Commit 9250663f authored by Christof Damian 's avatar Christof Damian

- fix for bug: [ 1697709 ] Translate yes/no Spellcheck box

- fix the "yes" & "no" languages to localized versions, the other names are
  still english
parent 1ab840cb
......@@ -223,9 +223,22 @@ ad_proc -public template::widget::textarea { element_reference tag_attributes }
# Spell-checker
array set spellcheck [template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties -element_ref element]
# fix the "yes" & "no" languages to localized versions, the other names are still english
set languages {}
foreach i [nsv_get spellchecker lang_options] {
unlist $i text value
if {$text == "No"} {
set text [_ acs-kernel.common_no]
if {$text == "Yes"} {
set text [_ acs-kernel.common_yes]
lappend languages [list $text $value]
if { [string equal $element(mode) "edit"] && $spellcheck(render_p) } {
append output "<br>[_ acs-templating.Spellcheck]:
[menu "$element(id).spellcheck" [nsv_get spellchecker lang_options] $spellcheck(selected_option) {}]"
[menu "$element(id).spellcheck" $languages $spellcheck(selected_option) {}]"
return $output
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