Commit d97b6516 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- fixed upgrade for po

parent 3579c26b
alter table cr_revisions
drop constraint cr_revisions_lob_fk;
-- Drop contstraints if exists
create or replace function inline_0 ()
returns integer as '
v_count integer;
select count(*) into v_count from pg_constraint
where lower(conname) = ''cr_revisions_lob_fk'';
IF v_count = 0 THEN return 0; END IF;
alter table cr_revisions
drop constraint cr_revisions_lob_fk;
return 0;
end;' language 'plpgsql';
select inline_0();
drop function inline_0();
alter table cr_revisions
add constraint cr_revisions_lob_fk
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