Commit 330ab02f authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Initial Import

Pipeline #124 failed with stages
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Generated by the OpenACS Package Manager -->
<package key="attachments" url="" type="apm_service">
<version name="0.10" url="">
<owner url="">OpenACS</owner>
<summary>Attachment support</summary>
<vendor url="">OpenACS</vendor>
<description format="text/plain">Provide widgets and datamodel to support attachments on arbitrary objects. Used by forums.</description>
<provides url="attachments" version="0.10"/>
<requires url="file-storage" version="5.4.0d7"/>
<parameter datatype="string" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="RelativeUrl" default="attach" description="The relative url of this package when mounted under a client."/>
<parameter datatype="number" min_n_values="1" max_n_values="1" name="MaximumFileSize" default="4096000" description="maximum file size for upload"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="ar_EG" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Add_File">أضفْ ملفاً</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">أضفْ رابطةَ الحافظةِ</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">%pretty_name% أضف</msg>
<msg key="Attach">ألحِق</msg>
<msg key="Choose">إخترْ</msg>
<msg key="Description">:الوصفُ</msg>
<msg key="File">مَلَفْ</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">آخر مرّة عُدّل</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">%pretty_object_name% ألحق ملفّ بِ </msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">فارغةٌ %folder_name% الحافظةُ </msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">أرسلْ ملحقً جديداً</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">.%pretty_object_name% أنت تَُلحق وثيقة بِ </msg>
<msg key="Name">إسِم</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">لا مثل هذا النّوع</msg>
<msg key="Object">شّيء</msg>
<msg key="Size">حجم</msg>
<msg key="Title">:العنوانُ</msg>
<msg key="Top">القمّة</msg>
<msg key="Type">نَوع</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">إصدار اسمُ المَلَف</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="ar_LB" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">الفعل</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">أضفْ ملفاً</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">أضفْ رابطةَ الحافظةِ</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">أضف %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">ألحِق</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">ألحِق &lt;b&gt;جديد&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">ألحِقْ موقع</msg>
<msg key="Choose">إخترْ</msg>
<msg key="Description">الوصفُ:</msg>
<msg key="File">مَلَفْ</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">آخر مرّة عُدّل</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">أضفْ ملحق لإرتباط الحافظة</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">ألحق ملفّ بِ %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% بنداً</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% بايت</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">خُلِقتْ برزمةِ الملحقاتِ</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">لا نَعْرفْ كيفية التَعَامُل مع هذا نوعِ الملحق</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">خطأُ: ملحق حافظةُ الجذرِ وحافظة جذرِ fs مختليفان!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">خطأُ: هويةُ الحافظةُ فارغةُ!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">الحافظةُ %folder_name% فارغةٌ</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">هل تحبّ الرّبط إليها؟... xxx إسم الحافطة xxx وجدت حافظة تخزين الملفّات</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">لا حافظات تخزين الملفّات وجِدَتْ للرّبطِ إليها. هل تحبّ إنشاء واحداً؟</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">لا مثل هذا الملحق لهذا الكائن</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">الحافظةُ الأصلُ المحدّدةُ لَيستْ صالحةَ.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">لإلحاق ملف في حافظة، إفتحْ الحافظة بنقر اسم الحافظة، ثم انقر &amp;quot;[إخترْ] &amp;quot; ثم ارتبط بالملف. لإرسال ملف جديد في حافظة، إفتح الحافظة بنقر اسم الحافظة، ثم انقر الرابطة &amp;quot; إربطْ جديدا: ملف | الموقع &amp;quot; الملائمة </msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">أرسلْ ملحقً جديداً</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">إستعملْ زرْ &quot;تَصفّحْ&quot;. . . لتَحديد مكان ملفِكَ، ثم انقرْ &quot;افتحْ&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">أنت تَُلحق وثيقة بـِ %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">نقرت من المحتمل على زرّ أضفْ أكثر من مرة. راقبْ إذا الملف حمّلَ بشكل صحيح على &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt; حافظة &lt;/a&gt; حافظة أو أنت تستطيع إستعمال زرّ الرجوع لعودة وإعادة إدخال ملف الإصدار.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">ملفّك أكبر من حجم الملفّ الأقصى المسموح على هذا النّظام (%max_number_of_bytes% بايتس)</msg>
<msg key="Name">إسِم</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">لا مثل هذا النّوع</msg>
<msg key="Object">كائن</msg>
<msg key="Size">حَجم</msg>
<msg key="Title">العنوان:</msg>
<msg key="Top">قمّة</msg>
<msg key="Type">نَوع</msg>
<msg key="URL">موقع</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">موقع:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">إاسمُ المَلَف المعدل:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object"> أنت تقوم بإلحاق وثيقة جديدة إلى %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">أنت تقوم بإلحاق موقع جديد إلى %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="ast_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Accin</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Aadir Archivu</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Aadir enllaz a directoriu</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Aadir &quot;%pretty_name%&quot;</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Adxuntu</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Axuntar a &lt;b&gt;nuevu&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Axuntar URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Escoyer</msg>
<msg key="Description">Descripcin:</msg>
<msg key="File">Archivu</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">ltima Modificacin</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Axuntar enllaz al Directoriu d'Adxuntos</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Adxuntar un Archivu a &quot;%pretty_object_name%&quot;</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">&quot;%contents.content_size%&quot; item</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">&quot;%contents.content_size%&quot; byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Creu pol paquete d'adxuntos</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">nun s que facer con adxuntos d'esti calter</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Error: el directoriu raz del adxuntu y el directoriu raz del sistema d'archivos son diferentes!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Eror: indentificador de directoriu vaciu!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Directoriu &quot;%folder_name%&quot; vaciu</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Alcontrse'l directoriu XXX col nome XXX ... quies facer un enllaz?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Nun s'alcontraron los directorios d'almacenamientu de ficheros a los qu'enllazar. Quies crealu?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Nun hai adxuntu pa esti obxectu</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Eldirectoriu padre especificu nun ye vlidu</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">P'axuntar un archivu del directoriu, abre'l directoriu calcando nel nome del directoriu, depus calca nel enllaz &amp;quot;[ Escoyer ]&amp;quot; al llau del nome del archivu. Pa xubir un nuevu archivu al directoriu, abre'l directoriu calcando nel so nome, y depus calca nel enllace &amp;quot;Adxuntar un nuevu: Archivu | URL&amp;quot;</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Xubir Archivu Adxuntu Nuevu</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Usa'l botn &quot;Restolar...&quot; p'alcontrar l'archivu, depus calca en &quot;Abrir&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Tas adxuntando un documentu a &quot;%pretty_object_name%&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Quiciabes calcasti nel botn d'Adxuntar ms d'una vez. Comprueba que l'archivu se carg correctamente nel &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;directoriu&lt;/a&gt; que quies, o puedes usar el botn de Tornar pa volver a adxuntar l'archivu.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">L'archivu ye mayor de lo que permite'l sistema (&quot;%max_number_of_bytes%&quot; bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nome</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Nun esiste esi tipo</msg>
<msg key="Object">Obxectu</msg>
<msg key="Size">Tamau</msg>
<msg key="Title">Ttulo</msg>
<msg key="Top">Arriba</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Nome del archivu de la versin:</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="ca_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Acci</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Afegeix-hi arxiu</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Afegeix un enlla a una carpeta</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Afegeix %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Adjunta</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Adjunta un &lt;b&gt;nou&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Adjunta una URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Tria</msg>
<msg key="Description">Descripci:</msg>
<msg key="File">Arxiu</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">ltima modificaci</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Afegeix un enlla a carpeta adjunta</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Adjunta un arxiu a %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% element</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Generat pel paquet d'adjunts</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">No es pot gestionar el tipus d'adjunt %content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Error: la carpeta arrel d'adjunts s diferent de la carpeta arrel del sistema d'arxius</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Error: l'identificador de carpeta est buit!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">La carpeta %folder_name% est buida </msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">S'ha trobat la carpeta XXX folder_name XXX ... voleu crear-hi un enlla?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">No s'han trobat carpetes amb les quals enllaar. Voleu crear-ne una?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">No hi ha un arxiu adjunt aix per a aquest objecte</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">La carpeta pare especificada no s vlida.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Per a adjuntar un arxiu que ja est en una carpeta, obriu aquesta clicant en el seu nom, desprs cliqueu en l'enlla &amp;quot;[ Seleccioneu ]&amp;quot; al costat de l'arxiu. Per a carregar un nou arxiu en una carpeta, obriu aquesta fent clic en el seu nom, i desprs feu clic en l'enlla &amp;quot;Afegir nou: Arxiu | URL&amp;quot;</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Carrega un arxiu adjunt nou</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Pitgeu el bot &quot;Navega...&quot; per a localitzar l'arxiu. Desprs pitgeu &quot;Obre&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Esteu adjuntant un document a %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">s probable que hgeu pitjat el bot Afegeix ms d'una vegada. Comproveu que l'arxiu s'haja afegit correctament a la &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;carpeta&lt;/a&gt; triada, o b empreu el bot Enrere del navegador per a repetir l'operaci. </msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">L'arxiu que intenteu carregar supera la grandria mxima permesa pel sistema (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nom</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">No existeix aquest tipus</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objecte</msg>
<msg key="Size">Grandria</msg>
<msg key="Title">Ttol</msg>
<msg key="Top">Amunt</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipus</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Ttol de la versi:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Esteu adjuntant un document a %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Esteu adjuntant una URL nova a %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="ch_zh" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">操作</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">增加文件</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">增加文件夹链接</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">增加%pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">添加</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">添加&lt;b&gt;&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">添加URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">选择</msg>
<msg key="Description">描述</msg>
<msg key="File">文件</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">最后更新的</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">增加附件文件夹链接</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">给%pretty_object_name%添加文件</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size%条</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size%字节</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">由附件创建</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">不知如何处理附件类型%content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">错误:附件根文件夹和文件存储根文件夹不同!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">错误:空folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">文件夹%folder_name%空</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">找到文件存储文件夹XXXfolder_nameXXX...,要链接它吗?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">没有找到要链接的文件存储文件夹,创建一个文件夹吗?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">该项没有附件</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">指定父文件夹无效。</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">要附加一个已在文件夹中的文件,单击文件夹名打开该文件夹,然后单击文件旁边的&amp;quot;[选择]&amp;quot;。要向文件夹上传一个新文件,单击文件夹名打开该文件夹,然后单击&amp;quot;添加一个新的:文件URL&amp;quot;。</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">上传新附件</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">用“浏览……”按钮查找文件,然后单击“打开”。</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">正在将文档附加到%pretty_object_name%。</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">可能已多次点击“增加”钮,检查文件是否已经装入&lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;文件夹&lt;/a&gt;,或者用“后退”钮返回,重新进入此版本文件。 </msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">文件大于系统规定的最大文件大小(%max_number_of_bytes%字节)</msg>
<msg key="Name">名称</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">无此类型</msg>
<msg key="Object"></msg>
<msg key="Size">大小</msg>
<msg key="Title">标题</msg>
<msg key="Top"></msg>
<msg key="Type">类型</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">版本文件名:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">正在给%pretty_object_name%附加新文件。</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">正在给%pretty_object_name%附加新URL。</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="da_DK" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Handling</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Tilfj fil</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Tilfj mappelink</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Tilfj %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Vedhft</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Vedhft en &lt;b&gt;ny&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Vedhft URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Vlg</msg>
<msg key="Description">Beskrivelse:</msg>
<msg key="File">Fil</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Senest ndret</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Tilfj Link til Vedhftningsmappe</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Vedhft en fil til %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% emner</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Oprettet af pakken til vedhftninger</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Ved ikke hvordan denne vedhftningsype skal hndteres.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Fejl: Vedhftningens rodmappe var forskellig fra file-storage's rodmappe. </msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Fejl: tom folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Mappen %folder_name% er tom</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Fandt file-storage mappe XXX mappe_navn XXX... nsker du at linke til den?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Kunne ikke finde nogen file-storage mappe at linke til. nsker du at oprette en?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Der er ingen sdan vedhftning til dette objekt</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Den angivne overmappe er ikke gyldig.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">For at vedhfte en fil, der allerede eksisterer i en mappe, kan du bne den angivne mappe ved at klikke p dens navn. Herefter klikker du p &amp;quot;[ Vlg ]&amp;quot;-linkes ved siden af filen. For at uploade en ny fil ind i en mappe, skal du bne mappen ved at klikke p den navn, hvorefter du trykker p det passende &amp;quot;Vedhft en ny: Fil | URL&amp;quot;-link.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Upload Ny Vedhftning </msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Brug &quot;Gennemse...&quot;-knappen til at finde din fil og klik s &quot;bn&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Du er ved at vedhfte et dokument til %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Du har sikkert trykket p &quot;Tilfj&quot;-knappen mere end n gang. Undersg, om filen er hentet ordentligt ind i &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;den valgte mappe&lt;/a&gt;. Eller du kan benytte &quot;Tilbage&quot;-knappen til g tilbage og genindsende versionen af filen.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Din fil er strre end den maksimalt tilladte strrelse p dette system (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Navn</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Ingen sdan type</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objekt</msg>
<msg key="Size">Strrelse</msg>
<msg key="Title">Titel:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Top</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Versionens filnavn:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Du vedhfter et nyt dokument til %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Du vedhfter en ny URL til %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="de_DE" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Aktion</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Datei hinzufgen</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Ordnerlink hinzufgen</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">%pretty_name% hinzufgen</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Anhngen</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Anfgen: &lt;b&gt;Neue&lt;/b&gt; </msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">URL anhngen</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Auswhlen</msg>
<msg key="Description">Beschreibung:</msg>
<msg key="File">Datei</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Zuletzt gendert</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Link zu einem angehngten Ordner hinzufgen</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Datei anhngen an %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size%-Element</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% Bytes</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Erstellt vom Programmpaket 'Anhnge'</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Der Anhang vom Typ %content_type% kann nicht verarbeitet werden.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Fehler: Wurzelverzeichnis von Anhngen stimmt nicht mit Wurzelverzeichnis von Dateien berein</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Fehler: Ordner-ID nicht vorhanden</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Der Ordner &quot;%folder_name%&quot; ist leer.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Es wurde der Ordner XXX folder_name XXX gefunden. Wollen Sie einen Link dorthin einrichten?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Es wurde kein Dateiordner gefunden, zu dem Sie einen Link einrichten knnen. Mchten Sie einen neuen Ordner erstellen?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Dieses Objekt verfgt nicht ber den angegebenen Anhang.</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Der angegebene bergeordnete Ordner ist ungltig.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Um eine Datei anzuhngen, die bereits in einem Ordner vorhanden ist, ffnen Sie den Ordner und klicken Sie auf den Link &amp;quot;[ Auswhlen ]&amp;quot; neben der Datei. Um eine neue Datei in einen Ordner hochzuladen, ffnen Sie den Ordner und klicken Sie auf den Link &amp;quot;Neue Datei/URL anhngen&amp;quot;.
