Commit 8c0a8547 authored by Malte Sussdorff's avatar Malte Sussdorff

- Malte

parent 9b7c53b7
Pipeline #99 failed with stages
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="email_image::new_item.lob_size">
update cr_revisions
set content_length = dbms_lob.getlength(content)
where revision_id = :revision_id
<fullquery name="email_image::new_item.lob_content">
update cr_revisions
set content = empty_blob()
where revision_id = :revision_id
returning content into :1
<fullquery name="email_image::edit_email_image.lob_size">
update cr_revisions
set content_length = dbms_lob.getlength(content)
where revision_id = :revision_id
<fullquery name="email_image::edit_email_image.lob_content">
update cr_revisions
set content = empty_blob()
where revision_id = :revision_id
returning content into :1
<fullquery name="email_image::add_relation.add_relation">
:1 := (
rel_type => 'email_image_rel',
object_id_one => :user_id,
object_id_two => :item_id);
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="email_image::new_item.lob_size">
update cr_revisions
set content_length = lob_length(lob)
where revision_id = :revision_id
<fullquery name="email_image::new_item.lob_content">
update cr_revisions
set mime_type = :mime_type,
lob = [set __lob_id [db_string get_lob_id "select empty_lob()"]]
where revision_id = :revision_id
<fullquery name="email_image::edit_email_image.lob_size">
update cr_revisions
set content_length = lob_length(lob)
where revision_id = :revision_id
<fullquery name="email_image::edit_email_image.lob_content">
update cr_revisions
set mime_type = :mime_type,
lob = [set __lob_id [db_string get_lob_id "select empty_lob()"]]
where revision_id = :revision_id
<fullquery name="email_image::add_relation.add_relation">
select acs_rel__new (
ad_library {
Tcl API for email_image store and manipulation
@author Miguel Marin ( Viaro Networks (
namespace eval email_image {}
ad_proc -public email_image::update_private_p {
} {
Changes the priv_email field from the users table
@level Change to this level
} {
db_transaction {
db_dml update_users { }
ad_proc -public email_image::get_priv_email {
} {
Returns the priv_email field of the user from the users table.
} {
set priv_level [db_string get_private_email { }]
if {$priv_level eq "5"} {
set priv_level [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key "acs-subsite" \
-parameter "PrivateEmailLevelP" -default 4]
return $priv_level
ad_proc -public email_image::get_user_email {
{-return_url ""}
{-bgcolor "" }
{-transparent "" }
} {
Returns the email in differnet diferent ways (text level 4, image or text and image level 3, link level 2, ...)
according to the priv_email field in the users table. To create an image the ImageMagick software is required,
if ImageMagick is not present then the @ symbol in the email will be shown as an image. When creating an image
you can choose the background color (In this format \#xxxxxx). Also you can make the background color transparent
(1 or 0).
@return_url The url to return when the email is shown as a link
@bgcolor The Background color of the image. Default to \#ffffff
@transparent If the bgcolor is transparent. Default to 1
} {
set email [email_image::get_email -user_id $user_id]
set user_level [email_image::get_priv_email -user_id $user_id]
if { $user_level == 5 } {
# We get the privacy level from PrivateEmailLevelP parameter
set priv_level [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key "acs-subsite" \
-parameter "PrivateEmailLevelP" -default 4]
} else {
# We use the privacy level that the user select
set priv_level $user_level
switch $priv_level {
"4" {
return "<a href=\"mailto:$email\" title=\"#acs-subsite.Send_email_to_this_user#\">$email</a>"
"3" {
set email_image_id [email_image::get_related_item_id -user_id $user_id]
if { $email_image_id != "-1" } {
# The user has an email image stored in the content repository
set revision_id [content::item::get_latest_revision -item_id $email_image_id]
set export_vars "user_id=$user_id&revision_id=$revision_id"
set email_image "<a href=\"/shared/send-email?sendto=$user_id&return_url=$return_url\"><img border=0 align=middle src=/shared/email-image-bits.tcl?$export_vars></a>"
} else {
# Create a new email_image
if { [catch { set email_image [email_image::new_item -user_id $user_id -bgcolor $bgcolor -transparent $transparent] } errmsg ] } {
# ImageMagick not present, we protect the email by adding
# an image replacing the "@" symbol
set email_user [lindex [split $email '@'] 0]
set email_domain [lindex [split $email '@'] 1]
set email_image "<a href=\"/shared/send-email?sendto=$user_id&return_url=$return_url\">${email_user}<img border=0 align=middle src=/shared/images/at.gif>${email_domain}</a>"
return $email_image
"2" {
return "<a href=\"/shared/send-email?sendto=$user_id&return_url=$return_url\">\#acs-subsite.Send_email_to_this_user\#</a>"
"1" {
#Do not show e-mail
return "\#acs-subsite.email_not_available\#"
ad_proc -public email_image::get_email {
} {
Returns the email of the user
} {
return [db_string get_email { }]
ad_proc -public email_image::new_item {
{-bgcolor ""}
{-transparent ""}
} {
Creates the email_image of the user with his/her email on it and store it
in the content repository under the Email_Images folder.
