Commit 7a9de4a6 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Baselkb changes

parent a68c3bdc
......@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetRedirectNumDays" default="7" description="The number of days to check for redirection"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetRedirectNumHoursInDays" default="32" description="The number of hours that should be logged in NumDays (see above)"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetRedirectProjectIfEmptyHoursP" default="0" description="Redirect the user from the project pages to the timesheet if there are not enough hours logged?"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="LogHoursOnParentWithChildrenP" default="1" description="Is it allowed to log hours on main projects, even though they have children? Set this parameter to 0 if you want to force employees to log their hours on the subprojects/tasks only."/>
<parameter datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="TimesheetTaskVisibilityScope" default="sub_project" description="Does an employee need to be a member of a subproject in order to log hours? Option 'main_project': It's sufficient for the employee to be member of the main project in order to log hours on all subprojects. That's comfortable, but permissive, and the list of tasks may get long. Option 'sub_project': The employee needs to be a member of the subprojects in order to see the subproject's tasks. Option 'task': The employee needs to be assigned expressively to each task in order to log his hours. May incur a considerable admin overhead to assign all employees to all tasks..."/>
......@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ if {0 == $project_id} { set project_id_for_default ""}
set different_date_url "index?[export_ns_set_vars url [list julian_date]]"
# "Log hours for a different project"
# ad_return_complaint 1 [array get has_children_hash]
# ad_return_complaint 1 [array get has_children_hash]
set different_project_url "other-projects?[export_url_vars julian_date]"
# Log Absences
......@@ -75,6 +79,15 @@ set list_sort_order [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key "intranet-time
set show_project_nr_p [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key "intranet-core" -parameter ShowProjectNrAndProjectNameP -default 0]
# Should we allow users to log hours on a parent project, even though it has children?
set log_hours_on_parent_with_children_p [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key "intranet-core" -parameter LogHoursOnParentWithChildrenP -default 1]
# Determine how to show the tasks of projects. There are several options:
# - main_project: The main project determines the subproject/task visibility space
# - sub_project: Each (sub-) project determines the visibility of its tasks
# - task: Each task has its own space - the user needs to be member of all tasks to log hours.
set task_visibility_scope [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key "intranet-core" -parameter TimesheetTaskVisibilityScope -default "sub_project"]
# What is a closed status?
set closed_stati_select "select * from im_sub_categories([im_project_status_closed])"
if {!$log_hours_on_potential_project_p} {
......@@ -121,30 +134,30 @@ set timesheet_popup_installed_p [db_table_exists im_timesheet_popups]
if {$timesheet_popup_installed_p} {
set timesheet_popup_sql "
round(to_char(min(q.log_time) - p.log_time, 'HH24')::integer
+ to_char(min(q.log_time) - p.log_time, 'MI')::integer / 60.0
+ to_char(min(q.log_time) - p.log_time, 'SS')::integer / 3600.0
, 3) as log_hours,
im_timesheet_popups p,
im_timesheet_popups q
and p.log_time::date = now()::date
and q.log_time::date = now()::date
and q.log_time > p.log_time
and p.user_id = :user_id
and q.user_id = :user_id
group by
order by
round(to_char(min(q.log_time) - p.log_time, 'HH24')::integer
+ to_char(min(q.log_time) - p.log_time, 'MI')::integer / 60.0
+ to_char(min(q.log_time) - p.log_time, 'SS')::integer / 3600.0
, 3) as log_hours,
im_timesheet_popups p,
im_timesheet_popups q
and p.log_time::date = now()::date
and q.log_time::date = now()::date
and q.log_time > p.log_time
and p.user_id = :user_id
and q.user_id = :user_id
group by
order by
db_foreach timesheet_popup $timesheet_popup_sql {
......@@ -170,6 +183,9 @@ order by
# projects to be displayed
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Remove funny "{" or "}" characters in list
regsub -all {[\{\}]} $project_id_list "" project_id_list
if {0 != $project_id} {
# Project specified => only one project
......@@ -213,30 +229,117 @@ if {0 != $project_id} {
where h.user_id = :user_id
and = to_date(:julian_date, 'J')
and p.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
set children_sql ""
if {![string equal "permissive" $permissive_logging]} {
set children_sql "