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Neuen Anhang hochladen</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Klicken Sie auf 'Durchsuchen...', whlen Sie die gewnschte Datei aus und klicken Sie auf 'ffnen'.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Sie hngen ein Dokument an %pretty_object_name% an.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Wahrscheinlich haben Sie mehrmals auf die Schaltflche 'Hochladen' geklickt. berprfen Sie, ob die Datei in den gewnschten &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;Ordner&lt;/a&gt; geladen wurde, oder gehen Sie mit Hilfe Ihres Browsers zurck und geben Sie die Versionsdatei erneut ein. </msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Ihre Datei berschreitet die innerhalb des Systems zulssige Maximalgre (%max_number_of_bytes% Bytes).</msg>
<msg key="Name">Name</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Typ nicht vorhanden</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objekt</msg>
<msg key="Size">Gre</msg>
<msg key="Title">Name das Dokuments:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Anfang</msg>
<msg key="Type">Typ</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Dateiname der Version:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Sie fgen ein neues Dokument an %pretty_object_name% an.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Sie fgen eine neue URL an %pretty_object_name% an.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="el_GR" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">Ενέργεια</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Προσθήκη αρχείου</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Προσθήκη συνδέσμου φακέλου</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Προσθήκη %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_detach">Είστε σίγουροι οτι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό το συνημμένο;</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Συννημα</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Επισύναψη &lt;b&gt;νέου&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Επισύναψη URL</msg>
<msg key="Attachment">Συνημμένο</msg>
<msg key="Can_delete">Αυτό είναι το μοναδικό αντικείμενο στο οποίο είναι συνημμένο. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε να το διαγράψετε από την αποθήκευση αρχείων.</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Επιλέξτε</msg>
<msg key="delete_from_fs">Διαγραφή αυτού του συνημμένου από την αποθήκευση αρχείων;</msg>
<msg key="Description">Περιγαρφή:</msg>
<msg key="Detach">Αποσύνδεση</msg>
<msg key="Detach_file_from">Αποσύνδεση αρχείου από το %object_name%</msg>
<msg key="File">Αρχείο</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Τελευταία ενημέρωση</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Προσθήκη συνδέσμου φακέλου συνημμένων</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Επισυνάψτε ένα φάκελο στο %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% αντικείμενο</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte </msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Δημιουργήθηκε από το πακέτο συνημμένων</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Δεν γνωρίζω πως θα χειριστώ τα συνημμένα τύπου %content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Σφάλμα: Οι διαδρομές φακέλου συνημμένων και αποθήκευσης αρχείων είναι διαφορετικές! </msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Σφάλμα: άδειος folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Ο φάκελος %folder_name% είναι άδειος</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Βρέθηκε φάκελος αποθήκευσης XXX folder_name XXX ... Θέλετε να συνδεθείτε σε αυτό:</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Δεν υπάρχουν φάκελοι αποθήκευσης αρχείων για να συνδεθείτε. Θέλετε να δημιουργήσετε έναν;</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιο συνημμένο για αυτό το αντικείμενο</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Ο συγκεκριμένος γονικός φάκελος είναι άκυρος. </msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Για να επισυνάψετε ένα αρχείο που βρίσκεται ήδη σε ένα φάκελο, ανοίξτε το φάκελο και στη συνέχεια πατήστε &amp;quot;[ Choose ]&amp;quot; σύνδεσμοδίπλα από το αρχείο. Εαν έχετε τα απαιτούμενα προνόμια από το σύστημα, θα μπορείτε επίσης να ανεβάσετε ένα νέο αρχείο στο φάκελο.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Ανέβασμα νέας επισύναψης</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Χρησιμοποιήστε το πλήκτρο &quot;Πλοήγηση&quot; για να εντοπίσετε το αρχείο και στη συνέχεια πατήστε &quot;Άνοιγμα&quot;</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Επισυνάπτετε ένα έγγραφο στο %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Πιθανότατα επιλέξατε το κουμπί Προσθήκη περισσότερες από μια φορές . Ελέγξτε εαν το αρχείο είναι σωστά φορτωμένο στο &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;φάκελο&lt;/a&gt; που επιθυμείτε, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το κουμπί Πίσω/Επιστροφή για να επιστρέψετε και να επανεισάγετε το αρχείο.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Το αρχείο σας είναι μεγαλύτερο από το ανώτατο επιτρεπτό μέγεθος αρχείου που ορίζει το σύστημα (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Όνομα</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιος τύπος</msg>
<msg key="Object">Αντικείμενο</msg>
<msg key="on_Object">στο αντικείμενο</msg>
<msg key="Only_detach">Το στοιχείο είναι συνδεδεμένο με άλλα αντικείμενα. Μπορείτε μόνο να το διαγράψετε από το αντικείμενο αλλά όχι από την αποθήκευση αρχείων</msg>
<msg key="remove">διαγραφή</msg>
<msg key="Size">Μέγεθος</msg>
<msg key="Title">Τίτλος</msg>
<msg key="Top">Επάνω</msg>
<msg key="Type">Τύπος</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Έκδοση αρχείου:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Επισυνάπτετε ένα νέο έγγραφο στο %pretty_object_name%.
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Επισυνάπτετε ένα νέο url στο %pretty_object_name%.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="en_AU" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Action</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Add File</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Add folder Link</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Add %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Attach</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Attach a &lt;b&gt;new&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Attach URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Choose</msg>
<msg key="Description">Description:</msg>
<msg key="File">File</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Last Modified</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Add Attachment Folder Link</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Attach a File to %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% item</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Created by the attachments packge</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Don't know how to deal with attachment type %content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Error: Attachment root folder and file storage root folder are different!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Error: empty folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Folder %folder_name% is empty</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Found file-storage folder XXX folder_name XXX ... would you like to link to it?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">No file-storage folders found to link to. Would you like to create one?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">No such attachment for this object</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">The specified parent folder is not valid.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">To attach a file already in a folder, open the folder by clicking the folder's name, then click the &amp;quot;[ Choose ]&amp;quot; link next to the file. If you have appropriate system permissions, you will also be able to upload a new file into a folder. To do so, open the folder by clicking the link. The &quot;Attach a new: File | URL&quot; link will only appear if you have permission to use it.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Upload New Attachment</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Use the &quot;Browse...&quot; button to locate your file,
then click &quot;Open&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">You are attaching a document to %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">You probably clicked on the Add button more than once. Check if the file is properly loaded on the &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;folder&lt;/a&gt; you want, or you can use the Back button to return and re-enter the version file.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Your file is larger than the maximum file size allowed on this system (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Name</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">No such type</msg>
<msg key="Object">Object</msg>
<msg key="Size">Size</msg>
<msg key="Title">Title</msg>
<msg key="Top">Top</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Version filename :</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">You are attaching a new document to %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">You are attaching a new url to %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="en_US" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Action</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Add File</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Add folder Link</msg>
<description key="Add_folder_Link">Used as a header on the page for creating a new root folder. A root folder is a folder linked to a certain package instance.
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Add %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_detach">Are you sure you want to remove this attachment?</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Attach</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Attach a &lt;b&gt;new&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<description key="attach_new">This key is going to give problems with word-order for several languages, because the &quot;attach new&quot; grammar is quite specific to English. For example the best translation in Dutch would be &quot;Nieuwe xxxx toevoegen&quot;, but we do not know xxxx yet. A work around is to write &quot;Voeg toe nieuw&quot;, but depending on what is behind it, grammar requires &quot;Voeg toe nieuwe&quot;. So, we get a very forced translation: &quot;Voeg toe nieuw(e)&quot;.
Please fix.</description>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Attach URL</msg>
<description key="Attach_URL">Used as title on page for attaching a URL to an object.</description>
<msg key="Attachment">Attachment</msg>
<msg key="Can_delete">This is the only object this item is attached to. You can choose to delete it from file storage as well.</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Choose</msg>
<msg key="delete_from_fs">Delete this attachment from file storage?</msg>
<msg key="Description">Description:</msg>
<msg key="Detach">Detach</msg>
<msg key="Detach_file_from">Detach file from %object_name%</msg>
<msg key="File">File</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Last Modified</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Add Attachment Folder Link</msg>
<description key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Used as a title on the page for creating a new root folder. A root folder is a folder linked to a certain package instance.</description>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Attach a File to %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% item</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Created by the attachments packge</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Don't know how to deal with attachment type %content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Error: Attachment root folder and file storage root folder are different!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Error: empty folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Folder %folder_name% is empty</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Found file-storage folder XXX folder_name XXX ... would you like to link to it?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">No file-storage folders found to link to. Would you like to create one?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">No such attachment for this object</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">The specified parent folder is not valid.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">To attach a file already in a folder, open the folder by clicking the folder's name, then click the &amp;quot;[ Choose ]&amp;quot; link next to the file. If you have appropriate system permissions, you will also be able to upload a new file into a folder. To do so, open the folder by clicking the link. The &quot;Attach a new: File | URL&quot; link will only appear if you have permission to use it.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Upload New Attachment</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Use the &quot;Browse...&quot; button to locate your file,
then click &quot;Open&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">You are attaching a document to %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">You probably clicked on the Add button more than once. Check if the file is properly loaded on the &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;folder&lt;/a&gt; you want, or you can use the Back button to return and re-enter the version file.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Your file is larger than the maximum file size allowed on this system (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Name</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">No such type</msg>
<msg key="Object">Object</msg>
<msg key="on_Object">on Object</msg>
<msg key="Only_detach">This item is attached to other objects. You can only remove it from this object but not delete from file storage.</msg>
<msg key="remove">remove</msg>
<msg key="Size">Size</msg>
<msg key="Title">Title</msg>
<description key="Title">Used as label in a form for the title of a new document to attach to an object.</description>
<msg key="Top">Top</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Version filename :</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">You are attaching a new document to %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">You are attaching a new url to %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="es_CO" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Accin</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Agregar Archivo</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Agregar Enlace a carpeta</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Agregar %pretty_name% </msg>
<msg key="Attach">Adjuntar</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Adjuntar un &lt;b&gt;nuevo&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Adjuntar URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Elegir</msg>
<msg key="Description">Descripcin:</msg>
<msg key="File">Archivo</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">ltima modificacin</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Agregar Enlace a una carpeta adjunta</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Adjuntar un archivo a %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">elemento %contents.content_size%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte </msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Creado por el paquete Attachments</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">no se sabe como manejar este tipo de archivo</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Error: la carpeta raz de adjuntos es diferente de la carpeta raz del sistema de archivos</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Error: Identificador de carpeta vaco!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">La carpeta %folder_name% esta vaca</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Se ha encontrado la carpeta XXX con nombre XXX... desea crear un enlace a ella?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">No se han encontrado carpetas a las que enlazar. Desea crear una carpeta?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">No existe tal archivo adjunto para este objeto</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">La carpeta padre especificada no es vlida.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Para adjuntar un archivo a una carpeta, haga click en el nombre de la carpeta, despus un click en donde dice &amp;quot; Seleccionar ]&amp;quot; al lado del nombre del archivo. Para subir un nuevo archivo a una carpeta en particular, haga un click en el nombre de la carpeta en la que quiere poner su archivo y precione el botn de &amp;quot;Aadir nuevo: Archivo | URL&amp;quot;. </msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Subir un nuevo archivo adjunto</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Haga click en el botn &quot;Explorar&quot; para localizar el archivo. Una vez localizado, haga click en &quot;Abrir&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Ud. est adjuntando un documento para %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Es probable que haya hecho click en el botn Agregar ms de una vez. Compruebe que el archivo haya sido correctamente agregado a la &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;carpeta&lt;/a&gt; elegida, o bien, utilice el botn Atrs de su navegador y repita la operacin.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">El archivo que est tratando de subir supera el tamao mximo permitido (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes).</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nombre</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">No existe tal tipo</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objeto</msg>
<msg key="Size">Tamao</msg>
<msg key="Title">Ttulo:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Arriba</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Ttulo de la versin:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Esta adjuntando un nuevo documento a %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Esta adjuntando un nuevo url a %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="es_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Accin</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Aadir Archivo</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Aadir Enlace a la Carpeta</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Aadir %pretty_name% </msg>
<msg key="Are_you_sure_detach">Est seguro de querer eliminar este adjunto?</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Adjuntar</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Adjuntar un &lt;b&gt;nuevo&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Adjuntar URL</msg>
<msg key="Attachment">Adjunto</msg>
<msg key="Can_delete">Es el nico objeto al que est adjuntado. Puede elegir borrarlo de los documentos tambin.</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Elegir</msg>
<msg key="delete_from_fs">Borrar este adjunto de los documentos?</msg>
<msg key="Description">Descripcin:</msg>
<msg key="Detach">Quitar</msg>
<msg key="Detach_file_from">Quitar el archivo adjunto a %object_name%</msg>
<msg key="File">Archivo</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">ltima modificacin</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Aadir enlace a carpeta adjunta</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Adjuntar un archivo a %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">elemento %contents.content_size%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte </msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Generado por el paquete adjuntos</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">No se puede gestionar el tipo de archivo %content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Error: la carpeta raz de adjuntos es diferente de la carpeta raz del sistema de archivos</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Error: Identificador de carpeta vaco!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">La carpeta %folder_name% esta vaca</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Se ha encontrado la carpeta XXX con nombre XXX... desea crear un enlace a ella?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">No se han encontrado carpetas a las que enlazar. Desea crear una carpeta?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">No existe el archivo adjunto para este objeto</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">La carpeta padre especificada no es vlida.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Para adjuntar un archivo a una carpeta, haga click en el nombre de la carpeta, despus un click en &amp;quot; Seleccionar ]&amp;quot; al lado del nombre del archivo. Para subir un nuevo archivo a una carpeta en particular, haga click en el nombre de la carpeta en la que quiere poner su archivo y haga click en el botn de &amp;quot;Aadir nuevo: Archivo | URL&amp;quot;. </msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Subir un nuevo archivo adjunto</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Pulse el botn &quot;Explorar&quot; para localizar el archivo. Una vez localizado, pulse &quot;Abrir&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Ud. est creando un adjunto para %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Es probable que haya pulsado el botn Aadir ms de una vez. Compruebe que el archivo haya sido correctamente aadido a la &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;carpeta&lt;/a&gt; elegida, o bien, utilice el botn Atrs de su navegador y repita la operacin.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">El archivo que est tratando de subir supera el tamao mximo permitido (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes).</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nombre</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">No existe el tipo</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objeto</msg>
<msg key="on_Object">sobre el objeto</msg>
<msg key="Only_detach">Este elemento est adjuntado a otros objetos. Slo puede desasociarlo de este objeto pero no puede borrarlo de los documentos.</msg>
<msg key="remove">eliminar</msg>
<msg key="Size">Tamao</msg>
<msg key="Title">Nombre</msg>
<msg key="Top">Arriba</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Nombre de la versin:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Esta adjuntando un nuevo documento a %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Esta adjuntando una nueva url a %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="es_GT" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Accin</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Agregar Archivo</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Agregar Enlace a carpeta</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Agregar %pretty_name% </msg>
