Commit a49e1013 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Initial Import

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Generated by the OpenACS Package Manager -->
<package key="acs-lang" url="" type="apm_service">
<version name="5.1.5" url="">
<owner url="">Peter Marklund</owner>
<summary>OpenACS Internationalization Support.</summary>
<vendor url="">Collaboraid</vendor>
<description format="text/plain">Internationalization and localization support routines and admin UI for manipulating Locales,
request processor hooks, templating, accessing and managing the message catalog, and
locale-specific formatting functions for localizing dates, times, monetary amounts etc.</description>
<provides url="acs-lang" version="5.1.4"/>
<requires url="acs-kernel" version="5.0.0"/>
<requires url="ref-timezones" version="4.0"/>
<parameter datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="SiteWideLocale" default="en_US" description="The site-wide default locale"/>
<parameter datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="SystemTimezone" default="UTC" description="The timezone that Oracle is set to use. Use a name from the acs-reference package, e.g., America/Los_Angeles or Asia/Tokyo"/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="UsePackageLevelLocalesP" default="0" description="Specify whether you want to allow different system/user locales per package, or only one site-wide locale system setting/user preference."/>
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Check that a catalog file has a consistent path and that package_key, locale, and
# charset info in the xml is consistent with info embedded in the filename.
# @author Peter Marklund
my $usage = " catalog_file_path";
use strict;
# Get arguments
my $file_path = shift or die "usage: $usage";
# Parse information from the file path
$file_path =~ m#(?i)([a-z-]+)/catalog/\1\.([a-z]{2,3}_[a-z]{2})\.(.*)\.xml$#
or die "catalog file path $file_path is not on format package_key/catalog/package_key.locale.charset.xml";
my ($file_package, $file_locale, $file_charset) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
# Get the same info from the xml of the catalog file
open(FILE_INPUT, "< $file_path");
# Undefine the record separator to read the whole file in one go
undef $/;
my $file_contents = <FILE_INPUT>;
$file_contents =~ m#<message_catalog\s+package_key="(.+?)".+locale="(.+?)"\s+charset="(.+?)">#
or die "catalog file $file_path does not have a root xml node on parsable format";
my ($xml_package, $xml_locale, $xml_charset) = ($1, $2, $3);
# Assert that info in filename and xml be the same
if ( $file_package ne $xml_package ||
$file_locale ne $xml_locale ||
$file_charset ne $xml_charset) {
die "FAILURE: $file_path does not pass check since info in file path ($file_package, $file_locale, $file_charset) does not match info in xml ($xml_package, $xml_locale, $xml_charset)\n";
# This script attempts to check that catalog files of a certain package
# (or all packages if no package key is provided) are consistent with
# eachother and that they are consistent with lookups in the code. More
# specifically the script does the following:
# 1) Checks that the info in the catalog filename matches info in
# its xml content (package_key, locale and charset).
# 2) Checks that the set of keys in the message catalog is identical to the
# set of keys in the adp, info, sql, and tcl files in the package.
# 3) Checks that the set of keys in non-en_US catalog files is present
# in the en_US catalog file of the package.
# Currently disabled as I'm not sure how to read the non-en_US files in the
# the right charset.
# 4) Checks that all keys in non-en_US catalog files are present in the en_US one.
# Currently disabled as I'm not sure how to read the non-en_US files in the
# the right charset.
# 5) Checks that the package version in every catalog file is consistent with what
# is in the corresponding info file. Currently only uses en_US files.
# The scripts assumes that message lookups in adp and info files are
# on the format #package_key.message_key#, and that message lookups
# in tcl files are always done with the underscore procedure.
# usage: [package_key package_key ...]
# @author Peter Marklund (
export script_path=$(dirname $(which $0))
### Functions start
source ${script_path}/
get_date_time_key() {
localization_msg_part=$(echo $message_key | ${script_path}/mygrep '^localization-(.*)$')
echo $localization_msg_part
check_one_key_in_catalog_file() {
if ! egrep -q "<msg[[:space:]]+key=\"$message_key\"" ../${catalog_package_key}/catalog/${catalog_package_key}.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml; then
echo "$0: $package_key - Warning: key $message_key not in $catalog_package_key catalog file. Please inspect key usage:"
# This may be a false alarm, so show key usage for manual inspection
key_usage=$(find $find_dirs -type f | xargs grep "${package_key}.${message_key}")
echo "$0: $package_key - Warning:"
echo "$0: $package_key - Warning: $key_usage"
echo "$0: $package_key - Warning:"
get_message_key_pattern() {
echo '[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+'
check_package_version_of_catalog_files() {
info_file_package_version=$(cat ${package_key}.info | ${script_path}/mygrep '<version name="([^"]+)"')
for catalog_file in $(ls catalog/${package_key}*en_US*.xml)
catalog_package_version=$(cat $catalog_file | ${script_path}/mygrep '<message_catalog .*package_version="([^"]+)"')
if [ ! "$info_file_package_version" == "$catalog_package_version" ]; then
echo "$0: $package_key - Warning: package version $catalog_package_version in file $catalog_file does not equal version $info_file_package_version in info file."
check_consistency_non_en_US_files() {
for file_name in $(ls catalog/${package_key}*.xml | grep -v 'en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml')
#echo "$0: $package_key - checking that keys in $file_name are also in en_US catalog file"
for catalog_key in `get_catalog_keys $file_name`
egrep -q "<msg key=\"${catalog_key}\">" $en_US_file || echo "$0: $package_key - Warning: key $catalog_key in $file_name missing in $en_US_file"
check_catalog_keys_have_lookups() {
# Check that all keys in the catalog file are either in tcl or adp or info files
for catalog_key in `get_catalog_keys catalog/${package_key}.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml`
date_time_key=$(get_date_time_key $catalog_key)
if [ -n "$date_time_key" ]; then
# Need special regexp for date time message keys
lookup_lines=$(find $find_dirs -regex '.*\.\(info\|adp\|sql\|tcl\)' | xargs egrep "lc_get[^]]+$date_time_key")
lookup_lines=$(find $find_dirs -regex '.*\.\(info\|adp\|sql\|tcl\)' | xargs egrep "${package_key}\.$catalog_key")
if [ -z "$lookup_lines" ]; then
echo "$0: $package_key - Warning: key $catalog_key in catalog file not found in any adp, info, sql, or tcl file"
check_tcl_file_lookups_are_in_catalog() {
# Check that all message lookups in tcl files have entries in the message catalog
#echo "$0: $package_key - checking non-datetime tcl lookups"
# We are using the widest possible regexp here that could in rare cases lead to false alarms
# However, that's better than risk removing keys used in tcl scripts
for tcl_message_key in $(find $find_dirs -iname '*.tcl'|xargs ${script_path}/mygrep \
check_one_key_in_catalog_file $tcl_message_key $package_key
# Date time message lookups are special cases as they use lc_get
#echo "$0: $package_key - checking datetime tcl lookups"
for tcl_message_key in $(find $find_dirs -iname '*.tcl'|xargs ${script_path}/mygrep \
check_one_key_in_catalog_file "localization-$tcl_message_key" acs-lang
check_adp_file_lookups_are_in_catalog() {
# Check that all message lookups in adp and info files are in the catalog file
for adp_message_key in $(find $find_dirs -regex '.*\.\(info\|adp\|sql\)'|xargs ${script_path}/mygrep \
check_one_key_in_catalog_file $adp_message_key $package_key
### Functions end
find_dirs="$packages_dir ${packages_dir}../www"
# Process arguments
if [ "$#" == "0" ]; then
# No package provided - check all packages
for catalog_dir in $(find $package_dir -iname catalog -type d)
# Recurse with each package key that has a catalog dir
$0 $(basename $(dirname $catalog_dir))
exit 0
for package_key in "$@"
export package_key
# Check that the catalog file exists
if [ ! -e $catalog_file_path ]; then
echo "$0: Error - the file $catalog_file_path in package $package_key doesn't exist, exiting"
exit 1
cd $package_path
for file_name in $(ls catalog/*en_US*.xml)
${script_path}/ "${package_path}/${file_name}"
echo "$0: $package_key - checking en_US catalog keys are in lookups"
echo "$0: $package_key - checking tcl lookups are in en_US catalog file"
echo "$0: $package_key - checking adp lookups are in en_US catalog file"
echo "$0: $package_key - checking that package version in each catalog file is consistent with package version in corresponding info file"
# Functions re-used by scripts in acs-lang/bin
# @author Peter Marklund
# Assumes script_path to be set
get_catalog_keys() {
echo $(${script_path}/mygrep '<msg key="([^"]+)"' $file_name)
find_en_us_files() {
echo $(find ${script_path}/../../ -regex '.*/catalog/.*en_US.*\.xml' -maxdepth 3)
# Generate a listing of all message keys in the system to STDOUT.
# @author Peter Marklund
export script_path=$(dirname $(which $0))
source ${script_path}/
for en_us_file in $(find_en_us_files)
package_key=$(echo $en_us_file | ${script_path}/mygrep '/([^./]+)[^/]+$')
for key in $(get_catalog_keys $en_us_file)
echo "${package_key}.${key}"
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Loops through the input (input taken from files on the command line or from STDIN)
