Commit 9bf99afe authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed error messages

- Fixed permission issue creating Gantt tasks of a customer
  who is PM of a project
parent 05da7abe
......@@ -285,12 +285,6 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_post_object_type_im_timesheet_task {
} {
ns_log Notice "im_rest_post_object_type_$rest_otype: rest_user_id=$rest_user_id"
# Permissions
set add_p [im_permission $rest_user_id "add_timesheet_tasks"]
if {!$add_p} {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create projects"]
# Store the values into local variables
set project_nr ""
set project_status_id ""
......@@ -329,6 +323,7 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_post_object_type_im_timesheet_task {
set $key $value
# Create default values if not yet set
if {"" == $material_id} {
set material_id [im_material_default_material_id]
......@@ -1593,7 +1588,7 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_post_object_type_im_note {
# Permissions
set add_p [im_permission $rest_user_id "add_projects"]
if {!$add_p} {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create projects"]
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create notes"]
set creation_user $rest_user_id
......@@ -1677,7 +1672,7 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_post_object_type_membership_rel {
# Permissions
set add_p [im_permission $rest_user_id "add_projects"]
if {!$add_p} {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create projects"]
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create membership rels"]
......@@ -1830,7 +1825,7 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_post_object_type_im_ticket_ticket_rel {
# Permissions
set add_p [im_permission $rest_user_id "add_projects"]
if {!$add_p} {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create projects"]
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create ticket-ticket rels"]
# Store values into local variables
......@@ -1913,7 +1908,7 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_post_object_type_im_key_account_rel {
# Permissions
set add_p [im_permission $rest_user_id "add_projects"]
if {!$add_p} {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create projects"]
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create key account rels"]
......@@ -1997,7 +1992,7 @@ ad_proc -private im_rest_post_object_type_im_company_employee_rel {
# Permissions
set add_p [im_permission $rest_user_id "add_projects"]
if {!$add_p} {
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create projects"]
return [im_rest_error -format $format -http_status 403 -message "User #$rest_user_id does not have the right to create company-employee rels"]
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