@bgcolor The background color of the image in the format \#xxxxxx, default to \#ffffff
@transparent If you want the background color transparent set it to 1. Default to 1
} {
# First we create a type and a folder in the content repository
# with label Email_Images where only items of type email_image
# will be stored.
set font_size 14
set font_type helvetica
set folder_id [email_image::get_folder_id]
set email [email_image::get_email -user_id $user_id]
set image_name "email${user_id}.gif"
set email_length [string length $email]
set dest_path "/tmp/$image_name"
set width [expr [expr $email_length * [expr $font_size / 2]] + 2]
set height $font_size
set ypos [expr [expr $height / 2] + 3 ]
set size "${width}x$height"
if { [string equal $bgcolor ""]} {
set bgcolor "\#ffffff"
set bg "xc:$bgcolor"
# Creating an image of the rigth length where the email will be
if {[catch {exec convert -size $size $bg $dest_path} errmsg]} {
return ""
# Creating the image with the email of the user on it
if {[catch {exec convert -font $font_type -fill blue -pointsize $font_size -draw "text 0,$ypos $email" \
$dest_path $dest_path} errmsg]} {
return ""
if { [string equal $transparent ""] || [string equal $transparent "1"] } {
# Making the bg color transparent
if {[catch {exec convert $dest_path -transparent $bgcolor $dest_path} errmsg]} {
return ""
# Time to store the image in the content repository
db_transaction {
set mime_type [cr_filename_to_mime_type -create $dest_path]
set creation_ip [ad_conn peeraddr]
set item_id [content::item::new -name $image_name -parent_id $folder_id -content_type "email_image" \
-storage_type "lob" -creation_ip $creation_ip]
set revision_id [content::revision::new -item_id $item_id -title $image_name -mime_type $mime_type \
-description "User email image" -creation_ip $creation_ip ]
email_image::add_relation -user_id $user_id -item_id $item_id
db_dml update_cr_items { }
db_dml lob_content { } -blob_files [list ${dest_path}]
db_dml lob_size { }
# Delete the temporary file created by ImageMagick
catch { file delete $dest_path } errMsg
set export_vars "user_id=$user_id&revision_id=$revision_id"
set email_image "<a href=\"/shared/send-email?sendto=$user_id\"><img align=middle border=0 \
return "$email_image"
ad_proc -public email_image::edit_email_image {
{-bgcolor ""}
{-transparent ""}
} {
Creates a new email_image of the user with his/her new edited email on it and store it
in the content repository under the Email_Images folder. If the user has an image already
stored it makes a new revision of the image, if not, it creates a new item with the new
@bgcolor The background color of the image in the format \#xxxxxx, default to \#ffffff
@transparent If you want the background color transparent set it to 1. Default to 1
} {
if { $new_email == [email_image::get_email -user_id $user_id] } {
# Email didn't change
set font_size 14
set font_type helvetica
set folder_id [email_image::get_folder_id]
set image_name "email${user_id}.gif"
set email_length [string length $new_email]
set dest_path "/tmp/$image_name"
set width [expr [expr $email_length * [expr $font_size / 2]] + 2]
set height $font_size
set ypos [expr [expr $height / 2] + 3 ]
set size "${width}x$height"
if { [string equal $bgcolor ""]} {
set bgcolor "\#ffffff"
set bg "xc:$bgcolor"
# Creating an image of the rigth length where the email will be
if { [catch { exec convert -size $size $bg $dest_path } ] } {
# ImageMagick not present
# Creating the image with the email of the user on it
exec convert -font $font_type -fill blue -pointsize $font_size -draw "text 0,$ypos $new_email" \