# line by line (or file by file) and prints what was captured in the first
# parenthesis of the pattern. Start the pattern with (?i) for case insensitive matching.
# Use -m to match across multiple lines.
# Usage: mygrep [-m] <pattern> [files...]
# @author Peter Marklund (
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-m/) {
# Undefine the record separator to read the whole file in one go
undef $/;
$pattern = shift;
# Let . match newline
if ($pattern !~ /^\w*\(\?\w*s\w*\)/) {
$pattern = "(?s)$pattern";
} else {
$pattern = shift;
# Take input from STDIN or from files
my $have_match = 0;
while ($line = <>) {
while ($line =~ /$pattern/) {
if (defined($1)) {
print STDOUT "$1\n";
# Do next matching on whatever comes after last match
$have_match = 1;
$have_match ? exit 0 : exit 1;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="ar_EG" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="English">إنجليزيّ</msg>
<msg key="French">فَرَنْسِيّ</msg>
<msg key="German">أَلْمانِيّ</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">إِسْبانِيّ</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="ar_LB" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="available-in-this-language">متوفر بالانجليزية</msg>
<msg key="change-locale">تغير الموقع </msg>
<msg key="English">إنجليزيّ</msg>
<msg key="French">فَرَنْسِيّ</msg>
<msg key="German">أَلْمانِيّ</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{أح} {إث} {ثل} {أر} {خم} {جم} {سب}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{ك2} {شبا} {آذا} {نيس} {أيا} {حزي} {تمو} {آب} {أيل} {ت1} {ت2} {ك1}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">ص</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol">ل.ل.</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%d/%m/%y </msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a %d %B %Y %H:%M %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{أحد} {إثنين} {الثلاثاء} {الأربعاء} {الخميس} {الجمعة} {السبت} </msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%d %B %Y </msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A %d %B %Y </msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH12:MI AM </msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-grouping">3 3</msg>
<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">ل.ل.</msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{كانون الثاني} {شباط} {آذار} {نيسان} {أيار} {حزيران} {تموز} {آب} {أيلول} {تشرين الاول} {تشرين الثاني} {كانون الاول} </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">،</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sep_by_space">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-negative_sign">-</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_cs_precedes">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sep_by_space">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">صباحا</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign">+</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%r</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">إِسْبانِيّ</msg>
<msg key="this-language">اللبنانية</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="ast_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="English">Ingls</msg>
<msg key="French">Francs</msg>
<msg key="German">Alemn</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{Dom} {llu} {Mar} {Mi} {Xue} {Vie} {Sab}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{Xin} {Feb} {Mar} {Abr} {May} {Xun} {Xul} {Ago} {Set} {Otu} {Nov} {Avi}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol">$</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">&quot;%d-%m-%y&quot;</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">&quot;%a %d %B %Y %R %Z&quot;</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{Domingo} {Llunes} {Martes} {Mircoles} {Xueves} {Vienres} {Sbado}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">'</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">&quot;%d de(d')%m del %Y&quot;</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">&quot;%A, %d de(d') %B del %Y&quot;</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH24:MI</msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-grouping">3 3</msg>
<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">EUR</msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{Xinero} {Febrero} {Marzo} {Abril} {Mayo} {Xuno} {Xuneto} {Agosto} {Setiembre} {Otubre} {Noviembre} {Aviento}</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-negative_sign">-</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">PM</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Castellano</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="ca_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="available-in-this-language">Disponible en catal</msg>
<msg key="change-locale">Canviar idioma</msg>
<msg key="English">Angls</msg>
<msg key="French">Francs</msg>
<msg key="German">Alemany</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{diu} {dill} {dim} {dic} {dij} {div} {dis}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{gen.} {febr.} {mar} {abr.} {maig} {juny} {jul.} {ag.} {set.} {oct.} {nov.} {des.}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol">?</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%m/%d/%a </msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a %d %B %Y %H:%M %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{Diumenge} {Dilluns} {Dimarts} {Dimecres} {Dijous} {Divendres} {Dissabte}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%D %B, %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A %d %B %Y </msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">1 </msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH12:MI AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-grouping">-1 -1 </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">EUR</msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2 </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{Gener} {Febrer} {Mar} {Abril} {Maig} {Juny} {Juliol} {Agost} {Setembre} {Octubre} {Novembre} {Desembre} </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">1 </msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sep_by_space">1 </msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sign_posn">1 </msg>
<msg key="localization-negative_sign">-</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sep_by_space">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">PM</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign">+</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%H:%M </msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Castell</msg>
<msg key="this-language">Catal</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.0" locale="ch_zh" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="available-in-this-language">中文版</msg>
<msg key="English">英语</msg>
<msg key="French">法语</msg>
<msg key="German">德语</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">周日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">上午</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol">¥</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%y年%m月%d日</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a %B %d, %Y %r %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%Y年 %B %d日</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A %B %d, %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH12:MI AM </msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-grouping">3 3</msg>
<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">RMB</msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep"></msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-negative_sign"></msg>
<msg key="localization-p_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">下午</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign">+</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%r</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">西班牙语</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="da_DK" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="available-in-this-language">Findes p dansk</msg>
<msg key="change-locale">ndre sprog</msg>
<msg key="English">Engelsk</msg>
<msg key="French">Fransk</msg>
<msg key="German">Tysk</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{sn} {man} {tir} {ons} {tor} {fre} {lr}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{jan} {feb} {mar} {apr} {maj} {jun} {jul} {aug} {sep} {okt} {nov} {dec}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol">kr</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%d/%m-%y</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a %e. %B %Y %r %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{sndag} {mandag} {tirsdag} {onsdag} {torsdag} {fredag} {lrdag}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%e. %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A den %e. %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH24:MI</msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">DKK </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{januar} {februar} {marts} {april} {maj} {juni} {juli} {august} {september} {oktober} {november} {december}</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-negative_sign">-</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">PM</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign"></msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%H:%M</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Spansk</msg>
<msg key="this-language">Dansk</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="de_DE" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="available-in-this-language">Deutsche Version verfgbar</msg>
<msg key="change-locale">Sprache wechseln</msg>
<msg key="English">Englisch</msg>
<msg key="French">Franzsisch</msg>
<msg key="German">Deutsch</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{So} {Mo} {Di} {Mi} {Do} {Fr} {Sa}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{Jan} {Feb} {Mrz} {Apr} {Mai} {Jun} {Jul} {Aug} {Sep} {Okt} {Nov} {Dez}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">A.M.</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol">?</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%d.%m.%Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a, %d. %B %Y %H:%M %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{Sonntag} {Montag} {Dienstag} {Mittwoch} {Donnerstag} {Freitag} {Samstag}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%d. %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A, %d. %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_date_format">DD MONTH YYYY</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH24:MI</msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">2</msg>
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<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">EUR </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{Januar} {Februar} {Mrz} {April} {Mai} {Juni} {Juli} {August} {September} {Oktober} {November} {Dezember}</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">1</msg>
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<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">P.M.</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign">+</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%H:%M</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Spanisch</msg>
<msg key="this-language">Deutsch</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<msg key="English">Αγγλικά</msg>
<msg key="French">Γαλλικά</msg>
<msg key="German">Γερμανικά</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Ισπανικά</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="en_AU" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="available-in-this-language">Available in English</msg>
<description key="available-in-this-language">The language referred to in the message body should be the language of the locale, not a localized version of &quot;English&quot;.</description>
<msg key="change-locale">Change locale</msg>
<msg key="English">English</msg>
<msg key="French">French</msg>
<msg key="German">German</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{Sun} {Mon} {Tue} {Wed} {Thu} {Fri} {Sat}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{Jan} {Feb} {Mar} {Apr} {May} {Jun} {Jul} {Aug} {Sep} {Oct} {Nov} {Dec}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol">$</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%m/%d/%y</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a %B %d, %Y %r %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{Sunday} {Monday} {Tuesday} {Wednesday} {Thursday} {Friday} {Saturday}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%B %d, %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A %B %d, %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_date_format">MONTH DD YYYY</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH12:MI AM</msg>
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<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{January} {February} {March} {April} {May} {June} {July} {August} {September} {October} {November} {December}</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<description key="localization-n_sep_by_space">An integer set to 0
if no space separates the currency_symbol or int_curr_symbol from
the value for a negative monetary quantity, set to 1 if a space
separates the symbol from the value and set to 2 if a space separates the symbol and the sign string, if adjacent.
<msg key="localization-n_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-negative_sign">-</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<description key="localization-p_sep_by_space">0 means that no
space should be printed between the symbol and the value. 1 means
that a space should be printed between the symbol and the value.
2 means that a space should be printed between the symbol and the sign string, if adjacent.</description>
<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">PM</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign">+</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%r</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Spanish</msg>
<msg key="this-language">English</msg>
<description key="this-language">The label of the locale, in the locale's language. This should be different for each locale. This should not be English unless the locale is &quot;en&quot;.</description>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="en_GB" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="localization-abday">{Sun} {Mon} {Tue} {Wed} {Thu} {Fri} {Sat}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{Jan} {Feb} {Mar} {Apr} {May} {Jun} {Jul} {Aug} {Sep} {Oct} {Nov} {Dec}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str"></msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol"></msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%d/%m/%y</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a %d %B %Y %H:%M %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{Sunday} {Monday} {Tuesday} {Wednesday} {Thursday} {Friday} {Saturday}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%d %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A %d %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH12:MI AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">GBP </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{January} {February} {March} {April} {May} {June} {July} {August} {September} {October} {November} {December}</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-negative_sign">-</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str"></msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign"></msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%H:%M</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">,</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="en_US" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="available-in-this-language">Available in English</msg>
<description key="available-in-this-language">The language referred to in the message body should be the language of the locale, not a localized version of &quot;English&quot;.</description>
<msg key="change-locale">Change locale</msg>
<msg key="English">English</msg>
<msg key="French">French</msg>
<msg key="German">German</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{Sun} {Mon} {Tue} {Wed} {Thu} {Fri} {Sat}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{Jan} {Feb} {Mar} {Apr} {May} {Jun} {Jul} {Aug} {Sep} {Oct} {Nov} {Dec}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol">$</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%m/%d/%y</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a %B %d, %Y %r %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{Sunday} {Monday} {Tuesday} {Wednesday} {Thursday} {Friday} {Saturday}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%B %d, %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A %B %d, %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_date_format">MONTH DD YYYY</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH12:MI AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">USD </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{January} {February} {March} {April} {May} {June} {July} {August} {September} {October} {November} {December}</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<description key="localization-n_sep_by_space">An integer set to 0
if no space separates the currency_symbol or int_curr_symbol from
the value for a negative monetary quantity, set to 1 if a space
separates the symbol from the value and set to 2 if a space separates the symbol and the sign string, if adjacent.
<msg key="localization-n_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-negative_sign">-</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<description key="localization-p_sep_by_space">0 means that no
space should be printed between the symbol and the value. 1 means
that a space should be printed between the symbol and the value.
