Commit d5126299 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Changes for invoicing article

- L10n commit
parent de11d55c
......@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
<msg key="Accounting_Contact">Accounting Contact</msg>
<msg key="Add_New">Add New</msg>
<msg key="Adress">Adress</msg>
<msg key="Aggregate_tasks_of_the_same_material">Aggregate tasks of the same material?</msg>
<msg key="All_br_Reported_br_Units">All&lt;br&gt;Reported&lt;br&gt;Units</msg>
<msg key="Aggregate_tasks_of_the_same_material">Aggregate hours of the same material?</msg>
<msg key="All_br_Reported_br_Units">All&lt;br&gt;Reported&lt;br&gt;Hours</msg>
<msg key="All_Reported_Hours_help">All Reported Hours: All timesheet hours logged by anybody since the creation of the task or project.</msg>
<msg key="All_Unbilled_Units">All Unbilled Units</msg>
<msg key="All_Unbilled_Units">All&lt;br&gt;Unbilled&lt;br&gt;Hours</msg>
<msg key="Amount">Amount</msg>
<msg key="Billable_br_Units">Billable&lt;br&gt;Units</msg>
<msg key="Billable_br_Units">Billable&lt;br&gt;Hours</msg>
<msg key="Billable_Units">Billable Units</msg>
<msg key="Billable_Units_help">Billable Units: Billable number of hours for each task. Similar to Planned Units, but may account for non-billable hours for pre-sales or bug fixing.</msg>
<msg key="Billable_Units_help">Billable Hours: Similar to Planned Units, but may be modified manually to account for non-billable hours, for example pre-sales or bug fixing.</msg>
<msg key="Cell_Phone">Cell Phone</msg>
<msg key="Client">Client</msg>
<msg key="Clients">Clients</msg>
......@@ -30,9 +30,11 @@
<msg key="Description">Description</msg>
<msg key="Edit_cost_type">Edit %cost_type%</msg>
<msg key="Email">Email</msg>
<msg key="End_Date">End Date</msg>
<msg key="Fax">Fax</msg>
<msg key="Filter_Invoices">Filter Invoices</msg>
<msg key="Filter_Projects">Filter Projects</msg>
<msg key="Filter_Reported_Hours">Filter Reported Hours</msg>
<msg key="Finance">Finance</msg>
<msg key="From">From</msg>
<msg key="Go">Go</msg>
......@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@
<msg key="Invoice_Currency">Invoice Currency</msg>
<msg key="Invoice_Data">Invoice Data</msg>
<msg key="Invoice_date">Invoice date</msg>
<msg key="Invoice_nr">Invoice nr.</msg>
<msg key="Invoice_nr">Invoice no</msg>
<msg key="Invoice_Status">Invoice Status</msg>
<msg key="Invoice_template">Invoice template</msg>
<msg key="Invoices">Invoices</msg>
......@@ -99,9 +101,9 @@
<msg key="Payment_Method">Payment Method</msg>
<msg key="Payment_terms">Payment terms</msg>
<msg key="Phone">Phone</msg>
<msg key="Planned_br_Units">Planned&lt;br&gt;Units</msg>
<msg key="Planned_br_Units">Planned&lt;br&gt;Hours</msg>
<msg key="Planned_Units">Planned Units</msg>
<msg key="Planned_Units_help">Planned Units: Estimated number of hours for each task, as specified during project planning.</msg>
<msg key="Planned_Units_help">Planned Hours: Estimated hours for each task, as specified in the Gantt editor during project planning.</msg>
<msg key="Previous_Page">Previous Page</msg>
<msg key="Price">Price</msg>
<msg key="Price_List">Company Timesheet Prices</msg>
......@@ -120,14 +122,15 @@
<msg key="Recr_Test">Recr Test</msg>
<msg key="Reference_Prices">Reference Prices</msg>
<msg key="Rep">Rep</msg>
<msg key="Reported_br_Units_in_br_Interval">Reported&lt;br&gt;Units in&lt;br&gt;Interval</msg>
<msg key="Reported_br_Units_in_br_Interval">Reported&lt;br&gt;Hours in&lt;br&gt;Interval</msg>
<msg key="Reported_Units">Reported Units</msg>
<msg key="Reported_Units_Interval_help">Reported Units in Interval: Hours logged between &#39;Start Date&#39; and &#39;End Date&#39; (see filter above).</msg>
<msg key="Reported_Units_Interval_help">Reported Hours in Interval: Hours logged between &#39;Start Date&#39; and &#39;End Date&#39; (see filter above).</msg>
