Commit 8d4bab7f authored by cvs2svn's avatar cvs2svn

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'v3-4-1-0-6'.

Sprout from cognovis 2007-04-20 12:52:02 UTC Malte Sussdorff  <> 'Initial import for 3.3'
Cherrypick from master 2009-11-11 14:16:15 UTC Frank Bergmann  <> '- Added a version of acs-admin cache management to intranet-core':
parent 0b42b0d1
......@@ -2,25 +2,24 @@
<!-- Generated by the OpenACS Package Manager -->
<package key="acs-admin" url="" type="apm_service">
<license>GPL V2.0 or any later version</license>
<package-name>Site-Wide Administration</package-name>
<pretty-plural>Site-Wide Administration Services</pretty-plural>
<version name="5.3.1b1" url="">
<version name="5.1.5" url="">
<owner url="">Don Baccus</owner>
<summary>An interface for Site-wide administration of an OpenACS Installation.</summary>
<vendor url="">OpenACS</vendor>
<license url="">GPL</license>
<description format="text/html">Provides a UI for administering site-wide services
(including package installation, cache, authentication, and user accounts) for an OpenACS system.
<provides url="acs-admin" version="5.3.1b1"/>
<requires url="acs-kernel" version="5.3.1b1"/>
<provides url="acs-admin" version="5.1.4"/>
<requires url="acs-kernel" version="5.0.0"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.1.5" locale="ast_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Account_Registration">Account registration</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.3.0" locale="en_US" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Service">Service</msg>
<msg key="Pages">Pages</msg>
<msg key="Visit_service_pages">Visit service pages</msg>
<msg key="Administration">Administration</msg>
<msg key="Service_administration">Service administration</msg>
<msg key="Site-Wide_Admin">Site-Wide Admin</msg>
<msg key="Parameters">Parameters</msg>
<msg key="Service_parameters">Service parameters</msg>
<msg key="Edit_callback">Edit callback</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Proc">Tcl Proc</msg>
<msg key="Invoke">Invoke</msg>
<msg key="Invoke_this_callback_proc_now_Be_careful">Invoke this callback proc now. Be careful!</msg>
<msg key="Delete_callback">Delete callback</msg>
<msg key="Package_Manager">Package Manager</msg>
<msg key="Add_callback">Add callback</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Callbacks">Tcl Callbacks</msg>
<msg key="Name">Name</msg>
<msg key="General">General</msg>
<msg key="Short_Name">Short Name</msg>
<msg key="Authority_short_name_help_text">This is used when referring to the authority in parameters etc. Even if you need to change the display name above, this should stay unchanged.</msg>
<msg key="Enabled">Enabled</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_text">Help contact text</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_help_text">Contact information (phone, email, etc.) to be displayed as a last resort when people are having problems with an authority.</msg>
<msg key="Authentication">Authentication</msg>
<msg key="Password_Management">Password Management</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL">Recover password URL</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL_help_text">Instead of a password management driver, you may provide a URL to which users are sent when they need help recovering their password. Any username in this url must be on the syntax foo={username} and {username} will be replaced with the real username.</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL">Change password URL</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL_help_text">Instead of a password management driver, you may provide a URL to which users are sent when they want to change their password. Any username in this url must be on the syntax foo={username} and {username} will be replaced with the real username.</msg>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.1.5" locale="en_US" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Account_reg_URL_help_text">URL where users register for a new account.</msg>
<msg key="Account_Registration">Account registration</msg>
<msg key="Account_registration_URL">Account registration URL</msg>
<msg key="Account_reg_URL_help_text">URL where users register for a new account.</msg>
<msg key="On-Demand_Sync">On-Demand Sync</msg>
<msg key="User_Info">User Info</msg>
<msg key="User_Info_help_text">The implementation for getting user information from the authority in real-time</msg>
<msg key="Batch_sync_enabled">Batch sync enabled</msg>
<msg key="Yes">Yes</msg>
<msg key="No">No</msg>
<msg key="GetDocument_implementation">GetDocument implementation</msg>
<msg key="ProcessDocument_implementation">ProcessDocument implementation</msg>
<msg key="Start_time">Start time</msg>
<msg key="End_time">End time</msg>
<msg key="Run_time">Run time</msg>
<msg key="Actions">Actions</msg>
<msg key="Problems">Problems</msg>
<msg key="Actions_Minute">Actions/Minute</msg>
<msg key="Message">Message</msg>
<msg key="Interactive">Interactive</msg>
<msg key="Add_callback">Add callback</msg>
<msg key="Administration">Administration</msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Are you sure you want to delete authority %authorities.pretty_name%?</msg>
<msg key="Authentication">Authentication</msg>
<msg key="Authority_name">Authority name</msg>
<msg key="Authority_short_name_help_text">This is used when referring to the authority in parameters etc. Even if you need to change the display name above, this should stay unchanged.</msg>
<msg key="Batch_sync_enabled">Batch sync enabled</msg>
<msg key="Batch_Synchronization">Batch Synchronization</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL">Change password URL</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL_help_text">Instead of a password management driver, you may provide a URL to which users are sent when they want to change their password. Any username in this url must be on the syntax foo={username} and {username} will be replaced with the real username.</msg>
<msg key="Creation_user">Creation user</msg>
<msg key="Delete">Delete</msg>
<msg key="Delete_callback">Delete callback</msg>
<msg key="Disable_this_authority">Disable this authority</msg>
<msg key="Document">Document</msg>
<msg key="Document_end_time">Document end time</msg>
<msg key="Document_message">Document message</msg>
<msg key="Document_start_time">Document start time</msg>
<msg key="Document_status">Document status</msg>
<msg key="download">download</msg>
<msg key="Edit_callback">Edit callback</msg>
<msg key="Enable_this_authority">Enable this authority</msg>
<msg key="Order">Order*</msg>
<msg key="Registration">Registration</msg>
<msg key="Enabled">Enabled</msg>
<msg key="End_time">End time</msg>
<msg key="General">General</msg>
<msg key="GetDocument_implementation">GetDocument implementation</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_help_text">Contact information (phone, email, etc.) to be displayed as a last resort when people are having problems with an authority.</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_text">Help contact text</msg>
<msg key="Interactive">Interactive</msg>
<msg key="Invoke">Invoke</msg>
<msg key="Invoke_this_callback_proc_now_Be_careful">Invoke this callback proc now. Be careful!</msg>
<msg key="Make_this_the_authority_for_registering_new_users">Make this the authority for registering new users</msg>
<msg key="You_are_changing_all_user_registrations_to_be_in_authority_authorities_pretty_name">You are changing all user registrations to be in authority %authorities.pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_up">Move this authority up</msg>
<msg key="Message">Message</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_down">Move this authority down</msg>
<msg key="Authentication">Authentication</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_up">Move this authority up</msg>
<msg key="Name">Name</msg>
<msg key="No">No</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_actions">Number of actions</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_problems">Number of problems</msg>
<msg key="On-Demand_Sync">On-Demand Sync</msg>
<msg key="One_batch_job">One batch job</msg>
<msg key="Operation">Operation</msg>
<msg key="Order">Order*</msg>
<msg key="Package_Manager">Package Manager</msg>
<msg key="Pages">Pages</msg>
<msg key="Parameters">Parameters</msg>
<msg key="Password">Password</msg>
<msg key="Password_Management">Password Management</msg>
<msg key="Problems">Problems</msg>
<msg key="ProcessDocument_implementation">ProcessDocument implementation</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL">Recover password URL</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL_help_text">Instead of a password management driver, you may provide a URL to which users are sent when they need help recovering their password. Any username in this url must be on the syntax foo={username} and {username} will be replaced with the real username.</msg>
<msg key="Registration">Registration</msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Are you sure you want to delete authority %authorities.pretty_name%?</msg>
<msg key="Delete">Delete</msg>
<msg key="One_batch_job">One batch job</msg>
<msg key="Authority_name">Authority name</msg>
<msg key="Start_time">Start time</msg>
<msg key="End_time">End time</msg>
<msg key="Run_time">Run time</msg>
<msg key="Running_time">Running time</msg>
<msg key="Snapshot">Snapshot</msg>
<msg key="Message">Message</msg>
<msg key="Creation_user">Creation user</msg>
<msg key="Document_start_time">Document start time</msg>
<msg key="Document_end_time">Document end time</msg>
<msg key="Document_status">Document status</msg>
<msg key="Document_message">Document message</msg>
<msg key="Document">Document</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_actions">Number of actions</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_problems">Number of problems</msg>
<msg key="download">download</msg>
<msg key="seconds">seconds</msg>
<msg key="Service">Service</msg>
<msg key="Service_administration">Service administration</msg>
<msg key="Service_parameters">Service parameters</msg>
<msg key="Short_Name">Short Name</msg>
<msg key="Site-Wide_Admin">Site-Wide Admin</msg>
<msg key="Snapshot">Snapshot</msg>
<msg key="Start_time">Start time</msg>
<msg key="Success">Success</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Callbacks">Tcl Callbacks</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Proc">Tcl Proc</msg>
<msg key="Timestamp">Timestamp</msg>
<msg key="View_log_entry">View log entry</msg>
<msg key="Operation">Operation</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="User_Info">User Info</msg>
<msg key="User_Info_help_text">The implementation for getting user information from the authority in real-time</msg>
<msg key="Username">Username</msg>
<msg key="Success">Success</msg>
<msg key="View_log_entry">View log entry</msg>
<msg key="Visit_service_pages">Visit service pages</msg>
<msg key="Yes">Yes</msg>
<msg key="You_are_changing_all_user_registrations_to_be_in_authority_authorities_pretty_name">You are changing all user registrations to be in authority %authorities.pretty_name%</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.3.0" locale="es_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.1.5" locale="es_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Account_reg_URL_help_text">URL donde los usuarios pueden registrarse</msg>
<msg key="Account_Registration">Registro</msg>
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<msg key="Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Desea realmente borrar la autoridad %authorities.pretty_name%?</msg>
<msg key="Authentication">Autenticacin</msg>
<msg key="Authority_name">Nombre de la autoridad</msg>
<msg key="Authority_short_name_help_text">Esto se usar al referirse a una autoridad en los parmetros. Aunque necesite cambiar el nombre mostrado arriba, esto no debera ser cambiado.</msg>
<msg key="Authority_short_name_help_text">Es usado cuando uno se refiere a la autoridad en parametros, etc. Inclusive si necesita cambiar el nombre mostrado arriba, esto deberia mantenerse inalaterado.</msg>
