Commit e781030e authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Fixed issue with dangeling content items

parent 1f0caaac
......@@ -19,10 +19,19 @@ DROP FUNCTION if exists cr_folder_ins_up_ri_trg();
-- Handle latest_revision and live_revision via foreign keys
-- fraber 161128: Delete inconsistent entries
update cr_items set latest_revision = null
where latest_revision in (select latest_revision from cr_items except select revision_id from cr_revisions);
ALTER TABLE cr_items DROP CONSTRAINT if exists cr_items_latest_fk;
ALTER TABLE cr_items ADD CONSTRAINT cr_items_latest_fk
FOREIGN KEY (latest_revision) REFERENCES cr_revisions(revision_id);
-- fraber 161128: Delete inconsistent entries
update cr_items set live_revision = null
where live_revision in (select live_revision from cr_items except select revision_id from cr_revisions);
ALTER TABLE cr_items DROP CONSTRAINT if exists cr_items_live_fk;
ALTER TABLE cr_items ADD CONSTRAINT cr_items_live_fk
FOREIGN KEY (live_revision) REFERENCES cr_revisions(revision_id);
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