Commit 27e4edd7 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Improving security by added -limit_to xxx to all im_opt_val calls

parent f111d8ce
......@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ foreach csv_line_fields $values_list_of_lists {
array unset attributes_hash
array set attributes_hash {}
db_foreach store_dynfiels $dynfield_sql {
ns_log Notice "import-im_budget_item: name=$attribute_name, otype=$object_type, table=$table_name, im_opt_val($attribute_name)=[im_opt_val $attribute_name]"
ns_log Notice "import-im_budget_item: name=$attribute_name, otype=$object_type, table=$table_name"
# Avoid storing attributes multipe times into the same table.
# Sub-types can have the same attribute defined as the main type, so duplicate
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