<msg key="Attach">Adjuntar</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Adjuntar un &lt;b&gt;nuevo&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Adjuntar URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Elegir</msg>
<msg key="Description">Descripcin:</msg>
<msg key="File">Archivo</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">ltima modificacin</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Agregar Enlace a una carpeta adjunta</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Adjuntar un archivo a %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">elemento %contents.content_size%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte </msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Creado por el paquete Attachments</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">no se sabe como manejar este tipo de archivo</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Error: la carpeta raz de adjuntos es diferente de la carpeta raz del sistema de archivos</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Error: Identificador de carpeta vaco!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">La carpeta %folder_name% esta vaca</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Se ha encontrado la carpeta XXX con nombre XXX... desea crear un enlace a ella?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">No se han encontrado carpetas a las que enlazar. Desea crear una carpeta?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">No existe tal archivo adjunto para este objeto</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">La carpeta padre especificada no es vlida.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Para adjuntar un archivo a una carpeta, haga click en el nombre de la carpeta, despus un click en donde dice &amp;quot; Seleccionar ]&amp;quot; al lado del nombre del archivo. Para subir un nuevo archivo a una carpeta en particular, haga un click en el nombre de la carpeta en la que quiere poner su archivo y precione el botn de &amp;quot;Aadir nuevo: Archivo | URL&amp;quot;. </msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Subir un nuevo archivo adjunto</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Haga click en el botn &quot;Explorar&quot; para localizar el archivo. Una vez localizado, haga click en &quot;Abrir&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Ud. est adjuntando un documento para %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Es probable que haya hecho click en el botn Agregar ms de una vez. Compruebe que el archivo haya sido correctamente agregado a la &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;carpeta&lt;/a&gt; elegida, o bien, utilice el botn Atrs de su navegador y repita la operacin.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">El archivo que est tratando de subir supera el tamao mximo permitido (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes).</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nombre</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">No existe tal tipo</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objeto</msg>
<msg key="Size">Tamao</msg>
<msg key="Title">Ttulo:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Arriba</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Ttulo de la versin:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Esta adjuntando un nuevo documento a %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Esta adjuntando un nuevo url a %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="eu_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Ekintza</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Fitxategia igo</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Karpeta gehitu</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">%pretty_name% gehitu</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Erantsi</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">&lt;b&gt;berria&lt;/b&gt; gehitu:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">URLa erantsi</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Aukeratu</msg>
<msg key="Description">Deskribapena:</msg>
<msg key="File">Fitxategia</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Azken eguneraketa:</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Gehitu karpeta</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">%pretty_object_name%(en) fitxategia erantsi</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% elementu</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Attachments paketeak eratuta</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Ez dakigu zer egin %content_type% motako eransketarekin</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Errorea: &quot;Attachment&quot; eta &quot;file storage&quot;ren karpeta nagusiak ezberdinak dira</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Errorea: empty folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">%folder_name% karpeta hutsik dago</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">File-storage XXX folder_name XXX karpeta topatu dugu... horretara lotu nahi duzu?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Ez da file-storage karpetarik topatu lotura egiteko. Berria eratu nahi al duzu?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Objetu honetarako ez dago erantsitako elementurik</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Emandako &quot;ama&quot; karpeta ez da zuzena</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Karpeta batean dagoen fitxategi bat eransteko, ireki karpeta haren izenean klikatuz, gero klikatu fitxategiaren alboan dagoen &quot;[Aukeratu]&quot; estekan. Baimenik baduzu, fitxategi berri bat igo ahal izango duzu karpetan. Horretarako, ireki karpeta estekan klikatuz. &quot;Erantsi: Fitxategia |URL&quot; esteka bakarrik agertuko zaizu, erabiltzeko baimenik baduzu.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Eranskin berria igo</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">&quot;Bilatu...&quot; botoia erabili zure fitxategia topatzeko, eta gero &quot;Ireki&quot;n klikatu</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">%pretty_object_name%(e)n fitxategi bat eransten ari zara</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Seguraski &quot;Gehitu&quot; botoian behin baino gehiagotan sakatu duzu. Konproba ezazu zure fitxategia zuzen kargatuta dagoela &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;karpetan&lt;/&gt; edo &quot;Atzera&quot; botoia erabil dezakezu fitxategiaren bertsio zuzena berriro sartzeko. </msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Zure fitxategia sisteman onartzen den maximoa (%max_number_of_bytes% byte) baino handiagoa da.</msg>
<msg key="Name">Izena</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Ez dago mota hori</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objetu</msg>
<msg key="Size">Tamaina</msg>
<msg key="Title">Izenburua</msg>
<msg key="Top">Gora</msg>
<msg key="Type">Mota</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Bertsioaren fitxategi izena:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">%pretty_object_name%(e)n dokumentu berria eransten ari zara.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">%pretty_object_name%(e)n url berria eransten ari zara</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="fi_FI" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">Toiminto</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Lisää tiedosto</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Lisää linkki kansioon</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Lisää %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Liitä</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Liitä &lt;b&gt;uusi&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Liitä URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Valitse</msg>
<msg key="Description">Kuvaus:</msg>
<msg key="File">Tiedosto</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Muokattu viimeksi</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Lisää linkki liitetiedostohakemistoon</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Liitä tiedosto kohteeseen %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% nimike</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% tavua</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Luotu attachments-paketilla</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">en tiedä, kuinka tämän liitetiedostotyypin kanssa tulisi toimia</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Virhe: Liitetiedostojen juurihakemisto ja fs-juurihakemisto poikkeavat toisistaan!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Virhe: folder_id on tyhjä!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Kansio %folder_name% on tyhjä</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Löysin tiedostovarastosta hakemiston XXX folder_name XXX ... haluaisitko liittää linkin siihen?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Tiedostovarastosta ei löytynyt yhtään linkitettävää kansiota. Haluatko luoda uuden kansion?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Kyseistä liitetiedostoa ei löydy tälle kohteelle.</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Määritelty isähakemisto ei kelpaa.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Liittääksesi tiedoston joka löytyy jo kansiosta avaa kansio näpäyttämällä sen nimeä. Klikkaa sitten &amp;quot;[ Choose ]&amp;quot; -linkkiä tiedoston vieressä. Tallentaaksesi uuden tiedoston kansioon avaa kansio ja klikkaa sitten asianmukaista &amp;quot;Attach a new: File | URL&amp;quot; -linkkiä.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Lisää uusi liitetiedosto</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Käytä &quot;Browse...&quot; -näppäintä etsiäksesi haluamasi tiedosto, ja valitse sen jälkeen &quot;Open&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Olet liittämässä dokumenttia kohteeseen %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Painoit Lisää-painiketta luultavasti useammin kuin kerran. Tarkista, onko tiedosto haluamassasi &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;kansiossa&lt;/a&gt;, tai käytä Back-näppäintä ja anna tiedosto uudelleen.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Tiedostosi on suurempi kuin järjestelmän suurin sallittu tiedostokoko (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes).</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nimi</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Kyseistä tyyppiä ei ole olemassa</msg>
<msg key="Object">Kohde</msg>
<msg key="Size">Koko</msg>
<msg key="Title">Otsikko:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Ylös</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tyyppi</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Version tiedostonimi:</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="fr_FR" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Action</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Ajouter un fichier</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Ajouter un lien</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Ajouter %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Attacher</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Attacher un &lt;b&gt;nouveau&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Attacher un lien</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Choisir</msg>
<msg key="Description">Description:</msg>
<msg key="File">Document</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Dernire modification</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Ajouter un lien</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Attacher un document %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% item</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% octet</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Cr par le logiciel attachments</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">type de document inconnu</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Erreur: le dossier attaches et le dossier root son diffrents!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Erreur: valeur nule pour folder_id </msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Le dossier %folder_name% est vide</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Dossier XXX folder_name XXX... Voulez-vous les lier?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Aucun dossier trouv. Voulez-vous en crer un?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Pas d'attache pour cet objet</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Le dossier pre n'est pas valide.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Pour attacher un document existant dans un dossier, ouvrez le dossier en cliquant sur le nom du dossier, puis cliquez le lien &amp;quot;[ Choisir ]&amp;quot;. Pour envoyer un nouveau document dans un dossier, ouvrez le dossier en cliquant sur son nom, puis cliquez le lien &amp;quot;Attacher un nouveau: Document | Lien&amp;quot;</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Envoyer une nouvelle attache</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Utilisez le bouton &quot;Browse...&quot; pour localiser votre document, puis cliquez sur &quot;Ouvrir&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Document attach %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Il est probable que vous ayez cliqu plusieurs fois sur &quot;Ajouter&quot;. Vrifiez que le document ait bien t ajout au &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;dossier&lt;/a&gt; que vous avez choisi, ou bien revenez en arrire pour recommencer l'opration.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">La taille de votre document dpasse la valeur autorise (%max_number_of_bytes% octets)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nom</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Type non existant</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objet</msg>
<msg key="Size">Taille</msg>
<msg key="Title">Titre:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Haut</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Nom de la version:</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="gl_ES" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Accin</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Engadir Ficheiro</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Engadir ligazn para cartafol</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Engadir %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Anexar</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Anexar un(ha) &lt;b&gt;novo/a&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Anexar URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Escoller</msg>
<msg key="Description">Descripcin:</msg>
<msg key="File">Ficheiro</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">ltima Modificacin</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Engadir Ligazn para Cartafol de Anexos</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Anexar un Ficheiro a %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% tem</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Creado polo paquete de anexos</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">non sei o que facer con este tipo de anexo</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Erro: O cartafol raz do anexo e cartafol raz do sistema de ficheiros son diferentes!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Erro: folder_id vaco!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">O cartafol %folder_name% est vaco</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Atopei cartafol XXX con nome XXX ... vostede gostara de crear unha ligazn para el?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Non se atoparon cartafoles no almacenamento de ficheiros aos que ligar. Vostede quer crear un?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Non existe ese anexo para este obxecto</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">O cartafol pai especificado invlido.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Para anexar un ficheiro xa presente nun cartafol, abra o cartafol clicando no nome del, e despois clique na ligazn &amp;quot;[ Escoller ]&amp;quot; perto do ficheiro. Para cargar un novo ficheiro nun cartafol, abra o cartafol clicando no nome del, e depois clique na ligazn apropriada de &amp;quot;Anexar un novo: Ficheiro | URL&amp;quot;</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Carregar Novo Anexo</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Use o botn &quot;Procurar...&quot; para localizar o seu ficheiro, entn clique en &quot;Abrir&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Vostede est a anexar un documento a %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Vostede clicou no botn de Engadir mis de unha vez. Comprobe se o ficheiro est correctamente cargado no &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;cartafol&lt;/a&gt; que vostede quer, ou pode usar o botn Voltar para voltar e fornecer novamente a versin do ficheiro.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">O seu ficheiro mais grande ca o mximo tamao de ficheiro permitido neste sistema (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nome</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Non existe ese tipo</msg>
<msg key="Object">Obxecto</msg>
<msg key="Size">Tamao</msg>
<msg key="Title">Ttulo:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Topo</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Nome de ficheiro da versin:</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="hi_IN" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">कार्य </msg>
<msg key="Add_File">फ़ाइल मिलाना </msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">पुस्तिका सम्पर्क का मिलाना </msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">मिलाना %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">लगाना </msg>
<msg key="attach_new">जबत करना &lt;b&gt;नया&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">URL लगाना</msg>
<msg key="Choose">चयन करे</msg>
<msg key="Description">विवरण:</msg>
<msg key="File">फ़ाइल</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">पिछ्ली बार सन्शोधित</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">अटेचमेन्ट फ़ोलडर लिन्क को जोडे</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">%pretty_object_name% मे एक फ़ाइल सम्बन्ध करे</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% मद</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% बाइट</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">अटेचमेन्ट्स पेकेज द्वारा सर्जित </msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">नही मालूम कि अटेचमेन्ट प्रकार %content_type%से केसे कार्य किया जाये</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">त्रुटि: अटेचमेन्ट रुट फ़ोल्डर और फ़ाइल स्टोरेज रुट फ़ोल्डर अलग अलग है!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">त्रुटि: खाली folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">फ़ोलडर %folder_name% खाली है।</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">फ़ाइल मिली-स्टोरेज फ़ोल्डर XXX folder_name XXX ... क्या आप इसे इससे जोडना चाहेगे?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">इससे जोडने के लिये कोई फ़ाइल स्टोरेज नही मिला। क्या आप नया सर्जित करना चाहेगे?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">इस वस्तु के लिये एसा कोइ अटचमेन्ट नही है।</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">विनिर्दिष्ट पेरेन्ट फ़ोल्डर मान्य नही है।</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">पहले से ही फ़ोल्डर मे पडी फ़ाइल को अटेच करने के लिये फ़ोल्डर के नाम पर क्लिक करके फ़ोल्डर को खोले। तत्पशचात &amp;quot; [चयन] &amp;quote; पर क्लिक करे, फ़ाइल के आगे जोडे। यदि आपके पास समुचित सिस्टम अनुमति है, आप किसी भी फ़ोल्डर मे एक नई फ़ाइल अपलोड कर सकते है। ऐसा करने के लिये लिन्क पर क्लिक करके फ़ोल्डर को खोले। नई फ़ाइल अटेच करे: फ़ाइल यूआरएल लिन्क तभी दिखायी देगा, जब आपको इसके उपयोग करने की अनुमति होगी। </msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">नया अटेचमेन्ट अपलोड करे</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">अपनी फ़ाइल को खोजने के लिये ब्राउज... बटन का उपयोग करे तत्पशचात ओपन पर क्लिक करे।</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">आप %pretty_object_name% पर कोई दस्तावेज अटेच कर रहे है।</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">सम्भवत आपने एक से अधिक बार एड बटन पर क्लिक किया है। यह जान्च करे कि क्या &amp;lt;a href=&amp;quot;%folder_url%&amp;quot;&amp;gt;folder&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt; पर ठीक से लोड हो गयी है। आप चाहे तो वर्जन फ़ाइल पर वापसी या पुन: प्रवेश के लिये बेक बटन का उपयोग कर सकते है।</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">आपके फ़ाइल का आकार इस सिस्टम मे अनुमेय फ़ाइल के अधिकतम आकार से अधिक (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes) है </msg>
<msg key="Name">नाम </msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">एसे किस्म का कोई नही</msg>
<msg key="Object">वस्तु</msg>
<msg key="Size">आकार</msg>
<msg key="Title">शीर्षक</msg>
<msg key="Top">उपर</msg>
<msg key="Type">किस्म</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">वरजन फ़ाइल का नाम:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">आप %pretty_object_name% मे नया दस्तावेज अटेच कर रहे है।</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">आप %pretty_object_name% मे नया यूआरएल अटेच कर रहे है।</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="it_IT" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Azione</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Aggiungi un File</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Aggiungi un collegamento a una cartella</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Aggiungi un %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Allega</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Allega un &lt;b&gt;nuovo&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Allega una URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Scegli</msg>
<msg key="Description">Descrizione:</msg>
<msg key="File">File</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Ultima Modifica</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Aggiungi un allegato alla cartella</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Allega un file a %pretty_object_name% </msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% elemento</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Creato dal pacchetto Attachments</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">sono incerto su come trattare questo tipo di allegato</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Errore: la directory root dell'allegato e quella del filesystem sono differenti!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Errore: ID cartella vuoto!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">La cartella %folder_name% vuota</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Trovata cartella d'archivio XXX folder_name XXX ... vuoi collegarela ad essa?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Nessuna cartella d'archivio trovata per il collegamento. Vorresti crearne una?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Nessun tipo di allegato per questo oggetto.</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">La cartella superiore specificata non valida.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Per allegare un file gi in una cartella, apri la cartella cliccando sul suo nome, poi clicca sul link &amp;quot;[ Scegli ]&amp;quot; vicino al file.
