Commit d2334086 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

added auxiliary function for cosine CSV export in FinancialDocumentListPage

parent 75c71bd0
......@@ -428,3 +428,100 @@ ad_proc im_csv_guess_separator { file } {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# CSV output helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
ad_proc im_cvs_output_findoc_clean_cell {
} {
Removes HTML tags from cells in order to return the alphanumeric
value suitable for a CSV (Excel) format
} {
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_findoc_clean_cell: in: val='$value'"
regsub -all {[\n\t\r]} $value " " value
set value [string trim $value]
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_findoc_clean_cell: whitespace: val='$value'"
# Empty value => empty value
if {"" eq $value} { return $value }
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_findoc_clean_cell: work: val='$value'"
# Remove enclosing tags (always in <tag ...>xxx</tag> structure)
set new_value ""
while {$value ne $new_value} {
set new_value $value
set value [im_cvs_output_strip_outer_tag -value $new_value]
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_findoc_clean_cell: nowrap: val='$value'"
# Single tag? Replace with tag...
if {[regexp {^\<(\w+)[^\>]*\>$} $value match tag]} {
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_findoc_clean_cell: single tag: tag=$tag, val='$value'"
set value $tag
# <option ...>value</option> list? Return the "selected" option.
set value [im_csv_output_strip_option_list -value $value]
set value [string trim $value]
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_findoc_clean_cell: out: val='$value'"
return $value
ad_proc im_cvs_output_strip_outer_tag {
} {
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_strip_outer_tag: value=$value"
if {[regexp {^\<(\w+)[^\>]*\>(.*)$} $value match start_tag rest]} {
# Found a starting tag
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_strip_outer_tag: value=$value, start_tag=$start_tag, rest=$rest"
if {[regexp {^(.*)\</(\w+)\>$} $rest match content end_tag ]} {
# Found an end tag
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_strip_outer_tag: value=$value, start_tag=$start_tag, end_tag=$end_tag content=$content"
if {[string tolower $start_tag] eq [string tolower $end_tag]} {
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_strip_outer_tag: return=$content"
return $content
return $value; # unchanged
ad_proc im_csv_output_strip_option_list {
} {
set org_value [string trim $value]
# Skip if not starting with <option...>
if {![regexp -nocase {^\<option[^\>]*\>} $org_value]} {
return $org_value
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_strip_option_list: in: value=$value"
regsub -all -nocase {\<\/option\>} $value "\n" value
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_strip_option_list: subs: value=$value"
set option_list [split $value "\n"]
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_strip_option_list: option_list=$option_list"
# Search for "<option selected>..."
set result ""
foreach option $option_list {
set option [string trim $option]
ns_log Notice "im_cvs_output_strip_option_list: option=$option"
if {[regexp {\<option[^\>]*selected[^\>]*\>(.*)$} $option match result]} {
return $result
return $org_value
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