Commit 02a919db authored by Project Open's avatar Project Open

- Added dereferencing to im_hours

parent 46f8fd75
......@@ -421,16 +421,23 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_get_im_hours {
set owner_perm_sql "and h.user_id = :rest_user_id"
if {$rest_otype_read_all_p} { set owner_perm_sql "" }
set deref_p 0
if {[info exists query_hash(deref_p)]} { set deref_p $query_hash(deref_p) }
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Check if there is a where clause specified in the URL and validate the clause.
set where_clause ""
if {[info exists query_hash(query)]} { set where_clause $query_hash(query)}
# Determine the list of valid columns for the object type
set valid_vars {hour_id user_id project_id day hours days note internal_note cost_id conf_object_id invoice_id material_id}
set valid_vars {hour_id user_id main_project_id project_id day hours days note internal_note cost_id conf_object_id invoice_id material_id}
# Manual implementation of dereferenced variables
if {$deref_p eq "1"} {
lappend valid_vars "project_id_deref"
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Check if there are "valid_vars" specified in the HTTP header
# and add these vars to the SQL clause
......@@ -455,7 +462,14 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_get_im_hours {
im_project_name_from_id(h.project_id) ||
day::date || ', ' || ' - ' ||
h.hours || ')' as object_name,
(select p.project_name from im_projects p where p.project_id = h.project_id) as project_id_deref,
(select main_p.project_id
from im_projects p,
im_projects main_p
where p.project_id = h.project_id and
main_p.tree_sortkey = tree_root_key(p.tree_sortkey)
) as main_project_id
from im_hours h
where 1=1
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