Commit fa86838f authored by dotproj's avatar dotproj

- updated Ophelia task start- and end

- added shortest-path algorithm to intranet-workflow
parent 83d66ce4
......@@ -9,28 +9,3 @@ ad_library {
@cvs-id $Id$
ad_proc -public wf_workflow_list_options {
{-include_empty 0}
{-min_case_count 0}
} {
Returns a list of workflows that satisfy certain conditions
} {
set min_count_where ""
if {$min_case_count > 0} { set min_count_where "and count(c.case_id) > 0\n" }
set options [db_list_of_lists project_options "
count(c.case_id) as num_cases,
0 as num_unassigned_tasks
from wf_workflows w left outer join wf_cases c
on (w.workflow_key = c.workflow_key and c.state = 'active'),
acs_object_types t
where w.workflow_key = t.object_type
group by w.workflow_key, t.pretty_name
order by t.pretty_name
if {$include_empty} { set options [linsert $options "" { "" "" }] }
return $options
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