Commit 103d70b5 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- added end-date at the end of the personal_projects home component

parent ffc3a0dd
......@@ -258,6 +258,10 @@ extra_select, extra_where, sort_order, visible_for) values (2313,23,NULL,'Projec
'"<A HREF=/intranet/users/view?user_id=$project_lead_id>$lead_name</A>"',
insert into im_view_columns (column_id, view_id, group_id, column_name, column_render_tcl,
extra_select, extra_where, sort_order, visible_for) values (2335,23,NULL,'Delivery Date',
delete from im_view_columns where column_id > 0 and column_id < 8;
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