Commit a7b50ef9 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Added default value for effort_driven_type_id

parent 85db0f28
......@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ if {!$read} {
# 9722 = 'Fixed Work' is the default effort_driven_type
set default_effort_driven_type_id [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key "intranet-ganttproject" -parameter "DefaultEffortDrivenTypeId" -default "9722"]
# --------------------------------------------
# Task dependencies: Collect before the main loop
......@@ -267,6 +271,9 @@ template::multirow foreach task_multirow {
if {[im_category_is_a $project_type_id [im_project_type_gantt]]} { set type "project" }
if {"t" eq $milestone_p} { set type "milestone" }
# ToDo: Deal with empty type
# Fixed Work, fixed duration or Fixed units?
if {"" eq $effort_driven_type_id} { set effort_driven_type_id $default_effort_driven_type_id }
append task_json "${indent}\{
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