Commit 579f7c2d authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- New style of showing ConfItems.

  The old one didn't work, so this one can only be better...
parent e01d08bb
......@@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_conf_item_update_sql {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Delete a conf item
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ad_proc -public im_conf_item_delete {
} {
......@@ -449,20 +450,18 @@ ad_proc -public im_conf_item_list_component {
{-restrict_to_member_id 0}
{-restrict_to_type_id 0}
{-restrict_to_status_id 0}
{-max_entries_per_page 50}
{-max_entries_per_page 5000}
{-export_var_list {} }
{-return_url "" }
} {
Creates a HTML table showing a list of configuration items associated with
a project, a user or a ticket.
a project, a task, a user or a ticket.
} {
# ---------------------- Security - Show the comp? -------------------------------
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
set user_is_admin_p [im_is_user_site_wide_or_intranet_admin $user_id]
set current_user_id [auth::require_login]
set user_is_admin_p [im_is_user_site_wide_or_intranet_admin $current_user_id]
if {"" == $member_id || 0 == $member_id} { set member_id $restrict_to_member_id }
set include_subconf_items 0
if {"" == $order_by} {
set order_by [parameter::get_from_package_key -package_key intranet-confdb -parameter ConfItemComponentDefaultSortOrder -default "tree_sortkey"]
......@@ -615,39 +614,16 @@ ad_proc -public im_conf_item_list_component {
set criteria [list]
if {[string is integer $restrict_to_status_id] && $restrict_to_status_id > 0} {
lappend criteria "ci.conf_item_status_id in ([join [im_sub_categories $restrict_to_status_id] ","])"
lappend criteria "sub_ci.conf_item_status_id in ([join [im_sub_categories $restrict_to_status_id] ","])"
if {[string is integer $restrict_to_type_id] && $restrict_to_type_id > 0} {
lappend criteria "ci.conf_item_type_id in ([join [im_sub_categories $restrict_to_type_id] ","])"
# Associated Object
if {[string is integer $object_id] && $object_id > 0} {
lappend criteria "ci.conf_item_id in (
-- Generic relationship between object and conf item
select r.object_id_two
from acs_rels r,
im_conf_item_project_rels cipr
where r.rel_id = cipr.rel_id and
r.object_id_one = :object_id
-- object is the owner of the conf item
select cf.conf_item_id
from im_conf_items cf
where cf.conf_item_owner_id = :object_id
-- object is the user who created the conf item
select object_id
from acs_objects
where object_type = 'im_conf_item' and
creation_user = :object_id
lappend criteria "sub_ci.conf_item_type_id in ([join [im_sub_categories $restrict_to_type_id] ","])"
# Owner is stictly the owner_id of the conf_item
if {[string is integer $owner_id] && $owner_id > 0} {
lappend criteria "ci.conf_item_owner_id = :owner_id"
lappend criteria "sub_ci.conf_item_owner_id = :owner_id"
