Commit 889710d4 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Now using project_nr when searching for an unknown project

  from parent_nrs
parent 8cc60dfa
......@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_csv_import_parser_project_parent_nrs {
set parent_id ""
# Shortcut: Accept the name of a project if it's found
set project_ids [db_list project_ids "select project_id from im_projects where lower(project_name) = :arg"]
set project_ids [db_list project_ids "select project_id from im_projects where lower(project_nr) = :arg"]
if {"" ne $project_ids} {
if {1 eq [llength $project_ids]} {
return [list [lindex $project_ids 0] ""]
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