Commit 867286ab authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- OpenACS 5.9

parent 8aa63e47
# /tcl/0-acs-init.tcl
# The very first file invoked when OpenACS is started up. Sources
# /packages/acs-tcl/bootstrap/bootstrap.tcl.
#, 12 May 2000
# $Id$
# handling NaviServer deprecated ns_info subcommands.
namespace eval acs {
set ::acs::pageroot [expr {[catch {ns_server pagedir}] ? [ns_info pageroot] : [ns_server pagedir]}]
set ::acs::tcllib [expr {[catch {ns_server tcllib}] ? [ns_info tcllib] : [ns_server tcllib]}]
set ::acs::rootdir [file dirname [string trimright $::acs::tcllib "/"]]
# Determine the OpenACS root directory, which is the directory right above the
# Tcl library directory ::acs::tcllib.
nsv_set acs_properties root_directory $::acs::rootdir
ns_log "Notice" "Loading OpenACS, rooted at $::acs::rootdir"
set bootstrap_file "$::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/bootstrap.tcl"
if { [file isfile $bootstrap_file] } {
ns_log "Notice" "Sourcing $bootstrap_file"
# Check that the appropriate version of tDom (
# is installed and spit out a comment or try to install it if not.
if {[info commands domNode] eq ""} {
if {[ns_info version] < 4} {
ns_log Error "0-acs-init.tcl: domNode command not found -- not loaded?"
} elseif {[ns_info version] >= 4} {
if {[catch {set version [package require tdom]} errmsg]} {
ns_log Error "0-acs-init.tcl: error loading tdom: $errmsg"
} else {
lassign [split $version .] major minor point
if {$major == 0
&& ( $minor < 7 || ($minor == 7 && $point < 8))} {
ns_log Error "0-acs-init.tcl: please use tdom version 0.7.8 or greater (you have version $version)"
source $bootstrap_file
} else {
ns_log "Error" "$bootstrap_file does not exist. Aborting the OpenACS load process."
# $Id$
# Name: 00-ad-postload.tcl
# Author: Jon Salz <>
# Date: 24 Feb 2000
# Description: Sources library files that need to be loaded after the rest.
ns_log "Notice" "Sourcing files for postload..."
foreach file [glob -nocomplain ${::acs::tcllib}/*.tcl.postload] {
ns_log Notice "postloading $file"
source $file
ns_log "Notice" "Done."
# This should probably be moved to the end of bootstrap.tcl once all files are
# weeded out of the tcl directory.
ns_log "Notice" "Executing initialization code blocks..."
foreach init_item [nsv_get ad_after_server_initialization .] {
array set init $init_item
ns_log "Notice" "Executing initialization code block $init(name) in $init(script)"
if { [llength $init(args)] == 1 } {
set init(args) [lindex $init(args) 0]
if { [catch $init(args) error] } {
ns_log "Error" "Error executing initialization code block $init(name) in $init(script): $::errorInfo"
# The __is_xql helper function is used to filter out just the xql files.
# It should return true for directories it should descend as well
# If you had a large static tree with no .xql files you could return 0 on
# the subdirectory and it would not be searched.
proc __is_xql {arg} {
return [expr {[file isdirectory $arg] || [file extension $arg] eq ".xql"}]}
# We need to load query files for the top-level stuff in www and tcl
# dirs is the list of directories to walk for xql files. Packages .xql
# files are parsed elsewhere in the bootstrap process.
foreach dir {www tcl} {
set files [ad_find_all_files -check_file_func __is_xql $::acs::rootdir/$dir]
ns_log Notice "QD=Postload files to load from $dir: $files"
foreach file $files {
db_qd_load_query_file $file
nsv_unset ad_after_server_initialization .
<html<if @doc.lang@ not nil> lang="@doc.lang;literal@"</if>>
<title<if @doc.title_lang@ not nil and @doc.title_lang;literal@ ne @doc.lang;literal@> lang="@doc.title_lang;literal@"</if>>@doc.title@</title>
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These two variables have to be set before the XinhaCore.js is loaded. To
enforce the order, it is put here.
<if @::acs_blank_master__htmlareas@ defined and @::xinha_dir@ defined and @::xinha_lang@ defined>
<script type="text/javascript">
_editor_url = "@::xinha_dir;literal@";
_editor_lang = "@::xinha_lang;literal@";
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<body<if @body.class@ not nil> class="@body.class;literal@"</if><if not nil> id=";literal@"</if><if @event_handlers@ not nil>@event_handlers;literal@</if>>
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