Commit c780cc3c authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- exec -> im_exec changes from Gustaf

parent e5fcdbe7
......@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ ad_proc im_big_brother_component { user_id } {
set bb_content ""
if { [catch {
set bb_content [exec /usr/bin/wget -q -O - $bb_url]
set bb_content [im_exec wget -q -O - $bb_url]
} err_msg] } {
append bb_html "<pre>/usr/bin/wget -q -O - $bb_url\n$err_msg</pre>\n"
append bb_html "<pre>wget -q -O - $bb_url\n$err_msg</pre>\n"
set bb_lines [split $bb_content "\n"]
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