Commit a5d88ec8 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- joined b3-0-0-patches

parent 1cad4aff
Pipeline #42 failed with stages
......@@ -289,6 +289,16 @@ We'll need to create a site-wide administrator for your server (like the root
user in UNIX). Please type in the email address, first and last name, and password
for this user.
<font color=red>Please do not use any non-ASCII characters
(accented characters, Umlaut, Asian etc...)
in the fields below. This will break the installation process.
This restriction is only for the screen below. You can modify
the name of the system administrator later.
<script language=\"javascript\">
function updateSystemEmails() {
var form = document.forms\[0\];
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ proc acs_package_root_dir { package } {
proc ad_make_relative_path { path } {
set root_length [string length [acs_root_dir]]
if { ![string compare [acs_root_dir] [string range $path 0 [expr { $root_length - 1 }]]] } {
if { ![string compare -nocase [acs_root_dir] [string range $path 0 [expr { $root_length - 1 }]]] } {
return [string range $path [expr { $root_length + 1 }] [string length $path]]
error "$path is not under the path root ([acs_root_dir])"
......@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ proc ad_proc args {
set root_dir [nsv_get acs_properties root_directory]
set script [info script]
set root_length [string length $root_dir]
if { ![string compare $root_dir [string range $script 0 [expr { $root_length - 1 }]]] } {
if { ![string compare -nocase $root_dir [string range $script 0 [expr { $root_length - 1 }]]] } {
set script [string range $script [expr { $root_length + 1 }] end]
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