$dest_path $dest_path
if { [string equal $transparent ""] || [string equal $transparent "1"] } {
# Making the bg color transparent
exec convert $dest_path -transparent $bgcolor $dest_path
set email_image_id [email_image::get_related_item_id -user_id $user_id]
set mime_type [cr_filename_to_mime_type -create $dest_path]
set creation_ip [ad_conn peeraddr]
if { $email_image_id != "-1" } {
db_transaction {
set item_id $email_image_id
set revision_id [content::revision::new -item_id $item_id -title $image_name \
-mime_type $mime_type \
-description "User email image" -creation_ip $creation_ip ]
db_dml update_cr_items { }
db_dml lob_content { } -blob_files [list ${dest_path}]
db_dml lob_size { }
} else {
db_transaction {
set item_id [content::item::new -name $image_name -parent_id $folder_id -content_type "email_image" \
-storage_type "lob" -creation_ip $creation_ip]
set revision_id [content::revision::new -item_id $item_id -title $image_name -mime_type $mime_type \
-description "User email image" -creation_ip $creation_ip ]
email_image::add_relation -user_id $user_id -item_id $item_id
db_dml update_cr_items { }
db_dml lob_content { } -blob_files [list ${dest_path}]
db_dml lob_size { }
# Delete the temporary file created by ImageMagick
catch { file delete $dest_path } errMsg
ad_proc -public email_image::get_folder_id { } {
Returns the folder_id of the folder with the name "Email_Images"
} {
return [db_string check_folder_name { } ]
ad_proc -public email_image::add_relation {
} {
Add a new relation between user_id and item_id
@item_id the item_id of the image in the content repository
} {
db_exec_plsql add_relation { }
ad_proc -public email_image::get_related_item_id {
} {
Returns the item_id of the email_image stored in the content repository for
} {
return [db_string get_rel_item { } -default -1 ]
ad_proc -public email_image::create_type_folder_rel { } {
Creates a new folder in the content repository with the name and label Email_Images.
Also create a new type and register this type to the created folder.
Makes a new relation type to asociate the item_id (email_image in the content repository)
with the user_id.
} {
set type_id [content::type::new -content_type "email_image" -pretty_name "Email_Image" \
-pretty_plural "Email_Images" -table_name "users_email_image" -id_column "email_image_id"]
set folder_id [content::folder::new -name "Email_Images" -label "Email_Images"]
content::folder::register_content_type -folder_id $folder_id -content_type "email_image"
rel_types::new email_image_rel "Email Image" "Email Images" user 0 1 content_item 0 1
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="email_image::get_email.get_email">
select email
from cc_users
where user_id = :user_id
<fullquery name="email_image::get_priv_email.get_private_email">
select priv_email
from users
where user_id = :user_id
<fullquery name="email_image::get_folder_id.check_folder_name">
select folder_id from cr_folders
where label = 'Email_Images'
<fullquery name="email_image::get_related_item_id.get_rel_item">
select object_id_two from acs_rels
where rel_type = 'email_image_rel' and object_id_one = :user_id
<fullquery name="email_image::update_private_p.update_users">
update users
set priv_email = :level
where user_id = :user_id
<fullquery name="email_image::new_item.update_cr_items">
update cr_items
set live_revision = :revision_id
where item_id = :item_id
<fullquery name="email_image::edit_email_image.update_cr_items">
update cr_items
set live_revision = :revision_id
where item_id = :item_id
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