2 means that a space should be printed between the symbol and the sign string, if adjacent.</description>
<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">PM</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign">+</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%r</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Spanish</msg>
<msg key="this-language">English</msg>
<description key="this-language">The label of the locale, in the locale's language. This should be different for each locale. This should not be English unless the locale is &quot;en&quot;.</description>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d4" locale="es_CO" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="available-in-this-language">Disponible en Espaol</msg>
<msg key="change-locale">Cambiar local</msg>
<msg key="English">Ingls</msg>
<msg key="French">Francs</msg>
<msg key="German">Alemn</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{Dom} {Lun} {Mar} {Mi} {Jue} {Vie} {Sb}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{Ene} {Feb} {Mar} {Abr} {May} {Jun} {Jul} {Ago} {Sep} {Oct} {Nov} {Dic}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol"></msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%d/%m/%y</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a %d %B %Y %H:%M %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{Domingo} {Lunes} {Martes} {Mircoles} {Jueves} {Viernes} {Sbado}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%d, %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A %d %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_date_format">DD MES AAAA</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH24:MI</msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-grouping">-1 -1 </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">EUR </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{Enero} {Febrero} {Marzo} {Abril} {Mayo} {Junio} {Julio} {Agosto} {Septiembre} {Octubre} {Noviembre} {Diciembre}</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sep_by_space">1</msg>
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<msg key="localization-negative_sign">-</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_cs_precedes">1</msg>
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<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">PM</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign">+</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%H:%M</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Espaol</msg>
<msg key="this-language">Espaol</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="es_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="available-in-this-language">Disponible en Espaol</msg>
<msg key="change-locale">Cambiar local</msg>
<msg key="English">Ingls</msg>
<msg key="French">Francs</msg>
<msg key="German">Alemn</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{Dom} {Lun} {Mar} {Mi} {Jue} {Vie} {Sb}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{Ene} {Feb} {Mar} {Abr} {May} {Jun} {Jul} {Ago} {Sep} {Oct} {Nov} {Dic}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol">?</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%d/%m/%y</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a %d %B %Y %H:%M %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{domingo} {lunes} {martes} {mircoles} {jueves} {viernes} {sbado}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%d %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A %d %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH24:MI</msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">2</msg>
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<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">EUR </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{enero} {febrero} {marzo} {abril} {mayo} {junio} {julio} {agosto} {septiembre} {octubre} {noviembre} {diciembre}</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">.</msg>
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<msg key="localization-pm_str">PM</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign">+</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%H:%M</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Espaol</msg>
<msg key="this-language">Espaol</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
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<msg key="available-in-this-language">Disponible en Espaol</msg>
<msg key="change-locale">Cambiar local</msg>
<msg key="English">Ingls</msg>
<msg key="French">Francs</msg>
<msg key="German">Alemn</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{Dom} {Lun} {Mar} {Mi} {Jue} {Vie} {Sb}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{Ene} {Feb} {Mar} {Abr} {May} {Jun} {Jul} {Ago} {Sep} {Oct} {Nov} {Dic}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol"></msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%d/%m/%y</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a %d %B %Y %H:%M %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{Domingo} {Lunes} {Martes} {Mircoles} {Jueves} {Viernes} {Sbado}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%d, %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A %d %B %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_date_format">DD MES AAAA</msg>
<msg key="localization-formbuilder_time_format">HH24:MI</msg>
<msg key="localization-frac_digits">0</msg>
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<msg key="localization-int_curr_symbol">EUR </msg>
<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon">{Enero} {Febrero} {Marzo} {Abril} {Mayo} {Junio} {Julio} {Agosto} {Septiembre} {Octubre} {Noviembre} {Diciembre}</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3 </msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">.</msg>
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<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">PM</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign">+</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%H:%M</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Espaol</msg>
<msg key="this-language">Espaol</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="eu_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
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<msg key="English">Ingelesa</msg>
<msg key="French">Frantsesa</msg>
<msg key="German">Alemana</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{Iga} {Ast} {Ast} {Ast} {Ost} {Ost} {Lar}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{Urt} {Ots} {Mar} {Api} {Mai} {Eka} {Uzt} {Abu} {Ira} {Urr} {Aza} {Abe}</msg>
<msg key="localization-am_str">AM</msg>
<msg key="localization-currency_symbol">?</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_fmt">%y-%m-%d</msg>
<msg key="localization-d_t_fmt">%a, %Y-ko %B-ren %d, %T %Z</msg>
<msg key="localization-day">{Igandea} {Astelehena} {Asteartea} {Asteazkena} {Osteguna} {Ostirala} {Larunbata}</msg>
<msg key="localization-decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%Y-ko %B-ren %d</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A, %Y-ko %B-ren %d</msg>
<msg key="localization-firstdayofweek">1</msg>
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<msg key="localization-int_frac_digits">2</msg>
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<msg key="localization-mon_decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="localization-negative_sign">-</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%T</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">.</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">Espainola</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="acs-lang" package_version="5.1.2d2" locale="fa_IR" charset="utf-8">
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<msg key="German">Saksa</msg>
<msg key="localization-abday">{su} {ma} {ti} {ke} {to} {pe} {la}</msg>
<msg key="localization-abmon">{tammi} {helmi} {maalis} {huhti} {touko} {kesä} {heinä} {elo} {syys} {loka} {marras} {joulu}</msg>
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<msg key="localization-decimal_point">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlong_fmt">%d. %Bta %Y</msg>
<msg key="localization-dlongweekday_fmt">%A, %d. %Bta %Y</msg>
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<msg key="localization-mon_grouping">3 3</msg>
<msg key="localization-mon_thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-n_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-negative_sign">-</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_cs_precedes">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sep_by_space">0</msg>
<msg key="localization-p_sign_posn">1</msg>
<msg key="localization-pm_str">下午</msg>
<msg key="localization-positive_sign">+</msg>
<msg key="localization-t_fmt">%r</msg>
<msg key="localization-thousands_sep">,</msg>
<msg key="Spanish">西班牙文</msg>
<msg key="this-language">英文</msg>
<if @conflict_count@ gt 0>
<ul class="action-links">
<li><a href="@message_conflicts_url@">Resolve message conflicts</a></li>
# Optional parameters:
# package_key
# locale
# Default params to empty string
# and build the link export list
set link_export_list [list]
foreach param {package_key locale} {
if { ![info exists $param] } {
set $param ""
} else {
# param provided
lappend link_export_list $param
set conflict_count [lang::message::conflict_count \
-package_key $package_key \
-locale $locale]
set message_conflicts_url [export_vars -base message-conflicts $link_export_list]
<if @display_p@>
<hr />
<h3>Translated messages on this page (@locale@)</h3>
<p><listtemplate name="messages"></listtemplate></p>
set locale [ad_conn locale]
set display_p [expr [lang::util::translator_mode_p] && ![string equal [ad_conn locale] "en_US"]]
template::list::create \
-name messages \
-multirow messages \
-elements {
message_key {
label "Message key"
orig_text {
label "English text"
translated_text {
label "Translation"
display_template {
<if @messages.translated_p@ false>
<a href="@messages.translate_url@" title="Translate"><font color="red">Translate</font></a>
edit {
label ""
display_template {
<if @messages.translated_p@ true>
<a href="@messages.translate_url@" title="Edit the translation">
<img src="/shared/images/Edit16.gif" height="16" width="16" alt="Edit" border="0">
sub_class narrow
if { $display_p } {
multirow create messages message_key orig_text translated_text translate_url translated_p
foreach message_key [lang::util::get_message_lookups] {
set locale [ad_conn locale]
# Extra args mean no substitution
set orig_text [lang::message::lookup "en_US" $message_key {} {} 0 0]
set translated_text [lang::message::lookup $locale $message_key {} {} 0 0]
set key_split [split $message_key "."]
set package_key_part [lindex $key_split 0]
set message_key_part [lindex $key_split 1]
set translate_url "/acs-lang/admin/edit-localized-message?[export_vars {{message_key $message_key_part} {package_key $package_key_part} locale { return_url [ad_return_url] } }]"
set translated_p [lang::message::message_exists_p [ad_conn locale] $message_key]
multirow append messages $message_key $orig_text $translated_text $translate_url $translated_p
-- Data model to support i18n of the ArsDigita Community
-- System
-- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation
-- Author: Henry Minsky (
-- $Id$
-- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
-- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project:
prompt ** Creating locales table ...
@@ ad-locales.sql
prompt ** Creating translation catalog tables ...
@@ message-catalog.sql
-- Author: Jon Griffin (
-- $Id$
@@ message-catalog-drop.sql
@@ ad-locales-drop.sql
-- packages/language/sql/language-create.sql
-- @author Jeff Davis (
-- @creation-date 2000-09-10
-- @cvs-id $Id$
-- ****************************************************************************
-- * The lang_messages table holds the message catalog.
-- * It is populated by ad_lang_message_register.
-- * The registered_p flag denotes that a message exists in a file
-- * that gets loaded on server startup, and hence should not get updated.
-- ****************************************************************************
drop table ad_locale_user_prefs;
drop view enabled_locales;
drop table ad_locales;
This diff is collapsed.
-- packages/language/sql/language-drop.sql
-- @author
-- @creation-date 2000-09-10
-- @cvs-id $Id$
-- drop the timezone stuff
drop index tz_data_idx2;
drop index tz_data_idx1;
drop table tz_data;
drop function lc_time_utc_to_local;
drop function lc_time_local_to_utc;
-- drop the lang stuff
drop table lang_translation_registry;
drop table lang_translate_columns;
drop table lang_messages_audit;
drop table lang_messages;
drop table lang_message_keys;
drop table lang_user_timezone;
-- This might fail if the data model includes other multilingual tables
-- that reference ad_locales. Really need to cascade here to ensure
-- it goes away, but that is dangerous.
-- drop table ad_locales;
-- packages/acs-lang/sql/oracle/language-create.sql
-- @author Jeff Davis (
-- @author Christian Hvid
-- @author Bruno Mattarollo (
-- @creation-date 2000-09-10
-- @cvs-id $Id$
create table lang_user_timezone (
user_id integer
constraint lang_user_timezone_user_id_fk
references users (user_id) on delete cascade,
timezone varchar2(100)
create table lang_message_keys (
message_key varchar2(200)
constraint lang_message_keys_m_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar2(100)
constraint lang_message_keys_fk
references apm_package_types(package_key)
on delete cascade
constraint lang_message_keys_p_key_nn
not null,
description clob,
constraint lang_message_keys_pk
primary key (message_key, package_key)
create table lang_messages (
message_key varchar2(200)
constraint lang_messages_message_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar2(100)
constraint lang_messages_package_key_nn
not null,
locale varchar2(30)
constraint lang_messages_locale_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_locale_nn
not null,
message clob,
deleted_p char(1) default 'f'
constraint lang_messages_dp_ck check (deleted_p in ('t','f')),
sync_time date,
conflict_p char(1) default 'f'
constraint lang_messages_cp_ck check (conflict_p in ('t','f')),
upgrade_status varchar2(30)
constraint lang_messages_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated')),
creation_date date default sysdate not null,
creation_user integer
constraint lang_messages_create_u_fk
references users (user_id),
constraint lang_messages_fk
foreign key (message_key, package_key)
references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
on delete cascade,
constraint lang_messages_pk
primary key (message_key, package_key, locale)
comment on table lang_messages is '
Holds all the messages translated. The key is the way to get to a message.