Per caricare il file in una cartella, apri la cartella cliccando sul suo nome, poi clicca l'appropriato &amp;quot;Allega nuovo: File | URL&amp;quot; link</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Carica un nuovo allegato</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Usa il bottone &quot;Sfoglia...&quot; per individuare il tuo file, poi clicca su &quot;Apri&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Stai allegando un documento a %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Probabilmente hai premuto pi di una volta il tasto &quot;Aggiungi&quot;. Controlla se il file stato caricato correttamente nella &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;cartella&lt;/a&gt;, o usa il tasto Back per tornare indietro e reimmattere la versione del file</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Il tuo file eccede la dimensione massima consentita sul sistema (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes) </msg>
<msg key="Name">Nome</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Nessun tipo</msg>
<msg key="Object">Oggetto</msg>
<msg key="Size">Dimensione</msg>
<msg key="Title">Titolo:</msg>
<msg key="Top">In alto</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Versione file :</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Stai allegando un nuovo documento a %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Stai allegando un nuovo collegameno a %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="ja_JP" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Attach">添付</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">URL 添付</msg>
<msg key="Description">説明</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">最終更新</msg>
<msg key="Title">タイトル</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="ko_KR" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">활동</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">파일 추가</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">폴더 링크 추가</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">%pretty_name% 추가</msg>
<msg key="Attach">첨부</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">&lt;b&gt;새로&lt;/b&gt;첨부: </msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">URL 첨부</msg>
<msg key="Choose">선택하시오.</msg>
<msg key="Description">서술:</msg>
<msg key="File">파일</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">최종 수정</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">첨부 폴더 링크 추가</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">%pretty_object_name%에 파일 첨부</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% 항목</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% 바이트</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">첨부된 패케이지에 의해 생성되었습니다.</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">이 첨부된 유형을 어떻게 취급해야 할 지 모르겠습니다.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">오류: 첨부 루트 폴더와 fs 루트 폴더가 다릅니다.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">오류: 빈 폴더 아이디!!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">폴더 %folder_name%(이)가 비었습니다. </msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">파일 저장소 폴더 XXX 폴더 이름 XXX를 발견했습니다... 링크하겠습니까?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">링크할 파일 저장소 폴더를 찾지 못했습니다. 새로 생성하겠습니까?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">이 오브젝트를 위한 첨부가 없습니다. </msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">지정된 부모 폴더가 유효하지 않습니다.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">폴더에 이미 있는 파일을 첨부하기 위해서는, 폴더 이름을 클릭해서 폴더를 열고, &amp;quot;[ 선택 ]&amp;quot;을 클릭하고 파일을 연결합니다. 폴더로 새로운 파일을 업로드하기 위해서는 폴더이름을 클릭해서 폴더를 열고 적절한 &amp;quot;새롭게 첨부: 파일 | URL&amp;quot;를 클릭하고 연결하시오.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">새로운 첨부 업로드</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">여러분의 파일의 위치를 찾기 위해 &quot;브라우즈..&quot; 버튼을 사용하고 &quot;열기&quot;버튼을 클릭하시오.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">%pretty_object_name%에 문서를 추가하였습니다.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">아마도 추가 버튼을 한번이상 클릭한 것 같습니다. 원하는 파일이&lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;폴더&lt;/a&gt;에 로드되어있는지 체크하거나 돌아가서 새로운 버전의 파일을 다시 입력하기 위해 뒤로 버튼을 사용할 수 있습니다.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">파일이 이 시스템에서 허용하는 최대 파일 크기(%max_number_of_bytes% bytes) 보다 큽니다.</msg>
<msg key="Name">이름</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">이런 유형이 없습니다</msg>
<msg key="Object">오브젝트</msg>
<msg key="Size">크기</msg>
<msg key="Title">제목:</msg>
<msg key="Top">맨위로</msg>
<msg key="Type">유형</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">버전 파일이름:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">%pretty_object_name%에 새 문서를 첨부합니다.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">%pretty_object_name%에 새 url을 첨부합니다.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="ms_MY" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">Tindakan</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Tambah Fail</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Tambah folder Pepaut</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Tambah %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Lampirkan</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Lampirkan &lt;b&gt;baru&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Lampirkan URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Pilih</msg>
<msg key="Description">Perihal:</msg>
<msg key="File">Fail</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Terakhir Diubahsuai</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Tambah Lampiran Folder Pepaut</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Lampirkan Fail kepada %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% butiran</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% bait</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Direka oleh pakej lampiran-lampiran</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Tidak tahu bagaimana untuk mengendalikan jenis lampiran %content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Ralat: Punca folder lampiran dan punca folder simpanan fail adalah berlainan!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Ralat: folder_id kosong!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Folder %folder_name% adalah kosong</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Terjumpa simpanan-fail folder XXX folder_name XXX ... mahukah anda berpaut kepada folder tersebut?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Tiada simpanan-fail folder-folder dijumpai yang boleh dipautkan. Mahukah anda membuatnya?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Tiada lampiran untuk objek ini</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Folder induk yang ditentukan tidak sah.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Untuk melampirkan fail yang sudah berada dalam folder, buka folder dengan klik pada nama folder tersebut, kemudian klik &amp;quot;[ Choose ]&amp;quot; paut di sebelah fail. Untuk memuat naik fail baru ke dalam folder, buka folder dengan klik pada nama folder tersebut, kemudian klik &amp;quot berkenaan;Lampirkan baru: Fail | URL&amp;quot; pepaut </msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Muat Naik Lampiran Baru</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Gunakan butang &quot;Browse...&quot; untuk melokasi fail anda, kemudian klik &quot;Open&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Anda sendang melampirkan suatu dokumen kepada %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Kemungkinan anda telah klik pada butang Tambah lebih dari sekali. Semak sama ada fail tersebut telah dimuatkan betul pada &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;folder&lt;/a&gt; yang anda hendaki, atau anda boleh gunakan butang Back untuk kembali semula ke laman yang sebelumnya dan masuk semula versi fail.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Fail anda adalah lebih besar daripada saiz maksimum fail yang dibenarkan pada sistem ini (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nama</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Tiada jenis yang dikehendaki</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objek</msg>
<msg key="Size">Saiz</msg>
<msg key="Title">Tajuk:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Atas</msg>
<msg key="Type">Jenis</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Versi Nama Fail:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Anda sedang melampirkan suatu dokumen baru kepada %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Anda sedang melampirkan url baru kepada %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="nl_NL" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Actie</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Bestand toevoegen</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Koppeling naar map toevoegen</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">%pretty_name% toevoegen</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Bijvoegen</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">&lt;b&gt;Nieuwe&lt;/b&gt; bijlage:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">URL bijvoegen</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Kiezen</msg>
<msg key="Description">Beschrijving:</msg>
<msg key="File">Bestand</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Laatste wijziging</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Nieuwe hoofdmap aanmaken</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Bestand bijvoegen bij %pretty_object_name% </msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% bericht</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Aangemaakt door de Bijlagen module (Attachments)</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Onbekend hoe met bijlagen van het type %content_type% moet worden omgegaan </msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Fout: de hoofdmap voor bijlagen en voor bestandsopslag verschillen!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Fout: geen folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Map %folder_name% is leeg</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Folder voor bestandsopslag XXX gevonden
map_naam XXX... Een koppeling hiernaar maken?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Geen mappen voor bestandsopslag gevonden om naar te kunnen koppelen. Moet er n aangemaakt worden?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">De bijlage voor dit object bestaat niet </msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">De gekozen bovenliggende map is niet geldig</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Om een bestand uit een map bij te voegen, dient op de mapnaam te worden geklikt en vervolgens op de koppeling &amp;quot;[ Kiezen ]&amp;quot; naast het bestand. Om een nieuw bestand in een map te plaatsen, dient op de mapnaam te worden geklikt en vervolgens op de koppeling &amp;quot;Invoeren nieuw bestand | URL&amp;quot;</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Nieuwe bijlage aanbieden</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">De knop \&quot;Bladeren\&quot; gebruiken om een bestand te vinden en dan op \&quot;Openen\&quot; klikken</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Er wordt een document bij %pretty_object_name% bijgevoegd.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Je hebt waarschijnlijk meer dan eens op de knop &quot;Toevoegen&quot; geklikt. Controleer of het bestand correct in de &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;gewenste map&lt;/a&gt; is opgeslagen. De knop &quot;Terug&quot; van de browser kan gebruikt worden om de handeling te herhalen.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Het bestand is groter dan de maximaal toegestane omvang (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Naam</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Dit type bestaat niet</msg>
<msg key="Object">Object</msg>
<msg key="Size">Grootte</msg>
<msg key="Title">Titel</msg>
<msg key="Top">Top</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Bestandsnaam versie:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Er wordt een nieuw document bij %pretty_object_name% bijgevoegd.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Er wordt een nieuwe url bij %pretty_object_name% bijgevoegd.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="nn_NO" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Oppgve</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Legg til fil</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Legg til lenkje for mappe</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Legg til %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Legg ved</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Legg til &lt;b&gt;ny&lt;/b&gt;</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Legg ved URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Vel</msg>
<msg key="Description">Beskriving:</msg>
<msg key="File">Fil</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Sist endra</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Legg til lenkje for vedleggsmappe</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Legg ved ei fil til %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% innlegg</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Generert av vedleggssystemet</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Veit ikkje kva eg skal gjere med denne vedleggstypen %content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Feil: Rotmappe for vedlegg og fillager er ikkje lik!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Feil: tom mappe-id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Mappe %folder_name% er tom</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Fann mappe XXX folder_name XXX i fillageret ... vil du lenkje til den?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Ingen mapper er funne i fillageret. VIl du opprette ei?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Ikkje noko slik vedlegg for dette objektet</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Spesifisert foreldre-mappe er ikkje gyldig.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">For leggje ved ei fil som alt er i ei mappe, opn mappa ved klikke p namned til mappa, s klikkar du &amp;quot;[ Velg ]&amp;quot;-lenkja ved sida av fila. For laste opp ei ny fil til ei mappe, opn mappa ved klikke p navnet til mappa, s klikkar du p den korrekte &amp;quot;Legg til ei ny: Fil | URL&amp;quot;-lenkja </msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Last opp nytt vedlegg</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Bruk &quot;Sk...&quot;-knappen for finne fila di, s klikkar du &quot;Opne&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Du legg ved eit dokument til %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Du har truleg klikka p Legg til-knappen meir enn ein gong. Sjekk om fila er skikkeleg innlagt i &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;mappa&lt;/a&gt; du nskjer, eller bruk Tilbake-knappen og legg inn versjonsfila p nytt.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Fila di er strre enn maksimum filstorleik p dette systemet (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes) </msg>
<msg key="Name">Navn</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Ingen slik type</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objekt</msg>
<msg key="Size">Storleik</msg>
<msg key="Title">Tittel</msg>
<msg key="Top">Topp</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Versjon filnavn:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Du legg ved eit nytt dokument til %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Du legg ved ein nu url til %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="no_NO" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Oppgave</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Legg til fil</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Legg til lenke for mappe</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Legg til %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Legg ved</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Legg til en &lt;b&gt;ny&lt;/b&gt;: </msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Legg ved URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Velg</msg>
<msg key="Description">Beskrivelse</msg>
<msg key="File">Fil</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Sist endret</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Legg til lenke for vedleggsmappe</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Legg til en fil til %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% innlegg </msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte </msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Generert av vedleggssystemet</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">vet ikke hva jeg skal gjre med denne vedleggstypen %content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Feil: Rotmappe for vedlegg og fillager er forskjellige!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Feil: tom mappe_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Mappe %folder_name% er tom</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Fant mappe XXX folder_name XXX i fillageret ... vil du lenke til den?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Ingen mapper er funnet i fil-lageret. Vil du opprette en?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Intet sdant vedlegg for dette objektet</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Spesifisert foreldre-folder ikke gyldig.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">For legge til en fil som allerede er i en mappe, pne mappen ved frst klikke p navnet til meppen, s klikk &amp;quot;[ Velg ]&amp;quot;-lenken ved siden av filen. For laste opp en ny fil til en mappe, pne mappen ved klikke p mappens navnm s klikker du p den korrekte &amp;quot;Legg til en ny: Fil | URL&amp;quot;-lenken</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Last opp nytt vedlegg</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Bruk &quot;Sk...&quot;-knappen for finne filen din, s klikker du &quot;pne&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Du legger ved et dokument til %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Du har sannsynligvis klikket p Legg til-knappen mer enn en gang. Sjekk om filen er skikkelig innlagt i &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;mappen&lt;/a&gt; du nsker, eller bruk Tilbake-knappen for gjenta operasjonen.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Filen din er strre enn maksimum filstrrelse tillatt p dette systemet (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Navn</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Ingen slik type</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objekt</msg>
<msg key="Size">Strrelse</msg>
<msg key="Title">Tittel:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Topp</msg>
<msg key="Type">Type</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Versjon filnavn :</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Du legger ved et nytt dokument til %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Du legger ved en ny url til %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="pl_PL" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">Czynność</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Dodaj Plik</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Dodaj Folder z Linkami</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Dodaj %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Załącz</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Dołącz &lt;b&gt;nowy&lt;/b&gt;: </msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Załącz URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Wybierz</msg>
<msg key="Description">Opis:</msg>
