Commit 45198a64 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Now catching the case that the diff in dependencies is "null" instead of 0.0.

  No idea where a null comes from, but anyway...
parent b217ee0a
......@@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ ad_proc im_rest_project_task_tree_predecessors {
set type_id $object_hash(type_id)
set diff 0.0
if {[info exists object_hash(diff)]} { set diff $object_hash(diff) }
if {"null" eq $diff} { set diff 0.0 }
set diff_format_id 9807
if {[info exists object_hash(diff_format_id)]} { set diff_format_id $object_hash(diff_format_id) }
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