Commit b498ce20 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- BaselKB changes - don't remember...

parent 84805ec3
......@@ -18,24 +18,7 @@ if { ![info exists context_key] } {
set last_role_key {}
db_multirow roles roles {
select r.role_key,
p.party_id, as party_name, as party_email,
'' as user_select_widget,
'' as add_export_vars,
'' as remove_url
from wf_roles r,
wf_context_assignments ca,
parties p
where r.workflow_key = :workflow_key
and ca.context_key (+) = :context_key
and ca.role_key (+) = r.role_key
and p.party_id (+) = ca.party_id
order by r.sort_order, r.role_key
} {
db_multirow roles roles {} {
if { ![string equal $role_key $last_role_key] } {
set counter 0
set user_select_widget "<select name=party_id><option>--Please select--</option>"
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