<msg key="File">Plik</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Ostatnio Zmieniane</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Dodaj Załącznik Folder Link</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Załącz Plik do %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% obiekt /?/</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% bajt</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Utworzony przez pakiet Załączniki</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">nie wiem co zrobić z tym typem załącznika</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Błąd: Różne katalogi główne dla Załączników i Systemu Plików!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Błąd: pusty folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Folder %folder_name% jest pusty</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Znaleziono folder XXX folder_name XXX ... czy chcesz połączyć go?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Nie znaleziono żadnego foldera do połącznia. Czy chcesz utworzyć nowy folder?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Brak załącznika dla tego obiektu</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Ten folder nadrzędny jest błędny. </msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">By załączyć plik, który jest już w folderze, otwórz folder klikając jego nazwę, potem kliknij link &amp;quot;[ Wybierz ]&amp;quot; obok pliku. By wgrać nowy plik do foldera, otwórz folder klikając jego nazwę, potem kliknij odpowiedni link: &amp;quot;Załącz nowy: Plik | URL&amp;quot;</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Wgraj Nowy Załącznik</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Wybierz plik używając przycisku &quot;Przeglądaj...&quot; lub &quot;Browse...&quot;, następnie kliknij &quot;Otwórz&quot; lub &quot;Open&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Załączasz dokument do %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Prawdopodobnie dwukrotnie kliknięto przycisk Dodaj. Sprawdź czy plik został prawidłowo wgrany do &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;żądanego foldera&lt;/a&gt; albo cofnij przeglądarkę i wprowadź nową wersję pliku. </msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Twój plik jest zbyt duży. Maksymalna wielkość to %max_number_of_bytes% bajtów.</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nazwa</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Brak takiego typu</msg>
<msg key="Object">Obiekt</msg>
<msg key="Size">Rozmiar</msg>
<msg key="Title">Tytuł:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Najwyższy</msg>
<msg key="Type">Typ</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Nazwa Pliku Wersji:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Dołączasz nowy dokument do %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Dołączasz nowy url do %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="pt_BR" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Ao</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Adicionar Arquivo</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Adicionar Atalho para pasta</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Adicionar %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Anexar</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Anexar um(a) &lt;b&gt;novo(a)&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Anexar URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Escolher</msg>
<msg key="Description">Descrio:</msg>
<msg key="File">Arquivo</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">ltima Modificao</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Adicionar um Atalho para Pasta de Anexos</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Anexar um Arquivo a %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% item</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Criado pelo pacote de anexos</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">no sei como lidar com este tipo de anexo</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Erro: Pasta raiz de anexos e pasta raiz do sistema de arquivos so diferentes!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Erro: folder_id vazio!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Pasta %folder_name% est vazia</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Encontrei pasta XXX com nome XXX ... voc gostaria de criar um link para ele?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">No foi encontrado pastas no armazenamento de arquivos para fazer um atalho. Voc quer criar uma?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">No h anexo para este objeto</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">A pasta pai especificada invlida.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Para anexar um arquivo j presente numa pasta, abra a pasta clicando no nome dela, e depois clique em &amp;quot;[ Escolher ]&amp;quot; perto do arquivo. Para carregar um novo arquivo numa pasta, abra a pasta clicando no nome dela, e depois clique em &amp;quot;Anexar um novo: Arquivo | URL&amp;quot;</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Carregar Novo Anexo</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Use o boto &quot;Procurar...&quot; para localizar seu arquivo, ento clique em &quot;Abrir&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Voc est a anexar um documento a %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Voc provavelmente clicou no boto de Adicionar mais de uma vez. Comprove se o ficheiro est corretamente carregado na &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;pasta&lt;/a&gt; que voc quer, ou pode usar o boto Voltar para voltar e fornecer novamente a verso do arquivo.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Seu ficheiro mais grande do que o mximo tamanho de ficheiro permitido neste sistema (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nome</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">No existe esse tipo</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objecto</msg>
<msg key="Size">Tamanho</msg>
<msg key="Title">Ttulo:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Topo</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Nome de arquivo da verso:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Voc est a anexar um documento a %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Voc est enexando uma nova URL a %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="pt_PT" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">Aco</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Adicionar Ficheiro</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Adicionar a ligao da pasta</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Adicionar %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Anexar</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Anexar um &lt;b&gt;novo&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Anexar URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Escolher</msg>
<msg key="Description">Descrio:</msg>
<msg key="File">Ficheiro</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">ltima Modificao</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Adicionar Atalho para Pasta de Anexos</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Anexar um Ficheiro a %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% item </msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte </msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Criado pelo pacote de anexos</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">no sei como lidar com este tipo de anexo</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Erro: A pasta raiz do anexo e a pasta raiz do sistema de ficheiros so diferentes!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Erro: folder_id vazio!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">A pasta %folder_name% est vazia</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Encontrada a pasta XXX com o nome XXX ... gostaria de criar uma ligao para ele?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">No foram encontradas pastas no sistema de ficheiros s quais possa criar uma ligao. Gostaria de criar uma?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">No existe tal anexo para este objecto</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">A pasta pai especificada no vlida.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Para anexar um ficheiro que j se encontra numa pasta, abra a pasta clicando no nome da pasta, depois clique em &amp;quot;[ Escolha ]&amp;quot; perto do ficheiro. Para carregar um novo ficheiro para uma pasta, abra a pasta clicando no nome da pasta, depois clique o &amp;quot apropriado;Anexar um novo: Ficheiro | URL&amp;quot;</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Carregar Novo Anexo</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Utilize o boto &quot;Procurar...&quot; para localizar o seu ficheiro, depois clique &quot;Abrir&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Est a anexar um documento a %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Provavelmente clicou no boto Adicionar mais do que uma vez. Veja se o ficheiro foi devidamente descarregado na &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;pasta&lt;/a&gt; que quer, ou pode utilizar o boto Retroceder para voltar a entrar a verso do ficheiro. </msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">O seu ficheiro maior do que o tamanho mximo permitido neste sistema (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Nome</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">No existe esse tipo</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objecto</msg>
<msg key="Size">Tamanho</msg>
<msg key="Title">Titulo:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Topo</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tipo</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Nome de arquivo do ficheiro :</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="ro_RO" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">Acţiune</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Adaugă Fişier</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Adaugă link la directorul de fişier</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Adaugă %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Ataşează</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Adaugă un &lt;b&gt;nou&lt;/b&gt;: </msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Adaugă URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Alege</msg>
<msg key="Description">Descriere:</msg>
<msg key="File">Fişier</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Ultima Modificare</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Adaugă </msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Ataşează un Fişier la %pretty_object_name% </msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">obiectul %contents.content_size% </msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Creat de către programul attachments</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Nu ştiu ce să fac cu acest tip de fişier: %content_type% </msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Eroare: Directorul rădăcină pentru fişiere ataşate şi directorul rădăcină sunt diferite !</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Eroare: folder_id este gol !</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Directorul %folder_name% este gol</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Am găsit director de fişiere XXX folder_name XXX ... vrei să ai un link la el ?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Nu am găsit nici un director de fişiere, pentru a creea un link la el. Vrei sa creezi unul?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Nu există acest fel de fişiere ataşate pentru acest obiect</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Directorul părinte menţionat nu este valabil</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Pentru a ataşa un fişier aflat deja într-un director, deschideţi directorul dând click pe numele directorului, apoi daţi click pe linkul &amp;quot;[ Choose ]&amp;quot; adiacent fişierului. Pentru a încărca fişierul într-un director, deschideţi directorul dând click pe numele său apoi daţi click pe linkul respectiv &amp;quot;Attach a new: File | URL&amp;quot; </msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Încarcă un Fişier Nou</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Utilizează butonul &quot;Browse...&quot; pentru a localiza fişierul şi apoi daţi click pe &quot;Open&quot;. </msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Ataşaţi un document la %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Probabil că aţi dat click pe butonul Adaugă mai mult decăt o singură dată. Verificaţi dacă fişierul a fost încărcat în mod corespunzător pe &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt; directorul &lt;/a&gt; dorit, sau puteţi utiliza butonul Înapoi/Back pentru a vă întoarce şi reintroduce respectivul fişier</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Fişierul dumneavoastră este mai mare decât mărimea maximă permisă pe acest sistem (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes) </msg>
<msg key="Name">Nume</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Nu există acest tip</msg>
<msg key="Object">Obiect</msg>
<msg key="Size">Mărime</msg>
<msg key="Title">Titlu</msg>
<msg key="Top">Sus</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tip</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Fişierul versiune:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Ataşaţi un nou document la %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Ataşaţi un nou url la %pretty_object_name%. </msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="ru_RU" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">Действие</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Добавить файл</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Добавить ссылку на папку</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Добавить %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Прикрепить</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Прикрепить &lt;b&gt;новый&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Прикрепить URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Выбрать</msg>
<msg key="Description">Описание:</msg>
<msg key="File">Файл</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Дата изм.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Прикрепить файл к %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% байт</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Ошибка: пустой folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Папка %folder_name% пуста</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Загрузить новое вложение</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Нажав на кнопку &quot;Browse...&quot;, выберите файл, затем нажмите &quot;Open&quot; (&quot;Открыть&quot;).</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Размер вашего файла больше разрешённого в этой системе (%max_number_of_bytes% байт)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Имя</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Тип отсутствует</msg>
<msg key="Object">Объект</msg>
<msg key="Size">Размер</msg>
<msg key="Title">Название:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Верх страницы</msg>
<msg key="Type">Тип</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Версия файла:</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="sh_HR" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Attach">Prilozi</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Izaberi</msg>
<msg key="Description">Opis</msg>
<msg key="File">Fajl</msg>
<msg key="Name">Ime</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objekat</msg>
<msg key="Top">Vrh</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="sv_SE" charset="ISO-8859-1">
<msg key="Action">tgrd</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Lgg till fil</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Lgg till mapplnk</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">Lgg till %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Bifoga</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">Bifoga en &lt;b&gt;ny&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">Bifoga URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Vlj</msg>
<msg key="Description">Beskrivning:</msg>
<msg key="File">Fil</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Senast modifierad</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Lgg till bifogad mapplnk</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Bifoga en fil till %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% item</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Skapad av paketet som hanterar bifogade filer</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">Kan inte hantera bifogade filer av typen %content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Fel: Den bifogade filens rotmapp och filsystemets rotmapp skiljer sig t.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Fel: folder_id r tom.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Mappen %folder_name% r tom</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Fann &quot;file-storage&quot;-mapp XXX folder_name XXX ... Vill du lnka till den?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Ingen &quot;file-storage&quot;-mapp att lnka till funnen. Vill du skapa en?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Ingen sdan bifogad fil fr det hr objektet</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Den angivna huvudmappen r inte giltig.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Fr att bifoga en fil som redan finns i en mapp; ppna mappen genom att klicka p mappens namn och klicka sedan p &quot;Vlj&quot;-lnken bredvid filen. Fr att ladda upp en ny fil till en mapp; ppna mappen genom att klicka p mappens namn och klicka sedan p den nskade &quot;Bifoga en ny fil/URL&quot;-lnken.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Bifoga en ny fil</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Anvnd &quot;Blddra&quot;-knappen och leta upp din fil. Klicka sedan p &quot;ppna&quot;.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Du bifogar ett dokument till %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Du klickade frmodligen p &quot;Lgg till&quot;-knappen mer n en gng. Kontrollera att filen har laddats upp till &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;nskad mapp&lt;/a&gt;. Anvnd annars din webblsares &quot;Tillbaka&quot;-knapp fr att frska igen.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Din fil r strre n vad som tillts (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Namn</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Ingen sdan typ</msg>
<msg key="Object">Objekt</msg>
<msg key="Size">Storlek</msg>
<msg key="Title">Titel:</msg>
<msg key="Top">Topp</msg>
<msg key="Type">Typ</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Versionens filnamn:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Du bifogar ett nytt dokument till %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Du bifogar en ny URL till %pretty_object_name%.</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="tr_TR" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">İşlev</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">Dosya Ekle</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">Dizin Bağı Ekle</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">%pretty_name% Ekle</msg>
<msg key="Attach">Bağla</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">&lt;b&gt;yeni&lt;/b&gt; bir bağla:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">URL Bağla</msg>
<msg key="Choose">Seç</msg>
<msg key="Description">Açıklama:</msg>
<msg key="File">Dosya</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">Son Duzenlenme</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">Baglanacak Klasorun Yolunu Ekleyin</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">Dosyayi %pretty_object_name% 'e bagla</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% maddesi</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% byte</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">Baglanan paket tarafindan yaratildi</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">%content_type% tipi ile nasil dosya baglanacagi bilinmiyor</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">Hata: Dosya ekleme ve depolama klasorleri farkli!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">Hata: Bos klasor bilgisi.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">%folder_name% klasoru bos</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">Dosya depolama klasoru bulundu XXX folder_name XXX ... baglanti kurmak ister misiniz?