This table should be read at boot time -from ACS- to load all the messages
into an nsv_array.
create table lang_messages_audit (
audit_id integer
constraint lang_messages_audit_pk
primary key,
message_key varchar2(200)
constraint lang_messages_audit_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar2(100)
constraint lang_messages_audit_p_key_nn
not null,
locale varchar2(30)
constraint lang_messages_audit_l_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_audit_l_nn
not null,
old_message clob,
deleted_p char(1) default 'f'
constraint lang_messages_audit_dp_ck check (deleted_p in ('t','f')),
sync_time date,
conflict_p char(1) default 'f'
constraint lang_messages_audit_cp_ck check (conflict_p in ('t','f')),
upgrade_status varchar2(30)
constraint lang_messages_audit_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated')),
comment_text clob,
overwrite_date date default sysdate not null,
overwrite_user integer
constraint lang_messages_audit_ou_fk
references users (user_id),
constraint lang_messages_audit_fk
foreign key (message_key, package_key)
references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
on delete cascade
create sequence lang_messages_audit_id_seq;
-- ****************************************************************************
-- * The lang_translate_columns table holds the columns that require translation.
-- * It is needed to generate the user interface for translating the web site.
-- * Note that we register on_what_column itself for translation.
-- ****************************************************************************
create table lang_translate_columns (
column_id integer
constraint ltc_column_id_pk primary key,
-- cant do references on user_tables cause oracle sucks
on_which_table varchar2(50),
on_what_column varchar2(50),
-- whether all entries in a column must be translated for the
-- site to function.
-- probably ultimately need something more sophisticated than
-- simply required_p
required_p char(1)
constraint ltc_required_p_ck check(required_p in ('t','f')),
-- flag for whether to use the lang_translations table for content
-- or add a row in the on_which_table table with the translated content.
short_p char(1)
constraint ltc_short_p_ck check(short_p in ('t','f')),
constraint ltc_un unique (on_which_table, on_what_column)
-- ****************************************************************************
-- * The lang_translation_registry table identifies a row as requiring translation
-- * to a given language. This should identify the parent table not the broken-apart
-- * child table.
-- ****************************************************************************
create table lang_translation_registry (
on_which_table varchar(50),
on_what_id integer
constraint ltr_on_what_id_nn not null,
locale varchar2(30)
constraint ltr_locale_fk
references ad_locales(locale),
-- should have dependency info here
constraint lang_translation_registry_pk primary key(on_what_id, on_which_table, locale)
-- Upgrade script from 4.1 to 4.7
-- Changes lang_messages so it uses locale instead of language
-- by looking up the default locale in ad_locales.
-- There two things that could go wrong here:
-- 1. There could be no locale at all for some language
-- in that case the scripts adds a new locale
-- 2. There could be no default locale
-- the script makes sure that theres is one default locale
-- pr. language
-- @author Christian Hvid
-- Make sure that there is a default for every language
UPDATE ad_locales
SET default_p = 't'
WHERE (SELECT count(*)
FROM ad_locales a
WHERE a.language = ad_locales.language AND default_p='t') = 0;
-- Make sure that there is a locale for every language used in lang_messages
INSERT INTO ad_locales (language, locale, country, label, nls_language, default_p)
SELECT language,
language || '_' || UPPER(language) as locale,
'??' as country,
'Locale created by upgrade-4.1-4.7 for language ' || language as label,
'??' as nls_language,
't' as default_p
((SELECT DISTINCT lang as language
FROM lang_messages) MINUS
FROM ad_locales));
create table temp (
key varchar(200),
lang varchar(2),
message clob,
registered_p char(1)
INSERT INTO temp(key, lang, message, registered_p)
SELECT key, lang, message, registered_p
FROM lang_messages;
DROP TABLE lang_messages;
create table lang_messages (
key varchar2(200),
locale varchar2(30)
constraint lang_messages_locale_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_locale_nn
not null,
message clob,
registered_p char(1)
constraint lm_tranlated_p_ck check(registered_p in ('t','f')),
constraint lang_messages_pk primary key (key, locale)
INSERT INTO lang_messages(key, locale, message, registered_p)
SELECT key, ad_locales.locale, message, registered_p
FROM temp, ad_locales
WHERE ad_locales.language = temp.lang;
-- Upgrade script from 4.7d2 to 4.7d3
-- Split message keys and remove registered_p
-- Copy all messages to a temporary table
create table temp (
key varchar2(200),
locale varchar2(30),
message clob
INSERT INTO temp(key, locale, message)
SELECT key, locale, message
FROM lang_messages;
-- drop old table
DROP TABLE lang_messages;
-- create new table
create table lang_message_keys (
message_key varchar2(200)
constraint lang_message_keys_m_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar2(100)
constraint lang_message_keys_fk
references apm_package_types(package_key)
constraint lang_message_keys_p_key_nn
not null,
constraint lang_message_keys_pk
primary key (message_key, package_key)
create table lang_messages (
message_key varchar2(200)
constraint lang_messages_message_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar2(100)
constraint lang_messages_package_key_nn
not null,
locale varchar2(30)
constraint lang_messages_locale_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_locale_nn
not null,
message clob,
constraint lang_messages_fk
foreign key (message_key, package_key)
references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
on delete cascade,
constraint lang_messages_pk
primary key (message_key, package_key, locale)
-- insert old data
-- into lang_message_keys
INSERT INTO lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR(key, INSTR(key, '.')+1) message_key,
SUBSTR(key, 0, INSTR(key, '.')-1) package_key
FROM temp, apm_package_types
WHERE SUBSTR(key, 0, INSTR(key, '.')-1) = package_key;
-- into lang_messages
INSERT INTO lang_messages(message_key, package_key, locale, message)
SELECT SUBSTR(key, INSTR(key, '.')+1) message_key,
SUBSTR(key, 0, INSTR(key, '.')-1) package_key,
FROM temp, apm_package_types
WHERE SUBSTR(key, 0, INSTR(key, '.')-1) = package_key;
alter table lang_message_keys add
upgrade_status varchar2(30)
constraint lang_message_keys_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added','deleted'));
alter table lang_messages add
upgrade_status varchar2(30)
constraint lang_messages_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated'));
create table lang_messages_audit (
message_key varchar2(200)
constraint lang_messages_audit_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar2(100)
constraint lang_messages_audit_p_key_nn
not null,
locale varchar2(30)
constraint lang_messages_audit_l_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_audit_l_nn
not null,
message clob,
overwrite_date date default sysdate not null,
overwrite_user integer
constraint lang_messages_audit_ou_fk
references users (user_id),
constraint lang_messages_audit_fk
foreign key (message_key, package_key)
references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
on delete cascade
-- Upgrade script that adds new locale from the dotLRN translation server
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('fi_FI', 'Finnish (FI)', 'fi', 'FI', 'FINNISH', 'FINLAND', 'WE8ISO8859P15', 'ISO-8859-15', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('nl_NL', 'Dutch (NL)', 'nl', 'NL', 'DUTCH', 'THE NETHERLANDS', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('ch_zh', 'Chinese (ZH)', 'CH', 'ZH', 'SIMPLIFIED CHINESE', 'CHINA', 'ZHT32EUC', 'ISO-2022-CN', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('pl_PL', 'Polish (PL)', 'pl', 'PL', 'POLISH', 'POLAND', 'EE8ISO8859P2', 'ISO-8859-2', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('no_NO', 'Norwegian (NO)', 'no', 'NO', 'NORWEGIAN', 'NORWAY', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('tl_PH', 'Tagalog (PH)', 'tl', 'PH', 'AMERICAN', 'ALGERIA', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('el_GR', 'Greek (GR)', 'el', 'GR', 'GREEK', 'GREECE', 'EL8ISO8859P7', 'ISO-8859-7', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('it_IT', 'Italian (IT)', 'it', 'IT', 'ITALIAN', 'ITALY', 'WE8DEC', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('ru_RU', 'Russian (RU)', 'ru', 'RU', 'RUSSIAN', 'CIS', 'RU8PC855', 'windows-1251', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('si_LK', 'Sinhalese (LK)','si', 'LK', 'ENGLISH', 'UNITED KINGDOM', 'UTF8', 'ISO-10646-UTF-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('sh_HR', 'Serbo-Croatian (SR/HR)', 'sr', 'YU', 'SLOVENIAN', 'SLOVENIA', 'YUG7ASCII', 'ISO-8859-5', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('nn_NO', 'Norwegian (NN)','nn', 'NO', 'NORWEGIAN', 'NORWAY', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('pt_BR', 'Portuguese (BR)', 'pt', 'BR', 'BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE', 'BRAZIL', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't'
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('TH_TH', 'Thai (TH)', 'th', 'TH', 'THAI', 'THAILAND', 'TH8TISASCII', 'TIS-620', 't');
-- Forgot to add this locale earlier, some installations may have it already
v_locale_exists_p integer;
select count(*) into v_locale_exists_p
from ad_locales where locale = 'sv_SE';
if v_locale_exists_p = 0 then
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('sv_SE', 'Swedish (SE)', 'sv', 'SE', 'SWEDISH', 'SWEDEN',
'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
end if;
show errors
v_table_exists_p integer;
select count(*) into v_table_exists_p
from user_objects
where object_name = 'AD_LOCALE_USER_PREFS';
if v_table_exists_p = 0 then
-- Need to create table
execute immediate 'create table ad_locale_user_prefs (
user_id integer
constraint ad_locale_user_prefs_users_fk
references users (user_id) on delete cascade,
package_id integer
constraint lang_package_l_u_package_id_fk
references apm_packages(package_id) on delete cascade,
locale varchar(30) not null
constraint trb_language_preference_lid_fk
references ad_locales (locale) on delete cascade
end if;
show errors
-- We now allow for three character language codes
alter table ad_locales modify language char(3);
-- Make message keys cascade when packages are deleted
alter table lang_message_keys drop constraint lang_message_keys_fk;
alter table lang_message_keys
add constraint lang_message_keys_fk
foreign key (package_key)
references apm_package_types(package_key)
on delete cascade;
-- New locales from the translation server
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('AR_EG', 'Arabic (AR_EG)', 'AR ', 'EG', 'ARABIC', 'EGYPT', 'AR8ISO8859P6', 'ISO-8859-6', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('tr_TR', 'Turkish (TR)', 'tr ', 'TR', 'TURKISH', 'TURKEY', 'WE8ISO8859P9', 'ISO-8859-9', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('ms_my', 'Malaysia (MY)', 'ms ', 'MY', 'MALAY', 'MALAYSIA', 'US7ASCII', 'US-ASCII', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('hi_IN', 'Hindi (IN)', 'hi ', 'IN', 'HINDI', 'INDIA', 'UTF8', 'UTF-8', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('ko_KR', 'Korean(KOR)', 'ko ', 'KR', 'KOREAN', 'KOREA', 'KO16KSC5601', 'EUC-KR', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('zh_TW', 'Chinese (TW)', 'zh ', 'TW', 'TRADITIONAL CHINESE', 'TAIWAN', 'ZHT16BIG5', 'Big5', 't');
-- Oracle upgrade script from 4.7d9 to 5.0d1
-- 1. Adds an enabled_p flag to ad_locales.
