Commit 04902935 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- beautified

parent d4654d72
......@@ -405,12 +405,11 @@ ad_proc wf_graphviz_dot_exec {
if {[catch {
if {$to_file_p} {
im_exec -keepnewline $graphviz_dot_path -T$output -Gcharset=latin1 -o $tmp_out $tmp_dot
set result [im_exec -keepnewline $graphviz_dot_path -T$output -Gcharset=latin1 -o $tmp_out $tmp_dot]
ns_log Notice "wf_graphviz_dot_exec: im_exec -keepnewline $graphviz_dot_path -T$output -o $tmp_out $tmp_dot"
} else {
set result [im_exec -keepnewline $graphviz_dot_path -Gcharset=latin1 -T$output $tmp_dot]
ns_log Notice "wf_graphviz_dot_exec: im_exec -keepnewline $graphviz_dot_path -T$output $tmp_dot"
ad_return_complaint 1 $result
} err_msg]} {
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