<msg key="Save">Save</msg>
<msg key="Sel">Sel</msg>
<msg key="Source">Source</msg>
<msg key="Source_Language">Source Language</msg>
<msg key="Src">Src</msg>
<msg key="Start_Date">Start Date</msg>
<msg key="Status">Status</msg>
<msg key="Subject">Subject</msg>
<msg key="Subject_Area">Subject Area</msg>
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ ad_proc im_timesheet_price_component { user_id company_id return_url} {
set bgcolor(0) " class=roweven "
set bgcolor(1) " class=rowodd "
set price_format "%0.2f"
set colspan 7
set colspan 8
set return_url [im_url_with_query]
File mode changed from 100755 to 100644
......@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
<if @show_start_end_p@ eq "1">
<td class=roweven><%= [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-timesheet2-invoices.Period_Start "Period Start"] %>:</td>
<td class=roweven>
......@@ -88,7 +90,13 @@
<input type="text" name="end_date" size="15" value='@end_date@'>
<input type="hidden" name="start_date" size="15" value='@start_date@'>
<input type="hidden" name="end_date" size="15" value='@end_date@'>
......@@ -123,7 +131,7 @@
<td class=roweven>#intranet-invoices.Note#</td>
<td class=roweven>
<textarea name=note rows=6 cols=40 wrap="<%=[im_html_textarea_wrap]%>"></textarea>
<textarea name=note rows=4 cols=40 wrap="<%=[im_html_textarea_wrap]%>"></textarea>
......@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ ad_page_contract {
{ aggregate_tasks_p "0" }
# ad_return_complaint 1 $include_task
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Defaults & Security
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -74,6 +77,11 @@ if {$target_cost_type_id ni $allowed_cost_type} {
# Show the start- and end-date of the interval?
set show_start_end_p 0
if {"interval" eq $invoice_hour_type} { set show_start_end_p 1 }
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sub-Navbar
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -249,7 +257,7 @@ append task_sum_html "
# Start formatting the "reference price list" as well, even though it's going
# to be shown at the very bottom of the page.
set price_colspan 11
set price_colspan 5
set reference_price_html "
<td align=middle class=rowtitle colspan=$price_colspan>[_ intranet-timesheet2-invoices.Reference_Prices]</td>
......@@ -352,8 +360,12 @@ if {$aggregate_tasks_p} {
set task_sum_inner_sql "
t.planned_units as planned_sum,
t.billable_units as billable_sum,
-- fraber 2021-06-14 - Exclude summary tasks from planned and billable hours
-- These are excluded in the previous pages as well.
-- Maybe add an option in the new-2.tcl page to aggregate values
CASE WHEN (not exists (select * from im_projects ppp where p.project_id = ppp.parent_id)) THEN t.planned_units ELSE 0.0 END as planned_sum,
CASE WHEN (not exists (select * from im_projects ppp where p.project_id = ppp.parent_id)) THEN t.billable_units ELSE 0.0 END as billable_sum,
coalesce(p.project_wbs, p.project_nr) as outline_nr,
CASE WHEN t.uom_id = 321 THEN
......@@ -400,6 +412,9 @@ if {$aggregate_tasks_p} {
and parent.parent_id is null
and p.tree_sortkey between parent.tree_sortkey and tree_right(parent.tree_sortkey)
order by
......@@ -485,7 +500,7 @@ order by
set ctr 1
set old_project_id 0
set colspan 6
set colspan 5
db_foreach tasks $task_sum_sql {
set task_sum 0
......@@ -506,7 +521,7 @@ order by
# insert intermediate headers for every project
if {$old_project_id != $project_id} {
append task_sum_html "
<tr><td class=rowtitle colspan=$price_colspan>
<tr><td class=rowtitle colspan=$colspan>
<A href=/intranet/projects/view?project_id=$project_id>$project_short_name</A>:
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File mode changed from 100755 to 100644
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