# Member is anybody associated with the conf item + the owner.
......@@ -685,24 +661,24 @@ ad_proc -public im_conf_item_list_component {
# Restrict to this list of direct members and their parents
lappend criteria "ci.conf_item_id in ([join $result_list ","])"
lappend criteria "sub_ci.conf_item_id in ([join $result_list ","])"
if {![im_permission $user_id "view_conf_items_all"]} {
lappend criteria "ci.conf_item_id in (
if {![im_permission $current_user_id "view_conf_items_all"]} {
lappend criteria "sub_ci.conf_item_id in (
select ci.conf_item_id
from im_conf_items ci,
acs_rels r
where r.object_id_one = ci.conf_item_id and
r.object_id_two = :user_id
r.object_id_two = :current_user_id
lappend criteria "parent.conf_item_id in (
lappend criteria "main_ci.conf_item_id in (
select ci.conf_item_id
from im_conf_items ci,
acs_rels r
where r.object_id_one = ci.conf_item_id and
r.object_id_two = :user_id
r.object_id_two = :current_user_id
......@@ -725,28 +701,37 @@ ad_proc -public im_conf_item_list_component {
# ---------------------- Get the SQL Query -------------------------
set sql "
tree_level(ci.tree_sortkey) - tree_level(parent.tree_sortkey) as conf_item_level,
im_category_from_id(ci.conf_item_status_id) as conf_item_status,
im_category_from_id(ci.conf_item_type_id) as conf_item_type
tree_level(sub_ci.tree_sortkey) - tree_level(main_ci.tree_sortkey) as conf_item_level,
im_category_from_id(sub_ci.conf_item_status_id) as conf_item_status,
im_category_from_id(sub_ci.conf_item_type_id) as conf_item_type
im_conf_items parent,
im_conf_items ci
acs_rels r,
im_conf_items main_ci,
im_conf_items sub_ci,
im_projects main_p,
im_projects sub_p
parent.conf_item_parent_id is null and
ci.tree_sortkey between parent.tree_sortkey and tree_right(parent.tree_sortkey) and
ci.conf_item_status_id not in ([im_conf_item_status_deleted])
main_p.project_id = $object_id and
main_p.project_id = 48410 and
sub_p.tree_sortkey between main_p.tree_sortkey and tree_right(main_p.tree_sortkey) and
sub_p.project_id = r.object_id_one and
r.object_id_two = main_ci.conf_item_id and
sub_ci.tree_sortkey between main_ci.tree_sortkey and tree_right(main_ci.tree_sortkey)
# fraber 150113: Sorting breaks the query!!!
# Maybe the table needs an index on tree_sortkey?
set ttt {
order by ci.tree_sortkey
# ad_return_complaint 1 "<pre>[im_ad_hoc_query $sql]\n\n\n$sql</pre>"
db_multirow conf_item_list_multirow conf_item_list_sql $sql {
# Perform the following steps in addition to calculating the multirow:
......@@ -771,7 +756,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_conf_item_list_component {
select ohs.object_id
from im_biz_object_tree_status ohs
where ohs.open_p = 'c' and
ohs.user_id = :user_id and
ohs.user_id = :current_user_id and
ohs.page_url = 'default' and
ohs.object_id in (
select conf_item_id
......@@ -820,10 +805,10 @@ ad_proc -public im_conf_item_list_component {
if {[info exists closed_conf_items_hash($conf_item_id)]} {
# Closed conf_item
set gif_html "<a href='[export_vars -base $open_close_url {user_id {page_url "default"} {object_id $conf_item_id} {open_p "o"} return_url}]'>[im_gif "plus_9"]</a>"
set gif_html "<a href='[export_vars -base $open_close_url {{user_id $current_user_id} {page_url "default"} {object_id $conf_item_id} {open_p "o"} return_url}]'>[im_gif "plus_9"]</a>"
} else {
# So this is an open conf_item - show a "(-)", unless the conf_item is a leaf.
set gif_html "<a href='[export_vars -base $open_close_url {user_id {page_url "default"} {object_id $conf_item_id} {open_p "c"} return_url}]'>[im_gif "minus_9"]</a>"
set gif_html "<a href='[export_vars -base $open_close_url {{user_id $current_user_id} {page_url "default"} {object_id $conf_item_id} {open_p "c"} return_url}]'>[im_gif "minus_9"]</a>"
if {[info exists leafs_hash($conf_item_id)]} { set gif_html "&nbsp;" }
......@@ -1000,7 +985,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_conf_item_options {
Returns a list of all Conf Items.
} {
set var_list [list type_id $type_id status_id $status_id project_id $project_id owner_id $owner_id cost_center_id $cost_center_id]
set options_sql [im_conf_item_select_sql -var_list $var_list]
set options_sql [im_conf_item_select_sql -treelevel 2 -var_list $var_list]
set options [list]
if {$include_empty_p} { lappend options [list $include_empty_name ""] }
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