Commit 5d0eeb9f authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

cosine: Add "Cancel Workflow" action to WF portlet

parent 70497df3
......@@ -550,6 +550,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_workflow_graph_component {
set debug_case_help "Show extended debug information"
set start_new_case_help "Create a new case of the same workflow and start it from scratch"
set nuke_case_help "Nuke this workflow from the database without a trace"
set cancel_case_help "Cancel this workflow. No further WF action will occur."
set restart_case_help "Restart this workflow from the start, maintaining the journal"
append assignee_html "
......@@ -559,9 +560,9 @@ ad_proc -public im_workflow_graph_component {
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-workflow.Debug_case "Debug case"]
[im_gif help $debug_case_help]
<li><a href='[export_vars -base "/intranet-workflow/reset-case?" {return_url case_id {action "copy"} {action_pretty "Copy"}}]'>
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-workflow.Copy_Case "Copy and start new case"]
[im_gif help $start_new_case_help]
<li><a href='[export_vars -base "/intranet-workflow/reset-case?" {return_url case_id {action "cancel"} {action_pretty "Cancel"}}]'>
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-workflow.Cancel_Case "Cancel case"]
[im_gif help $cancel_case_help]
<li><a href='[export_vars -base "/intranet-workflow/reset-case?" {return_url case_id {action "nuke"} {action_pretty "Nuke"}}]'>
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-workflow.Nuke_Case "Nuke case"]
......@@ -571,6 +572,10 @@ ad_proc -public im_workflow_graph_component {
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-workflow.Restart_Case "Restart case"]
[im_gif help $restart_case_help]
<li><a href='[export_vars -base "/intranet-workflow/reset-case?" {return_url case_id {action "copy"} {action_pretty "Copy"}}]'>
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-workflow.Copy_Case "Copy and start new case"]
[im_gif help $start_new_case_help]
......@@ -1718,24 +1723,31 @@ ad_proc im_workflow_object_permissions {
ad_proc im_workflow_cancel_workflow {
{-object_id ""}
{-case_id ""}
} {
Cancel the workflow in case the underlying object gets closed,
such like a ticket of a deleted project.
} {
set journal_id ""
set case_ids [list $case_id]
if {"" ne $object_id} {
set case_ids [db_list case_ids "select case_id from wf_cases where object_id = :object_id"]
lappend case_ids 0
# Delete all tokens of the case
db_dml delete_tokens "
delete from wf_tokens
where case_id in (select case_id from wf_cases where object_id = :object_id) and
where case_id in ([join $case_ids ","]) and
state in ('free', 'locked')
set cancel_tasks_sql "
select task_id as wf_task_id
from wf_tasks
where case_id in (select case_id from wf_cases where object_id = :object_id) and
where case_id in ([join $case_ids ","]) and
state in ('started')
db_foreach cancel_started_tasks $cancel_tasks_sql {
......@@ -1750,12 +1762,16 @@ ad_proc im_workflow_cancel_workflow {
set del_enabled_tasks_sql "
select task_id as wf_task_id
from wf_tasks
where case_id in (select case_id from wf_cases where object_id = :object_id) and
where case_id in ([join $case_ids ","]) and
state in ('enabled')
db_foreach cancel_started_tasks $del_enabled_tasks_sql {
ns_log Notice "im_workflow_cancel_workflow: deleting enabled task $wf_task_id"
db_dml del_task "update wf_tasks set state = 'canceled' where task_id = :wf_task_id"
# Cancel the case itself
db_dml cancel_case "update wf_cases set state = 'canceled' where case_id in ([join $case_ids ","])"
......@@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ switch $action {
db_dml delete_case "delete from wf_cases where case_id = :case_id"
"cancel" {
ns_log Notice "reset-case-2: Canceling case_id=$case_id"
im_workflow_new_journal -case_id $case_id -action "cancel WF" -action_pretty "Cancel WF" -message "Canceling WF using 'Cancel Case' action in WF component"
im_workflow_cancel_workflow -case_id $case_id
"copy" {
ns_log Notice "reset-case-2: Copying case_id=$case_id"
# Start a new workflow case
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