Commit d6af39fd authored by jago's avatar jago

- SLA Management:

  Fixed issues with traffic light status sweeper
parent 625e0e68
......@@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_sla_ticket_traffic_light_sweeper_helper {
{-debug_p 0}
{-ticket_id ""}
{-limit ""}
{-reset_closed_tickets_p 0}
} {
Calculates the green/yellow/red status of tickets depending on
solution time and SLA parameters.
......@@ -440,10 +441,10 @@ ad_proc -public im_sla_ticket_traffic_light_sweeper_helper {
t.ticket_status_id in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_ticket_status_open]] ","]) and
sla.project_status_id in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_open]] ","])
if {"" != $ticket_id} {
# Manually specified the ticket (for debugging?)
set open_tickets_sql "
set open_tickets_sql "
select p.parent_id as sla_id,
......@@ -453,6 +454,28 @@ ad_proc -public im_sla_ticket_traffic_light_sweeper_helper {
where t.ticket_id = p.project_id and
t.ticket_id = :ticket_id
} else {
if {$reset_closed_tickets_p} {
# Set the status of all closed tickets to ""
# taking into account performance.
db_dml reset_closed_tickets "
update im_projects
set on_track_status_id = null
where on_track_status_id is not null and
project_id in (
select t.ticket_id
from im_tickets t,
im_projects p
where t.ticket_id = p.project_id and
p.on_track_status_id is not null and
t.ticket_id not in (
select ticket_id
from ($open_tickets_sql) t
if {"" != $limit && 0 != $limit} {
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