-- 2. Adds a comment field to lang_messages_audit
-- 3. Renames the lang_messages_audit.message column to 'old_message' in order to make the meaning more clear.
-- 4. Adds a description column to lang_message_keys.
-- @author Simon Carstensen (
-- @author Lars Pind (
-- @creation-date 2003-08-11
-- @cvs-id $Id$
-- 1. Adds an enabled_p flag to ad_locales.
-- New enabled_p column in ad_locales
alter table ad_locales
add enabled_p char(1) default 't'
constraint ad_locale_enp_tf check(enabled_p in ('t','f'));
-- Let all locales be enabled for sites that are upgrading
update ad_locales set enabled_p = 't';
-- New view
create or replace view enabled_locales as
select * from ad_locales
where enabled_p = 't';
-- 2. Adds a comment field to lang_messages_audit
-- Add a comment field to the message audit table
alter table lang_messages_audit add comment_text clob;
-- 3. Renames the lang_messages_audit.message column to 'old_message' in order to make the meaning more clear.
-- Rename the coclumn 'message' to 'old_message' in the lang_messages_audit table
alter table lang_messages_audit add old_message clob;
update lang_messages_audit set old_message = message;
alter table lang_messages_audit drop (message);
-- 4. Adds a description column to lang_message_keys.
alter table lang_message_keys add description clob;
-- @author Peter Marklund
-- Change the lang_messages_audit table to have a new integer primary key column
create sequence lang_messages_audit_id_seq;
alter table lang_messages_audit add audit_id integer;
alter table lang_messages_audit drop constraint lang_messages_audit_pk;
for one_row in (select message_key,
from lang_messages_audit
order by overwrite_date
update lang_messages_audit set audit_id = lang_messages_audit_id_seq.nextval
where message_key = one_row.message_key
and package_key = one_row.package_key
and locale = one_row.locale
and overwrite_date = one_row.overwrite_date;
end loop;
show errors
alter table lang_messages_audit
add constraint lang_messages_audit_pk primary key (audit_id);
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('hu_HU', 'Hungarian (HU)', 'hu ', 'HU', 'HUNGARIAN', 'HUNGARY', 'EE8ISO8859P2', 'ISO-8859-2', 't', 'f');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('FA_IR', 'Farsi', 'FA ', 'IR', 'AMERICAN', 'ALGERIAN', 'AL24UTFFSS', 'windows-1256', 't', 'f');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('RO_RO', 'Romainian', 'RO ', 'RO', 'ROMAINIAN', 'ROMAINIA', 'EE8ISO8859P2', 'UTF-8', 't', 'f');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('HR_HR', 'Croatian', 'HR', 'HR', 'CROATIAN', 'CROATIA','UTF8','UTF-8','t','f');
-- fix
update ad_locales
set nls_language='TAGALOG', nls_territory='PHILIPPINES'
where locale = 'tl_PH';
-- Datamodel changes in message-catalog.sql related to the new message catalog upgrade support.
-- See Tcl proc lang::catalog::import_messages.
-- @author Peter Marklund
-- Changes to lang_message_keys table
-- Column not needed as en_US row in lang_messages table has same info
alter table lang_message_keys drop column upgrade_status;
-- Add new columns to the lang_messages table
alter table lang_messages add deleted_p char(1) default 'f'
constraint lang_messages_dp_ck check (deleted_p in ('t','f'));
alter table lang_messages add sync_time date;
alter table lang_messages add conflict_p char(1) default 'f'
constraint lang_messages_cp_ck check (conflict_p in ('t','f'));
update lang_messages set deleted_p = 'f', conflict_p = 'f';
-- Add new columns to the lang_messages_audit tables
alter table lang_messages_audit add deleted_p char(1) default 'f'
constraint lang_messages_audit_dp_ck check (deleted_p in ('t','f'));
alter table lang_messages_audit add sync_time date;
alter table lang_messages_audit add conflict_p char(1) default 'f'
constraint lang_messages_audit_cp_ck check (conflict_p in ('t','f'));
alter table lang_messages_audit add upgrade_status varchar2(30)
constraint lang_messages_audit_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated'));
update lang_messages_audit set deleted_p = 'f', conflict_p = 'f', upgrade_status = 'no_upgrade';
-- Missing this primary key made some queries below very slow
alter table lang_messages_audit add constraint lang_messages_audit_pk primary key (package_key, message_key, locale, overwrite_date);
-- We have to leave sync_time null since we don't know when the messages in the db were last in sync
-- with the catalog files
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('AR_LB', 'Arabic (AR_LB)', 'AR ', 'LB', 'ARABIC', 'LEBANON', 'AR8ISO8859P6', 'ISO-8859-6', 'f', 'f');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('pt_PT', 'Portuguese (PT)', 'pt', 'PT', 'PORTUGUESE', 'PORTUGAL', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 'f', 'f');
alter table lang_messages add creation_date date default sysdate not null;
alter table lang_messages add creation_user integer
constraint lang_messages_create_u_fk
references users (user_id);
-- @author Rocael Hernandez
-- Add some new locales
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('es_GT', 'Spanish (GT)', 'es', 'GT', 'SPANISH',
'GUATEMALA', 'WE8DEC', 'ISO-8859-1', 't', 'f');
-- resolves bug 1519
-- ch_ZH -> zh_CN
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('zh_CN', 'Chinese (CN)', 'CH', 'ZH', 'SIMPLIFIED CHINESE', 'CHINA', 'ZHT32EUC', 'ISO-2022-CN', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='zh_CN' where locale='ch_zh';
update lang_messages set locale='zh_CN' where locale='ch_zh';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='zh_CN' where locale='ch_zh';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='zh_CN' where locale='ch_zh';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'ch_zh';
-- TH_TH -> th_TH
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('th_TH', 'Thai (TH)temp', 'th', 'TH', 'THAI', 'THAILAND', 'TH8TISASCII', 'TIS-620', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='th_TH' where locale='TH_TH';
update lang_messages set locale='th_TH' where locale='TH_TH';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='th_TH' where locale='TH_TH';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='th_TH' where locale='TH_TH';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'TH_TH';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Thai (TH)' where locale = 'th_TH';
-- AR_EG -> ar_EG
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('ar_EG', 'Arabic (EG)temp', 'ar', 'EG', 'ARABIC', 'EGYPT', 'AR8ISO8859P6', 'ISO-8859-6', 'f', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='ar_EG' where locale='AR_EG';
update lang_messages set locale='ar_EG' where locale='AR_EG';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='ar_EG' where locale='AR_EG';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='ar_EG' where locale='AR_EG';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'AR_EG';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Arabic (EG)' where locale = 'ar_EG';
-- AR_LB -> ar_LB
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('ar_LB', 'Arabic (LB)temp', 'ar', 'LB', 'ARABIC', 'LEBANON', 'AR8ISO8859P6', 'ISO-8859-6', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='ar_LB' where locale='AR_LB';
update lang_messages set locale='ar_LB' where locale='AR_LB';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='ar_LB' where locale='AR_LB';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='ar_LB' where locale='AR_LB';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'AR_LB';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Arabic (LB)' where locale = 'ar_LB';
-- ms_my -> ms_MY
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('ms_MY', 'Malaysia (MY)temp', 'ms', 'MY', 'MALAY', 'MALAYSIA', 'US7ASCII', 'US-ASCII', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='ms_MY' where locale='ms_my';
update lang_messages set locale='ms_MY' where locale='ms_my';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='ms_MY' where locale='ms_my';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='ms_MY' where locale='ms_my';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'ms_my';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Malaysia (MY)' where locale = 'ms_MY';
-- RO_RO -> ro_RO
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('ro_RO', 'Romainian (RO)temp', 'ro', 'RO', 'ROMAINIAN', 'ROMAINIA', 'EE8ISO8859P2', 'UTF-8', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='ro_RO' where locale='RO_RO';
update lang_messages set locale='ro_RO' where locale='RO_RO';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='ro_RO' where locale='RO_RO';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='ro_RO' where locale='RO_RO';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'RO_RO';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Romainian (RO)' where locale = 'ro_RO';
-- FA_IR -> fa_IR
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('fa_IR', 'Farsi (IR)temp', 'fa', 'IR', 'FARSI', 'IRAN', 'AL24UTFFSS', 'windows-1256', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='fa_IR' where locale='FA_IR';
update lang_messages set locale='fa_IR' where locale='FA_IR';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='fa_IR' where locale='FA_IR';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='fa_IR' where locale='FA_IR';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'FA_IR';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Farsi (IR)' where locale = 'fa_IR';
-- HR_HR -> hr_HR
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('hr_HR', 'Croatian (HR)temp', 'hr', 'HR', 'CROATIAN', 'CROATIA','UTF8','UTF-8','t','f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='hr_HR' where locale='HR_HR';
update lang_messages set locale='hr_HR' where locale='HR_HR';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='hr_HR' where locale='HR_HR';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='hr_' where locale='HR_HR';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'HR_HR';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Croatian (HR)' where locale = 'hr_HR';
-- trim some trailing spaces
update ad_locales set language='tr' where language='tr ';
update ad_locales set language='hi' where language='hi ';
update ad_locales set language='ko' where language='ko ';
update ad_locales set language='zh' where language='zh ';
update ad_locales set language='hu' where language='hu ';
-- @author Joel Aufrecht
-- Add new locales
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('eu_ES', 'Basque (ES)', 'eu', 'ES', 'SPANISH', 'SPAIN', 'WE8DEC', 'ISO-8859-1', 't', 'f');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('ca_ES', 'Catalan (ES)', 'ca', 'ES', 'SPANISH', 'SPAIN','WE8DEC', 'ISO-8859-1', 't', 'f');
-- Data model to support i18n of the ArsDigita Community
-- System
-- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation
-- Author: Henry Minsky (
-- $Id$
-- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
-- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project:
-- prompt ** Creating locales table ...
\i ad-locales.sql
-- prompt ** Creating translation catalog tables ...