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">Linkteki dosya depolama klasoru bulunamadi. Bir tane yaratmak ister misiniz?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">Bu nesne icin boyle bir bagli dosya yok.</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">Belirlenen ana klasor gecerli degil.</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">Varolan bir klasore dosya eklerken, klasorun adina tiklayarak klasoru acin ve &amp;quot;[ Choose ]&amp;quot; 'e tiklayin, sonrakini de baglayin. Eger uygun sistem izinlerine sahipseniz klasore yeni bir dosya da yukleyebilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak icin, baglantiya tiklayarak klasoru acin. Sadece izni olanlara &quot;Attach a new: File | URL&quot; baglantisi gozukecektir.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">Yeni dosya yukle</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Dosyanizin yerini gostermek icin &quot;Browse...&quot; dugmesine basin sonra da &quot;Open&quot; dugmesine tiklayin.</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">Bir dokumani suraya bagladiniz: %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">Birden fazla kez Ekle dugmesine basmis olmalisiniz. Isterseniz dosyanizin &lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;folder&lt;/a&gt; kaynagindan dogru olarak yuklendigini kontrol edin veya Geri dugmesini kullanarak dosyanizin surumunu tekrar girin.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Dosyaniz sistem tarafindan izin verilen en buyuk boyutu asti (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
<msg key="Name">Isim</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">Boyle bir tur yok</msg>
<msg key="Object">Nesne</msg>
<msg key="Size">Boyut</msg>
<msg key="Title">Baslik</msg>
<msg key="Top">Ust</msg>
<msg key="Type">Tur</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">Surum dosya adi:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">Yeni bir dosyayi suraya ekliyorsunuz: %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">Yeni bir URL 'yi suraya ekliyorsunuz: %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="zh_CN" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">操作</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">增加文件</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">增加文件夹链接</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">增加%pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">添加</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">添加&lt;b&gt;&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">添加URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">选择</msg>
<msg key="Description">简介:</msg>
<msg key="File">文件</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">最后更新</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">增加附件文件夹链接</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">给%pretty_object_name%添加文件</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size%条</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size%字节</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">由附件创建</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">不知如何处理附件类型%content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">错误:附件根文件夹和文件存储根文件夹不同!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">错误:空folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">文件夹%folder_name%空</msg>
<msg key="lt_Found_file-storage_fo">找到文件存储文件夹XXXfolder_nameXXX...,要链接它吗?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_file-storage_folde">没有找到要链接的文件存储文件夹,创建一个文件夹吗?</msg>
<msg key="lt_No_such_attachment_fo">该项没有附件</msg>
<msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">指定父文件夹无效。</msg>
<msg key="lt_To_attach_a_file_alre">要附加一个已在文件夹中的文件,单击文件夹名打开该文件夹,然后单击文件旁边的&amp;quot;[选择]&amp;quot;。要向文件夹上传一个新文件,单击文件夹名打开该文件夹,然后单击&amp;quot;添加一个新的:文件URL&amp;quot;。</msg>
<msg key="lt_Upload_New_Attachment">上传新附件</msg>
<msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">用“浏览……”按钮查找文件,然后单击“打开”。</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_are_attaching_a_d">正在将文档附加到%pretty_object_name%。</msg>
<msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">可能已多次点击“增加”钮,检查文件是否已经装入&lt;a href=&quot;%folder_url%&quot;&gt;文件夹&lt;/a&gt;,或者用“后退”钮返回,重新进入此版本文件。 </msg>
<msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">文件大于系统规定的最大文件大小(%max_number_of_bytes%字节)</msg>
<msg key="Name">名称</msg>
<msg key="No_such_type">无此类型</msg>
<msg key="Object"></msg>
<msg key="Size">大小</msg>
<msg key="Title">标题</msg>
<msg key="Top"></msg>
<msg key="Type">类型</msg>
<msg key="URL">URL</msg>
<msg key="URL_1">URL:</msg>
<msg key="Version_filename_">版本文件名:</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_document_to_object">正在给%pretty_object_name%附加新文件。</msg>
<msg key="you_are_attaching_url_to_object">正在给%pretty_object_name%附加新URL。</msg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message_catalog package_key="attachments" locale="zh_TW" charset="utf-8">
<msg key="Action">動作</msg>
<msg key="Add_File">增加檔案</msg>
<msg key="Add_folder_Link">增加檔案夾連結</msg>
<msg key="Add_pretty_name">增加 %pretty_name%</msg>
<msg key="Attach">附加</msg>
<msg key="attach_new">附加&lt;b&gt;新的&lt;/b&gt;:</msg>
<msg key="Attach_URL">附加URL</msg>
<msg key="Choose">選擇</msg>
<msg key="Description">描述:</msg>
<msg key="File">檔案</msg>
<msg key="Last_Modified">最後修改</msg>
<msg key="lt_Add_Attachment_Folder">增加附件文件夾連結</msg>
<msg key="lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret">附加一個檔案至 %pretty_object_name%</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size% 件</msg>
<msg key="lt_contentscontent_size__1">%contents.content_size% 位元組</msg>
<msg key="lt_Created_by_the_attach">由附件所建立</msg>
<msg key="lt_dont_know_how_to_deal">無法處理附件類型 %content_type%</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_Attachment_root">錯誤: 附件根檔案夾與檔案儲存根檔案夾不同.</msg>
<msg key="lt_Error_empty_folder_id">錯誤: 空的 folder_id!</msg>
<msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">檔案夾 %folder_name% 是空的</msg>
-- Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 MIT
-- this is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-- version.
-- this is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-- details.
-- attachments
-- @author arjun (
-- @version $Id$
create table attachments_fs_root_folder_map (
package_id constraint attach_fldr_map_package_id_fk
references apm_packages (package_id)
constraint attach_fldr_map_package_id_un
folder_id constraint attach_fldr_map_folder_id_fk
references fs_root_folders (folder_id),
constraint attach_fldr_map_pk
primary key (package_id, folder_id)
--RI Indexes
create index attachments_fsr_fm_folder_id_i ON attachments_fs_root_folder_map(folder_id);
create table attachments (
object_id constraint attachments_object_id_fk
references acs_objects (object_id)
on delete cascade,
item_id constraint attachments_item_id_fk
references acs_objects (object_id)
on delete cascade,
approved_p char(1)
default 't'
constraint attachments_approved_p_ck
check (approved_p in ('t', 'f'))
constraint attachments_approved_p_nn
not null,
constraint attachments_pk
primary key (object_id, item_id)
--RI Indexes
create index attachments_item_id_idx ON attachments(item_id);
-- Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 MIT
-- this is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-- version.
-- this is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-- details.
-- attachments
-- @author arjun (
-- @version $Id$
drop table attachments;
drop table attachment_root_folders;
-- upgrade attachments to include approved_p column
-- @author <a href=""></a>
-- @creation-date 2002-08-29
-- @version $Id$
alter table attachments add (
approved_p char(1)
default 't'
constraint attachments_approved_p_ck
check (approved_p in ('t', 'f'))
constraint attachments_approved_p_nn
not null
-- RI indexes
create index attachments_item_id_idx ON attachments(item_id);
create index attachments_fsr_fm_folder_id_i ON attachments_fs_root_folder_map(folder_id);
-- Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 MIT
-- this is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-- version.
-- this is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-- details.
-- attachments
-- @author arjun (
-- @version $Id$
create table attachments_fs_root_folder_map (
package_id integer
constraint attach_fldr_map_package_id_fk
references apm_packages (package_id)
constraint attach_fldr_map_package_id_un
folder_id integer
constraint attach_fldr_map_folder_id_fk
references fs_root_folders (folder_id),
constraint attach_fldr_map_pk
primary key (package_id, folder_id)
-- RI Indexes
create index attachments_fsr_fm_folder_id_i ON attachments_fs_root_folder_map(folder_id);
create table attachments (
object_id integer
constraint attachments_object_id_fk
references acs_objects(object_id)
on delete cascade,
item_id integer
constraint attachments_item_id_fk
references acs_objects(object_id)
on delete cascade,
approved_p char(1)
default 't'
constraint attachments_approved_p_ck
check (approved_p in ('t', 'f'))
constraint attachments_approved_p_nn
not null,
constraint attachments_pk
primary key (object_id, item_id)
-- RI Indexes
create index attachments_item_id_idx ON attachments(item_id);
-- Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 MIT
-- this is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-- version.
-- this is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-- details.
-- attachments
-- @author arjun (
-- @version $Id$
drop table attachments;
drop table attachment_root_folders;
-- upgrade attachments to include approved_p column
-- @author <a href=""></a>
-- @creation-date 2002-08-29
-- @version $Id$
alter table attachments rename to attachments_old;
drop index attachments_pk;
create table attachments (
object_id integer
constraint attachments_object_id_fk
references acs_objects(object_id)
on delete cascade,
item_id integer
constraint attachments_item_id_fk
references acs_objects(object_id)
on delete cascade,
approved_p char(1)
default 't'
constraint attachments_approved_p_ck
check (approved_p in ('t', 'f'))
constraint attachments_approved_p_nn
not null,
constraint attachments_pk
primary key (object_id, item_id)
into attachments
(object_id, item_id, approved_p)
select object_id,
from attachments_old;
drop table attachments_old;
-- RI indexes
create index attachments_item_id_idx ON attachments(item_id);
create index attachments_fsr_fm_folder_id_i ON attachments_fs_root_folder_map(folder_id);
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="attachments::get_attachments.select_attachments">
select item_id
from attachments
where object_id = :object_id
and approved_p = 't'
<fullquery name="attachments::get_all_attachments.select_attachments">
select item_id,
from attachments
where object_id = :object_id
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="attachments::get_attachments.select_attachments">
select item_id
from attachments
where object_id = :object_id
and approved_p = 't'
<fullquery name="attachments::get_all_attachments.select_attachments">
select item_id,
from attachments
where object_id = :object_id
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
ad_library {
@author Arjun Sanyal (
@cvs-id $Id$
namespace eval attachments {
ad_proc -public root_folder_p {
} {
Returns 1 if the package_id has an fs_folder mapped to it
} {
return [db_string root_folder_p_select {} -default 0]
ad_proc -public get_root_folder {
{-package_id ""}
} {
} {
if {[empty_string_p $package_id]} {
# Get the package ID from the parent URL
array set parent_node [site_node::get_parent -node_id [ad_conn node_id]]
set package_id $parent_node(object_id)
return [db_string get_root_folder_select {} -default {}]
ad_proc -public root_folder_map_p {
} {
Returns 1 if the package_id has an fs_folder mapped to it
} {
# this is a duplicate (Ben)
return [root_folder_p -package_id $package_id]
ad_proc -public map_root_folder {
} {
} {
db_dml map_root_folder_insert {}
ad_proc -public unmap_root_folder {
} {
} {
db_dml unmap_root_folder_delete {}
ad_proc -public attach {
{-approved_p t}
} {
perform the attachment
} {
db_dml insert_attachment {}
ad_proc -public unattach {
} {
undo the attachment
} {
db_dml delete_attachment {}
ad_proc -public toggle_approved {
{-approved_p ""}
} {
toggle approved_p for attachment
} {
if {[empty_string_p $approved_p]} {
set approved_p [ad_decode [db_string select_attachment_approved_p {}] f t f]
db_dml toggle_approved_p {}
ad_proc -public get_package_key {} {
return attachments
ad_proc -public get_url {
} {
return [parameter::get \
-package_id [apm_package_id_from_key [get_package_key]] \
-parameter RelativeUrl
ad_proc -public add_attachment_url {
{-folder_id ""}
{-package_id ""}
{-return_url ""}
{-pretty_name ""}
} {
return "[attachments::get_url]/attach?pretty_object_name=[ns_urlencode $pretty_name]&folder_id=$folder_id&object_id=$object_id&return_url=[ns_urlencode $return_url]"
ad_proc -public goto_attachment_url {
{-package_id ""}
{-base_url ""}
} {
return "${base_url}[attachments::get_url]/go-to-attachment?object_id=$object_id&attachment_id=$attachment_id"
ad_proc -public detach_url {
{-package_id ""}
{-base_url ""}
{-return_url ""}
} {
return "${base_url}[attachments::get_url]/detach?object_id=$object_id&attachment_id=$attachment_id&return_url=[ad_urlencode $return_url]"
ad_proc -public graphic_url {
{-package_id ""}
} {
return "<img valign=bottom src=\"[attachments::get_url]/graphics/file.gif\">"
ad_proc -public get_attachments {
{-base_url ""}
{-return_url ""}
} {
returns a list of attachment ids and names which are approved: {item_id name url detach_url}
} {
set lst [db_list select_attachments {}]
set lst_with_urls [list]
foreach item_id $lst {
if { [content::extlink::is_extlink -item_id $item_id] } {
set label [content::extlink::name -item_id $item_id]
} else {
set label [fs::get_object_prettyname -object_id $item_id]
set append_lst [list [goto_attachment_url -object_id $object_id -attachment_id $item_id -base_url $base_url]]
lappend append_lst [detach_url -object_id $object_id -attachment_id $item_id -base_url $base_url -return_url $return_url]
lappend lst_with_urls [concat [list $item_id $label] $append_lst]
return $lst_with_urls
ad_proc -public get_all_attachments {
{-base_url ""}
} {
returns a list of attachment ids and names: {item_id name approved_p url}
} {
set lst [db_list select_attachments {}]
set lst_with_urls [list]
foreach item_id $lst {
if { [content::extlink::is_extlink -item_id $item_id] } {
set label [content::extlink::name -item_id $item_id]
} else {
set label [fs::get_object_name -object_id $item_id]
set append_lst [list [goto_attachment_url -object_id $object_id -attachment_id $item_id -base_url $base_url]]
lappend lst_with_urls [concat [list $item_id $label] $append_lst]
return $lst_with_urls
ad_proc -public context_bar {
{-final ""}
{-extra_vars ""}
{-multirow "fs_context"}
} {
Create a multirow with cols (url title) for the file-storage bar
starting at folder_id
} {
set root_folder_id [attachments::get_root_folder]
set cbar_list [fs_context_bar_list -extra_vars $extra_vars -folder_url "attach" -file_url "attach" -root_folder_id $root_folder_id -final $final $folder_id]
template::multirow create $multirow url label
if { $root_folder_id ne "" && $cbar_list ne "" } {
template::multirow append $multirow "attach?${extra_vars}&folder_id=$root_folder_id" [_ attachments.Top]
foreach elm $cbar_list {
if { [llength elm] > 1 } {
template::multirow append $multirow [lindex $elm 0] [lindex $elm 1]
} else {
template::multirow append $multirow "" $elm
} else {
template::multirow append $multirow "" [_ attachments.Top]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="attachments::root_folder_p.root_folder_p_select">
select 1
from attachments_fs_root_folder_map
where package_id = :package_id
<fullquery name="attachments::get_root_folder.get_root_folder_select">
select folder_id
from attachments_fs_root_folder_map
where package_id = :package_id
<fullquery name="attachments::map_root_folder.map_root_folder_insert">
into attachments_fs_root_folder_map
(package_id, folder_id)
(:package_id, :folder_id)
<fullquery name="attachments::unmap_root_folder.unmap_root_folder_delete">
from attachments_fs_root_folder_map
where package_id = :package_id and
folder_id = :folder_id
<fullquery name="attachments::attach.insert_attachment">
into attachments
(object_id, item_id, approved_p)
(:object_id, :attachment_id, :approved_p)
<fullquery name="attachments::unattach.delete_attachment">
from attachments
where object_id = :object_id
and item_id = :attachment_id
<fullquery name="attachments::toggle_approved.select_attachment_approved_p">
select approved_p
from attachments
where object_id = :object_id
and item_id = :item_id
<fullquery name="attachments::toggle_approved.toggle_approved_p">
update attachments
set approved_p = :approved_p
where object_id = :object_id
and item_id = :item_id
# Copyright (C) 2002 MIT
# this is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# this is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
ad_page_contract {
Creates a new fs root folder and maps it to the passed in packge_id
@author Arjun Sanyal (
@cvs-id $Id$
} -query {
# apm sucks
set instance_name [db_string instance_name_select "select instance_name from apm_packages where package_id = :package_id"]
set folder_id [fs::new_root_folder \
-package_id $package_id \
-pretty_name "$instance_name's Attachments" \
-description "[_ attachments.lt_Created_by_the_attach]"
attachments::map_root_folder -package_id $package_id -folder_id $folder_id
ad_returnredirect $referer
<property name="title">#attachments.lt_Add_Attachment_Folder# </property>
<if @root_folder_id@ eq 0>
<form method=get action=new-root-folder-map-2>
<input type=hidden name=package_id value=@package_id@>
<input type=hidden name=referer value=@referer@>
<input type=submit value="Yes">
<form method=get action=redirect>
<input type=hidden name=referer value=@referer@>
<input type=submit value="No">
# Copyright (C) 2002 MIT
# this is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# this is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
ad_page_contract {
Tries to find an appropriate fs root folder for the passed in package_id.
