Commit f2fed27d authored by cosine's avatar cosine

- Fixed l10n

- Created new absence type "weekend" with own color
parent 13f32c6a
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
<msg key="June">June</msg>
<msg key="K">K</msg>
<msg key="L">L</msg>
<msg key="Last_3_Month">last 3 month</msg>
<msg key="Last_3_Month">Last 3 months</msg>
<msg key="Last_3_months">Last 3 months</msg>
<msg key="Last_3_Weeks">Last 3 weeks</msg>
<msg key="Local">Local</msg>
......@@ -280,8 +280,10 @@ SELECT im_category_new (5002, 'Sick', 'Intranet Absence Type');
SELECT im_category_new (5003, 'Travel', 'Intranet Absence Type');
SELECT im_category_new (5004, 'Training', 'Intranet Absence Type');
SELECT im_category_new (5005, 'Bank Holiday', 'Intranet Absence Type');
SELECT im_category_new(5006, 'Overtime', 'Intranet Absence Type');
SELECT im_category_new(5007, 'Reduction in Working Hours', 'Intranet Absence Type');
SELECT im_category_new (5006, 'Overtime', 'Intranet Absence Type');
SELECT im_category_new (5007, 'Reduction in Working Hours', 'Intranet Absence Type');
SELECT im_category_new (5008, 'Weekend', 'Intranet Absence Type');
-- Set the default WF for each absence type
update im_categories set aux_string1 = 'vacation_approval_wf' where category_id = 5000;
......@@ -300,7 +302,7 @@ update im_categories set aux_string2 = 'FFCC99' where category_id = 5004;
update im_categories set aux_string2 = 'CCCCCC' where category_id = 5005;
update im_categories set aux_string2 = 'FF99CC' where category_id = 5006;
update im_categories set aux_string2 = 'FF9999' where category_id = 5007;
update im_categories set aux_string2 = 'BBBBBB' where category_id = 5008;
......@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ ad_proc -public im_user_absence_type_sick {} { return 5002 }
ad_proc -public im_user_absence_type_travel {} { return 5003 }
ad_proc -public im_user_absence_type_training {} { return 5004 }
ad_proc -public im_user_absence_type_bank_holiday {} { return 5005 }
ad_proc -public im_user_absence_type_overtime {} { return 5006 }
ad_proc -public im_user_absence_type_reduction {} { return 5007 }
ad_proc -public im_user_absence_type_weekend {} { return 5008 }
ad_proc -public im_user_absence_status_active {} { return 16000 }
ad_proc -public im_user_absence_status_deleted {} { return 16002 }
......@@ -676,7 +678,7 @@ ad_proc im_absence_cube {
set date_month [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-timesheet2.$date_month $date_month]
if {$date_weekday eq "Sat" || $date_weekday eq "Sun"} { set holiday_hash($date_date) [im_user_absence_type_bank_holiday] }
if {$date_weekday eq "Sat" || $date_weekday eq "Sun"} { set holiday_hash($date_date) [im_user_absence_type_weekend] }
lappend day_list [list $date_date $date_day_of_month $date_month $date_year]
......@@ -828,8 +830,13 @@ ad_proc im_absence_cube {
if {[info exists absence_hash($key)]} { set value $absence_hash($key) }
if {[info exists holiday_hash($date_date)]} { lappend value $holiday_hash($date_date) }
append table_body [im_absence_cube_render_cell $value]
ns_log Notice "intranet-absences-procs::im_absence_cube_render_cell: $value"
set cell [im_absence_cube_render_cell $value]
if {$user_id == 624} {
ns_log Notice "intranet-absences-procs: key=$key, im_absence_cube_render_cell($value) -> $cell"
append table_body $cell
append table_body "</tr>\n"
incr row_ctr
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