Commit a35a86c9 authored by Project Open's avatar Project Open

- Moved HourWeeklyController to separate file, added standard ResizeController

parent d117ee8d
......@@ -26,12 +26,13 @@ Ext.require([
'PO.controller.ResizeController', // Handles "Maximize" button etc.
......@@ -255,6 +256,24 @@ function launchTimesheetWeeklyLogging(){
hourGrid.hourController = hourController; // Add reference to hourGrid
// Controller to handle size and resizing related events
var renderDiv = Ext.get("@task_editor_id@");
var resizeController = Ext.create('PO.controller.ResizeController', {
debug: getDebug('resizeController'),
redrawPanel: hourButtonPanel, // panel with redraw() function and needsRedraw variable
renderDiv: renderDiv, // container of outerContainer
outerContainer: hourButtonPanel // outermost panel with resize border
resizeController.onResize(); // Set the size of the outer GanttButton Panel
// Testing events
......@@ -231,50 +231,6 @@ Ext.define('PO.tsweekly.HourWeeklyController', {
var keyCode = e.getKey();
var keyCtrl = e.ctrlKey;
console.log('GanttButtonController.onCellKeyDown: code='+keyCode+', ctrl='+keyCtrl);
* The windows as a whole was resized
onWindowsResize: function(width, height) {
var me = this;
var sideBar = Ext.get('sidebar'); // ]po[ left side bar component
var sideBarSize = sideBar.getSize();
* The ]po[ left sideBar was resized
onSideBarResize: function(event, el, config) {
var me = this;
var sideBar = Ext.get('sidebar'); // ]po[ left side bar component
var sideBarSize = sideBar.getSize();
// We get the event _before_ the sideBar has changed it's size.
// So we actually need to the the oposite of the sidebar size:
if (sideBarSize.width > 100) {
sideBarSize.width = -5;
} else {
sideBarSize.width = 245;
* Generic resizing function, called with the target width of the sideBar
onResize: function(sideBarWidth) {
console.log('GanttButtonController.onResize: '+sideBarWidth);
var me = this;
var screenSize = Ext.getBody().getViewSize();
var height = me.hourButtonPanel.getSize().height;
var width = screenSize.width - sideBarWidth - 75;
me.hourButtonPanel.setSize(width, height);
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