If it can't find one, it prompts to make new one.
@author Arjun Sanyal (
@cvs-id $Id$
} -query {
# can't use the get_root_folder proc since it creates
# a new one if one doesn't exist. A BUG.
set root_folder_id [db_string has_fs_root_folder_p_select \
"select folder_id from fs_root_folders where package_id = :package_id" \
-default 0 ]
if {$root_folder_id == 0} {
# look for a fs root folder candidate, by looking for an file-storage
# sibling of our parent (uncle? or aunt? node). Should generalize sibling
# stuff, search by parent etc.
set parent_id [site_node::get_parent \
-node_id [site_node::get_node_id_from_object_id -object_id $package_id] ]
# todo
# if we found one, get that node's info and present it
# set root_folder_id xxx
# else ask to create a new root folder
} else {
if {[attachments::root_folder_p -package_id $package_id]} {
# sanity check that the attachments_root_folder and fs_root_folder match
set attachments_root_folder [attachments::get_root_folder \
-package_id $package_id ]
if {$attachments_root_folder != $root_folder_id} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "[_ attachments.lt_Error_Attachment_root]"
} else {
# since this pkg already has a root folder do the mapping and return
attachments::map_root_folder \
-package_id $package_id \
-folder_id $root_folder_id
ad_returnredirect $referer
# Copyright (C) 2002 MIT
# this is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# this is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
ad_page_contract {
@author Arjun Sanyal (
@cvs-id $Id$
} -query {
ad_returnredirect $referer
ad_page_contract {
Attaches something to an object
@author Arjun Sanyal (
@author Ben Adida (
@cvs-id $Id$
} -query {
# Perms
permission::require_permission -object_id $object_id -privilege write
if {[catch {
# Perform the attachment
attachments::attach -object_id $object_id -attachment_id $item_id
} errmsg]} {
# Attachment already exists, just keep going
ns_log Notice "Attachment $item_id to Object $object_id already exists"
ad_returnredirect $return_url
<property name="&doc">doc</property>
<property name="context">@context;noquote@</property>
<if @write_permission_p@ eq 1>
<a href="@file_add_url@">#attachments.File#</a>
<a href="@simple_add_url@">#attachments.URL#</a>
<div class="attach-fs-bar">
<ul class="compact">
<if @fs_context:rowcount@ not nil>
<multiple name="fs_context">
<if @fs_context.url@ not nil>
<a href="@fs_context.url@">@fs_context.label@</a> @separator@
<if @contents:rowcount@ gt 0>
<table width="95%" class="list-table">
<tr class="list-header">
<multiple name="contents">
<if @contents.rownum@ odd>
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
<if @contents.type@ eq "folder">
<img src="graphics/folder.gif" alt="#file-storage.Folder#">
<a href="@contents.name_url@"></a>
#attachments.lt_contentscontent_size_#<if @contents.content_size@ ne 1>s</if>
<img src="graphics/file.gif" alt="@contents.type@">
<if @contents.type@ eq "url">
<a href="@contents.action_url@" class="button">#attachments.Choose#</a>
<if @contents.title@ eq nil></if>
<a href="@contents.action_url@" class="button">#attachments.Choose#</a>
<td>#attachments.lt_contentscontent_size__1#<if @contents.content_size@ ne 1>s</if></td>
ad_page_contract {
Attach something to an object
@author ben@openforce
@cvs-id $Id$
} -query {
{folder_id ""}
{pretty_object_name ""}
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
# Since object_id varname is also used for fs objects in the multirow
# let's keep the object_id to attach to in another var, otherwise
# choosing an existing file wouldn't work...
set to_object_id $object_id
# We require the write permission on an object
permission::require_permission -object_id $to_object_id -privilege write
# Give the object a nasty name if it doesn't have a pretty name
if {[empty_string_p $pretty_object_name]} {
set pretty_object_name "[_ attachments.Object] #$to_object_id"
# Load up file storage information
if {[empty_string_p $folder_id]} {
set folder_id [attachments::get_root_folder]
# sanity check
if {[empty_string_p $folder_id]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "[_ attachments.lt_Error_empty_folder_id]"
set write_permission_p \
[permission::permission_p -object_id $folder_id -privilege write]
# Check permission
permission::require_permission -object_id $folder_id -privilege read
# Size of contents
set n_contents [fs::get_folder_contents_count -folder_id $folder_id -user_id $user_id]
# Folder name
set folder_name [lang::util::localize [fs::get_object_name -object_id $folder_id]]
# Folder contents
db_multirow -unclobber -extend {name_url action_url} contents select_folder_contents {} {
set name [lang::util::localize $name]
if { $type eq "folder" } {
set name_url [export_vars -base "attach" { {folder_id $object_id} {object_id $to_object_id} return_url pretty_object_name}]
} else {
set action_url [export_vars -base "attach-2" {{item_id $object_id} {object_id $to_object_id} return_url pretty_object_name}]
set passthrough_vars "object_id=$to_object_id&return_url=[ns_urlencode $return_url]&pretty_object_name=[ns_urlencode $pretty_object_name]"
# Context bar
set separator [parameter::get -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] -parameter ContextBarSeparator -default ">"]
attachments::context_bar -extra_vars $passthrough_vars -folder_id $folder_id -multirow fs_context
set doc(title) [_ attachments.lt_Attach_a_File_to_pret]
set context "[_ attachments.Attach]"
template::head::add_style -style "
.attach-fs-bar {
border-top: thin solid #555;
margin: 0.8em 0;
padding-left: 0.5em;
# Build URLs
set file_add_url [export_vars -base "file-add" { {object_id $to_object_id} folder_id return_url pretty_object_name}]
set simple_add_url [export_vars -base "simple-add" { {object_id $to_object_id} folder_id return_url pretty_object_name}]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="select_folder_contents">
select fs_objects.object_id,
to_char(fs_objects.last_modified, 'Month DD YYYY HH24:MI') as last_modified,
'0' as new_p
from fs_objects
where fs_objects.parent_id = :folder_id
order by sort_key, name
\ No newline at end of file
<property name="title">@title@</property>
<property name="context">@context@</property>
<formtemplate id="detach"></formtemplate>
\ No newline at end of file
# packages/attachments/www/detach.tcl
ad_page_contract {
detaches an attached item from an object
@author Deds Castillo (
@creation-date 2006-07-13
@cvs-id $Id$
} {
{return_url ""}
} -properties {
} -validate {
} -errors {
set user_id [auth::require_login]
# require write
permission::require_permission -object_id $object_id -privilege write
set object_name [acs_object_name $object_id]
set attachment_name [acs_object_name $attachment_id]
set title "[_ attachments.Detach_file_from]"
set context "[_ attachments.Detach]"
ad_form \
-name detach \
-export { object_id attachment_id return_url } \
-cancel_url $return_url \
-form {
{inform:text(inform) {label {}} {value "[_ attachments.Are_you_sure_detach]"}}
{attachment_name:text(inform) {label "[_ attachments.Attachment]"}}
{object_name:text(inform) {label "[_ attachments.on_Object]"}}
set attached_to_other_objects_n [db_string get_other_object_count {
select count(*)
from attachments
where item_id = :attachment_id
and object_id <> :object_id
set delete_options [list [list [_ acs-kernel.common_No] 0] [list [_ acs-kernel.common_Yes] 1]]
if {$attached_to_other_objects_n} {
ad_form \
-extend \
-name detach \
-form {
{count_info:text(inform) {label {}} {value "[_ attachments.Only_detach]"}}
{detach:text(submit) {label "[_ attachments.Detach]"}}
} else {
ad_form \
-extend \
-name detach \
-form {
{count_info:text(inform) {label {}} {value "[_ attachments.Can_delete]"}}
{detach_button:text(submit) {label "[_ attachments.Detach]"}}
{delete_button:text(submit) {label "[_ attachments.delete_from_fs]"}}
ad_form \
-extend \
-name detach \
-form {
} -on_request {
} -on_submit {
attachments::unattach -object_id $object_id -attachment_id $attachment_id
if {[exists_and_not_null delete_button] && !$attached_to_other_objects_n} {
fs::delete_file -item_id $attachment_id
} -after_submit {
ad_returnredirect $return_url
\ No newline at end of file
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<h1><a id="id.toc" name="id.toc">Contents</a></h1>
<dd><a href="#id.s1">1 Attachments</a><dl>
<dd><a href="#id.s1.1">1.1 Basics</a><dl>
<dd><a href="#id.s1.1.1">1.1.1 What does attachments do?</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#id.s1.1.2">1.1.2 At a high level, how does attachments
<dd><a href="#id.s1.2">1.2 Using attachments</a><dl>
<dd><a href="#id.s1.2.1">1.2.1 Mount attachments under your package</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#id.s1.2.2">1.2.2 Map an file-storage root folder to your package
<dd><a href="#id.s1.2.3">1.2.3 Attaching files to your objects</a><dl>
<dd><a href="#id.s1.2.3.1"> Have your package check if attachments is
mounted properly</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#id.s1.2.3.2"> Get the attachment Url</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#id.s1.2.4">1.2.4 Viewing attached files</a></dd>
<h1><a id="id.s1" name="id.s1">1
</a>Attachments<a href="#id.toc"><img src="apt_toc.gif" style="border-style: none; border-width: 0" width="30" height="11" alt="Contents"></a></h1>
<h2><a id="id.s1.1" name="id.s1.1">1.1 </a>Basics</h2>
<h3><a id="id.s1.1.1" name="id.s1.1.1">1.1.1 </a>What does attachments
<p><tt>attachments</tt> is a service package that allows you to attach one or
more file-storage files to any <tt>acs_object</tt>. <tt>attachments</tt> is
mounted below a package that uses it, and the application provides links into
the attachments package's UI.</p><h3><a id="id.s1.1.2" name="id.s1.1.2">1.1.2
</a>At a high level, how does attachments work?</h3>
<p>Before you can use the attachments package, each instance of your package
must be mapped to a <tt>file-storage root folder</tt>.</p><p>The root folder
is a &quot;super folder&quot; for all the files in that specific instance of
file-storage, and it is created automatically when the file-storage package is
instanciated.</p><p>When a user wants to make an attachment to an object in
your package, she is shown the contents of the file-storage root folder mapped
to your package instance. The user is also given the option to upload a new
file into file-storage to attach.</p><h2><a id="id.s1.2" name="id.s1.2">1.2
</a>Using attachments</h2>
<h3><a id="id.s1.2.1" name="id.s1.2.1">1.2.1 </a>Mount attachments under your
<p>The first step is to mount the attachments package <b>under</b> your
package. In the <tt>site-map</tt>, you should create a new site-node
(sub-folder) under your package called &quot;attach&quot;.
</p><p>&quot;attach&quot; is the standard URL, however URL this can be changed
on a site-wide basis by changing the &quot;RelativeUrl&quot; parameter of
<b>any</b> of the attachments packages (this works since there's only one
instance of attachments in the entire system. The same instance is just
re-mounted)</p><h3><a id="id.s1.2.2" name="id.s1.2.2">1.2.2 </a>Map an
file-storage root folder to your package instance</h3>
<p>First, you must select a file-storage instance that will provide the files
you can attach. If you do not already have an instance of file-storage that
you want to use for your package instance, you must create one using the
site-map.</p><p>Once you have a file-storage instance you wish to use, you
must map the root folder of that file-storage instance with the package_id of
the instance of your package. </p><p>Two utility procs to help you do
this:</p><p><tt>fs::get_root_folder</tt> and
<tt>attachments::map_root_folder</tt></p><h3><a id="id.s1.2.3" name="id.s1.2.3">1.2.3
</a>Attaching files to your objects</h3>
<h4><a id="id.s1.2.3.1" name="id.s1.2.3.1"> </a>Have your package check
if attachments is mounted properly</h4>
<p>Most likely, you want your package to work even if the attachments package
is not installed on the system or if attachments is not properly mounted. To
do this, add the following proc to your package's API and wrap all calls to
the attachments package with
it:</p><div class="box" style="border: 2px solid; width: 100%"><pre> ad_proc -private attachments_enabled_p {} {
set package_id [site_node_apm_integration::child_package_exists_p \
-package_key attachments
}</pre></div><h4><a id="id.s1.2.3.2" name="id.s1.2.3.2"> </a>Get
the attachment Url</h4>
<p>When you want to set up the link that the user can click on to attach
something to an object, use the attachments::add_attachment_url proc, which
will return the correct Url into the attachments package mounted under your
package.</p><div class="box" style="border: 2px solid; width: 100%"><pre> if {$attachments_enabled_p} {
if {$attach_p} {
set redirect_url [attachments::add_attachment_url \
-object_id $message_id \
-return_url $redirect_url \
-pretty_name &quot;$subject&quot;]
}</pre></div><p>forums redirects the user to the redirect_url, if the user
chose to add an attachment to their
posting.</p><h3><a id="id.s1.2.4" name="id.s1.2.4">1.2.4 </a>Viewing attached
<p>You can use the &quot;attachments::get_attachments&quot; proc to see the
list of attachments to a given object.</p></body>
What is this?