<msg key="Batch_sync_enabled">Sincronizacin batch habilitada</msg>
<msg key="Batch_Synchronization">Sincronizacin batch</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL">URL para cambiar la contrasea</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.1.5" locale="fr_FR" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Account_reg_URL_help_text">URL avec laquelle les utilisateurs s'inscrivent pour créer un nouveau compte</msg>
<msg key="Account_Registration">Inscription du compte</msg>
<msg key="Account_registration_URL">URL inscription du compte</msg>
<msg key="Actions">Actions</msg>
<msg key="Actions_Minute">Actions/Minute</msg>
<msg key="Add_callback">Ajouter un rappel</msg>
<msg key="Administration">Administration</msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'autorité de %authorities.pretty_name%?</msg>
<msg key="Authentication">Authentification</msg>
<msg key="Authority_name">Nom de l'autorité</msg>
<msg key="Authority_short_name_help_text">Ceci est utilisé lorsque l'on fait référence à l'autorité dans les paramètres, etc. Même si vous devez modifier le nom affiché ci-dessus, cet élément ne doit pas être modifié.</msg>
<msg key="Batch_sync_enabled">Synchr par lot autorisée</msg>
<msg key="Batch_Synchronization">Synchr par lot</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL">Modifier le mot de passe de l'URL</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL_help_text">Au lieu d'utiliser un mot de passe pour la gestion du pilote, vous pouvez fournir une URL à laquelle les utilisateurs sont envoyés lorsqu'ils veulent modifier leur mot de passe. Tout nom d'utilisateur présent dans cette URL doit respecter la syntaxe foo={username} où {username} sera remplacé par le nom d'utilisateur réel.</msg>
<msg key="Creation_user">Crée par</msg>
<msg key="Delete">Supprimer</msg>
<msg key="Delete_callback">Supprimer le rappel</msg>
<msg key="Disable_this_authority">Désactiver cette autorité</msg>
<msg key="Document">Document</msg>
<msg key="Document_end_time">Heure de fin du document</msg>
<msg key="Document_message">Message du document</msg>
<msg key="Document_start_time">Heure de début du document</msg>
<msg key="Document_status">Statut de téléchargement du document</msg>
<msg key="download">téléchargement</msg>
<msg key="Edit_callback">Créer un rappel</msg>
<msg key="Enable_this_authority">Activer cette autorité</msg>
<msg key="Enabled">Activé</msg>
<msg key="End_time">Heure de fin</msg>
<msg key="General">Général</msg>
<msg key="GetDocument_implementation">Obtenir la mise en oeuvre du document</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_help_text">Informations contact (téléphone, email, etc.) à afficher en dernier recours lorsque les utilisateurs rencontrent des difficultés avec une autorité.</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_text">Texte d'aide contact</msg>
<msg key="Interactive">Interactif</msg>
<msg key="Invoke">Appeler</msg>
<msg key="Invoke_this_callback_proc_now_Be_careful">Appeler cette procédure de rappel maintenant. Attention!</msg>
<msg key="Make_this_the_authority_for_registering_new_users">Définir en tant qu'autorité permettant d'inscrire de nouveaux utilisateurs</msg>
<msg key="Message">Message</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_down">Déplacer cette autorité vers le bas</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_up">Déplacer cette autorité vers le haut</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nom</msg>
<msg key="No">Num
<msg key="Number_of_actions">Nombre d'actions</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_problems">Nombre de problèmes</msg>
<msg key="On-Demand_Sync">Synchr à la demande</msg>
<msg key="One_batch_job">Tâche en un lot</msg>
<msg key="Operation">Opération</msg>
<msg key="Order">Commande*</msg>
<msg key="Package_Manager">Gestionnaire de paquets</msg>
<msg key="Pages">Pages</msg>
<msg key="Parameters">Paramètres</msg>
<msg key="Password">Mot de passe</msg>
<msg key="Password_Management">Gestion du mot de passe</msg>
<msg key="Problems">Problèmes</msg>
<msg key="ProcessDocument_implementation">Mise en oeuvre du traitement du document</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL">Récupérer le mot de passe de l'URL</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL_help_text">Au lieu d'utiliser un mot de passe pour la gestion du pilote, vous pouvez fournir une URL vers laquelle les utilisateurs peuvent être renvoyés lorsqu'ils ont besoin de récupérer leur mot de passe. Tout mot de passe se trouvant dans cette URL doit respecter la syntaxe foo={username} où {username} sera remplacé par le nom d'utilisateur réel. </msg>
<msg key="Registration">Inscription</msg>
<msg key="Run_time">Temps de passage</msg>
<msg key="Running_time">Durée d'exécution</msg>
<msg key="seconds">secondes</msg>
<msg key="Service">Service</msg>
<msg key="Service_administration">Administration du service</msg>
<msg key="Service_parameters">Paramètres du service</msg>
<msg key="Short_Name">Diminutif</msg>
<msg key="Site-Wide_Admin">Admin du site</msg>
<msg key="Snapshot">Snapshot</msg>
<msg key="Start_time">Heure de début</msg>
<msg key="Success">Succès</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Callbacks">Rappels TCL</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Proc">Processus TCL</msg>
<msg key="Timestamp">Estampille temporelle</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="User_Info">Informations utilisateur</msg>
<msg key="User_Info_help_text">La mise en oeuvre permettant d'obtenir en temps réel des informations provenant de l'autorité</msg>
<msg key="Username">Nom d'utilisateur</msg>
<msg key="View_log_entry">Afficher les entrées du journal</msg>
<msg key="Visit_service_pages">Consultez les pages concernant nos services</msg>
<msg key="Yes">Oui</msg>
<msg key="You_are_changing_all_user_registrations_to_be_in_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Vous êtes en train de modifier toutes les inscriptions utilisateur devant être dans %authorities.pretty_name%</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.1.5" locale="it_IT" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Account_reg_URL_help_text">URL da cui gli utenti possono registrare un nuovo account.</msg>
<msg key="Account_Registration">Registrazione account</msg>
<msg key="Account_registration_URL">URL registrazione account</msg>
<msg key="Actions">Azioni</msg>
<msg key="Actions_Minute">Azioni/Minuto</msg>
<msg key="Add_callback">Aggiungi callback</msg>
<msg key="Administration">Gestione</msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Eliminare autorit %authorities.pretty_name%?</msg>
<msg key="Authentication">Autentificazione</msg>
<msg key="Authority_name">Nome autorit</msg>
<msg key="Authority_short_name_help_text">Si usa come riferimento all'autorit nei parametri, ecc. Deve rimanere inalterato anche in caso di modifica al nome visualizzato.</msg>
<msg key="Batch_sync_enabled">Sincronizzazione in batch abilitata</msg>
<msg key="Batch_Synchronization">Sincronizzazione in batch</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL">URL modifica password</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL_help_text">Invece di un drivere per la gestione della password, si fornisce un URL in cui vengono inviati quegli utenti che desiderano modificare la password. Tutti i nomi utente in questo URL devono essere scritti come foo={username} dove {username} verr sostituito dal nome utente reale.</msg>
<msg key="Creation_user">Creazione utente</msg>
<msg key="Delete">Elimina</msg>
<msg key="Delete_callback">Elimina callback</msg>
<msg key="Disable_this_authority">Disabilita la presente autorit</msg>
<msg key="Document">Documento</msg>
<msg key="Document_end_time">Ora finale del documento</msg>
<msg key="Document_message">Messaggio del documento</msg>
<msg key="Document_start_time">Ora iniziale del documento</msg>
<msg key="Document_status">Stato del documento</msg>
<msg key="download">scarica</msg>
<msg key="Edit_callback">Modifica callback</msg>
<msg key="Enable_this_authority">Abilita quest'autorit</msg>
<msg key="Enabled">Abilitato</msg>
<msg key="End_time">Ora finale</msg>
<msg key="General">Generale</msg>
<msg key="GetDocument_implementation">Implementazione GetDocument</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_help_text">Dati di contatto (telefono, e-mail, ecc.) da mostrare come ultima risorsa quando si presenta un problema con un'autorit.</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_text">Testo aiuto contatto </msg>
<msg key="Interactive">Interattivo</msg>
<msg key="Invoke">Invocare</msg>
<msg key="Invoke_this_callback_proc_now_Be_careful">Invocare ora questa procedura di callback. Attenzione!</msg>
<msg key="Make_this_the_authority_for_registering_new_users">Rendere quest'autorit quella che registra i nuovi utenti</msg>
<msg key="Message">Messaggio</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_down">Sposta in basso la presente autorit</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_up">Sposta in alto la presente autorit</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nome</msg>
<msg key="No">No</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_actions">Numero di azioni</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_problems">Numero di problemi</msg>
<msg key="On-Demand_Sync">Sincronizzazione su richiesta</msg>
<msg key="One_batch_job">Un lavoro in batch</msg>
<msg key="Operation">Operazione</msg>
<msg key="Order">Ordine*</msg>
<msg key="Package_Manager">Package Manager</msg>
<msg key="Pages">Pagine</msg>
<msg key="Parameters">Parametri</msg>
<msg key="Password">Password</msg>
<msg key="Password_Management">Gestione password</msg>
<msg key="Problems">Problemi</msg>
<msg key="ProcessDocument_implementation">Implementazione ProcessDocument</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL">URL per il recupero password</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL_help_text">Invece di un drivere per la gestione della password, si fornisce un URL in cui vengono inviati quegli utenti che desiderano recuperare la password. Tutti i nomi utente in questo URL devono essere scritti come foo={username} dove {username} verr sostituito dal nome utente reale.</msg>
<msg key="Registration">Registrazioine</msg>
<msg key="Run_time">Tempo d'esecuzione</msg>
<msg key="Running_time">Tempo d'esecuzione</msg>
<msg key="seconds">secondi</msg>
<msg key="Service">Servizio</msg>
<msg key="Service_administration">Gestione servizio</msg>
<msg key="Service_parameters">Parametri di servizio</msg>
<msg key="Short_Name">Nome breve</msg>
<msg key="Site-Wide_Admin">Gestione sito</msg>
<msg key="Snapshot">Istantanea</msg>
<msg key="Start_time">Ora d'avvio</msg>
<msg key="Success">Successo</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Callbacks">Callback TCL</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Proc">Proc TCL</msg>
<msg key="Timestamp">Timestamp</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="User_Info">Info utente</msg>
<msg key="User_Info_help_text">L'implementazione per recuperare le informazioni dell'utente dall'autorit in tempo reale</msg>
<msg key="Username">Nome utente</msg>
<msg key="View_log_entry">Visualizza elemento log</msg>
<msg key="Visit_service_pages">Visita pagine di servizio</msg>
<msg key="Yes">S</msg>
<msg key="You_are_changing_all_user_registrations_to_be_in_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Si stanno cambiando tutte le registrazioni utente nell'autorit %authorities.pretty_name%</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.1.5" locale="nl_NL" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Account_reg_URL_help_text">URL waarmee gebruikers zich kunnen registreren voor een nieuw account</msg>
<msg key="Account_Registration">Account registratie</msg>
<msg key="Account_registration_URL">Account registratie URL</msg>
<msg key="Actions">Acties</msg>
<msg key="Actions_Minute">Acties/Minuut</msg>
<msg key="Add_callback">Toevoegen van een callback</msg>
<msg key="Administration">Administratie</msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Bent u zeker dat u de volgende autorisatie wilt verwijderen: %authorities.pretty_name%?</msg>
