Commit b6b9858b authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Initial Import

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Generated by the OpenACS Package Manager -->
<package key="richtext-ckeditor4" url="" type="apm_service">
<package-name>Richtext CKeditor4</package-name>
<pretty-plural>Richtext CKeditor4</pretty-plural>
<version name="0.11"
<owner url="">Gustaf Neumann</owner>
<summary>Richtext editor plugin for integrating CKeditor 4 with acs-templating</summary>
<provides url="richtext-ckeditor4" version="0.11"/>
<requires url="acs-templating" version="5.9.1"/>
<requires url="acs-tcl" version="5.9.1"/>
<parameter scope="instance" datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="SCAYT" default="false" description="Fully featured &#34;Spell Check As You Type&#34; based on Please note that the spellchecked words are transferred to that site, so you might be cautious to activate this feature for confidential content."/>
template::util::richtext::register_editor ckeditor4
ad_library {
CKEditor 4 integration with the richtext widget of acs-templating.
This script defines the following two procs:
@author Gustaf Neumann
@creation-date 1 Jan 2016
@cvs-id $Id$
namespace eval ::richtext::ckeditor4 {
set version 4.7.1
set ck_package standard
ad_proc initialize_widget {
{-options {}}
} {
Initialize an CKEditor richtext editor widget.
} {
ns_log debug "initialize CKEditor instance with <$options>"
# allow per default all classes, unless the user has specified
# it differently
if {![dict exists $options extraAllowedContent]} {
dict set options extraAllowedContent {*(*)}
# The richtext widget might be specified by "options {editor
# ckeditor4}" or via the package parameter "RichTextEditor" of
# acs-templating.
# The following options handled by the CKEditor integration
# can be specified in the widget spec of the richtext widget:
# plugins skin customConfig spellcheck
set ckOptionsList {}
if {![dict exists $options spellcheck]} {
dict set options spellcheck [parameter::get \
-package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "richtext-ckeditor4"] \
-parameter "SCAYT" \
-default "false"]
# For the native spellchecker, one has to hold "ctrl" or "cmd"
# with the right click.
lappend ckOptionsList \
"language: '[lang::conn::language]'" \
"disableNativeSpellChecker: false" \
"scayt_autoStartup: [dict get $options spellcheck]"
if {[dict exists $options plugins]} {
lappend ckOptionsList "extraPlugins: '[dict get $options plugins]'"
if {[dict exists $options skin]} {
lappend ckOptionsList "skin: '[dict get $options skin]'"
if {[dict exists $options customConfig]} {
lappend ckOptionsList "customConfig: '[dict get $options customConfig]'"
if {[dict exists $options extraAllowedContent]} {
lappend ckOptionsList "extraAllowedContent: '[dict get $options extraAllowedContent]'"
set ckOptions [join $ckOptionsList ", "]
# Add the configuration via body script
template::add_script -section body -script [subst {
CKEDITOR.replace( '$text_id', {$ckOptions} );
# Load the editor and everything necessary to the current page.
# do we need render_widgets?
return ""
ad_proc render_widgets {} {
Render the ckeditor4 rich-text widgets. This function is created
at a time when all rich-text widgets of this page are already
initialized. The function is controlled via the global variables
} {
# In case no ckeditor4 instances are created, nothing has to be
# done.
if {![info exists ::acs_blank_master(ckeditor4)]} {
# Since "template::head::add_javascript -src ..." prevents
# loading the same resource multiple times, we can perform the
# load in the per-widget initialization and we are done here.
ad_proc ::richtext::ckeditor4::version_info {
{-ck_package ""}
{-version ""}
} {
Get information about available version(s) of CKEditor, either
from the local file system, or from CDN.
} {
# If no version or ck editor package are specified, use the
# namespaced variables as default.
if {$version eq ""} {
set version ${::richtext::ckeditor4::version}
if {$ck_package eq ""} {
set ck_package ${::richtext::ckeditor4::ck_package}
set suffix $version/$ck_package/ckeditor.js
set resources $::acs::rootdir/packages/richtext-ckeditor4/www/resources
if {[file exists $resources/$suffix]} {
lappend result file $resources/$suffix
lappend result resources /resources/richtext-ckeditor4/$suffix
lappend result cdn "//$suffix"
return $result
ad_proc ::richtext::ckeditor4::add_editor {
{-ck_package ""}
{-version ""}
} {
Add the necessary JavaScript and other files to the current
page. The naming is modeled after "add_script", "add_css",
... but is intended to care about everything necessary,
including the content security policies. Similar naming
conventions should be used for other editors as well.
