Commit 0cda2c45 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed issue with invoicing very long task names (from auto-generated tickets...)

parent 8c327ef3
......@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ set user_id [auth::require_login]
set current_user_id $user_id
set outline_number_enabled_p [im_column_exists im_invoice_items item_outline_number]
# Maximum size for a reasonable invoice item
# Actual maximum is the length of the im_invoice_items.item_name field
set max_item_name_length 100
if {![im_permission $user_id add_invoices]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "<li>[_ intranet-timesheet2-invoices.lt_You_dont_have_suffici]"
......@@ -197,12 +200,16 @@ foreach item_id $item_ids {
set item_list [array names item_name]
foreach nr $item_list {
set project_id $item_project_id($nr)
set name $item_name($nr)
if {[string length $name] > $max_item_name_length} {
# im_invoice_items.item_name has a max length of 200, so cut the name
set name "[string range $name 0 $max_item_name_length]... ($project_id)"
set units $item_units($nr)
set uom_id $item_uom_id($nr)
set type_id $item_type_id($nr)
set material_id $item_material_id($nr)
set project_id $item_project_id($nr)
set rate $item_rate($nr)
set currency $item_currency($nr)
set sort_order $item_sort_order($nr)
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