<msg key="Authentication">Autorisatie</msg>
<msg key="Authority_name">Autorisatie naam</msg>
<msg key="Authority_short_name_help_text">Dit wordt gebruikt bij de referentie om parameters te autoriseren etc. Zelfs als u bovenstaande naam wilt wijzigen, zou dit veld ongewijzigd moeten blijven.</msg>
<msg key="Batch_sync_enabled">Batch synchronisatie is ge-enabled</msg>
<msg key="Batch_Synchronization">Batch synchronisatie</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL">Wijzigen URL paswoord</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL_help_text">In plaats van een wachtwoord management driver, kunt U een URL naar gebruikers zenden als zij hun wachtwoord willen wijzigen. Iedere gebruikersnaam in deze URL moet de syntax foo={username}hebben, waarna de {username}wordt vervangen door de werkelijke gebruikersnaam</msg>
<msg key="Creation_user">Aanmaken gebruiker</msg>
<msg key="Delete">Verwijderen</msg>
<msg key="Delete_callback">Verwijderen callback</msg>
<msg key="Disable_this_authority">Uitschakelen van deze autorisatie</msg>
<msg key="Document">Document</msg>
<msg key="Document_end_time">Document eindtijd</msg>
<msg key="Document_message">Document bericht</msg>
<msg key="Document_start_time">Document starttijd</msg>
<msg key="Document_status">Document status</msg>
<msg key="download">download</msg>
<msg key="Edit_callback">Bewerken terugbel actie</msg>
<msg key="Enable_this_authority">Maak deze bevoegdheden actief</msg>
<msg key="Enabled">Actief gemaakt</msg>
<msg key="End_time">Eindtijd</msg>
<msg key="General">Algemeen</msg>
<msg key="GetDocument_implementation">GetDocument implementatie</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_help_text">De te tonen contactinformatie (mobiel nummer, email, etc.) in geval dat gebruikers onoverkomelijke problemen hebben met hun bevoegdheden.</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_text">Help contact tekste</msg>
<msg key="Interactive">Interactief</msg>
<msg key="Invoke">Invoegen</msg>
<msg key="Invoke_this_callback_proc_now_Be_careful">Invoegen van deze terugbelactie. Wees voorzichtig!</msg>
<msg key="Make_this_the_authority_for_registering_new_users">Maak dit de bevoegde om nieuwe gebruikers te registreren</msg>
<msg key="Message">Bericht</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_down">Verschuif deze authoriteit naar beneden</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_up">Verschuif deze authoriteit naar boven</msg>
<msg key="Name">Naam</msg>
<msg key="No">Nee</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_actions">Aantal acties</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_problems">Aantal problemen</msg>
<msg key="On-Demand_Sync">On-Demand Sync</msg>
<msg key="One_batch_job">Een batch job</msg>
<msg key="Operation">Bewerking</msg>
<msg key="Order">Order*</msg>
<msg key="Package_Manager">Package Manager</msg>
<msg key="Pages">Pagina's</msg>
<msg key="Parameters">Parameters</msg>
<msg key="Password">Wachtwoord</msg>
<msg key="Password_Management">Wachtwoord beheer</msg>
<msg key="Problems">Problemen</msg>
<msg key="ProcessDocument_implementation">ProcessDocument implementatie</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL">URL om het wachtwoord te herstellen</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL_help_text">In plaats van een wachtwoord driver, kunt U een URL naar gebruikers zenden op het moment dat zij hulp nodig hebben bij het herstellen van hun wachtwoord. Iedere gebruikersnaam in deze URL moet van de syntax foo={username} zijn, en de {username} zal vervangen worden door de echte gebruikersnaam.</msg>
<msg key="Registration">Registratie</msg>
<msg key="Run_time">Looptijd</msg>
<msg key="Running_time">Looptijd</msg>
<msg key="seconds">seconden</msg>
<msg key="Service">Service</msg>
<msg key="Service_administration">Service administratie</msg>
<msg key="Service_parameters">Service parameters</msg>
<msg key="Short_Name">Verkorte naam</msg>
<msg key="Site-Wide_Admin">Beheerder van de site</msg>
<msg key="Snapshot">Snapshot</msg>
<msg key="Start_time">Starttijd</msg>
<msg key="Success">Succes</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Callbacks">Tcl terugbelactie</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Proc">Tcl proc</msg>
<msg key="Timestamp">Tijdstempel</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="User_Info">Gebruikersinformatie</msg>
<msg key="User_Info_help_text">De implementatie om gebruikersinformatie van de authoriteit real-time te verkrijgen</msg>
<msg key="Username">Gebruikersnaam</msg>
<msg key="View_log_entry">Toon loggegevens</msg>
<msg key="Visit_service_pages">Bezoek de service paginas</msg>
<msg key="Yes">Ja</msg>
<msg key="You_are_changing_all_user_registrations_to_be_in_authority_authorities_pretty_name">U autoriseert alle gebruikers om %authorities.pretty_name%</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.1.5" locale="pt_BR" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Account_reg_URL_help_text">URL onde os usurios podem registrar-se.</msg>
<msg key="Account_Registration">Registro</msg>
<msg key="Account_registration_URL">URL de Registro</msg>
<msg key="Actions">Aes</msg>
<msg key="Actions_Minute">Aes/Minuto</msg>
<msg key="Add_callback">Adicionar um callback</msg>
<msg key="Administration">Administrao</msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Deseja realmente deletar a autoridade?
<msg key="Authentication">Autnticao</msg>
<msg key="Authority_name">nome da Autoridade</msg>
<msg key="Authority_short_name_help_text"> usado para referir-se a uma autoridade nos parmetros etc. Inclusive se necessita alterar o nome visualizado acima, isto deveria manter-se inalterado. </msg>
<msg key="Batch_sync_enabled">Sincronizao Batch habilitada.</msg>
<msg key="Batch_Synchronization">Sincronizao Batch</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL">URL para alterar senha</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL_help_text">Em lugar de um driver para a gesto de senha, pode especificar uma URL onde os usurios sero redirecionados para alterar sua senha. Os nomes de usurios passados a esta URL devem ter a forma
foo={username} onde {username} o nome do usurio.</msg>
<msg key="Creation_user">Usurio de criao</msg>
<msg key="Delete">Apagar</msg>
<msg key="Delete_callback">Apagar callback</msg>
<msg key="Disable_this_authority">Desabilitar esta autoridade</msg>
<msg key="Document">Documento</msg>
<msg key="Document_end_time">Hora final do documento</msg>
<msg key="Document_message">Mensagem do documento</msg>
<msg key="Document_start_time">Hora inicial do Documento</msg>
<msg key="Document_status">Estado do documento</msg>
<msg key="download">baixar</msg>
<msg key="Edit_callback">Editar callback</msg>
<msg key="Enable_this_authority">Habilitar esta autoridade</msg>
<msg key="Enabled">Habilitado</msg>
<msg key="End_time">Hora Final</msg>
<msg key="General">Geral</msg>
<msg key="GetDocument_implementation">Implementao para GetDocument </msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_help_text">Informao de contato (telefone, email, etc.) mostrar quando os usurios tem algum problema com a autoridade
<msg key="Help_contact_text">Texto de ajuda</msg>
<msg key="Interactive">Interativo</msg>
<msg key="Invoke">Invocar</msg>
<msg key="Invoke_this_callback_proc_now_Be_careful">
Invocar este callback agora. Seja cuidadoso!</msg>
<msg key="Make_this_the_authority_for_registering_new_users">Estabelecer esta autoridade para os novos registros
<msg key="Message">Mensagem</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_down">Mover esta autoridade para baixo</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_up">Mover esta autoridade para cima</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nome</msg>
<msg key="No">No</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_actions">Nmero de aes</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_problems">Nmero de problemas</msg>
<msg key="On-Demand_Sync">Sincronizao sob demanda</msg>
<msg key="One_batch_job">Um trabalho batch</msg>
<msg key="Operation">Operao</msg>
<msg key="Order">Ordem*</msg>
<msg key="Package_Manager">Gerente do pacote</msg>
<msg key="Pages">Pginas</msg>
<msg key="Parameters">Parmetros</msg>
<msg key="Password">Senha</msg>
<msg key="Password_Management">Gerenciamento de Senha</msg>
<msg key="Problems">Problemas</msg>
<msg key="ProcessDocument_implementation">Implementao para ProcessDocument</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL">URL para recuperar senhas</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL_help_text">Em lugar de um driver para a gesto de senhas, pode especificar uma URL onde os usurios sero redirecionados para recuperar sua senha. Os nomes de usurio passados a esta URL devem ter a forma foo={username} onde {username} o nome do usurio.</msg>
<msg key="Registration">Registro</msg>
<msg key="Run_time">Ambiente execuo</msg>
<msg key="Running_time">Tempo de execuo</msg>
<msg key="seconds">segundos</msg>
<msg key="Service">Servio</msg>
<msg key="Service_administration">Administrao de Servio</msg>
<msg key="Service_parameters">Parmetros do Servio</msg>
<msg key="Short_Name">Nome curto</msg>
<msg key="Site-Wide_Admin">Administrao para todo o site</msg>
<msg key="Snapshot">Instantneo</msg>
<msg key="Start_time">Incio</msg>
<msg key="Success">Sucesso</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Callbacks">Tcl Callbacks</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Proc">Procedimento Tcl</msg>
<msg key="Timestamp">Marca de tempo </msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="User_Info">Informao de usurio</msg>
<msg key="User_Info_help_text">A implementao para obter a informao de usurio desde a autoridade em tempo real </msg>
<msg key="Username">Nome do usurio</msg>
<msg key="View_log_entry">Ver log</msg>
<msg key="Visit_service_pages">Visitar pginas do servio</msg>
<msg key="Yes">Sim</msg>
<msg key="You_are_changing_all_user_registrations_to_be_in_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Est alterando todos os registros da autoridade
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.1.5" locale="pt_PT" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Account_Registration">Registo</msg>
<msg key="Actions">Aces</msg>
<msg key="Actions_Minute">Aces/Minuto</msg>
<msg key="Administration">Administrao</msg>
<msg key="Authentication">Autenticao</msg>
<msg key="Creation_user">Criao de utilizador</msg>
<msg key="Delete">Eliminar</msg>
<msg key="Document">Documento</msg>
<msg key="General">Geral</msg>
<msg key="Interactive">Interactivo</msg>
<msg key="Message">Mensagem</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nome</msg>
<msg key="No">No</msg>
<msg key="Pages">Pginas</msg>
<msg key="Parameters">Parmetros</msg>
<msg key="Password">Palavra-passe</msg>
<msg key="Password_Management">Gesto de Palavra-Passe</msg>
<msg key="Problems">Problemas</msg>
<msg key="seconds">segundos</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="Username">Nome de utilizador</msg>
<msg key="Yes">Sim</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.1.5" locale="ru_RU" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Account_reg_URL_help_text">URL-адрес, где пользователи регистрируют новые учетные записи.</msg>
<msg key="Account_Registration">Регистрация учетной записи</msg>
<msg key="Account_registration_URL">URL-адрес регистрации учетной записи</msg>
<msg key="Actions">Действия</msg>
<msg key="Actions_Minute">Действий/мин.</msg>
<msg key="Add_callback">Добавить обратный вызов</msg>
<msg key="Administration">Администрирование</msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Удалить хранилище %authorities.pretty_name%?</msg>
<msg key="Authentication">Проверка подлинности</msg>
<msg key="Authority_name">Название хранилища</msg>
<msg key="Authority_short_name_help_text">Используется при ссылке на хранилище в параметрах и т. п. Даже если требуется сменить отображаемое имя выше, это поле должно оставаться без изменений.</msg>
<msg key="Batch_sync_enabled">Пакетная синхр. вкл.</msg>