This function can be as well used from other packages, such
e.g. from the xowiki form-fields, which provide a much higher
} {
set version_info [::richtext::ckeditor4::version_info \
-ck_package $ck_package \
-version $version]
if {[dict exists $version_info resources]} {
template::head::add_javascript -src [dict get $version_info resources]
} else {
template::head::add_javascript -src [dict get $version_info cdn]
security::csp::require script-src
security::csp::require style-src
security::csp::require img-src
# add required general directives for content security policies
security::csp::require script-src 'unsafe-eval'
security::csp::require -force script-src 'unsafe-inline'
ad_proc ::richtext::ckeditor4::download {
{-ck_package ""}
{-version ""}
} {
Download the CKeditor package in the specified version and put
it into a directory structure similar to the CDN structure to
allow installation of multiple versions. When the local
structure is available, it will be used by initialize_widget.
Notice, that for this automated download, the "unzip" program
must be installed and $::acs::rootdir/packages/www must be
writable by the web server.
} {
# If no version or ck editor package are specified, use the
# namespaced variables as default.
if {$version eq ""} {
set version ${::richtext::ckeditor4::version}
if {$ck_package eq ""} {
set ck_package ${::richtext::ckeditor4::ck_package}
set download_url${version}/ckeditor_${version}_${ck_package}.zip
set resources $::acs::rootdir/packages/richtext-ckeditor4/www/resources
# Do we have unzip installed?
set unzip [::util::which unzip]
if {$unzip eq ""} {
error "can't install CKeditor locally; no unzip program found on PATH"
# Do we have a writable output directory under resources?
if {![file isdirectory $resources/$version]} {
file mkdir $resources/$version
if {![file writable $resources/$version]} {
error "directory $resources/$version is not writable"
# So far, everything is fine, download the editor package
set result [util::http::get -url $download_url -spool]
#ns_log notice "GOT $result"
if {[dict get $result status] == 200} {
# The Download was successful, unzip it and let the
# directory structure look similar as on the CDN.
set fn [dict get $result file]
set output [exec $unzip -o $fn -d $resources/$version]
file rename -- $resources/$version/ckeditor $resources/$version/$ck_package
} else {
error "download of $download_url failed, HTTP status: [dict get $result status]"
# Local variables:
# mode: tcl
# tcl-indent-level: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:
ad_page_contract {
@author Gustaf Neumann
@creation-date Jan 04, 2017
} {
{ck_package:word,notnull ""}
{version:word,notnull ""}
::richtext::ckeditor4::download -ck_package $ck_package -version $version
ad_returnredirect .
<property name="doc(title)">@title;literal@</property>
<property name="context">@context;literal@</property>
The current version of CKEditor is @version@.
<if @resources@ not nil><p>This version of CKEditor is installed locally
under <strong>@resources@</strong></if>
<else><p>In the current installation, this version of KEditor can be used via CDN <strong>@cdn@</strong>.
<if @writable@ true>
<p>Do you want to <a href="download" class="button">download</a>
version @version@ of CKEditor to your file system?</p>
<p>The directory <strong>@path@</strong> is NOT writable for the server. In
order to be able to download the CKEditor via this web interface,
please change the permissions so that OpenACS can write to it.</p>
\ No newline at end of file
set title "Richtext CKEditor Sitewide Admin"
set context [list $title]
set version $::richtext::ckeditor4::version
# Get version info about CKEditor. If not locally installed, offer a
# link for download.
set version_info [::richtext::ckeditor4::version_info]
if {[dict exists $version_info resources]} {
set resources [dict get $version_info resources]
set cdn [dict get $version_info cdn]
set path $::acs::rootdir/packages/richtext-ckeditor4/www
set writable [file writable $path]
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