Commit 28745cd8 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Improved security: Removed most [ns_conn form] calls in the system.

parent 40dfeea5
......@@ -1010,8 +1010,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_forum_component {
ns_set put $bind_vars $var $value
if {$debug} { ns_log Notice "im_forum_component: $var <- $value" }
} else {
set value [ns_set get $form_vars $var]
set value [im_opt_val -limit_to nohtml $var]
if {$value ne ""} {
ns_set put $bind_vars $var $value
if {$debug} { ns_log Notice "im_forum_component: $var <- $value" }
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