Commit 68deab25 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Added a sum to FinDoc successors

parent 60f86aa3
......@@ -8,19 +8,18 @@ if {![info exists invoice_id]} {
ad_page_contract {} {invoice_id:integer ""}
set current_user_id [auth::require_login]
set filter_invoice_id $invoice_id
set default_currency [im_parameter -package_id [im_package_cost_id] "DefaultCurrency" "" "EUR"]
set invoice_base_url "/intranet-invoices/view"
# ad_return_complaint 1 "dependency-tree: invoice_id=$filter_invoice_id"
set current_user_id [auth::require_login]
im_invoice_permissions $current_user_id $filter_invoice_id view_p read_p write_p admin_p
if {!$read_p} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "You don't have read permissions to see this portlet"
set invoice_base_url "/intranet-invoices/view"
# Check if the calling page (invoices/view?invoice_id=123) has a locale set
set locale [uplevel 2 {if {[info exists locale]} { set locale }}]
if {"" eq $locale} {
......@@ -48,12 +47,13 @@ lappend main_project_ids 0
set costs_sql "
select cost_id, item_id, cost_name, cost_nr, cost_type_id, cost_status_id, item_source_invoice_id,
coalesce(cost_amount, 0.0) as cost_amount, cost_currency,
coalesce(cost_amount, 0.0) as cost_amount, cost_currency, cost_amount_converted,
CASE WHEN item_source_invoice_id = cost_id THEN null ELSE item_source_invoice_id END as source_id
from (
select c.*,
c.amount as cost_amount,
c.currency as cost_currency,
round(c.amount * im_exchange_rate(c.effective_date::date, c.currency, :default_currency)::numeric, 2) as cost_amount_converted,
from im_projects p,
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ set costs_sql "
select c.*,
coalesce(c.amount, 0.0) as cost_amount,
c.currency as cost_currency,
round(c.amount * im_exchange_rate(c.effective_date::date, c.currency, :default_currency)::numeric, 2) as cost_amount_converted,
from im_projects p,
......@@ -97,7 +98,8 @@ db_foreach costs $costs_sql {
set name_hash($cost_id) $cost_name
set type_hash($cost_id) $cost_type_id
set status_hash($cost_id) $cost_status_id
set amount_hash($cost_id) "[lc_numeric $cost_amount "%.2f" $locale] $cost_currency"
set amount_hash($cost_id) $cost_amount_converted
set amount_formatted_hash($cost_id) "[lc_numeric $cost_amount "%.2f" $locale] $cost_currency"
if {"" ne $source_id} {
set predecessors {}
......@@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ while {[llength $list] > 0 && $cnt < 10} {
set url [export_vars -base $invoice_base_url {{invoice_id $id}}]
if {[info exists name_hash($id)]} {
set name $name_hash($id)
set amount $amount_hash($id)
set amount $amount_formatted_hash($id)
set type [im_category_from_id $type_hash($id)]
set status [im_category_from_id $status_hash($id)]
set link "<a href=$url>$name</a>"
......@@ -215,6 +217,7 @@ set list [list $filter_invoice_id]
set cnt 0
set successor_html ""
set successor_num 0
set successor_sum 0.0
while {[llength $list] > 0 && $cnt < 100} {
incr cnt
......@@ -228,18 +231,23 @@ while {[llength $list] > 0 && $cnt < 100} {
if {[info exists name_hash($id)]} {
set name $name_hash($id)
set amount $amount_hash($id)
set amount_formatted $amount_formatted_hash($id)
set type [im_category_from_id $type_hash($id)]
set status [im_category_from_id $status_hash($id)]
set amount $amount_hash($id)
if {"" eq $amount} { set amount 0.0 }
set successor_sum [expr $successor_sum + $amount]
} else {
set name "Unknown #$id"
set amount ""
set amount_formatted ""
set type ""
set status ""
append successor_html "<tr>
<td><a href=$url>$name</a></td>
<td align=right>$amount_formatted</td>
......@@ -258,6 +266,17 @@ while {[llength $list] > 0 && $cnt < 100} {
if {$successor_sum != 0} {
append successor_html "
<td><b>[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Sum "Sum"]:</b></td>
<td align=right><b>[lc_numeric $successor_sum "%.2f" $locale] $default_currency</b></td>
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