\i message-catalog.sql
-- Author: Jon Griffin (
-- $Id$
\i message-catalog-drop.sql
\i ad-locales-drop.sql
-- packages/language/sql/language-create.sql
-- @author Jeff Davis (
-- @creation-date 2000-09-10
-- @cvs-id $Id$
-- ****************************************************************************
-- * The lang_messages table holds the message catalog.
-- * It is populated by ad_lang_message_register.
-- * The registered_p flag denotes that a message exists in a file
-- * that gets loaded on server startup, and hence should not get updated.
-- ****************************************************************************
drop table ad_locale_user_prefs;
drop view enabled_locales;
drop table ad_locales;
This diff is collapsed.
-- packages/language/sql/language-drop.sql
-- @author
-- @creation-date 2000-09-10
-- @cvs-id $Id$
-- drop the timezone stuff
--drop index tz_data_idx2;
--drop index tz_data_idx1;
--drop table tz_data;
--drop function lc_time_utc_to_local;
--drop function lc_time_local_to_utc;
-- drop the lang stuff
drop table lang_translation_registry;
drop table lang_translate_columns;
drop table lang_messages_audit;
drop table lang_messages;
drop table lang_message_keys;
drop table lang_user_timezone;
-- This might fail if the data model includes other multilingual tables
-- that reference ad_locales. Really need to cascade here to ensure
-- it goes away, but that is dangerous.
-- drop table ad_locales;
-- packages/acs-lang/sql/postgresql/message-catalog.sql
-- @author Jeff Davis (
-- @author Christian Hvid
-- @creation-date 2000-09-10
-- @cvs-id $Id$
create table lang_user_timezone (
user_id integer
constraint lang_user_timezone_user_id_fk
references users (user_id) on delete cascade,
timezone varchar(30)
create table lang_message_keys (
message_key varchar(200)
constraint lang_message_keys_message_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar(100)
constraint lang_message_keys_fk
references apm_package_types(package_key)
on delete cascade
constraint lang_message_keys_package_key_nn
not null,
description text,
constraint lang_message_keys_pk
primary key (message_key, package_key)
create table lang_messages (
message_key varchar(200)
constraint lang_messages_message_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar(100)
constraint lang_messages_package_key_nn
not null,
locale varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_locale_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_locale_nn
not null,
message text,
deleted_p boolean default 'f',
sync_time timestamptz,
conflict_p boolean default 'f',
upgrade_status varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated')),
creation_date timestamptz
default now()
not null,
creation_user integer
constraint lang_messages_creation_u_fk
references users (user_id),
constraint lang_messages_fk
foreign key (message_key, package_key)
references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
on delete cascade,
constraint lang_messages_pk
primary key (message_key, package_key, locale)
create table lang_messages_audit (
audit_id integer
constraint lang_messages_audit_pk
primary key,
message_key varchar(200)
constraint lang_messages_audit_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar(100)
constraint lang_messages_audit_p_key_nn
not null,
locale varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_audit_l_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_audit_l_nn
not null,
-- The old, overwritten message, not the new message being
-- entered on this date by this user.
old_message text,
deleted_p boolean default 'f',
sync_time timestamptz,
conflict_p boolean default 'f',
upgrade_status varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated')),
comment_text text,
overwrite_date timestamptz
default now()
not null,
overwrite_user integer
constraint lang_messages_audit_ou_fk
references users (user_id),
constraint lang_messages_audit_fk
foreign key (message_key, package_key)
references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
on delete cascade
create sequence lang_messages_audit_id_seq;
-- ****************************************************************************
-- * The lang_translate_columns table holds the columns that require translation.
-- * It is needed to generate the user interface for translating the web site.
-- * Note that we register on_what_column itself for translation.
-- ****************************************************************************
create table lang_translate_columns (
column_id integer primary key,
-- cant do references on user_tables cause oracle sucks
on_which_table varchar(50),
on_what_column varchar(50),
-- whether all entries in a column must be translated for the
-- site to function.
-- probably ultimately need something more sophisticated than
-- simply required_p
required_p boolean,
-- flag for whether to use the lang_translations table for content
-- or add a row in the on_which_table table with the translated content.
short_p boolean,
constraint ltc_u unique (on_which_table, on_what_column)
-- ****************************************************************************
-- * The lang_translation_registry table identifies a row as requiring translation
-- * to a given language. This should identify the parent table not the broken-apart
-- * child table.
-- ****************************************************************************
create table lang_translation_registry (
on_which_table varchar(50),
on_what_id integer not null,
locale varchar(30) constraint ltr_locale_ref
references ad_locales(locale),
-- should have dependency info here
constraint lang_translation_registry_pk primary key(on_what_id, on_which_table, locale)
-- Upgrade script from 4.1 to 4.7
-- Changes lang_messages so it uses locale instead of language
-- by looking up the default locale in ad_locales.
-- There two things that could go wrong here:
-- 1. There could be no locale at all for some language
-- in that case the scripts adds a new locale
-- 2. There could be no default locale
-- the script makes sure that theres is one default locale
-- pr. language
-- @author Christian Hvid
-- Make sure that there is a default for every language
UPDATE ad_locales
SET default_p = 't'
WHERE (SELECT count(*)
FROM ad_locales AS a
WHERE a.language = ad_locales.language AND default_p='t') = 0;
-- Make sure that there is a locale for every language used in lang_messages
INSERT INTO ad_locales (language, locale, country, label, nls_language, default_p)
SELECT language,
language || '_' || UPPER(language) as locale,
'??' as country,
'Locale created by upgrade-4.1-4.7 for language ' || language as label,
'??' as nls_language,
't' as default_p
((SELECT DISTINCT lang as language
FROM lang_messages) EXCEPT
FROM ad_locales)) as new_languages;
create table temp (
key varchar(200),
lang varchar(2),
message text,
registered_p boolean
INSERT INTO temp(key, lang, message, registered_p)
SELECT key, lang, message, registered_p
FROM lang_messages;
DROP TABLE lang_messages;
create table lang_messages (
key varchar(200),
locale varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_locale_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_locale_nn
not null,
message text,
registered_p boolean,
constraint lang_messages_pk
primary key (key, locale)
INSERT INTO lang_messages(key, locale, message, registered_p)
SELECT key, ad_locales.locale, message, registered_p
FROM temp, ad_locales
WHERE cast (ad_locales.language as text) = cast (temp.lang as text)
AND ad_locales.default_p = 't';
-- Upgrade script from 4.7d2 to 4.7d3
-- Split message keys and remove registered_p
-- Copy all messages to a temporary table
create table temp (
key varchar(200),
locale varchar(30),
message text
INSERT INTO temp(key, locale, message)
SELECT key, locale, message
FROM lang_messages;
-- drop old table
DROP TABLE lang_messages;
-- create new table
create table lang_message_keys (
message_key varchar(200)
constraint lang_message_keys_message_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar(100)
constraint lang_message_keys_fk
references apm_package_types(package_key)
constraint lang_message_keys_package_key_nn
not null,
constraint lang_message_keys_pk
primary key (message_key, package_key)
create table lang_messages (
message_key varchar(200)
constraint lang_messages_message_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar(100)
constraint lang_messages_package_key_nn
not null,
locale varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_locale_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_locale_nn
not null,
message text,
constraint lang_messages_fk
foreign key (message_key, package_key)
references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
on delete cascade,
constraint lang_messages_pk
primary key (message_key, package_key, locale)
-- insert old data
-- into lang_message_keys
INSERT INTO lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR(key, STRPOS(key, '.')+1) as message_key,
SUBSTR(key, 0, STRPOS(key, '.')) as package_key
FROM temp, apm_package_types
WHERE SUBSTR(key, 0, STRPOS(key, '.')) = package_key;
-- into lang_messages
INSERT INTO lang_messages(message_key, package_key, locale, message)
SELECT SUBSTR(key, STRPOS(key, '.')+1) as message_key,
SUBSTR(key, 0, STRPOS(key, '.')) as package_key,
FROM temp, apm_package_types
WHERE SUBSTR(key, 0, STRPOS(key, '.')) = package_key;
alter table lang_message_keys add
upgrade_status varchar(30)
constraint lang_message_keys_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added','deleted'));
alter table lang_messages add
upgrade_status varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated'));
create table lang_messages_audit (
message_key varchar(200)
constraint lang_messages_audit_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar(100)
constraint lang_messages_audit_p_key_nn
not null,
locale varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_audit_l_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_audit_l_nn
not null,
message text,
overwrite_date timestamptz
default now()
not null,
overwrite_user integer
constraint lang_messages_audit_ou_fk
references users (user_id),
constraint lang_messages_audit_fk
foreign key (message_key, package_key)
references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
on delete cascade
-- Upgrade script that adds new locales from translation server
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('fi_FI', 'Finnish (FI)', 'fi', 'FI', 'FINNISH', 'FINLAND', 'WE8ISO8859P15', 'ISO-8859-15', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('nl_NL', 'Dutch (NL)', 'nl', 'NL', 'DUTCH', 'THE NETHERLANDS', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('ch_zh', 'Chinese (ZH)', 'CH', 'ZH', 'SIMPLIFIED CHINESE', 'CHINA', 'ZHT32EUC', 'ISO-2022-CN', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('pl_PL', 'Polish (PL)', 'pl', 'PL', 'POLISH', 'POLAND', 'EE8ISO8859P2', 'ISO-8859-2', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('no_NO', 'Norwegian (NO)', 'no', 'NO', 'NORWEGIAN', 'NORWAY', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('tl_PH', 'Tagalog (PH)', 'tl', 'PH', 'AMERICAN', 'ALGERIA', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('el_GR', 'Greek (GR)', 'el', 'GR', 'GREEK', 'GREECE', 'EL8ISO8859P7', 'ISO-8859-7', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('it_IT', 'Italian (IT)', 'it', 'IT', 'ITALIAN', 'ITALY', 'WE8DEC', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('ru_RU', 'Russian (RU)', 'ru', 'RU', 'RUSSIAN', 'CIS', 'RU8PC855', 'windows-1251', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('si_LK', 'Sinhalese (LK)','si', 'LK', 'ENGLISH', 'UNITED KINGDOM', 'UTF8', 'ISO-10646-UTF-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('sh_HR', 'Serbo-Croatian (SR/HR)', 'sr', 'YU', 'SLOVENIAN', 'SLOVENIA', 'YUG7ASCII', 'ISO-8859-5', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('nn_NO', 'Norwegian (NN)','nn', 'NO', 'NORWEGIAN', 'NORWAY', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('pt_BR', 'Portuguese (BR)', 'pt', 'BR', 'BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE', 'BRAZIL', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 't'
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('TH_TH', 'Thai (TH)', 'th', 'TH', 'THAI', 'THAILAND', 'TH8TISASCII', 'TIS-620', 't');
-- Forgot to add this locale earlier, some installations may have it already
create function inline_0 ()
returns integer as '
v_locale_exists_p integer;
select count(*) into v_locale_exists_p
from ad_locales where locale = ''sv_SE'';
if v_locale_exists_p = ''0'' then
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values (''sv_SE'', ''Swedish (SE)'', ''sv'', ''SE'', ''SWEDISH'', ''SWEDEN'',
''WE8ISO8859P1'', ''ISO-8859-1'', ''t'');
end if;
return 1;
end;' language 'plpgsql';
select inline_0 ();
drop function inline_0 ();
-- We now allow for three character language codes
create table temp as select * from ad_locales;
drop table ad_locales;
create table ad_locales (
locale varchar(30)
constraint ad_locale_abbrev_pk
primary key,
language char(3)
constraint ad_language_name_nil
not null,
country char(2)
constraint ad_country_name_nil
not null,
variant varchar(30),
label varchar(200)
constraint ad_locale_name_nil
not null
constraint ad_locale_name_unq
nls_language varchar(30)
constraint ad_locale_nls_lang_nil
not null,
nls_territory varchar(30),
nls_charset varchar(30),
mime_charset varchar(30),
-- is this the default locale for its language
default_p boolean default 'f'
insert into ad_locales select * from temp;
drop table temp;
-- Make message keys cascade when packages are deleted
create table upgrade_temp as select * from lang_message_keys;
drop table lang_message_keys;
create table lang_message_keys (
message_key varchar(200)
constraint lang_message_keys_message_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar(100)
constraint lang_message_keys_fk
references apm_package_types(package_key)
on delete cascade
constraint lang_message_keys_package_key_nn
not null,
upgrade_status varchar(30)
constraint lang_message_keys_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added','deleted')),
constraint lang_message_keys_pk
primary key (message_key, package_key)
insert into lang_message_keys select * from upgrade_temp;
drop table upgrade_temp;
-- New locales from the translation server
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('AR_EG', 'Arabic (AR_EG)', 'AR ', 'EG', 'ARABIC', 'EGYPT', 'AR8ISO8859P6', 'ISO-8859-6', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('tr_TR', 'Turkish (TR)', 'tr ', 'TR', 'TURKISH', 'TURKEY', 'WE8ISO8859P9', 'ISO-8859-9', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('ms_my', 'Malaysia (MY)', 'ms ', 'MY', 'MALAY', 'MALAYSIA', 'US7ASCII', 'US-ASCII', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('hi_IN', 'Hindi (IN)', 'hi ', 'IN', 'HINDI', 'INDIA', 'UTF8', 'UTF-8', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('ko_KR', 'Korean(KOR)', 'ko ', 'KR', 'KOREAN', 'KOREA', 'KO16KSC5601', 'EUC-KR', 't');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p)
values ('zh_TW', 'Chinese (TW)', 'zh ', 'TW', 'TRADITIONAL CHINESE', 'TAIWAN', 'ZHT16BIG5', 'Big5', 't');
-- PostgreSQL upgrade script from 4.7d9 to 5.0d1
-- 1. Adds an enabled_p flag to ad_locales.