and children.project_id in (
# Determine how to show the tasks of projects.
switch $task_visibility_scope {
"main_project" {
# main_project: The main project determines the subproject/task visibility space
set task_visibility_sql "
select sub.project_id
from acs_rels r,
im_projects main,
im_projects sub
where r.object_id_two = :user_id
and r.object_id_one = main.project_id
and main.tree_sortkey = tree_ancestor_key(sub.tree_sortkey, 1)
and main.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
and sub.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
"sub_project" {
# sub_project: Each (sub-) project determines the visibility of its tasks.
# So we are looking for the "lowest" in the project hierarchy subproject
# that's just above its tasks and controls the visibility of the tasks.
# There are four conditions to get the list of the "controlling" projects quickly:
# - the controlling_project is a project
# - the task directly below the ctrl_project is a task.
# - the current user is member of the controlling project
# - the controlling_project is below the visible main projects
# (optional, may speedup query, but does not in general when all projects are selected)
# This query is slightly too permissive, because a single task associated with a main project
# would make the main project the "controlling" project and show _all_ tasks in all subprojects,
# even if the user doesn't have permissions for those. However, this can be fixed on the TCL level.
set ctrl_projects_sql "
select distinct ctrl.project_id
from im_projects ctrl,
im_projects task,
acs_rels r
task.parent_id = ctrl.project_id
and ctrl.project_type_id != 100
and task.project_type_id = 100
and ctrl.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
and task.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
and r.object_id_one = ctrl.project_id
and r.object_id_two = :user_id
set task_visibility_sql "
-- Select any subprojects of control projects
select sub.project_id
from im_projects main,
($ctrl_projects_sql) ctrl,
im_projects sub
where ctrl.project_id = main.project_id
and main.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
and sub.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
and sub.tree_sortkey between
main.tree_sortkey and
-- Select any project or task with explicit membership
select r.object_id_one
from acs_rels r
where r.object_id_two = :user_id
-- Select projects or tasks where the user has logged hours today
select project_id
from im_hours h
where h.user_id = :user_id
and = to_date(:julian_date, 'J')
"task" {
# task: Each task has its own space - the user needs to be member of all tasks to log hours.
set task_visibility_sql "
-- Show sub-project/tasks only with direct membership
select r.object_id_one
from acs_rels r
where r.object_id_two = :user_id
# ad_return_complaint 1 [db_list vis $task_visibility_sql]
set children_sql ""
if {![string equal "permissive" $permissive_logging]} {
set children_sql "
-- Always show projects and tasks where user has logged hours
select project_id
from im_hours h
where h.user_id = :user_id
and = to_date(:julian_date, 'J')
-- Always show the main project itself (it showing a single project, 0 otherwise)
select project_id from im_projects where project_id = :project_id
-- Always show the list of selected projects to be shown
select p.project_id
from im_projects p
where p.project_id in ([join [lappend project_id_list 0] ","])
and p.parent_id is null
......@@ -274,22 +377,24 @@ set sql "
parent.project_id as top_project_id,
children.parent_id as parent_id,
children.project_id as project_id,
children.project_nr as project_nr,
children.project_name as project_name,
parent.parent_id as top_parent_id,
children.parent_id as parent_id,
children.project_id as project_id,
children.project_nr as project_nr,
children.project_name as project_name,
children.project_status_id as project_status_id,
children.project_type_id as project_type_id,
im_category_from_id(children.project_status_id) as project_status,
parent.project_id as parent_project_id,
parent.project_id as parent_project_id,
parent.project_nr as parent_project_nr,
parent.project_name as parent_project_name,
tree_level(children.tree_sortkey) -1 as subproject_level,
tree_level(children.tree_sortkey) -1 as subproject_level,
substring(parent.tree_sortkey from 17) as parent_tree_sortkey,
substring(children.tree_sortkey from 17) as child_tree_sortkey,
