Commit 8293da2e authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Cambridge bug fixin- Cambridge bug fixingg

parent 388b47c0
......@@ -106,6 +106,24 @@ create index im_hours_conf_obj_idx on im_hours(conf_object_id);
-- Privileges
-- view_timesheet_conf_objects_all restricts possibility to see timesheet_conf_objects of others
SELECT acs_privilege__create_privilege(
'View Timesheet Conf Objects All',
'View Timesheet Conf Objects All'
SELECT acs_privilege__add_child('admin', 'view_timesheet_conf_all');
-- Create, Drop and Name Plpg/SQL functions
......@@ -229,22 +229,26 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_conf_object_delete {
Delete a confirmation object for the specified (main-) project
that covers the specified day.
} {
# Get the main project - the base where to search for the ConfObj
set main_project_id [db_string main_project "
main_p.project_id as main_project_id
im_projects p,
im_projects main_p
p.project_id = :project_id and
tree_ancestor_key(p.tree_sortkey, 1) = main_p.tree_sortkey
" -default 0]
# Check for ConfirmationObjects matching the conditions
set conf_ids [db_list main_pids "
set conf_ids [db_list conf_ids "
select distinct
im_hours h,
im_projects p,
im_projects main_p,
im_timesheet_conf_objects c
where = to_date(:day_julian, 'J') and
h.user_id = :user_id and
h.project_id = :project_id and
h.project_id = p.project_id and
tree_ancestor_key(p.tree_sortkey, 1) = main_p.tree_sortkey and
c.conf_project_id = main_p.project_id and
c.conf_project_id = :main_project_id and
c.conf_user_id = :user_id and
to_date(:day_julian, 'J') between c.start_date and c.end_date
......@@ -293,11 +297,39 @@ ad_proc -public im_timesheet_costs_delete {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Absence Workflow Permissions
# Timesheet Confirmation Object - Workflow Permissions
# You can replace these functions with custom functions by modifying parameters.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ad_proc im_timesheet_conf_new_page_wf_perm_table { } {
Returns a hash array representing (role x status) -> (v r d w a),
controlling the read and write permissions on the Timesheet Conf
Object's new page, depending on the users's role and the WF status.
} {
set req [im_timesheet_conf_obj_status_requested]
set rej [im_timesheet_conf_obj_status_rejected]
set act [im_timesheet_conf_obj_status_active]
set del [im_timesheet_conf_obj_status_deleted]
set perm_hash(owner-$rej) {v r d w}
set perm_hash(owner-$req) {v r d}
set perm_hash(owner-$act) {v r d}
set perm_hash(owner-$del) {v r d}
set perm_hash(assignee-$rej) {v r d}
set perm_hash(assignee-$req) {v r d}
set perm_hash(assignee-$act) {v r d}
set perm_hash(assignee-$del) {v r d}
set perm_hash(hr-$rej) {v r d w a}
set perm_hash(hr-$req) {v r d w a}
set perm_hash(hr-$act) {v r d w a}
set perm_hash(hr-$del) {v r d w a}
return [array get perm_hash]
ad_proc im_timesheet_conf_new_page_wf_perm_delete_button {
......@@ -306,30 +338,28 @@ ad_proc im_timesheet_conf_new_page_wf_perm_delete_button {
The button is visible only for the Owner of the timesheet
and the Admin, but nobody else during the course of the WF.
} {
set current_user_id [ad_get_user_id]
set current_user_is_admin_p [im_is_user_site_wide_or_intranet_admin $current_user_id]
set current_user_is_hr_p [im_user_is_hr_p $current_user_id]
set owner_id [db_string owner "select creation_user from acs_objects where object_id = $conf_id" -default 0]
# The standard case: Only the owner should delete his own timesheet entries - to be reapproved then.
set perm_p 0
if {$owner_id == $current_user_id} { set perm_p 1 }
# There is NO restriction on deleting timesheet objects.
# The included hours will simply appear as unconfirmed again.
# Admins & HR can do everything anytime.
if {$current_user_is_hr_p} { set perm_p 1 }
if {$current_user_is_admin_p} { set perm_p 1 }
set perm_table [im_timesheet_conf_new_page_wf_perm_table]
set perm_set [im_workflow_object_permissions \
-object_id $conf_id \
-perm_table $perm_table
return $perm_p
ns_log Notice "im_timesheet_conf_new_page_wf_perm_delete_button conf_id=$conf_id => $perm_set"
return [expr [lsearch $perm_set "d"] > -1]
ad_proc im_timesheet_conf_new_page_wf_perm_edit_button {
} {
Should we show the "Edit" button in the TimesheetConfNewPage?
Currently, nobody should ever edit a timesheet conf object (just delete).
} {
return 0
set perm_table [im_timesheet_conf_new_page_wf_perm_table]
set perm_set [im_workflow_object_permissions \
-object_id $conf_id \
-perm_table $perm_table
ns_log Notice "im_timesheet_conf_new_page_wf_perm_edit_button conf_id=$conf_id => $perm_set"
return [expr [lsearch $perm_set "w"] > -1]
......@@ -26,29 +26,22 @@ set current_user_id $user_id
set page_focus "im_header_form.keywords"
set user_admin_p [im_is_user_site_wide_or_intranet_admin $current_user_id]
set date_format "YYYY-MM-DD"
set object_name [db_string object_name "select acs_object__name(:object_id)" -default [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-expenes.Unassigned "Unassigned"]]
set page_title [_ intranet-timesheet2-workflow.Timesheet_Approval]
if {[im_permission $user_id view_projects_all]} {
set context_bar [im_context_bar [list /intranet/projects/ "[_ intranet-core.Projects]"] $page_title]
} else {
set context_bar [im_context_bar $page_title]
set context_bar [im_context_bar $page_title]
set return_url [im_url_with_query]
set current_url [ns_conn url]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Admin Links
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
set admin_links ""
append admin_links " <li><a href=\"new?[export_url_vars object_id return_url]\">[_ intranet-timesheet2-workflow.Add_a_new_Conf]</a>\n"
if {"" != $admin_links} { set admin_links "<ul>\n$admin_links</ul>\n" }
set bulk_actions_list "[list]"
#[im_permission $user_id "delete_expense"]
......@@ -107,21 +100,9 @@ template::list::create \
set project_where ""
if {0 == $object_id} {
set project_where "\tand c.object_id is null\n"
} else {
set project_where "\tand c.object_id = :object_id\n"
set project_where ""
if {0 == $object_id} {
set project_where "\tand n.object_id is null\n"
} else {
set project_where "\tand n.object_id = :object_id\n"
set owner_where "and co.conf_user_id = :user_id"
if {[im_permission $user_id "view_timesheet_conf_all"]} { set owner_where ""}
db_multirow -extend {conf_chk return_url period} conf_lines confs_lines "
select co.*,
......@@ -129,6 +110,9 @@ db_multirow -extend {conf_chk return_url period} conf_lines confs_lines "
im_name_from_user_id(co.conf_user_id) as conf_user_name
from im_timesheet_conf_objects co
LEFT OUTER JOIN im_projects p ON (co.conf_project_id = p.project_id)
" {
set return_url [im_url_with_query]
set conf_chk "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"conf_id\" value=\"$conf_id\" id=\"confs_list,$conf_id\">"
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