Commit b217ee0a authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- added ns_log debugging

parent c1b09af6
......@@ -202,8 +202,9 @@ db_multirow task_multirow task_list $projects_sql {
# Sort the tree according to the specified sort order
# "sort_order" is an integer, so we have to tell the sort algorithm to use integer sorting
ns_log Notice "project-tree.json.tcl: starting to sort multirow"
ns_log Notice "project-tree.json.tcl: Starting to sort multirow"
multirow_sort_tree -integer task_multirow project_id parent_id sort_order
ns_log Notice "project-tree.json.tcl: Finished to sort multirow"
set task_json ""
set ctr 0
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