$sort_order as sort_order
im_projects parent,
im_projects children
im_projects parent,
im_projects children
left outer join (
select *
from im_hours h
......@@ -302,12 +407,51 @@ set sql "
and children.tree_sortkey between
parent.tree_sortkey and
and parent.project_id in ($project_sql)
and parent.project_id in ($project_sql)
and children.project_id in ($children_sql)
order by
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Get the list of open projects with direct membership
# Task are all considered open
# ---------------------------------------------------------
set open_projects_sql "
select p.project_id
from im_projects p,
acs_rels r
where r.object_id_two = :user_id
and r.object_id_one = p.project_id
and p.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
array set open_projects_hash {}
db_foreach open_projects $open_projects_sql {
set open_projects_hash($project_id) 1
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Has-Children? This is used to disable super-projects with children
# ---------------------------------------------------------
if {!$log_hours_on_parent_with_children_p} {
set has_children_sql "
select parent.project_id as parent_id,
child.project_id as child_id
from im_projects parent,
im_projects child
where child.parent_id = parent.project_id
and parent.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
and child.project_status_id not in ([join [im_sub_categories [im_project_status_closed]] ","])
array set has_children_hash {}
db_foreach has_children $has_children_sql {
set has_children_hash($parent_id) 1
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Execute query and format results
......@@ -332,13 +476,18 @@ set old_parent_project_nr ""
db_multirow hours_multirow hours_timesheet $sql
if ($sort_legacy==0) {
if {$sort_integer} {
multirow_sort_tree -integer hours_multirow project_id parent_id sort_order
} else {
multirow_sort_tree hours_multirow project_id parent_id sort_order
# ad_return_complaint 1 "$sort_legacy $sort_integer"
multirow_sort_tree hours_multirow project_id parent_id sort_order
#if ($sort_legacy==0) {
# if {$sort_integer} {
# multirow_sort_tree -integer hours_multirow project_id parent_id sort_order
# } else {
# multirow_sort_tree hours_multirow project_id parent_id sort_order
# }
template::multirow foreach hours_multirow {
......@@ -351,9 +500,23 @@ template::multirow foreach hours_multirow {
# as the next project reaches the same "closed_level".
# Check for closed_p - if the project is in one of the closed states
set project_closed_p 0
if {[lsearch -exact $closed_stati $project_status_id] > -1} {
set project_closed_p 1
switch $task_visibility_scope {
"main_project" {
# Membership is not necessary - just check status
set project_closed_p 0
if {[lsearch -exact $closed_stati $project_status_id] > -1} {
set project_closed_p 1
"sub_project" {
# Control is with subprojects, tasks are always considered open.
set project_closed_p [expr 1-[info exists open_projects_hash($project_id)]]
if {$project_type_id == [im_project_type_task]} { set project_closed_p 0 }
"task" {
# Control is with each task individually
set project_closed_p [expr 1-[info exists open_projects_hash($project_id)]]
# Change back from a closed branch to an open branch
......@@ -386,7 +549,7 @@ template::multirow foreach hours_multirow {
set indent ""
set level $subproject_level
while {$level > 0} {
set indent "$nbsps$indent"
set indent "$nbsps$indent"
set level [expr $level-1]
......@@ -424,23 +587,25 @@ template::multirow foreach hours_multirow {
if {$show_project_nr_p} { set ptitle "$project_nr - $project_name" } else { set ptitle $project_name }
if {"t" == $edit_hours_p} {
set log_on_parent_p 1
if {[info exists has_children_hash($project_id)]} { set log_on_parent_p 0 }
if {"t" == $edit_hours_p && $log_on_parent_p} {
append results "
<td><nobr>$indent <A href=\"$project_url\">$ptitle</A></nobr></td>
<td><INPUT NAME=hours.$project_id size=5 MAXLENGTH=5 value=\"$hours\">$p_hours</td>
<INPUT NAME=notes.$project_id size=60 value=\"[ns_quotehtml [value_if_exists note]]\">
} else {
if {"" == $hours} { set hours "-" }
if {"" == $hours} { set hours "" }
append results "
<td><nobr>$indent <A href=\"$project_url\">$ptitle</A></nobr></td>
<td align=right>$hours</td>
<td>[value_if_exists note] $p_notes</td>
append results "</tr>\n"
incr ctr
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