Commit f26032a8 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- added Basel Workflow notifications

parent 21d8536d
Pipeline #115 failed with stages
......@@ -628,6 +628,8 @@ declare
callback_rec record;
v_assigned_user record;
IF add_task_assignment__party_id is null THEN return 0; END IF;
-- get some needed information
select ta.case_id, ta.workflow_key, ta.transition_key, tr.role_key, c.context_key
......@@ -1549,6 +1551,7 @@ declare
notify_assignee__user_id alias for $2;
notify_assignee__callback alias for $3;
notify_assignee__custom_arg alias for $4;
v_deadline_pretty varchar;
v_object_name text;
v_transition_key wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE;
......@@ -1560,7 +1563,12 @@ declare
v_request_id integer;
v_workflow_url text;
v_acs_lang_package_id integer;
v_notification_type_id integer;
v_workflow_package_id integer;
v_notification_n_seconds integer;
v_locale text;
v_count integer;
select to_char(ta.deadline,''Mon fmDDfm, YYYY HH24:MI:SS''),
acs_object__name(c.object_id), tr.transition_key, tr.transition_name
......@@ -1571,8 +1579,8 @@ begin
and tr.workflow_key = c.workflow_key
and tr.transition_key = ta.transition_key;
select apm__get_value(p.package_id, ''SystemURL'') || site_node__url(s.node_id)
into v_workflow_url
select a.package_id, apm__get_value(p.package_id, ''SystemURL'') || site_node__url(s.node_id)
into v_workflow_package_id, v_workflow_url
from site_nodes s, apm_packages a,
(select package_id
from apm_packages
......@@ -1589,6 +1597,32 @@ begin
and wfi.context_key = c.context_key;
if NOT FOUND then v_party_from := -1; end if;
-- Check whether the "notifications" package is installed and get
-- the notification interval of the user.
select count(*) into v_count
from user_tab_columns
where lower(table_name) = ''notifications'';
IF v_count > 0 THEN
-- Notification Type is a kind of "channel" where to spread notifics
select type_id into v_notification_type_id
from notification_types
where short_name = ''wf_assignment_notif'';
-- Check the
select n_seconds into v_notification_n_seconds
from notification_requests r,
notification_intervals i
where r.interval_id = i.interval_id
and user_id = notify_assignee__user_id
and object_id = v_workflow_package_id
and type_id = v_notification_type_id;
-- Skip notification if there are no notifications defined
IF v_notification_n_seconds is null THEN return 0; END IF;
-- Get the System Locale
select package_id into v_acs_lang_package_id
from apm_packages
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