<msg key="Batch_Synchronization">Пакетная синхронизация</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL">URL-адрес смены пароля</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL_help_text">Вместо службы управления паролями можно задать URL-адрес, на который будут отправляться пользователи для смены пароля. Имя пользователя в этой строке должно соответствовать синтаксису foo={username}, где переменная {username} будет заменена именем пользователя.</msg>
<msg key="Creation_user">Creation user</msg>
<msg key="Delete">Удалить</msg>
<msg key="Delete_callback">Удалить обратный вызов</msg>
<msg key="Disable_this_authority">Отключить это хранилище</msg>
<msg key="Document">Документ</msg>
<msg key="Document_end_time">Время окончания документа</msg>
<msg key="Document_message">Сообщение документа</msg>
<msg key="Document_start_time">Время начала документа</msg>
<msg key="Document_status">Состояние документа</msg>
<msg key="download">загрузка</msg>
<msg key="Edit_callback">Изменить обратный вызов</msg>
<msg key="Enable_this_authority">Включить это хранилище</msg>
<msg key="Enabled">Разрешен</msg>
<msg key="End_time">Время окончания</msg>
<msg key="General">Общие</msg>
<msg key="GetDocument_implementation">GetDocument - механизм</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_help_text">Контактные данные (телефон, эл. почта и т. п.), отображаемые в случае, если у пользователей возникают проблемы с хранилищем.</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_text">Текст для запросов помощи</msg>
<msg key="Interactive">Интерактивный режим</msg>
<msg key="Invoke">Вызвать</msg>
<msg key="Invoke_this_callback_proc_now_Be_careful">Выполнить этот обратный вызов. Будьте осторожны!</msg>
<msg key="Make_this_the_authority_for_registering_new_users">Регистрировать новых пользователей в этом хранилище</msg>
<msg key="Message">Сообщение</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_down">Переместить вниз</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_up">Переместить вверх</msg>
<msg key="Name">Название</msg>
<msg key="No">Нет</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_actions">Количество действий</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_problems">Количество ошибок</msg>
<msg key="On-Demand_Sync">Синхр. по требованию</msg>
<msg key="One_batch_job">Одна пакетная задача</msg>
<msg key="Operation">Операция</msg>
<msg key="Order">Порядок*</msg>
<msg key="Package_Manager">Диспетчер пакетов</msg>
<msg key="Pages">страницы</msg>
<msg key="Parameters">Параметры</msg>
<msg key="Password">Пароль</msg>
<msg key="Password_Management">Управление паролями</msg>
<msg key="Problems">Ошибки</msg>
<msg key="ProcessDocument_implementation">ProcessDocument - механизм</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL">URL-адрес восстановления пароля</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL_help_text">Вместо службы управления паролями можно задать URL-адрес, на который будут отправляться пользователи для восстановления пароля. Имя пользователя в этой строке должно соответствовать синтаксису foo={username}, где переменная {username} будет заменена именем пользователя.</msg>
<msg key="Registration">Регистрация</msg>
<msg key="Run_time">Время выполнения</msg>
<msg key="Running_time">Время выполнения</msg>
<msg key="seconds">с</msg>
<msg key="Service">Служебные</msg>
<msg key="Service_administration">Администрирование служб</msg>
<msg key="Service_parameters">Параметры службы</msg>
<msg key="Short_Name">Краткое имя</msg>
<msg key="Site-Wide_Admin">Администрирование сайта</msg>
<msg key="Snapshot">Снимок</msg>
<msg key="Start_time">Время начала</msg>
<msg key="Success">Успешно</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Callbacks">Tcl - обратные вызовы</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Proc">Tcl - процедура</msg>
<msg key="Timestamp">Штамп времени</msg>
<msg key="Type">Тип</msg>
<msg key="User_Info">Данные пользователя</msg>
<msg key="User_Info_help_text">Механизм получения данных пользователя из хранилища в реальном времени.</msg>
<msg key="Username">Имя пользователя</msg>
<msg key="View_log_entry">Просмотреть запись журнала</msg>
<msg key="Visit_service_pages">Посетить служебные страницы</msg>
<msg key="Yes">Да</msg>
<msg key="You_are_changing_all_user_registrations_to_be_in_authority_authorities_pretty_name">Регистрация всех новых пользователей будет осуществляться в хранилище %authorities.pretty_name%</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-admin" package_version="5.1.5" locale="zh_CN" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Account_reg_URL_help_text">用户注册新账户的URL地址</msg>
<msg key="Account_Registration">帐户注册</msg>
<msg key="Account_registration_URL">帐户注册URL地址</msg>
<msg key="Actions">动作</msg>
<msg key="Actions_Minute">动作/每分钟</msg>
<msg key="Add_callback">添加回调</msg>
<msg key="Administration">管理</msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_authority_authorities_pretty_name">你确认删除授权 %authorities.pretty_name% 吗?</msg>
<msg key="Authentication">验证</msg>
<msg key="Authority_name">授权名</msg>
<msg key="Authority_short_name_help_text">这里用来对所指的参数等的权限进行配置.假如您需要修改上面的显示名字,这里不用修改.</msg>
<msg key="Batch_sync_enabled">开启批量同步</msg>
<msg key="Batch_Synchronization">批量同步</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL">修改密码URL地址</msg>
<msg key="Change_password_URL_help_text">除了密码管理驱动,当用户需要改密码时候,您还需要提供修改密码的URL给他们.任何url中的用户名必须符合语法 foo={username} 而且{username}将会被替换为真实的用户名</msg>
<msg key="Creation_user">创建用户</msg>
<msg key="Delete">删除</msg>
<msg key="Delete_callback">删除回调</msg>
<msg key="Disable_this_authority">禁用权限</msg>
<msg key="Document">文档</msg>
<msg key="Document_end_time">文档结束时间</msg>
<msg key="Document_message">文档消息</msg>
<msg key="Document_start_time">文档开始时间</msg>
<msg key="Document_status">文档状态</msg>
<msg key="download">下载</msg>
<msg key="Edit_callback">编辑回调</msg>
<msg key="Enable_this_authority">开启权限</msg>
<msg key="Enabled">开启</msg>
<msg key="End_time">结束时间</msg>
<msg key="General">基本</msg>
<msg key="GetDocument_implementation">执行获取文档</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_help_text">当用户遇到权限问题时候,显示的联系信息(手机,邮件等) 将会被作为最后的手段</msg>
<msg key="Help_contact_text">帮助联系文字</msg>
<msg key="Interactive">交互</msg>
<msg key="Invoke">调用</msg>
<msg key="Invoke_this_callback_proc_now_Be_careful">现在调用这个回调过程.请小心使用!</msg>
<msg key="Make_this_the_authority_for_registering_new_users">设定这个为新注册用户权限</msg>
<msg key="Message">消息</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_down">将该权限降低</msg>
<msg key="Move_this_authority_up">将该权限提高</msg>
<msg key="Name">姓名</msg>
<msg key="No"></msg>
<msg key="Number_of_actions">行动数量</msg>
<msg key="Number_of_problems">问题数量</msg>
<msg key="On-Demand_Sync">按需同步</msg>
<msg key="One_batch_job">一个批处理作业 </msg>
<msg key="Operation">操作</msg>
<msg key="Order">指令*</msg>
<msg key="Package_Manager">包管理器</msg>
<msg key="Pages">页面</msg>
<msg key="Parameters">参数</msg>
<msg key="Password">密码</msg>
<msg key="Password_Management">密码管理</msg>
<msg key="Problems">问题</msg>
<msg key="ProcessDocument_implementation">执行处理文档</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL">恢复密码URL</msg>
<msg key="Recover_password_URL_help_text">除了密码管理驱动,当用户需要改密码时候,您还需要提供修改密码的URL给他们.任何url中的用户名必须符合语法 foo={username} 而且{username}将会被替换为真实的用户名</msg>
<msg key="Registration">注册</msg>
<msg key="Run_time">运行时间</msg>
<msg key="Running_time">运行时</msg>
<msg key="seconds"></msg>
<msg key="Service">服务</msg>
<msg key="Service_administration">服务管理</msg>
<msg key="Service_parameters">服务参数</msg>
<msg key="Short_Name">短名</msg>
<msg key="Site-Wide_Admin">整站管理</msg>
<msg key="Snapshot">快照</msg>
<msg key="Start_time">开始时间</msg>
<msg key="Success">成功</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Callbacks">Tcl回调</msg>
<msg key="Tcl_Proc">Tcl 进程</msg>
<msg key="Timestamp">时间戳</msg>
<msg key="Type">类型</msg>
<msg key="User_Info">用户信息</msg>
<msg key="User_Info_help_text">实时执行获取用户信息的权限</msg>
<msg key="Username">用户名</msg>
<msg key="View_log_entry">查看记录日志</msg>
<msg key="Visit_service_pages">访问服务页面</msg>
<msg key="Yes"></msg>
<msg key="You_are_changing_all_user_registrations_to_be_in_authority_authorities_pretty_name">您正在修改所有用户的注册权限为 %authorities.pretty_name%</msg>
......@@ -56,10 +56,6 @@ ad_proc apm_header { { -form "" } args } {
lappend cmd $elem
set context_bar [eval $cmd]
# this is rather a hack, but just needed for streaming output
# a more general solution can be provided at some later time...
regsub "#acs-kernel.Main_Site#" $context_bar \
[_ acs-kernel.Main_Site] context_bar
set header [ad_header $title ""]
append body "$header\n"
......@@ -92,6 +88,7 @@ proc_doc apm_shell_wrap { cmd } { Returns a command string, wrapped it shell-sty
ad_proc -private apm_package_selection_widget {
{ -update_only_p 0 }
{to_install ""}
{to_enable ""}
......@@ -108,7 +105,7 @@ ad_proc -private apm_package_selection_widget {
set checkbox_count 0
set counter 0
set counter 1
set band_colors { white "#ececec" }
set widget "<blockquote><table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=5>
<tr bgcolor=\"\#f8f8f8\"><th>Install</th>[ad_decode $install_enable_p 1 "<th>Enable</th>" ""]<th>Package</th><th>Directory</th><th>Comment</th></tr>
......@@ -116,7 +113,6 @@ ad_proc -private apm_package_selection_widget {
foreach pkg_info $pkg_info_list {
incr counter
set package_key [pkg_info_key $pkg_info]
set package_path [pkg_info_path $pkg_info]
set package_rel_path [string range $package_path [string length [acs_root_dir]] end]
......@@ -124,13 +120,12 @@ ad_proc -private apm_package_selection_widget {
array set package [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file]
set version_name $package(name)
ns_log Debug "Selection widget: $package_key, Dependency: [pkg_info_dependency_p $pkg_info]"
append widget " <tr valign=baseline bgcolor=[lindex $band_colors \
[expr { $counter % [llength $band_colors] }]]>"
if { ![string compare [pkg_info_dependency_p $pkg_info] "t"]} {
# Dependency passed.
# Dependency passed.
append widget " <tr valign=baseline bgcolor=[lindex $band_colors [expr { $counter % [llength $band_colors] }]]>"
if { $install_enable_p } {
if { ([lsearch -exact $to_install $package_key] != -1) } {
append widget " <td align=center><input type=checkbox checked
......@@ -156,29 +151,33 @@ ad_proc -private apm_package_selection_widget {
append widget "
onclick=\"if (checked) document.forms\[0\].elements\[$checkbox_count\].checked=true\""
append widget "></td>
<td>$package(package-name) $package(name)</td>
<td><font color=green>Dependencies satisfied.</font></td>
</tr> "
} elseif { ![string compare [pkg_info_dependency_p $pkg_info] "f"] } {
#Dependency failed.
# Dependency failed.
append widget " <tr valign=baseline bgcolor=[lindex $band_colors [expr { $counter % [llength $band_colors] }]]>"
if { $install_enable_p } {
append widget " <td align=center><input type=checkbox name=install value=\"$package_key\"
onclick=\"if (!checked) document.forms\[0\].elements\[$checkbox_count+1\].checked=false\"></td>"
append widget "
<td align=center><input type=checkbox name=enable value=\"$package_key\" "
if { $install_enable_p } {
append widget "onclick=\"if (checked) document.forms\[0\].elements\[$checkbox_count\].checked=true\""
append widget "></td>
<td>$package(package-name) $package(name)</td>
<td><font color=red>
<td>$package_rel_path</td><td><font color=red>
foreach comment [pkg_info_comment $pkg_info] {
append widget "$comment<br>"
......@@ -188,24 +187,29 @@ ad_proc -private apm_package_selection_widget {
} else {
# No dependency information.
# See if the install is already installed with a higher version number.
if {[apm_package_registered_p $package_key]} {
set higher_version_p [apm_higher_version_installed_p $package_key $version_name]
} else {
set higher_version_p 2
if {$higher_version_p == 2 } {
set comment "New install."
} elseif {$higher_version_p == 1 } {
set comment "Upgrade."
} elseif {$higher_version_p == 0} {
set comment "Package version already installed."
} else {
set comment "Installing older version of package."
} else {
set higher_version_p 2
if {$higher_version_p == 2 } {
set comment "New install."
# Skip this if it's update only
if {$update_only_p} { continue }
} elseif {$higher_version_p == 1 } {
set comment "Upgrade."
} elseif {$higher_version_p == 0} {
set comment "Package version already installed."
