Commit a6434b3f authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

cosine #5746: Add audit to WF manual task assignments

parent 48c1787a
# /packages/acs-workflow/tcl/workflow-procs.tcl
ad_library {
Tcl-API for the workflow engine.
......@@ -783,7 +785,6 @@ ad_proc -public wf_case_set_manual_assignments {
ad_proc -public wf_case_add_task_assignment {
......@@ -799,6 +800,11 @@ ad_proc -public wf_case_add_task_assignment {
set case_id [db_string caseid "select case_id from wf_tasks where task_id = :task_id" -default ""]
set transition_key [db_string transitionkey "select transition_key from wf_tasks where task_id = :task_id" -default "undefined"]
set msg "Manual assignment of task `$transition_key` to [acs_object_name $party_id]"
wf_new_journal -case_id $case_id -action "assigned task #$task_id to #$party_id" -action_pretty $msg -message ""
ad_proc -public wf_case_remove_task_assignment {
......@@ -816,6 +822,11 @@ ad_proc -public wf_case_remove_task_assignment {
set case_id [db_string caseid "select case_id from wf_tasks where task_id = :task_id" -default ""]
set transition_key [db_string transitionkey "select transition_key from wf_tasks where task_id = :task_id" -default "undefined"]
set msg "Removed manual assignment of task `$transition_key` to [acs_object_name $party_id]"
wf_new_journal -case_id $case_id -action "removed assignment of task #$task_id to #$party_id" -action_pretty $msg -message ""
ad_proc -public wf_case_clear_task_assignments {
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