Commit 0355a946 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed export_vars brace vs. brackets

parent 7aeaa5a5
......@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ append ticket_list_html "</ul>"
set select_box [im_category_select_plain "Intranet Ticket Priority" "ticket_prio"]
# set form_action "action-change-priority-2?[export_url_vars tid return_url]"
# set form_action "action-change-priority-2?[export_vars -url {tid return_url]}"
set form_action "action-change-priority-2"
......@@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ foreach assig $ticket_assignee_options {
append select_box "</select>\n"
# set form_action "action-reassign-2?[export_url_vars tid return_url]"
# set form_action "action-reassign-2?[export_vars -url {tid return_url}]"
set form_action "action-reassign-2"
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