} else {
set comment "Installing older version of package."
append widget " <tr valign=baseline bgcolor=[lindex $band_colors [expr { $counter % [llength $band_colors] }]]>"
append widget " <tr valign=baseline bgcolor=[lindex $band_colors [expr { $counter % [llength $band_colors] }]]>"
if { ([lsearch -exact $to_install $package_key] != -1) } {
set install_checked "checked"
......@@ -235,6 +239,9 @@ ad_proc -private apm_package_selection_widget {
incr checkbox_count 2
incr counter
append widget "</table></blockquote>"
return $widget
......@@ -484,14 +491,10 @@ ad_proc -private apm_build_repository {
# The path to the 'packages' directory in the checkout
set packages_root_path [eval file join [lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-2]]
set tmp_filename [ns_tmpnam]
lappend cmd --files-from $tmp_filename -C $packages_root_path
set fp [open $tmp_filename w]
lappend cmd -C $packages_root_path
foreach file $files {
puts $fp $package_key/$file
lappend cmd $package_key/$file
close $fp
lappend cmd "|" [apm_gzip_cmd] -c ">" $apm_file
ns_log Notice "Executing: [ad_quotehtml $cmd]"
eval $cmd
ad_library {
Definitions of procs for the merge process
@creation-date 15 APR 2005
@author Enrique Catalan (
@cvs-id $Id$
namespace eval merge {}
ad_proc -public merge::MergeUserInfo {
} {
Merge user info. Revokes permissions for from_user_id and grants
them to to_user_id.
@param from_user_id From user ID.
@param to_user_id To user ID.
} {
ns_log Notice "Running merge::MergeUserInfo"
db_transaction {
if { ![db_0or1row to_user_portrait {*SQL*}] && [db_0or1row from_user_portrait {*SQL*}] } {
db_dml upd_portrait {*SQL*}
# get the permissions of the from_user_id
# and grant them to the to_user_id
db_foreach getfromobjs {*SQL*} {
# revoke the permissions of from_user_id
permission::revoke -object_id $from_oid -party_id $from_user_id -privilege $from_priv
if { ![db_string touserhas {*SQL*} ] } {
# grant the permissions to to_user_id
permission::grant -object_id $from_oid -party_id $to_user_id -privilege $from_priv
ns_log notice " Merging acs_objects"
db_dml acs_objs_upd {*SQL*}
ns_log Notice "Finishing merge::MergeUserInfo"
ad_proc -callback merge::MergePackageUser {
} {
Merge two accounts
} -
ad_proc -callback merge::MergeShowUserInfo {
} {
Show information of accounts to merge
} -
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="merge::MergeUserInfo.to_user_portrait">
select c.item_id
from acs_rels a, cr_items c
where a.object_id_two = c.item_id
and a.object_id_one = :to_user_id
and a.rel_type = 'user_portrait_rel'
<fullquery name="merge::MergeUserInfo.from_user_portrait">
select c.item_id
from acs_rels a, cr_items c
where a.object_id_two = c.item_id
and a.object_id_one = :from_user_id
and a.rel_type = 'user_portrait_rel'
<fullquery name="merge::MergeUserInfo.upd_portrait">
update acs_rels
set object_id_one = :to_user_id
where object_id_one = :from_user_id
and rel_type = 'user_portrait_rel'
<fullquery name="merge::MergeUserInfo.getfromobjs">
select object_id as from_oid, privilege as from_priv from acs_permissions where grantee_id = :from_user_id
<fullquery name="merge::MergeUserInfo.touserhas">
select count(*) from acs_permissions where object_id = :from_oid and grantee_id = :to_user_id
<fullquery name="merge::MergeUserInfo.acs_objs_upd">
update acs_objects
set creation_user = :to_user_id
where creation_user = :from_user_id
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ ad_page_contract {
set cvs_command "cvs"
set cvs_root ""
set cvs_root ""
set dotlrn_cvs_root ""
set work_dir "[acs_root_dir]/repository-builder/"
......@@ -26,10 +27,10 @@ set index_template "/packages/acs-admin/www/apm/repository-index"
# from these packages
#set exclude_package_list { cms cms-news-demo glossary site-wide-search spam library }
set exclude_package_list {}
set head_channel "5-3"
set head_channel "5-1"
# Set this to 1 to only checkout sample packages -- useful for debugging and testing
set debug_p 0
set debug_p 1
# Prepare output
......@@ -48,8 +49,8 @@ ns_write <ul>
file mkdir $work_dir
cd $work_dir
catch { exec $cvs_command -d $cvs_root -z3 co openacs-4/readme.txt }
catch { exec $cvs_command -d $cvs_root -z3 log -h openacs-4/readme.txt } output
set lines [split $output \n]
......@@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ foreach channel [lsort -decreasing [array names channel_tag]] {
# Wipe and re-create the checkout directory
file delete -force "${work_dir}openacs-4"
file delete -force "${work_dir}dotlrn"
file mkdir -force "${work_dir}dotlrn/packages"
# Prepare channel directory
set channel_dir "${work_dir}repository/${channel}/"
......@@ -126,7 +129,8 @@ foreach channel [lsort -decreasing [array names channel_tag]] {
# Full list for real use
set checkout_list [list \
$work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/packages \
$work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/contrib/packages]
$work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/contrib/packages \
${work_dir}dotlrn/packages/ $dotlrn_cvs_root dotlrn-core]
foreach { cur_work_dir cur_cvs_root cur_module } $checkout_list {
......@@ -149,18 +153,17 @@ foreach channel [lsort -decreasing [array names channel_tag]] {
template::multirow create packages \
package_path package_key version pretty_name \
package_type summary description \
release_date vendor_url vendor \
license_url license maturity maturity_text
release_date vendor_url vendor
foreach packages_dir \
[list "${work_dir}openacs-4/packages" \
"${work_dir}openacs-4/contrib/packages"] {
"${work_dir}openacs-4/contrib/packages" \
"${work_dir}dotlrn/packages"] {
foreach spec_file [lsort [apm_scan_packages $packages_dir]] {
set package_path [eval file join [lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-1]]
set package_key [lindex [file split $spec_file] end-1]
set version_id [apm_version_id_from_package_key $package_key]
if { [lsearch -exact $exclude_package_list $package_key] != -1 } {
ns_write "Package $package_key is on list of packages to exclude - skipping"
......@@ -192,21 +195,13 @@ foreach channel [lsort -decreasing [array names channel_tag]] {
append manifest { } {<description format="} [ad_quotehtml $version(description.format)] {">}
append manifest [ad_quotehtml $version(description)] {</description>} \n
append manifest { } {<release-date>} [ad_quotehtml $version(release-date)] {</release-date>} \n
append manifest { } {<maturity>} [ad_quotehtml $version(maturity)] {</maturity>} \n
append manifest { } {<license url="} [ad_quotehtml $version(license_url)] {">}
append manifest [ad_quotehtml $version(license)] {</license>} \n
append manifest { } {<vendor url="} [ad_quotehtml $version(vendor.url)] {">}
append manifest [ad_quotehtml $version(vendor)] {</vendor>} \n
append manifest [apm::package_version::attributes::generate_xml \
-version_id $version_id \
-indentation { }]
template::multirow append packages \
$package_path $package_key $version(name) $version(package-name) \
$version(package.type) $version(summary) $version(description) \
$version(release-date) $version(vendor.url) $version(vendor) \
$version(license_url) $version(license) $version(maturity) [apm::package_version::attributes::maturity_int_to_text $version(maturity)]
$version(release-date) $version(vendor.url) $version(vendor)
set apm_file "${channel_dir}${version(package.key)}-${version(name)}.apm"
......@@ -224,17 +219,13 @@ foreach channel [lsort -decreasing [array names channel_tag]] {
# The path to the 'packages' directory in the checkout
set packages_root_path [eval file join [lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-2]]
set tmp_filename [ns_tmpnam]
lappend cmd --files-from $tmp_filename -C $packages_root_path
set fp [open $tmp_filename w]
lappend cmd -C $packages_root_path
foreach file $files {
puts $fp $package_key/$file
lappend cmd $package_key/$file
close $fp
lappend cmd "|" [apm_gzip_cmd] -c ">" $apm_file
#ns_log Notice "Executing: [ad_quotehtml $cmd]"
ns_log Notice "Executing: [ad_quotehtml $cmd]"
eval $cmd
......@@ -306,3 +297,5 @@ if { [file exists $repository_dirname] } {
file rename $work_repository_dirname $repository_dirname
ns_write "</ul> <h2>DONE</h2>\n"
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ foreach version_id $install {
set ul_p 0
foreach file [apm_get_package_files -package_key $package_key -file_type data_model_create] {
foreach file [apm_version_file_list -type data_model_create $version_id] {
if { [string match *-drop.sql [file tail $file]] } {
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ foreach version_id $install {
ns_write "</pre></blockquote>\n"
foreach file [apm_get_package_files -package_key $package_key -file_type java_code] {
foreach file [apm_version_file_list -type java_code $version_id] {
if { !$ul_p } {
ns_write "<ul>\n"
set ul_p 1
......@@ -95,20 +95,14 @@ is already registerd to another package."
version_id {You must provide an integer key for your package version.}
# XXXJCD: this should be in the UI, along with license etc.
set attributes(maturity) 0
db_transaction {
# Register the package.
apm_package_register $package_key $pretty_name $pretty_plural $package_uri \
$package_type $initial_install_p $singleton_p
# Insert the version
set version_id [apm_package_install_version \
-callback apm_dummy_callback \
-version_id $version_id \
-array attributes \
$package_key $version_name $version_uri $summary $description \
$description_format $vendor $vendor_uri $auto_mount]
set version_id [apm_package_install_version -callback apm_dummy_callback -version_id \
$version_id $package_key $version_name $version_uri $summary $description \
$description_format $vendor $vendor_uri $auto_mount]
apm_version_enable -callback apm_dummy_callback $version_id
apm_package_install_owners -callback apm_dummy_callback \
[apm_package_install_owners_prepare $owner_name $owner_uri] $version_id
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ad_page_contract {
} {
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
set user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id]
db_1row apm_get_name {
select first_names || ' ' || last_name user_name, email from cc_users where user_id = :user_id
......@@ -25,9 +25,13 @@ apm_version_info $version_id
doc_body_append [apm_header "Delete"]
if { [catch {apm_package_delete -sql_drop_scripts $sql_drop_scripts -remove_files=0 -callback apm_doc_body_callback $package_key} errmsg] } {
doc_body_append "We encountered the following error when deleting package \"$package_key\":
<pre><blockquote>[ad_quotehtml $errmsg]</blockquote></pre>"
db_transaction {
apm_package_delete -sql_drop_scripts $sql_drop_scripts -remove_files=0 -callback apm_doc_body_callback $package_key
} on_error {
if {[apm_package_registered_p $package_key] } {
doc_body_append "The database returned the following error
message <pre><blockquote>[ad_quotehtml $errmsg]</blockquote></pre>"
doc_body_append "
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ ad_page_contract {
{force_p "f"}
# Install and enable are sets of keys; need to turn them back into spec files.
set spec_files [ad_get_client_property apm spec_files]
......@@ -21,6 +22,69 @@ set install $enable
ad_set_client_property -clob t apm pkg_install_list ""
ad_set_client_property -clob t apm pkg_enable_list ""
if {"" == $spec_files} {
### Get all the spec files
# If a package is in the apm_workspace dir then we assume that that is the package that
# should be installed and we ignore any such package in the packages dir.
# TODO: make sure that it's a later version than that in the packages dir?
set packages_root_dir "[acs_root_dir]/packages"
set packages_spec_files [apm_scan_packages $packages_root_dir]
set workspace_spec_files [apm_scan_packages [apm_workspace_install_dir]]
set workspace_filenames [list]
foreach spec_path $workspace_spec_files {
lappend workspace_filenames [file tail $spec_path]
set all_spec_files $workspace_spec_files
foreach spec_path $packages_spec_files {
set spec_filename [file tail $spec_path]
if { [lsearch -exact $workspace_filenames $spec_filename] == -1 } {
lappend all_spec_files $spec_path
# Determine which spec files are new installs; install all of the new items.
set spec_files [list]
set already_installed_list [list]
set not_compatible_list [list]
foreach spec_file $all_spec_files {
ns_log Notice "packages-install-2: spec_file=$spec_file"
array set version [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file]
set version_name $version(name)
set package_name $version(package-name)
set package_key $version(package.key)
if { [apm_package_supports_rdbms_p -package_key $package_key] } {
if { [apm_package_registered_p $package_key] } {
# This package is already on the system
if { [apm_higher_version_installed_p $package_key $version_name] } {
ns_log Notice "higher version installed of $package_key $version_name"
lappend spec_files $spec_file
} else {
ns_log Notice "need upgrade of package $package_key $version_name"
lappend already_installed_list "Package &quot;$package_name&quot; ($package_key) version $version_name or higher is already installed."
