Commit 30d0467d authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- removed code to round epochs

parent b2e2edf3
......@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_sla_ticket_solution_time_sweeper_helper {
set audit_sql "
select *,
a.audit_object_id as ticket_id,
round(extract(epoch from a.audit_date)) as audit_date_epoch,
extract(epoch from a.audit_date) as audit_date_epoch,
to_char(a.audit_date, 'J') as audit_date_julian,
im_category_from_id(audit_object_status_id) as audit_object_status,
substring(audit_value from 'ticket_queue_id\\t(\[^\\n\]*)') as audit_ticket_queue_id,
......@@ -1018,12 +1018,6 @@ ad_proc -public im_sla_ticket_solution_time_sweeper_helper {
# Loop through events per ticket
ns_log Notice "im_sla_ticket_solution_time_sweeper: Looping through events for ticket_id=$ticket_id"
foreach e [lsort [array names hash]] {
if {![string is integer $e]} {
ns_log Error "im_sla_ticket_solution_time_sweeper_helper: Found epoch='$e' in hash, skipping"
set event_full $hash($e)
set event [lindex $event_full 0]
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