Commit 0f247a17 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Localized the Beta1 in en_US

parent ad92c087
......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
<msg key="authentication_authority">Authority</msg>
<description key="authentication_authority">The identifying label for an authentication server, such as an LDAP or RADIUS server.</description>
<msg key="common_Actions">Actions</msg>
<msg key="Bio">Biography</msg>
<msg key="Bios">Biographies</msg>
<msg key="common_Actions">Actions</msg>
<description key="common_Actions">Header for a list of actions which may be taken on the displayed content</description>
<msg key="common_actions">actions</msg>
......@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URLs">URLs</msg>
<msg key="User">User</msg>
<msg key="Users">Users</msg>
<msg key="Username">Username</msg>
<msg key="Usernames">Usernames</msg>
<msg key="Users">Users</msg>
<msg key="Visitor">Visitor</msg>
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