-- 2. Adds a comment field to lang_messages_audit
-- 3. Renames the lang_messages_audit.message column to 'old_message' in order to make the meaning more clear.
-- 4. Adds a description column to lang_message_keys.
-- @author Simon Carstensen (
-- @author Lars Pind (
-- @creation-date 2003-08-11
-- @cvs-id $Id$
-- 1. Adds an enabled_p flag to ad_locales.
-- New enabled_p column in ad_locales
alter table ad_locales
add enabled_p boolean;
alter table ad_locales
alter enabled_p set default 't';
-- Let all locales be enabled for sites that are upgrading
update ad_locales set enabled_p = 't';
-- New view
create view enabled_locales as
select * from ad_locales
where enabled_p = 't';
-- 2. Adds a comment field to lang_messages_audit
-- 3. Renames the lang_messages_audit.message column to 'old_message' in order to make the meaning more clear.
create table lang_messages_audit_new (
message_key varchar(200)
constraint lang_messages_audit_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar(100)
constraint lang_messages_audit_p_key_nn
not null,
locale varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_audit_l_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_audit_l_nn
not null,
old_message text,
comment_text text,
overwrite_date timestamptz
default now()
not null,
overwrite_user integer
constraint lang_messages_audit_ou_fk
references users (user_id),
constraint lang_messages_audit_fk
foreign key (message_key, package_key)
references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
on delete cascade
insert into lang_messages_audit_new (
select message_key,
from lang_messages_audit;
drop table lang_messages_audit;
alter table lang_messages_audit_new rename to lang_messages_audit;
-- 4. Adds a description column to lang_message_keys.
alter table lang_message_keys add column description text;
-- @author Peter Marklund
-- Change the lang_messages_audit table to have a new integer primary key column
-- Add some new locales
create sequence lang_messages_audit_id_seq;
alter table lang_messages_audit add column audit_id integer;
alter table lang_messages_audit drop constraint lang_messages_audit_pk;
create function inline_0()
returns integer as '
v_rec record;
v_next_id integer;
for v_rec in select message_key,
from lang_messages_audit
order by overwrite_date
select nextval(''lang_messages_audit_id_seq''::text) into v_next_id;
update lang_messages_audit set audit_id = v_next_id
where message_key = v_rec.message_key
and package_key = v_rec.package_key
and locale = v_rec.locale
and overwrite_date = v_rec.overwrite_date;
end loop;
return 0;
end;' language 'plpgsql';
select inline_0();
drop function inline_0();
alter table lang_messages_audit
alter column audit_id set not null;
alter table lang_messages_audit
add constraint lang_messages_audit_pk primary key (audit_id);
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('hu_HU', 'Hungarian (HU)', 'hu ', 'HU', 'HUNGARIAN', 'HUNGARY', 'EE8ISO8859P2', 'ISO-8859-2', 't', 'f');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('FA_IR', 'Farsi', 'FA ', 'IR', 'AMERICAN', 'ALGERIAN', 'AL24UTFFSS', 'windows-1256', 't', 'f');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('RO_RO', 'Romainian', 'RO ', 'RO', 'ROMAINIAN', 'ROMAINIA', 'EE8ISO8859P2', 'UTF-8', 't', 'f');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('HR_HR', 'Croatian', 'HR', 'HR', 'CROATIAN', 'CROATIA','UTF8','UTF-8','t','f');
-- fix
update ad_locales
set nls_language='TAGALOG', nls_territory='PHILIPPINES'
where locale = 'tl_PH';
-- Datamodel changes in message-catalog.sql related to the new message catalog upgrade support.
-- See Tcl proc lang::catalog::import_messages.
-- @author Peter Marklund
-- Changes to lang_message_keys table
-- Column not needed as en_US row in lang_messages table has same info
alter table lang_message_keys drop column upgrade_status;
-- Add new columns to the lang_messages table
alter table lang_messages add deleted_p boolean;
alter table lang_messages alter column deleted_p set default 'f';
alter table lang_messages add sync_time timestamptz;
alter table lang_messages add conflict_p boolean;
alter table lang_messages alter column conflict_p set default 'f';
update lang_messages set deleted_p = 'f', conflict_p = 'f';
-- Add new columns to the lang_messages_audit tables
alter table lang_messages_audit add deleted_p boolean;
alter table lang_messages_audit alter column deleted_p set default 'f';
alter table lang_messages_audit add sync_time timestamptz;
alter table lang_messages_audit add conflict_p boolean;
alter table lang_messages_audit alter column conflict_p set default 'f';
alter table lang_messages_audit add upgrade_status varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated'));
update lang_messages_audit set deleted_p = 'f', conflict_p = 'f', upgrade_status = 'no_upgrade';
-- Missing this primary key made some queries below very slow
alter table lang_messages_audit add constraint lang_messages_audit_pk primary key (package_key, message_key, locale, overwrite_date);
-- We have to leave sync_time null since we don't know when the messages in the db were last in sync
-- with the catalog files
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('AR_LB', 'Arabic (AR_LB)', 'AR ', 'LB', 'ARABIC', 'LEBANON', 'AR8ISO8859P6', 'ISO-8859-6', 'f', 'f');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('pt_PT', 'Portuguese (PT)', 'pt', 'PT', 'PORTUGUESE', 'PORTUGAL', 'WE8ISO8859P1', 'ISO-8859-1', 'f', 'f');
-- Adding columns creation_user and creation_date to lang_messages
-- Need to add not-null column so re-creating table
create table lang_messages_tmp (
message_key varchar(200),
package_key varchar(100),
locale varchar(30),
message text,
upgrade_status varchar(30)
insert into lang_messages_tmp select message_key, package_key, locale, message, upgrade_status from lang_messages;
drop table lang_messages;
create table lang_messages (
message_key varchar(200)
constraint lang_messages_message_key_nn
not null,
package_key varchar(100)
constraint lang_messages_package_key_nn
not null,
locale varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_locale_fk
references ad_locales(locale)
constraint lang_messages_locale_nn
not null,
message text,
upgrade_status varchar(30)
constraint lang_messages_us_ck
check (upgrade_status in ('no_upgrade', 'added', 'deleted', 'updated')),
creation_date timestamptz
default now()
not null,
creation_user integer
constraint lang_messages_creation_u_fk
references users (user_id),
constraint lang_messages_fk
foreign key (message_key, package_key)
references lang_message_keys(message_key, package_key)
on delete cascade,
constraint lang_messages_pk
primary key (message_key, package_key, locale)
insert into lang_messages select message_key, package_key, locale, message, upgrade_status, now(), null from lang_messages_tmp;
-- @author Rocael Hernandez
-- Add some new locales
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('es_GT', 'Spanish (GT)', 'es', 'GT', 'SPANISH',
'GUATEMALA', 'WE8DEC', 'ISO-8859-1', 't', 'f');
-- resolves bug 1519
-- ch_ZH -> zh_CN
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('zh_CN', 'Chinese (CN)', 'CH', 'ZH', 'SIMPLIFIED CHINESE', 'CHINA', 'ZHT32EUC', 'ISO-2022-CN', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='zh_CN' where locale='ch_zh';
update lang_messages set locale='zh_CN' where locale='ch_zh';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='zh_CN' where locale='ch_zh';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='zh_CN' where locale='ch_zh';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'ch_zh';
-- TH_TH -> th_TH
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('th_TH', 'Thai (TH)temp', 'th', 'TH', 'THAI', 'THAILAND', 'TH8TISASCII', 'TIS-620', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='th_TH' where locale='TH_TH';
update lang_messages set locale='th_TH' where locale='TH_TH';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='th_TH' where locale='TH_TH';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='th_TH' where locale='TH_TH';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'TH_TH';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Thai (TH)' where locale = 'th_TH';
-- AR_EG -> ar_EG
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('ar_EG', 'Arabic (EG)temp', 'ar', 'EG', 'ARABIC', 'EGYPT', 'AR8ISO8859P6', 'ISO-8859-6', 'f', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='ar_EG' where locale='AR_EG';
update lang_messages set locale='ar_EG' where locale='AR_EG';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='ar_EG' where locale='AR_EG';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='ar_EG' where locale='AR_EG';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'AR_EG';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Arabic (EG)' where locale = 'ar_EG';
-- AR_LB -> ar_LB
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('ar_LB', 'Arabic (LB)temp', 'ar', 'LB', 'ARABIC', 'LEBANON', 'AR8ISO8859P6', 'ISO-8859-6', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='ar_LB' where locale='AR_LB';
update lang_messages set locale='ar_LB' where locale='AR_LB';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='ar_LB' where locale='AR_LB';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='ar_LB' where locale='AR_LB';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'AR_LB';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Arabic (LB)' where locale = 'ar_LB';
-- ms_my -> ms_MY
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('ms_MY', 'Malaysia (MY)temp', 'ms', 'MY', 'MALAY', 'MALAYSIA', 'US7ASCII', 'US-ASCII', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='ms_MY' where locale='ms_my';
update lang_messages set locale='ms_MY' where locale='ms_my';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='ms_MY' where locale='ms_my';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='ms_MY' where locale='ms_my';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'ms_my';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Malaysia (MY)' where locale = 'ms_MY';
-- RO_RO -> ro_RO