} else {
lappend spec_files $spec_file
} else {
lappend not_compatible_list "Package &quot;$package_name&quot; ($package_key) doesn't support [db_type]."
set ttt {
ad_return_complaint 1 "
spec_files=[join $spec_files "\n\t"]
foreach spec_file $spec_files {
# Get package info, and find out if this is a package we should install
if { [catch {
......@@ -57,7 +121,7 @@ if { [lindex $dependency_results 0] == 1 && [llength [lindex $dependency_results
set extra_package_keys [lindex $dependency_results 2]
# Check was good after adding a couple more packages
# Check was good after adding a couple more pacakges
doc_body_append "[apm_header "Package Installation"]
<h2>Additional Packages Automatically Added</h2><p>
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ foreach pkg_info $pkg_install_list {
if { [empty_string_p $version(auto-mount)] && [string equal $version(package.type) apm_application] } {
set mount_html "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"mount_p\" value=\"$version(package.key)\" checked /> Mount package under the main site at path <input type=\"text\" name=\"mount_path.$version(package.key)\" value=\"$version(package.key)\" />"
set mount_html "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"mount_p\" value=\"$version(package.key)\" /> Mount package under the main site at path <input type=\"text\" name=\"mount_path.$version(package.key)\" value=\"$version(package.key)\" />"
} else {
set mount_html ""
......@@ -107,3 +107,9 @@ Done installing packages.
# Remove all permission related entries in the system cache
# Catch the call, becaus we are calling ]po[ from OpenACS.
catch { im_permission_flush }
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ad_page_contract {
} {
{checked_by_default_p:boolean 0}
{update_only_p 0}
ad_return_top_of_page "[apm_header "Package Installation"]
......@@ -126,9 +127,9 @@ function checkAll() {
if { $checked_by_default_p } {
set widget [apm_package_selection_widget $pkg_info_list $pkg_key_list $pkg_key_list]
set widget [apm_package_selection_widget -update_only_p $update_only_p $pkg_info_list $pkg_key_list $pkg_key_list]
} else {
set widget [apm_package_selection_widget $pkg_info_list]
set widget [apm_package_selection_widget -update_only_p $update_only_p $pkg_info_list]
if {[empty_string_p $widget]} {
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ ad_page_contract {
apm_parameter_unregister $parameter_id
db_1row apm_package_by_version_id {
select pretty_name, version_name, package_key
from apm_package_version_info
......@@ -25,31 +27,4 @@ foreach section $sections {
set return_url [export_vars -base "version-parameters" { version_id section_name }]
ad_form -name del -form {
{pretty_name:text(inform) {label "Package"}}
{parameter_name:text(inform) {label "Parameter"}}
} -edit_request {
set confirm_p 1
set parameter_name [db_string get_parameter_name {
select parameter_name
from apm_parameters
where parameter_id = :parameter_id
} -edit_data {
#here's where we actually do the delete.
apm_parameter_unregister $parameter_id
} -after_submit {
ad_returnredirect $return_url
} -cancel_url $return_url
set page_title "Confirm Deletion"
set context [list [list "." "Package Manager"] [list [export_vars -base version-view { version_id }] "$pretty_name $version_name"] [list [export_vars -base version-parameters { version_id section_name }] "Parameters"] $page_title]
ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base "version-parameters" { version_id section_name }]
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ ad_page_contract {
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
set user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id]
db_1row param_info {
select parameter_name, datatype, description, default_value, min_n_values, max_n_values, parameter_id,
......@@ -5,24 +5,15 @@ designated compatible with your OpenACS kernel will be shown.</p>
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<multiple name="packages">
<td style="border-color:gray; text-align:center" valign="center" >
@packages.maturity@: @packages.maturity_text@<br>
<a href="@packages.license_url@">@packages.license@</a>
<td style="border-color:gray">
<br><small>@packages.package_key@ @packages.version@ released @packages.release_date@ by @packages.vendor@</small>
<td style="border-color:gray; text-align:center" valign="center" ><b>@packages.pretty_name@</b></td>
<td style="border-color:gray"><b>@packages.summary@</b><br>@packages.description;noquote@</td>
<td style="border-color:gray">@packages.package_key@ @packages.version@
<br> released @packages.release_date@ by @packages.vendor@</small></td>
......@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ ad_page_contract {
db_1row package_version_info "select pretty_name, version_name from apm_package_version_info where version_id = :version_id"
set page_title "\#acs-admin.Tcl_Callbacks\#"
set context [list [list "." "\#acs-admin.Package_Manager\#"] [list [export_vars -base version-view { version_id }] "$pretty_name $version_name"] $page_title]
set page_title "Tcl Callbacks"
set context [list [list "." "Package Manager"] [list [export_vars -base version-view { version_id }] "$pretty_name $version_name"] $page_title]
set unused_callback_types [apm_unused_callback_types -version_id $version_id]
if { [llength $unused_callback_types] > 0 } {
set actions [list "\#acs-admin.Add_callback\#" [export_vars -base "version-callback-add-edit" { version_id }]]
set actions [list "Add callback" [export_vars -base "version-callback-add-edit" { version_id }]]
} else {
set actions [list]
......@@ -33,19 +33,19 @@ template::list::create \
<img src="/resources/acs-subsite/Edit16.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0">
link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "version-callback-add-edit" { version_id type }]}
link_html { title "\#acs-admin.Edit_callback\#" }
link_html { title "Edit callback" }
type {
label "\#acs-admin.Type\#"
label "Type"
proc {
label "\#acs-admin.Tcl_Proc\#"
label "Tcl Proc"
invoke {
label "\#acs-admin.Invoke\#"
display_template {<if @callbacks.type@ in "before-install" "after-install" "before-uninstall" "after-uninstall">\#acs-admin.Invoke\#</if><else><i style="color: gray;">N/A</i></else>}
label "Invoke"
display_template {<if @callbacks.type@ in "before-install" "after-install" "before-uninstall" "after-uninstall">Invoke</if><else><i style="color: gray;">N/A</i></else>}
link_url_eval {[ad_decode [lsearch { before-install after-install before-uninstall after-uninstall } $type] -1 {} [export_vars -base "version-callback-invoke" { version_id type }]]}
link_html { title "\#acs-admin.Invoke_this_callback_proc_now_Be_careful\#" }
link_html { title "Invoke this callback proc now. Be careful!" }
html { align center }
delete {
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ template::list::create \
<img src="/resources/acs-subsite/Delete16.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0">
link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "version-callback-delete" { version_id type }]}
link_html { title "\#acs-admin.Delete_callback\#" }
link_html { title "Delete callback" }
......@@ -20,25 +20,6 @@ ad_page_contract {
{ upgrade_p 0 }
# Validate dynamic package version attributes
# Also put all dynamic attributes in an array
array set all_attributes [apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec]
foreach attribute_name [array names all_attributes] {
array set attribute $all_attributes($attribute_name)
set attribute_value [ns_set iget [rp_getform] $attribute_name]
if { [info exists attribute(validation_proc)] } {
set attribute_error [eval $attribute(validation_proc) $attribute_value]
if { ![empty_string_p $attribute_error] } {
ad_return_complaint 1 $attribute_error
set dynamic_attributes($attribute_name) $attribute_value
if {![regexp {^[0-9]+((\.[0-9]+)+((d|a|b|)[0-9]*)?)$} $version_name match]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "The version name has invalid characters"
......@@ -67,7 +48,7 @@ if { $upgrade_p && [db_string apm_version_uri_unique_ck {
db_transaction {
set version_id [apm_version_update -array dynamic_attributes $version_id $version_name $version_uri \
set version_id [apm_version_update $version_id $version_name $version_uri \
$summary $description $description_format $vendor $vendor_uri $auto_mount $release_date]
apm_package_install_owners [apm_package_install_owners_prepare $owner_name $owner_uri] $version_id
apm_package_install_spec $version_id
......@@ -115,31 +115,6 @@ This description is <select name=description_format>
# Dynamic package version attributes
array set all_attributes [apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec]
array set attributes [apm::package_version::attributes::get \
-version_id $version_id \
-array attributes]
foreach attribute_name [array names all_attributes] {
array set attribute $all_attributes($attribute_name)
if { [info exists attributes($attribute_name)] } {
# Attribute is already in db
set attribute_value $attributes($attribute_name)
} else {
# The attribute is not in the db yet
set attribute_value [apm::package_version::attributes::default_value $attribute_name]
doc_body_append "