How do I write APT?
I want to edit the documentation
If you want to edit this documentation, please edit the APT source and
1. get the "aptconvert" program, re-generate the html using the makefile,
and commit the new html
2. send the package maintainer(s) the edited APT source
* Basics
** What does attachments do?
<<<attachments>>> is a service package that allows you to attach one or more
file-storage files to any <<<acs_object>>>. <<<attachments>>> is mounted below
a package that uses it, and the application provides links into the attachments
package's UI.
** At a high level, how does attachments work?
Before you can use the attachments package, each instance of your package must be
mapped to a <<<file-storage root folder>>>.
The root folder is a "super folder" for all the files in that specific instance of
file-storage, and it is created automatically when the file-storage
package is instanciated.
When a user wants to make an attachment to an object in your package,
she is shown the contents of the file-storage root folder mapped to your
package instance. The user is also given the option to upload a new file
into file-storage to attach.
* Using attachments
** Mount attachments under your package
The first step is to mount the attachments package <<under>> your
package. In the <<<site-map>>>, you should create a new site-node
(sub-folder) under your package called "attach".
"attach" is the standard URL, however URL this can be changed on a
site-wide basis by changing the "RelativeUrl" parameter of <<any>> of
the attachments packages (this works since there's only one instance
of attachments in the entire system. The same instance is just
** Map an file-storage root folder to your package instance
First, you must select a file-storage instance that will provide
the files you can attach. If you do not already have an instance of file-storage
that you want to use for your package instance, you must create one using the
Once you have a file-storage instance you wish to use, you must map the
root folder of that file-storage instance with the package_id of the
instance of your package.
Two utility procs to help you do this:
<<<fs::get_root_folder>>> and <<<attachments::map_root_folder>>>
** Attaching files to your objects
*** Have your package check if attachments is mounted properly
Most likely, you want your package to work even if the attachments
package is not installed on the system or if attachments is not
properly mounted. To do this, add the following proc to your package's
API and wrap all calls to the attachments package with it:
ad_proc -private attachments_enabled_p {} {
set package_id [site_node_apm_integration::child_package_exists_p \
-package_key attachments
*** Get the attachment Url
When you want to set up the link that the user can click on to attach something
to an object, use the attachments::add_attachment_url proc, which will return
the correct Url into the attachments package mounted under your package.
if {$attachments_enabled_p} {
if {$attach_p} {
set redirect_url [attachments::add_attachment_url \
-object_id $message_id \
-return_url $redirect_url \
-pretty_name "$subject"]
forums redirects the user to the redirect_url, if the user chose to add an
attachment to their posting.
** Viewing attached files
You can use the "attachments::get_attachments" proc to see the list of attachments
to a given object.
~~ $Id$
# $Id$
$(TARGET): html
aptconvert -toc -pi html strict yes ../$(TARGET).html $(SOURCES)
rm -rf ../$(TARGET)*.html ../apt_*.gif ../*.css
clean: htmlclean
distclean: clean
# packages/attachments/www/download/index.vuh
ad_page_contract {
Virtual URL handler for file downloads
@author Ben Adida
@creation-date 2 July 2002
@cvs-id $Id$
} {
# Permission check
permission::require_permission -object_id $object_id -privilege read
# Get the live version
# (and check that this is the right attachment while we're at it)
set version_id [db_string select_version_id {} -default {}]
if {[empty_string_p $version_id]} {
ad_return_complaint "bad attachment"
cr_write_content -revision_id $version_id
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="select_version_id">
select live_revision
from cr_items, attachments
where cr_items.item_id = attachments.item_id
and attachments.object_id = :object_id
and attachments.item_id = :attachment_id
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="new_lob_file">
:1 := file_storage.new_file (
title => :title,
folder_id => :folder_id,
creation_user => :user_id,
creation_ip => :creation_ip,
indb_p => 't'
<fullquery name="new_fs_file">
:1 := file_storage.new_file (
title => :title,
folder_id => :folder_id,
creation_user => :user_id,
creation_ip => :creation_ip,
indb_p => 'f'
<fullquery name="new_version">
:1 := file_storage.new_version (
filename => :filename,
description => :description,
mime_type => :mime_type,
item_id => :file_id,
creation_user => :user_id,
creation_ip => :creation_ip
<fullquery name="lob_content">
update cr_revisions
set content = empty_blob()
where revision_id = :version_id
returning content into :1
<fullquery name="lob_size">
update cr_revisions
set content_length = dbms_lob.getlength(content)
where revision_id = :version_id
<fullquery name="fs_content_size">
update cr_revisions
set filename = '$tmp_filename',
content_length = $tmp_size
where revision_id = :version_id
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="new_lob_file">
select file_storage__new_file (
:title, -- title
:folder_id, -- parent_id
:user_id, -- creation_user
:creation_ip, -- creation_ip
true -- indb_p
<fullquery name="new_fs_file">
select file_storage__new_file (
:title, -- title
:folder_id, -- parent_id
:user_id, -- creation_user
:creation_ip, -- creation_ip
false -- indb_p
<fullquery name="new_version">
select file_storage__new_version (
:filename, -- filename
:description, -- description
:mime_type, -- mime_type
:file_id, -- item_id
:user_id, -- creation_user
:creation_ip -- creation_ip
<fullquery name="lob_content">
update cr_revisions
set lob = [set __lob_id [db_string get_lob_id "select empty_lob()"]]
where revision_id = :version_id
<fullquery name="lob_size">
update cr_revisions
set content_length = lob_length(lob)
where revision_id = :version_id
<fullquery name="fs_content_size">
update cr_revisions
set content = '$tmp_filename',
content_length = $tmp_size
where revision_id = :version_id
ad_page_contract {
script to recieve the new file and insert it into the database
@author Kevin Scaldeferri (
@creation-date 6 Nov 2000
@cvs-id $Id$
} {
} -validate {
valid_folder -requires {folder_id:integer} {
if ![fs_folder_p $folder_id] {
ad_complain "[_ attachments.lt_The_specified_parent_]"
max_size -requires {upload_file} {
set n_bytes [file size ${upload_file.tmpfile}]
set max_bytes [ad_parameter "MaximumFileSize"]
if { $n_bytes > $max_bytes } {
# Max number of bytes is used in the error message
set max_number_of_bytes [util_commify_number $max_bytes]
ad_complain "[_ attachments.lt_Your_file_is_larger_t]"
# Check for write permission on this folder
ad_require_permission $folder_id write
# Get the filename part of the upload file
if ![regexp {[^//\\]+$} $upload_file filename] {
# no match
set filename $upload_file
# Get the user
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
# Get the ip
set creation_ip [ad_conn peeraddr]
set root_folder [attachments::get_root_folder]
set fs_package_id [db_string get_fs_package_id {}]
#db_transaction {
set file_id [db_nextval "acs_object_id_seq"]
fs::add_file \
-name $upload_file \
-item_id $file_id \
-parent_id $folder_id \
-tmp_filename ${upload_file.tmpfile}\
-creation_user $user_id \
-creation_ip $creation_ip \
-title $title \
-description $description \
-package_id $fs_package_id
# attach the file_id
attachments::attach -object_id $object_id -attachment_id $file_id
#} on_error {
# most likely a duplicate name or a double click
# set folder_url index?folder_id?$folder_id
# ad_return_complaint 1 "[_ attachments.lt_You_probably_clicked_]"
# ad_script_abort
ad_returnredirect $return_url
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="duplicate_check">
select count(*)
from cr_items
where name = :filename
and parent_id = :folder_id
<fullquery name="get_fs_package_id">
select package_id
from fs_root_folders
where folder_id=:root_folder
<property name="title">#attachments.lt_Upload_New_Attachment#</property>
<property name="context">@context;noquote@</property>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" action="file-add-2">
<input type=hidden name="folder_id" value="@folder_id@">
<input type=hidden name="object_id" value="@object_id@">
<input type=hidden name="return_url" value="@return_url@">
<table border=0>
<td align=right>
<label for="upload_file">#attachments.Version_filename_#</label></td>
<td><input type="file" name="upload_file" id="upload_file" size=20></td>
<if @lock_title_p@ eq 0>
<td align=right><label for="title">#attachments.Title#</label></td>
<td><input size=30 name="title" id="title" value="@title@"></td>
<td align=right> #attachments.Title#
<input type=hidden name=title value=@title@>
<td valign=top align=right>
<label for="description">#attachments.Description#</label>
<textarea rows=5 cols=50 name="description" id="description"></textarea></td>
<td><input type=submit value="Upload">
ad_page_contract {
page to add a new file to the system
@author Kevin Scaldeferri (
@creation-date 6 Nov 2000
@cvs-id $Id$
} {
{title ""}
{lock_title_p 0}
} -validate {
valid_folder -requires {folder_id:integer} {
if ![fs_folder_p $folder_id] {
ad_complain "[_ attachments.lt_The_specified_parent_]"
} -properties {
# check for write permission on the folder
ad_require_permission $folder_id write
# set templating datasources
set context [_ attachments.Add_File]
#set fs_context [fs_context_bar_list -final "[_ attachments.Add_File]" $folder_id]
# Should probably generate the item_id and version_id now for
# double-click protection
# if title isn't passed in ignore lock_title_p
if {[empty_string_p $title]} {
set lock_title_p 0
ad_page_contract {
Go to an attachment
@author Ben Adida (
} {
# We check permissions on the object
permission::require_permission -object_id $object_id -privilege read
# Get information about attachment
set content_type [item::get_type $attachment_id]
if { [string length $content_type] == 0 } {
ad_return_complaint 1 [_ attachments.lt_No_such_attachment_fo]
switch $content_type {
content_extlink {
ad_returnredirect [db_string select_url {}]
file_storage_object {
db_1row select_attachment_info {}
if {[parameter::get -package_id $package_id -parameter BehaveLikeFilesystemP -default 0]} {
set filename $title
} else {
set filename $name
# Test if the filename contains the extension, otherwise append it
# This usually happens if you just rename the title (displayed filename) but forget
# to append the extension to it.
#file extension return "." extension without "."
set file_extension_aux [concat .$file_extension]
set extension [file extension $filename]
if {$extension ne $file_extension_aux} {
append filename ".${file_extension}"
ad_returnredirect "download/[ad_urlencode $filename]?object_id=$object_id&attachment_id=$attachment_id"
default {
ad_return_complaint 1 [_ attachments.lt_dont_know_how_to_deal [list content_type $content_type]]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fullquery name="select_url">
select url
from cr_extlinks
where extlink_id = :attachment_id
<fullquery name="select_attachment_info">
select r.title,, o.package_id, m.file_extension
from cr_revisions r, cr_items i, acs_objects o, cr_mime_types m
where i.item_id = :attachment_id
and r.revision_id = i.live_revision
and i.item_id = o.object_id
and m.mime_type = r.mime_type
ad_page_contract {
Add a nonversioned item
@author Kevin Scaldeferri (
@creation-date 6 Nov 2000
@cvs-id $Id$
} {
} -validate {
valid_folder -requires {folder_id:integer} {
if ![fs_folder_p $folder_id] {
ad_complain "[_ attachments.lt_The_specified_parent_]"
# Check for write permission on this folder
ad_require_permission $folder_id write
db_transaction {
# Create the URL (for now)
set url_id [content::extlink::new -url $url -label $title -description $description -parent_id $folder_id]
# Attach the URL
attachments::attach -object_id $object_id -attachment_id $url_id
ad_returnredirect "$return_url"
<property name="title">#attachments.Attach_URL#</property>
<property name="context">@context;noquote@</property>
<form method=POST action="simple-add-2">
<input type=hidden name="folder_id" value="@folder_id@">
<input type=hidden name="type" value="@type@">
<input type=hidden name="object_id" value="@object_id@">
<input type=hidden name="return_url" value="@return_url@">
<table border=0>
<if @lock_title_p@ eq 0>
<td align=right><label for="title">#attachments.Title#</label></td>
<td><input size=30 name="title" value="@title@" id="title"></td>
<td align=right>#attachments.Title#</td>
<input type=hidden name="title" value="@title@">
<td align=right><label for="url">#attachments.URL_1#</label></td>
<td><input size=50 name="url" value="http://" id="url"></td>
<td valign=top align=right><label for="description">#attachments.Description#</label></td>
<td><textarea rows=5 cols=50 name="description" id="description"></textarea></td>
<td><input type=submit value="Create">
ad_page_contract {
page to add a new nonversioned object to the system
@author Ben Adida (
@author arjun (
@creation-date 01 April 2002
@cvs-id $Id$
} {
{type "fs_url"}
{title ""}
{lock_title_p 0}
} -validate {
valid_folder -requires {folder_id:integer} {
if ![fs_folder_p $folder_id] {
ad_complain "[_ attachments.lt_The_specified_parent_]"
} -properties {
# check for write permission on the folder
ad_require_permission $folder_id write
# set templating datasources
set pretty_name "URL"
if {[empty_string_p $pretty_name]} {
return -code error "[_ attachments.No_such_type]"
set context [_ attachments.Add_pretty_name [list pretty_name $pretty_name]]
#set context [fs_context_bar_list -final [_ attachments.Add_pretty_name [list pretty_name $pretty_name]] $folder_id]
# Should probably generate the item_id and version_id now for
# double-click protection
# if title isn't passed in ignore lock_title_p
if {[empty_string_p $title]} {
set lock_title_p 0
ad_page_contract {
@creation-date 2002-08-29
@cvs-id $Id$
} -query {
{approved_p ""}
attachments::toggle_approved -object_id $object_id -item_id $item_id -approved_p $approved_p
ad_returnredirect $return_url
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