Commit 909f72d2 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

cosine 5630: Added CSV export option, together with commit in intranet-core

parent 68deab25
......@@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ ad_page_contract {
{ how_many "" }
{ view_name "invoice_list" }
{ letter:trim "" }
{ format "html" }
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Invoice List Page
......@@ -479,6 +482,12 @@ set filter_html "
<input type='textfield' name='end_date' id='end_date' value='$end_date' size='10'><input id=end_date_calendar style=\"height:20px; width:20px; background: url('/resources/acs-templating/calendar.gif');\" type=\"button\">
<td class=form-label>[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-reporting.Format "Format"]</td>
<td class=form-widget>[im_report_output_format_select format "" $format]</td>
<td><input type=submit value='[_ intranet-invoices.Go]' name=submit></td>
......@@ -494,6 +503,7 @@ set filter_html "
set colspan [expr {[llength $column_headers] + 1}]
set table_header_html ""
set table_header_csv ""
# Format the header names with links that modify the
# sort order of the SQL query.
......@@ -510,11 +520,15 @@ foreach col $column_headers {
regsub -all "#" $col_key "hash_simbol" col_key
set col_loc [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-invoices.$col_key $col]
if {$order_by eq $col || [regexp {input} $col match]} {
if {$order_by eq $col || [regexp {input} $col match]} {
append table_header_html " <td class=rowtitle>$col_loc</td>\n"
} else {
append table_header_html " <td class=rowtitle><a href=\"${url}order_by=[ns_urlencode $col]\">$col_loc</a></td>\n"
# Output for CSV format
set csv_cell_cleaned [im_cvs_output_findoc_clean_cell -value $col_loc]
append table_header_csv "$csv_cell_cleaned\t"
# Add input field
......@@ -594,8 +608,17 @@ db_foreach invoices_info_query $selection {
set cmd "append table_body_html $column_var"
eval $cmd
append table_body_html "</td>\n"
# For CSV export
set cmd "set csv_cell $column_var"
eval $cmd
set csv_cell_cleaned [im_cvs_output_findoc_clean_cell -value $csv_cell]
ns_log Notice "list.tcl: cleaned=$csv_cell_cleaned, org=$csv_cell"
append table_body_csv "$csv_cell_cleaned\t"
append table_body_html "</tr>\n"
append table_body_csv "\n"
# ----
......@@ -666,6 +689,11 @@ set button_html "
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Navbars
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
set sub_navbar [im_costs_navbar "no_alpha" "/intranet-invoices/list" $next_page_url $previous_page_url [list invoice_status_id cost_type_id company_id start_idx order_by how_many view_name start_date end_date] $parent_menu_label ]
set left_navbar_html "
......@@ -691,3 +719,27 @@ if { "" != $new_document_menu } {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Handle CSV export
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
switch $format {
"csv" {
# Determine filename to write out
set report_name "${cost_type}_list"
set report_key [string tolower $report_name]
regsub -all {[^a-zA-z0-9_]} $report_key "_" report_key
regsub -all {_+} $report_key "_" report_key
# Return the report contents
set outputheaders [ns_conn outputheaders]
ns_set cput $outputheaders "Content-Disposition" "attachment; filename=${report_key}.csv"
doc_return 200 "application/csv" "$table_header_csv\n$table_body_csv"
default {
# just continue with the page to format output using template
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