Commit 6a33ceb4 authored by Project Open's avatar Project Open

- Added filters in order to limit the number of conf_objects

parent fb03031c
......@@ -5,11 +5,14 @@
<property name="doc(title)">@page_title;literal@</property>
<property name="context">@context_bar;literal@</property>
<property name="main_navbar_label">notes</property>
<property name="left_navbar">@left_navbar_html;literal@</property>
<!-- Show calendar on start- and end-date -->
<script type="text/javascript" <if @::__csp_nonce@ not nil>nonce="@::__csp_nonce;literal@"</if>>
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
document.getElementById('list_check_all').addEventListener('click', function() { acs_ListCheckAll('confs_list', this.checked) });
document.getElementById('filter_start_date_calendar').addEventListener('click', function() { showCalendar('filter_start_date_calendar', 'y-m-d'); });
// document.getElementById('end_date_calendar').addEventListener('click', function() { showCalendar('end_date', 'y-m-d'); });
......@@ -12,8 +12,12 @@
ad_page_contract {
} {
{ object_id 0}
{ form_mode "edit" }
{ object_id:integer 0}
{ filter_owner_id:integer ""}
{ filter_status_id:integer ""}
{ filter_type_id:integer ""}
{ filter_cost_center_id:integer ""}
{ filter_start_date ""}
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -29,12 +33,35 @@ set date_format "YYYY-MM-DD"
set object_name [db_string object_name "select acs_object__name(:object_id)" -default [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Unassigned "Unassigned"]]
set page_title [_ intranet-timesheet2-workflow.Timesheet_Approval]
set context_bar [im_context_bar $page_title]
set return_url [im_url_with_query]
set current_url [ns_conn url]
set edit_project_all_p [im_permission $current_user_id "edit_projects_all"]
if {![im_permission $user_id "view_timesheet_conf_all"]} {
set filter_owner_id $user_id
if {"" eq $filter_start_date} {
set filter_start_date [db_string one_year "select (now() - '1 year'::interval)::date"]
if {[catch {
if { $filter_start_date != [clock format [clock scan $filter_start_date] -format %Y-%m-%d] } {
ad_return_complaint 1 "<strong>[_ intranet-core.Start_Date]</strong> [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.IsNotaValidDate "is not a valid date"].<br>
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Current_Value "Current value"]: '$filter_start_date'<br>"
} err_msg]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "<strong>[_ intranet-core.Start_Date]</strong> [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.DoesNotHaveRightFormat "doesn't have the right format"].<br>
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Current_Value "Current value"]: '$filter_start_date'<br>
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-core.Expected_Format "Expected Format"]: 'YYYY-MM-DD'"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Admin Links
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -103,10 +130,6 @@ template::list::create \
set owner_where "and co.conf_user_id = :user_id"
if {[im_permission $user_id "view_timesheet_conf_all"]} { set owner_where ""}
# Only show conf_items of projects that are controlled by the user
set project_permission_where "1=1"
if {![im_permission $current_user_id "view_projects_all"]} {
......@@ -120,6 +143,38 @@ if {![im_permission $current_user_id "view_projects_all"]} {
if { $filter_status_id ne "" && $filter_status_id > 0 } {
lappend criteria "co.conf_status_id in ([join [im_sub_categories -include_disabled_p 1 $filter_status_id] ","])"
if { $filter_type_id ne "" && $filter_type_id != 0 } {
lappend criteria "co.conf_type_id in ([join [im_sub_categories -include_disabled_p 1 $filter_type_id] ","])"
if {0 != $filter_owner_id && "" != $filter_owner_id} {
lappend criteria "co.conf_user_id = :filter_owner_id"
if {"" != $filter_start_date} {
lappend criteria "co.start_date >= :filter_start_date::timestamptz"
if {"" != $filter_cost_center_id} {
set filter_cost_center_code [db_string cc_code "select cost_center_code from im_cost_centers where cost_center_id = :filter_cost_center_id" -default ""]
lappend criteria "co.conf_user_id in (
select pe.person_id
from im_cost_centers cc,
im_employees e,
persons pe
where substring(cc.cost_center_code for (length(:filter_cost_center_code))) = :filter_cost_center_code and
e.department_id = cc.cost_center_id and
e.employee_id = pe.person_id
set where_clause [join $criteria " and\n "]
if { $where_clause ne "" } {
set where_clause " and $where_clause"
db_multirow -extend {conf_chk return_url period} conf_lines confs_lines "
select co.*,
......@@ -135,8 +190,9 @@ db_multirow -extend {conf_chk return_url period} conf_lines confs_lines "
) as write_p
from im_timesheet_conf_objects co
LEFT OUTER JOIN im_projects p ON (co.conf_project_id = p.project_id)
where $project_permission_where
" {
set return_url [im_url_with_query]
set conf_chk "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"conf_id\" value=\"$conf_id\" id=\"confs_list,$conf_id\">"
......@@ -144,3 +200,74 @@ db_multirow -extend {conf_chk return_url period} conf_lines confs_lines "
set period "$start_date - $end_date"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Filter with Dynamic Fields
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
set owner_options [util_memoize [list im_employee_options] 3600]
set cost_center_options [im_cost_center_options -include_empty 1]
set form_id "conf_filter"
set object_type "im_timesheet_conf_object"
set action_url "/intranet-timesheet2-workflow/conf-objects/index"
set form_mode "edit"
ad_form \
-name $form_id \
-action $action_url \
-mode $form_mode \
-method GET \
-export { order_by how_many view_name} \
-form {
{filter_start_date:text(text),optional {label "[_ intranet-timesheet2.Start_Date]"} {value "$filter_start_date"} {html {size 10}} {after_html {<input type="button" id=filter_start_date_calendar style="height:20px; width:20px; background: url('/resources/acs-templating/calendar.gif');" >}}}
{filter_owner_id:text(select),optional {label "[lang::message::lookup {} intranet-confdb.Owner {Owner}]"} {options $owner_options }}
{filter_cost_center_id:text(select),optional {label "[lang::message::lookup {} intranet-confdb.Cost_Center {Cost Center}]"} {options $cost_center_options }}
{filter_status_id:text(im_category_tree),optional {label "[lang::message::lookup {} intranet-core.Conf_Item_Status {Status}]"} {custom {category_type "Intranet Conf Item Status" translate_p 1 package_key "intranet-confdb"}} }
im_dynfield::append_attributes_to_form \
-object_type $object_type \
-form_id $form_id \
-object_id 0 \
-advanced_filter_p 1
# Set the form values from the HTTP form variable frame
im_dynfield::set_form_values_from_http -form_id $form_id
im_dynfield::set_local_form_vars_from_http -form_id $form_id
array set extra_sql_array [im_dynfield::search_sql_criteria_from_form \
-form_id $form_id \
-object_type $object_type
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
eval [template::adp_compile -string {<formtemplate id="conf_filter"></formtemplate>}]
set filter_html $__adp_output
set left_navbar_html "
<div class='filter-block'>
<div class='filter-title'>
[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-confdb.Filter_Items "Filter Items"]
<div class='filter-block'>
<div class='filter-title'>
[_ intranet-core.Admin_Links]
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