Commit 197a8da4 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Renamed SLA (Service Level Agreement) into "Ticket Container"

parent 20a074a6
......@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ ad_proc -public im_sla_parameter_component {
to add more parameters
} {
set project_id $object_id
if {![im_project_has_type $project_id "Service Level Agreement"]} {
ns_log Notice "im_sla_parameter_component: Project \#$project_id is not a 'Service Level Agreement'"
if {![im_project_has_type $project_id [im_project_type_ticket_container]]} {
ns_log Notice "im_sla_parameter_component: Project \#$project_id is not a 'Ticket Container'"
return ""
......@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ ad_proc -public im_sla_parameter_list_component {
Returns a HTML component with a mix of SLA parameters and indicators.
The component can be used both on the SLAViewPage and the ParamViewPage.
} {
if {![im_project_has_type $project_id "Service Level Agreement"]} {
ns_log Notice "im_sla_parameter_list_component: Project \#$project_id is not a 'Service Level Agreement'"
if {![im_project_has_type $project_id [im_project_type_ticket_container]]} {
ns_log Notice "im_sla_parameter_list_component: Project \#$project_id is not a 'Ticket Container'"
return ""
......@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ ad_proc -public im_sla_service_hours_component {
Returns a HTML component with a component to display and modify working hours
for the 7 days of the week.
} {
if {![im_project_has_type $project_id "Service Level Agreement"]} {
ns_log Notice "im_sla_service_hours_component: Project \#$project_id is not a 'Service Level Agreement'"
if {![im_project_has_type $project_id [im_project_type_ticket_container]]} {
ns_log Notice "im_sla_service_hours_component: Project \#$project_id is not a 'Ticket Container'"
return ""
......@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ ad_proc -public im_ticket_priority_map_component {
Returns a HTML component with a component containing a list of
ticket_type x ticket_severity => ticket_priority tuples.
} {
if {![im_project_has_type $project_id "Service Level Agreement"]} {
ns_log Notice "im_sla_service_hours_component: Project \#$project_id is not a 'Service Level Agreement'"
if {![im_project_has_type $project_id [im_project_type_ticket_container]]} {
ns_log Notice "im_sla_service_hours_component: Project \#$project_id is not a 'Ticket Container'"
return ""
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# for details.
# This indicator is executed from within the view page for a project
# of sub-type "Service Level Agreement". It shows a list of indicators,
# of sub-type "Ticket Container". It shows a list of indicators,
# one for each SLA parameter.
# The component is called with a parameter "project_id" representing
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