<th align=right nowrap>${attribute(pretty_name)}:</th>
<td><input name=\"$attribute_name\" size=\"30\" value=\"$attribute_value\">
# Build a list of owners. Ensure that there are at least two.
set owners [db_list_of_lists apm_all_owners {
select owner_name, owner_uri from apm_package_owners where version_id = :version_id
......@@ -12,11 +12,13 @@ ad_page_contract {
{context_p 1}
db_1row apm_package_by_version_id {}
db_1row apm_package_by_version_id {
select package_name, version_name, package_id from apm_package_version_info where version_id = :version_id
set analyze_dir [ns_mktemp "[acs_root_dir]/apm-workspace/diffs-XXXXXX"]
doc_body_append "[apm_header "Create Diffs for $pretty_name $version_name"]
doc_body_append "[apm_header "Create Diffs for $package_name $version_name"]
<ul><li>Extracting the archive into $analyze_dir...<li>
......@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ set no_changes [list]
global errorCode
foreach file [apm_get_package_files -package_key $package_key] {
foreach file [apm_version_file_list $version_id] {
if { ![file isfile "[acs_root_dir]/$file"] } {
doc_body_append "<h3>$file</h3>\n<blockquote>This file has been locally added.</blockquote>\n"
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<fullquery name="apm_package_by_version_id">
select package_key, pretty_name, version_name from apm_package_version_info where version_id = :version_id
select package_name, version_name, package_id from apm_package_version_info where version_id = :version_id
......@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ if { [string equal $file_type adp] } {
-label $action_label \
-options {{{Find human language text and replace with <# ... #> tags} replace_text} {{Replace <# ... #> tags with #...# keys and insert message into catalog} replace_tags}} \
-values {replace_text} \
-section action_section
} else {
# TCL files or SQL files
element create file_list_form tcl_action_inform \
......@@ -152,20 +152,7 @@ append body "
<tr valign=baseline><th align=left>Package Key:</th><td>$package_key</td></th></tr>
<tr valign=baseline><th align=left>Summary:</th><td>$summary</td></tr>
<tr valign=baseline><th align=left>Description:</th><td>$description</td></tr>
<tr valign=baseline><th align=left>Release Date:</th><td>$release_date</td></tr>"
# Dynamic package version attributes
array set all_attributes [apm::package_version::attributes::get_spec]
array set attributes [apm::package_version::attributes::get \
-version_id $version_id \
-array attributes]
foreach attribute_name [array names attributes] {
array set attribute $all_attributes($attribute_name)
append body "<tr valign=baseline><th align=left>$attribute(pretty_name)</th><td>$attributes($attribute_name)</td></tr>"
append body "
<tr valign=baseline><th align=left>Release Date:</th><td>$release_date</td></tr>
<tr valign=baseline><th align=left>Vendor:</th><td>[ad_decode $vendor_uri "" $vendor "<a href=\"$vendor_uri\">$vendor</a>"]</td></tr>
<tr valign=baseline><th align=left>Package URL:</th><td><a href=\"$package_uri\">$package_uri</a></td></th></tr>
<tr valign=baseline><th align=left>Version URL:</th><td><a href=\"$version_uri\">$version_uri</a></td></th></tr>
......@@ -27,90 +27,84 @@ set form_widgets_full {
{-section "gen" {legendtext \#acs-admin.General\#}}
{html {size 50}}
{label "\#acs-admin.Name\#"}
{label "Name"}
{section "General"}
{html {size 50}}
{label "\#acs-admin.Short_Name\#"}
{label "Short Name"}
{mode {[ad_decode $local_authority_p 1 "display" ""]}}
{help_text "[_ acs-admin.Authority_short_name_help_text]"}
{help_text "This is used when referring to the authority in parameters etc. Even if you need to change the display name above, this should stay unchanged."}
{label "\#acs-admin.Enabled\#"}
{options {{[_ acs-admin.Yes] t} {[_ acs-admin.No] f}}}
{label "Enabled"}
{options {{Yes t} {No f}}}
{html {cols 60 rows 13}}
{label "\#acs-admin.Help_contact_text\#"}
{help_text "[_ acs-admin.Help_contact_help_text]"}
{label "Help contact text"}
{help_text "Contact information (phone, email, etc.) to be displayed as a last resort when people are having problems with an authority."}
{-section "auth" {legendtext \#acs-admin.Authentication\#}}
{label "\#acs-admin.Authentication\#"}
{label "Authentication"}
{section "Authentication"}
{options {[acs_sc::impl::get_options -empty_label "--Disabled--" -contract_name auth_authentication]}}
{-section "pwmngt" {legendtext \#acs-admin.Password_Management\#}}
{label "\#acs-admin.Password_Management\#"}
{label "Password management"}
{section "Password Management"}
{options {[acs_sc::impl::get_options -empty_label "--Disabled--" -contract_name auth_password]}}
{html {size 50}}
{label "\#acs-admin.Recover_password_URL\#"}
{help_text "[_ acs-admin.Recover_password_URL_help_text]"}
{label "Recover password URL"}
{help_text "Instead of a password management driver, you may provide a URL to which users are sent when they need help recovering their password. Any username in this url must be on the syntax foo={username} and {username} will be replaced with the real username."}
{html {size 50}}
{label "\#acs-admin.Change_password_URL\#"}
{help_text "[_ acs-admin.Change_password_URL_help_text]"}
{label "Change password URL"}
{help_text "Instead of a password management driver, you may provide a URL to which users are sent when they want to change their password. Any username in this url must be on the syntax foo={username} and {username} will be replaced with the real username."}
{-section "accreg" {legendtext \#acs-admin.Account_Registration\#}}
{label "\#acs-admin.Account_Registration\#"}
{label "Account registration"}
{section "Account Registration"}
{options {[acs_sc::impl::get_options -empty_label "--Disabled--" -contract_name auth_registration]}}
{html {size 50}}
{label "\#acs-admin.Account_registration_URL\#"}
{help_text "[_ acs-admin.Account_reg_URL_help_text]"}
{label "Account registration URL"}
{help_text "URL where users register for a new account."}
{-section "ondemsyn" {legendtext \#acs-admin.On-Demand_Sync\#}}
{label "\#acs-admin.User_Info\#"}
{label "User Info"}
{section "On-Demand Sync"}
{options {[acs_sc::impl::get_options -empty_label "--Disabled--" -contract_name auth_user_info]}}
{help_text "[_ acs-admin.User_Info_help_text]"}
{help_text "The implementation for getting user information from the authority in real-time"}
{-section "batchsyn" {legendtext \#acs-admin.Batch_Synchronization\#}}
{label "\#acs-admin.Batch_sync_enabled\#"}
{options {{[_ acs-admin.Yes] t} {[_ acs-admin.No] f}}}
{label "Batch sync enabled"}
{options {{Yes t} {No f}}}
{section {Batch Synchronization}}
{label "\#acs-admin.GetDocument_implementation\#"}
{label "GetDocument implementation"}
{options {[acs_sc::impl::get_options -empty_label "--Disabled--" -contract_name auth_sync_retrieve]}}
{label "\#acs-admin.ProcessDocument_implementation\#"}
{label "ProcessDocument implementation"}
{options {[acs_sc::impl::get_options -empty_label "--Disabled--" -contract_name auth_sync_process]}}
......@@ -224,33 +218,33 @@ list::create \
-key job_id \
-elements {
start_time_pretty {
label "\#acs-admin.Start_time\#"
label "Start time"
link_url_eval {$job_url}
end_time_pretty {
label "\#acs-admin.End_time\#"
label "End time"
run_time {
label "\#acs-admin.Run_time\#"
label "Run time"
html { align right }
num_actions {
label "\#acs-admin.Actions\#"
label "Actions"
html { align right }
num_problems {
label "\#acs-admin.Problems\#"
label "Problems"
html { align right }
actions_per_minute {
label "\#acs-admin.Actions_Minute\#"
label "Actions/Minute"
html { align right }
short_message {
label "\#acs-admin.Message\#"
label "Message"
interactive_pretty {
label "\#acs-admin.Interactive\#"
label "Interactive"
html { align center }
......@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ ad_page_contract {
auth::sync::job::get -job_id $job_id -array batch_job
set page_title "\#acs-admin.One_batch_job\#"
set page_title "One batch job"
set context [list \
[list "." "[_ acs-admin.Authentication]"] \
[list "." "Authentication"] \
[list [export_vars -base authority { {authority_id $batch_job(authority_id)} }] "$batch_job(authority_pretty_name)"] $page_title]
ad_form \
......@@ -22,50 +22,50 @@ ad_form \
-display_buttons {} \
-form {
{label "\#acs-admin.Authority_name\#"}
{label "Authority name"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Start_time\#"}
{label "Start time"}
{label "\#acs-admin.End_time\#"}
{label "End time"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Running_time\#"}
{after_html " [_ acs-admin.seconds]"}
{label "Running time"}
{after_html " seconds"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Interactive\#"}
{label "Interactive"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Snapshot\#"}
{label "Snapshot"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Message"}
{label "Message"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Creation_user\#"}
{label "Creation user"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Document_start_time\#"}
{label "Document start time"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Document_end_time\#"}
{label "Document end time"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Document_status\#"}
{label "Document status"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Document_message\#"}
{label "Document message"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Document\#"}
{label "Document"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Number_of_actions\#"}
{label "Number of actions"}
{label "\#acs-admin.Number_of_problems\#"}
{label "Number of problems"}
} -on_request {
foreach element_name [array names batch_job] {
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ ad_form \
set job_start_time [lc_time_fmt $batch_job(job_start_time) "%x %X"]
set job_end_time [lc_time_fmt $batch_job(job_end_time) "%x %X"]
set document_download "<a href=\"[export_vars -base batch-document-download { job_id }]\">[_]</a>"
set document_download "<a href=\"[export_vars -base batch-document-download { job_id }]\">download</a>"
list::create \
......@@ -93,37 +93,37 @@ list::create \
-page_query_name pagination \
-elements {
entry_time_pretty {
label "\#acs-admin.Timestamp\#"
label "Timestamp"
link_url_eval {$entry_url}
link_html { title "\#acs-admin.View_log_entry\#" }
link_html { title "View log entry" }
operation {
label "\#acs-admin.Operation\#"
label "Operation"
username {
label "\#acs-admin.Username\#"
label "Username"
link_url_col user_url
success_p {
label "\#acs-admin.Success\#"
label "Success"
display_template {
<if @batch_actions.success_p@ eq "t">
<font color="green">\#acs-admin.Yes\#</font>
<font color="green">Yes</font>
<font color="red">\#acs-admin.No\#</font>
<font color="red">No</font>
short_message {
label "\#acs-admin.Message\#"
label "Message"
} -filters {
job_id {
hide_p 1
success_p {
label "\#acs-admin.Success\#"
label "Success"
values {
{ Success t }
{ Failure f }
......@@ -24,37 +24,37 @@ list::create \
sub_class narrow
pretty_name {
label "\#acs-admin.Name\#"
label "Name"
link_url_eval {[export_vars -base authority { authority_id }]}
enabled {
label "\#acs-admin.Enabled\#"
label "Enabled"
html { align center }
display_template {
<if @authorities.enabled_p@ true>
<a href="@authorities.enabled_p_url@" title="\#acs-admin.Disable_this_authority\#"><img src="/shared/images/checkboxchecked" height="13" width="13" border="0" style="background-color: white;"></a>
<a href="@authorities.enabled_p_url@" title="Disable this authority"><img src="/shared/images/checkboxchecked" height="13" width="13" border="0" style="background-color: white;"></a>
<a href="@authorities.enabled_p_url@" title="\#acs-admin.Enable_this_authority\#"><img src="/shared/images/checkbox" height="13" width="13" border="0" style="background-color: white;"></a>
<a href="@authorities.enabled_p_url@" title="Enable this authority"><img src="/shared/images/checkbox" height="13" width="13" border="0" style="background-color: white;"></a>
move {
label "\#acs-admin.Order\#"
label "Order*"
html { align center }
display_template {
<if @authorities.sort_order@ ne @authorities.highest_sort_order@>
<a href="@authorities.sort_order_url_up@" title="\#acs-admin.Move_this_authority_up\#"><img src="/resources/acs-subsite/arrow-up.gif" border="0" width="15" height="15"></a>
<a href="@authorities.sort_order_url_up@" title="Move this authority up"><img src="/resources/acs-subsite/arrow-up.gif" border="0" width="15" height="15"></a>
<else><img src="/resources/acs-subsite/spacer.gif" width="15" height="15"></else>
<if @authorities.sort_order@ ne @authorities.lowest_sort_order@>
<a href="@authorities.sort_order_url_down@" title="\#acs-admin.Move_this_authority_down\#"><img src="/resources/acs-subsite/arrow-down.gif" border="0" width="15" height="15"></a>
<a href="@authorities.sort_order_url_down@" title="Move this authority down"><img src="/resources/acs-subsite/arrow-down.gif" border="0" width="15" height="15"></a>
<else><img src="/resources/acs-subsite/spacer.gif" width="15" height="15"></else>
registration {
label "\#acs-admin.Registration\#"
label "Registration"
html { align center }
display_template {
<switch @authorities.registration_status@>
......@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ list::create \
<case value="can_select">
<a href="@authorities.registration_url@"
onclick="return confirm('\#acs-admin.You_are_changing_all_user_registrations_to_be_in_authority_authorities_pretty_name\#');">
title="Make this the authority for registering new users"
onclick="return confirm('You are changing all user registrations to be in authority @authorities.pretty_name@');">
<img src="/resources/acs-subsite/radio.gif" height="13" width="13" border="0" style="background-color: white;">
......@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ list::create \
auth_impl {
label "\#acs-admin.Authentication\#"
label "Authentication"
pwd_impl {
label "\#acs-admin.Password\#"
label "Password"
reg_impl {
label "\#acs-admin.Registration\#"
label "Registration"
delete {
label ""
......@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ list::create \
<if @authorities.short_name@ ne local>
<a href="@authorities.delete_url@"
title="Delete this authority"
onclick="return confirm('\#acs-admin.Are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_authority_authorities_pretty_name\#');">
<img src="/shared/images/Delete16.gif" height="16" width="16" alt="\#acs-admin.Delete\#" border="0">
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete authority @authorities.pretty_name@?');">
<img src="/shared/images/Delete16.gif" height="16" width="16" alt="Delete" border="0">
ad_page_contract {
Flush one or more values from util_memoize's cache
} {
{suffix "util_memoize"}
{return_url "."}
if [string equal $suffix "util_memoize"] {
foreach name [ns_cache names util_memoize] {
ns_cache flush util_memoize $name
} else {
#ns_return 200 text/html $suffix
if [catch { util_memoize_flush_cache $suffix } errmsg] {
ns_return 200 text/html "Cannot flush the cache for $suffix suffix."
