<li>If a user received his last mail X days ago without any further
bounced mail then his bounce-record gets deleted since it can
be assumed that his email account is working again and no longer
refusing emails. This value can be changed with the parameter
<li>If more then Y emails were returned by a particular user then
his email account gets disabled from receiving any more mails
from the system by setting the email_bouncing_p flag to t. This
value can be changed with the parameter "MaxBounceCount".</li>
<li>To notify users that they will not receive any more mails and to
tell them how to reenable the email account in the system again,
a notification email gets sent every 7 days (configurable)
up to 4 times (configurable) that contains a link to reenable
the email account.</li>
To use this system here is a quick guide how to do it with postfix.
<li>Edit /etc/postfix/
<li>Set "recipient_delimiter" to " - "
<li>Set "home_mailbox" to "Maildir/"
<li>Make sure that /etc/postfix/aliases is hashed for the alias database
<li>Edit /etc/postfix/aliases. Redirect all mail to "bounce" (if you leave the parameter as it was) to "nsadmin" (in case you only run one server).
In case of multiple services on one system, create a bounce email for each of them (e.g. changeing "bounce" to "bounce_service1") and create a new user that runs the aolserver process for each of them. You do not want to have service1 deal with bounces for service2.
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