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('ro_RO', 'Romainian (RO)temp', 'ro', 'RO', 'ROMAINIAN', 'ROMAINIA', 'EE8ISO8859P2', 'UTF-8', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='ro_RO' where locale='RO_RO';
update lang_messages set locale='ro_RO' where locale='RO_RO';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='ro_RO' where locale='RO_RO';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='ro_RO' where locale='RO_RO';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'RO_RO';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Romainian (RO)' where locale = 'ro_RO';
-- FA_IR -> fa_IR
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('fa_IR', 'Farsi (IR)temp', 'fa', 'IR', 'FARSI', 'IRAN', 'AL24UTFFSS', 'windows-1256', 't', 'f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='fa_IR' where locale='FA_IR';
update lang_messages set locale='fa_IR' where locale='FA_IR';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='fa_IR' where locale='FA_IR';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='fa_IR' where locale='FA_IR';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'FA_IR';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Farsi (IR)' where locale = 'fa_IR';
-- HR_HR -> hr_HR
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('hr_HR', 'Croatian (HR)temp', 'hr', 'HR', 'CROATIAN', 'CROATIA','UTF8','UTF-8','t','f');
update ad_locale_user_prefs set locale='hr_HR' where locale='HR_HR';
update lang_messages set locale='hr_HR' where locale='HR_HR';
update lang_messages_audit set locale='hr_HR' where locale='HR_HR';
update lang_translation_registry set locale='hr_' where locale='HR_HR';
delete from ad_locales where locale = 'HR_HR';
-- reset the label to remove the unique constraint workaround
update ad_locales set label = 'Croatian (HR)' where locale = 'hr_HR';
-- trim some trailing spaces
update ad_locales set language='tr' where language='tr ';
update ad_locales set language='hi' where language='hi ';
update ad_locales set language='ko' where language='ko ';
update ad_locales set language='zh' where language='zh ';
update ad_locales set language='hu' where language='hu ';
-- @author Joel Aufrecht
-- Add new locales
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('eu_ES', 'Basque (ES)', 'eu', 'ES', 'SPANISH', 'SPAIN', 'WE8DEC', 'ISO-8859-1', 't', 'f');
insert into ad_locales
(locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory,
nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p)
values ('ca_ES', 'Catalan (ES)', 'ca', 'ES', 'SPANISH', 'SPAIN','WE8DEC', 'ISO-8859-1', 't', 'f');
ad_library {
Do initialization at server startup for the acs-lang package.
@creation-date 23 October 2000
@author Peter Marklund (
@cvs-id $Id$
# Cache I18N messages in memory for fast lookups
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="lang::audit::changed_message.lang_message_audit">
insert into lang_messages_audit (audit_id, package_key, message_key, locale, old_message, comment_text, overwrite_user,
deleted_p, sync_time, conflict_p, upgrade_status)
values (lang_messages_audit_id_seq.nextval, :package_key, :message_key, :locale, empty_clob(), empty_clob(),
:overwrite_user, :deleted_p, :sync_time, :conflict_p, :upgrade_status)
returning old_message, comment_text into :1, :2
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="lang::audit::changed_message.lang_message_audit">
insert into lang_messages_audit (audit_id, package_key, message_key, locale, old_message, comment_text, overwrite_user,
deleted_p, sync_time, conflict_p, upgrade_status)
values (nextval('lang_messages_audit_id_seq'::text), :package_key, :message_key, :locale, :old_message,
:comment, :overwrite_user, :deleted_p, :sync_time, :conflict_p, :upgrade_status)
ad_library {
Auditing of lang_messages
@creation-date 3 December 2002
@author Peter Marklund (
@cvs-id $Id$
namespace eval lang::audit {
ad_proc -public changed_message {
} {
Save a message that is overwritten.
@author Peter Marklund
} {
# Save the old message in the audit table
set overwrite_user [ad_conn user_id]
db_dml lang_message_audit {} -clobs [list $old_message $comment]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::system_package_version_name.get_version_name">
select version_name
from apm_package_version_info
where version_id = apm_package.highest_version(:package_key)
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::export.update_sync_time">
update lang_messages
set sync_time = sysdate
where package_key = :package_key
and locale = :locale
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::last_sync_messages.last_sync_messages">
select message_key,
dbms_lob.substr(message) as message,
from lang_messages
where package_key = :package_key
and locale = :locale
and sync_time is not null
select lma1.message_key,
dbms_lob.substr(lma1.old_message) as message,
from lang_messages_audit lma1
where lma1.package_key = :package_key
and lma1.locale = :locale
and lma1.sync_time is not null
and lma1.audit_id = (select max(lma2.audit_id)
from lang_messages_audit lma2
where lma2.package_key = lma1.package_key
and lma2.message_key = lma1.message_key
and lma2.locale = :locale
and lma2.sync_time is not null
and not exists (select 1
from lang_messages
where package_key = lma1.package_key
and message_key = lma1.message_key
and locale = :locale
and sync_time is not null
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::system_package_version_name.get_version_name">
select version_name
from apm_package_version_info
where version_id = apm_package__highest_version(:package_key)
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::export.update_sync_time">
update lang_messages
set sync_time = current_timestamp
where package_key = :package_key
and locale = :locale
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::last_sync_messages.last_sync_messages">
select message_key,
from lang_messages
where package_key = :package_key
and locale = :locale
and sync_time is not null
select lma1.message_key,
from lang_messages_audit lma1
where lma1.package_key = :package_key
and lma1.locale = :locale
and lma1.sync_time is not null
and lma1.audit_id = (select max(lma2.audit_id)
from lang_messages_audit lma2
where lma2.package_key = lma1.package_key
and lma2.message_key = lma1.message_key
and lma2.locale = :locale
and lma2.sync_time is not null
and not exists (select 1
from lang_messages
where package_key = lma1.package_key
and message_key = lma1.message_key
and locale = :locale
and sync_time is not null
This diff is collapsed.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::uninitialized_packages.select_uninitialized">
select package_key
from apm_package_types
where exists (select 1
from apm_package_versions
where package_key = apm_package_types.package_key
and installed_p = 't'
and enabled_p = 't')
and not exists (select 1
from lang_message_keys
where package_key = apm_package_types.package_key)
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::export.get_locales_for_package">
select distinct locale
from lang_messages
where package_key = :package_key
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::all_messages_for_package_and_locale.get_messages">
select lm.message_key,
from lang_messages lm,
lang_message_keys lmk
where lm.message_key = lmk.message_key
and lm.package_key = lmk.package_key
and lm.package_key = :package_key
and lm.locale = :locale
and lm.deleted_p = 'f'
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::translate.get_untranslated_messages">
select message_key,
from lang_messages lm1
where locale = :default_locale
and not exists (select message_key, package_key
from lang_messages lm2
where locale != :default_locale
and lm1.message_key = lm2.message_key
and lm1.package_key = lm2.package_key)
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::reset_upgrade_status_message_keys.reset_status">
update lang_message_keys
set upgrade_status = 'no_upgrade'
where package_key = :package_key
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::import_from_file.reset_upgrade_status_messages">
update lang_messages
set upgrade_status = 'no_upgrade'
where package_key = :package_key
and locale = :locale
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::import_from_file.mark_message_as_deleted">
update lang_messages
set upgrade_status = 'deleted'
where package_key = :package_key
and message_key = :message_key
and locale = :locale
<fullquery name="lang::catalog::import_from_file.mark_message_key_as_deleted">
update lang_message_keys
set upgrade_status = 'deleted'
where package_key = :package_key
and message_key = :message_key
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="lang::message::register.lang_message_update">
update lang_messages
set [join $set_clauses ", "]
where locale = :locale
and message_key = :message_key
and package_key = :package_key
returning message into :1
<fullquery name="lang::message::register.lang_message_insert">
insert into lang_messages ([join $col_clauses ", "])
values ([join $val_clauses ", "])
returning message into :1
<partialquery name="lang::message::register.sync_time">
<partialquery name="lang::message::register.message">
<fullquery name="lang::message::update_description.update_description">
update lang_message_keys
set description = empty_clob()
where message_key = :message_key
and package_key = :package_key
returning description into :1
<partialquery name="lang::message::edit.set_sync_time_now">
sync_time = sysdate
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="lang::message::register.lang_message_update">
update lang_messages
set [join $set_clauses ", "]
where locale = :locale
and message_key = :message_key
and package_key = :package_key
<fullquery name="lang::message::register.lang_message_insert">
insert into lang_messages ([join $col_clauses ", "])
values ([join $val_clauses ", "])
<partialquery name="lang::message::register.sync_time">
<partialquery name="lang::message::register.message">
<fullquery name="lang::message::update_description.update_description">
update lang_message_keys
set description = :description
where message_key = :message_key
and package_key = :package_key
<partialquery name="lang::message::edit.set_sync_time_now">
sync_time = current_timestamp
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