foreach name [ns_cache names $suffix] {
ns_cache flush $suffix $name
ad_returnredirect $return_url
......@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ set context [list [list "../developer" "Developer's Administration"] $page_title
template::multirow create caches name entries size max flushed hit_rate
foreach cache [lsort -dictionary [ns_cache_names]] {
if {[regexp {util_memoize_(.*)} $cache match suffix] \
|| [string equal $cache "util_memoize"]} {
if {[regexp {(.*)} $cache match suffix] || [string equal $cache "util_memoize"]} {
if {![info exists suffix] || [string equal "" $suffix]} {
set name "util_memoize"
set match "util_memoize"
......@@ -23,8 +22,7 @@ foreach cache [lsort -dictionary [ns_cache_names]] {
set entries $stats_array(entries)
set flushed $stats_array(flushed)
set hit_rate $stats_array(hitrate)
template::multirow append caches $name $entries $size $max \
$flushed $hit_rate
template::multirow append caches $name $entries $size $max $flushed $hit_rate
set match ""
set suffix ""
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
<tr bgcolor="@bg@">
<td valign=top>@matches.key@</td>
<td valign=top>@matches.value;noquote@</td>
<td valign=top>@matches.value@</td>
<td valign=middle rowspan=2>
<form action=one method=post>
<input type=hidden name=key value="@matches.full_key@">
......@@ -2,14 +2,15 @@ ad_page_contract {
Lists memoized data and gives options to view data or flush data
} {
{pattern_type "contain"}
{cache_name "util_memoize"}
{pattern ""}
{full "f"}
set page_title "Search"
set context [list [list "../developer" "Developer's Administration"] [list "." "Cache Control"] $page_title]
set cached_names [ns_cache names util_memoize]
set cached_names [ns_cache names $cache_name]
# ns_log notice "ep_flush_list_cache found [llength $cached_names] names cached"
template::multirow create matches key value value_size full_key date raw_date
......@@ -18,11 +19,12 @@ foreach name $cached_names {
if {[regexp -nocase -- $pattern $name match]} {
set key [ad_quotehtml $name]
set safe_key [ad_quotehtml $name]
if {[catch {set pair [ns_cache get util_memoize $name]} errmsg]} {
if {[catch {set pair [ns_cache get $cache_name $name]} errmsg]} {
set raw_date [lindex $pair 0]
set date [clock format $raw_date -format "%d %b %H:%M:%S"]
set date ""
catch {set date [clock format $raw_date -format "%d %b %H:%M:%S"]}
set value [ad_quotehtml [lindex $pair 1]]
set value_size [string length $value]
if {$full} {
......@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ foreach name $cached_names {
template::multirow append matches [string range $key 0 200] \
[string range $value 0 200] $value_size $safe_key \
$date $raw_date
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<th>Local Files</th>
<td>Download and install/upgrade automatically from <a href=""> repository</a>
<td>Download and install/upgrade automatically from <a href=""> repository</a>
Install/upgrade from local files. Use this if your site has custom code or is in a local CVS repository. <a href="/doc/upgrade.html">Help</a>
......@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ ad_page_contract {
if { ![empty_string_p $repository_url] } {
set parent_page_title "Install From OpenACS Repository"
set parent_page_url [export_vars -base install {repository_url}]
} else {
set parent_page_title "Install From Local File System"
set parent_page_url [export_vars -base install]
if { $success_p } {
......@@ -19,5 +17,5 @@ if { $success_p } {
set page_title "Installation Failed"
set context [list [list "." "Install Software"] [list $parent_page_url $parent_page_title] $page_title]
set context [list [list "." "Install Software"] [list "install" $parent_page_title] $page_title]
......@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ ad_page_contract {
if { ![empty_string_p $repository_url] } {
set page_title "Install or Upgrade From OpenACS Repository"
set page_title "Install From OpenACS Repository"
} else {
set page_title "Install or Upgrade From Local File System"
set page_title "Install From Local File System"
set context [list [list "." "Install Software"] $page_title]
......@@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ foreach package_key [array names repository] {
# If in upgrade mode, only add to list if it's an upgrade
if { !$upgrade_p || [string equal $version(install_type) upgrade] } {
if {![exists_and_not_null version(maturity)]} {
set version(maturity) ""
set package([string toupper $version(package-name)]) \
[list \
$version(package.key) \
......@@ -47,8 +44,7 @@ foreach package_key [array names repository] {
$version(name) \
$version(package.type) \
$version(install_type) \
$version(summary) \
......@@ -61,28 +57,16 @@ foreach package_key [array names repository] {
# Sort the list alphabetically (in case package_name and package_key doesn't sort the same)
multirow create packages package_key package_name version_name package_type install_type summary maturity
if {[catch {set maturity_label [apm::package_version::attributes::get_pretty_name maturity]} errmsg]} {
set maturity_label "Maturity"
multirow create packages package_key package_name version_name package_type install_type summary
foreach name [lsort -ascii [array names package]] {
set row $package($name)
if {[info procs apm::package_version::attributes::maturity_int_to_text] != 0} {
set maturity_text "[apm::package_version::attributes::maturity_int_to_text [lindex $row 6]]"
} else {
set maturity_text ""
multirow append packages \
[lindex $row 0] \
[lindex $row 1] \
[lindex $row 2] \
[lindex $row 3] \
[lindex $row 4] \
[lindex $row 5] \
[lindex $row 5]
multirow extend packages install_url
......@@ -97,7 +81,7 @@ template::list::create \
-multirow packages \
-key package_key \
-bulk_actions {
"Install or upgrade checked applications" "install-2" "Install or upgrade checked applications"
"Install checked applications" "install-2" "Install checked applications"
} \
-bulk_action_export_vars {
......@@ -106,14 +90,11 @@ template::list::create \
package_name {
label "Package"
link_url_col install_url
link_html { title "Install or upgrade this package" }
link_html { title "Install this package" }
summary {
label "Summary"
maturity {
label "$maturity_label"
version_name {
label "Version"
......@@ -2,15 +2,31 @@
<property name="title">@page_title;noquote@</property>
<property name="context">@context;noquote@</property>
<p> The server has been shut down. Normally, it should come back up by itself after a minute or so. </p>
<h3>The server has been shut down</h3>
<p> Normally, it should come back up by itself after a minute or so. </p>
<p> If not, please check your server error log, or contact your system administrator. </p>
<if @windows_p@>
<font color=red><b>
On Windows, if @po;noquote@ doesn't start automatically, as it should:
<li>Please restart your computer.<br>
@po;noquote@ should start automatically.
<li>Go to All Programs -&gt; @po;noquote@
<li>Execute "Start @po;noquote@".<br>
On Windows Vista and higher you need to right-click <br>
"Start @po;noquote@" and choose "Run as Administrator".
Please wait for your server to get back up, then ...
<p> If @po;noquote@ still doesn't start, please check your server error log
or contact your system administrator. </p>
<b>&raquo;</b> <a href="/acs-admin/">Return to site-wide administration</a><br />
<b>&raquo;</b> <a href="/acs-admin/apm">Go to package manager</a>
......@@ -8,10 +8,12 @@ ad_page_contract {
set page_title "Restarting Server"
set context [list $page_title]
set po "&#93;project-open&#91;"
# Check for Windows platform
global tcl_platform
set windows_p [string match $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]
# We do this as a schedule proc, so the server will have time to serve the page
ad_schedule_proc -thread t -once t 2 ns_shutdown
......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
<li><a href="complex-search?target=one&only_authorized_p=0&only_needs_approval_p=1">Find all users needing approval</a></li>
<li><a href="user-add">Add a user</a></li>
<li><a href="/members/user-batch-add">Add a batch of users</a></li>
<li><a href="/admin/manage-email-privacy">#acs-subsite.manage_users_email#</a></li>
<form method='get' action='complex-search'>
<input type='hidden' name='target' value="one">
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ if {[catch {
set admin_user_id [ad_conn user_id]
set admin_user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id]
set email_from [db_string admin_email "select email from parties where party_id = :admin_user_id"]
set subject "$action"
set message $email_message
......@@ -77,17 +77,6 @@ above.
<li><a href="modify-admin-privileges?user_id=@user_id@&action=grant">Grant site-wide administration privileges</a></li>
<li>Merge this user with:
<form method=get action=search>
<input type="hidden" name="target" value="merge" />
<input type="hidden" name="limit_to_user_id" value="@user_id@" />
<input type="hidden" name="from_user_id" value="@user_id@" />
<input type="hidden" name="only_authorized_p" value="0" />
<input type="text" size="15" name="keyword" />
<input type="submit" value="Find User" />
<if @password_reset_url@ not nil>
<li><a href="@password_reset_url@">Reset this user's password</a></li>
......@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ ad_page_contract {
@param target URL to return to
@param passthrough Form variables to pass along from caller
@param limit_to_users_in_group_id Limits search to users in the specified group id. This can be a comma separated list to allow searches within multiple groups. (optional)
@param limit_to_user_id. This is useful is you don't want to show a list of user_ids. This could be a comma separated list. (optional)
@param from_user_id is used if you want to merge the user_id with user_id_from_search (optional)
@author Jin Choi (
} {
......@@ -25,8 +23,6 @@ ad_page_contract {
{passthrough ""}
{limit_users_in_group_id ""}
{only_authorized_p:integer 1}
{limit_to_user_id ""}
{from_user_id ""}
} -properties {
......@@ -106,11 +102,6 @@ if { ![info exists passthrough] } {
set passthrough_parameters "[export_entire_form_as_url_vars $passthrough]"
if { [exists_and_not_null limit_to_user_id ] } {
set limit_to_user_id [join $limit_to_user_id ","]
lappend where_clause "cc_users.user_id not in ($limit_to_user_id)"
if { [exists_and_not_null limit_to_users_in_group_id] } {
set query "select distinct first_names, last_name, email, member_state, email_verified_p, cu.user_id
from cc_users cu, group_member_map gm, membership_rels mr
......@@ -141,12 +132,7 @@ db_foreach user_search_admin $query {
set last_name_from_search $last_name
set email_from_search $email
if { [empty_string_p $from_user_id] } {
set user_search:[set rowcount](user_id) $user_id
} else {
set user_search:[set rowcount](user_id) $from_user_id
set user_search:[set rowcount](user_id) $user_id
set user_search:[set rowcount](first_names) $first_names
set user_search:[set rowcount](last_name) $last_name
set user_search:[set rowcount](email) $email
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ ad_page_contract {
set admin_user_id [ad_conn user_id]
set admin_user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id]
# Get user info
acs_user::get -user_id $user_id -array user
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ad_page_contract {
set admin_user_id [ad_conn user_id]
set admin_user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id]
set context [list [list "./" "Users"] "New user notified"]
set export_vars [export_url_vars user_id]
......@@ -79,14 +79,15 @@ from parties where email = lower(:email)"]
foreach key $key_list value $value_list {
regsub -all "<$key>" $sub_message $value sub_message
if {[catch {ns_sendmail "$email" "$from" "$subject" "$sub_message"} errmsg]} {
ad_return_error "Mail Failed" "The system was unable to send email. Please notify the user personally. This problem is probably caused by a misconfiguration of your email system. Here is the error:
[ad_quotehtml $errmsg]
# if {[catch {ns_sendmail "$email" "$from" "$subject" "$sub_message"} errmsg]} {
# ad_return_error "Mail Failed" "The system was unable to send email. Please notify the user personally. This problem is probably caused by a misconfiguration of your email system. Here is the error:
#[ad_quotehtml $errmsg]
# return
# }
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