Commit 2151f80f authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Beautified matrix to create financial documents from other docs

parent 74fa3698
......@@ -448,6 +448,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_menu_invoice_creation_matrix {
ns_log Notice "im_invoice_creation_link_matrix: name='$name'"
if {[regexp -nocase {new (.*) from (.*)$} $name match type source]} {
set source [string totitle $source]
if {"scratch" eq $source} { set source "Scratch" }
set type_hash($type) $type
set source_hash($source) $source
ns_log Notice "im_invoice_creation_link_matrix: name='$name', type=$type, source=$source"
......@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_menu_invoice_creation_matrix_sort_types {
Sorts the list of invoice types using some custom ordering.
This is not particularly pretty, but required for usability.
} {
set order_list [list "Customer Invoice" "Quote" "Delivery Note" "Provider Bill" "Purchase Order"]
set order_list [list "Customer Invoice" "Quote" "Budgeted Purchase" "Purchase Order" "Provider Purchase Order" "Delivery Note" "Goods Received" "Goods Accepted" "Provider Bill" "Purchase ETC"]
set result [list]
foreach term $order_list {
......@@ -533,14 +534,23 @@ ad_proc -public im_menu_invoice_creation_matrix_sort_sources {
Sorts the list of invoice types using some custom ordering.
This is not particularly pretty, but required for usability.
} {
set order_list [list "Scratch" "Timesheet tasks" "Invoice" "Quote" "Delivery note" "Provider Bill" "Purchase Order"]
set order_list [list "Scratch" "Timesheet tasks" "Invoice" "Quote" "Budgeted Purchase" "Purchase Order" "Provider Purchase Order" "Delivery note" "Goods Received" "Goods Accepted" "Provider Bill" "Purchase ETC"]
set order_list_lower [string tolower $order_list]
set list_lower [string tolower $list]
set rest [string tolower $list]
set result [list]
foreach term $order_list {
set rest [lsearch -inline -all -not $list $term]
if {$rest ne $list} { lappend result $term }
set list $rest
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $order_list_lower]} {incr i} {
set term_lower [lindex $order_list_lower $i]
set term [lindex $order_list $i]
set idx [lsearch $list_lower $term_lower]
set term_org [lindex $list $idx]
if {$idx > -1} {
lappend result $term_org
set rest_idx [lsearch $rest $term_lower]
set rest [lreplace $rest $rest_idx $rest_idx]
return [concat $result $rest]
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