Commit 32c7d516 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Debugging @sls:

- Fixed error when editing invoices when the acs_rel invoice->project
  already exists
- Started writing update script
parent c026f971
......@@ -82,9 +82,10 @@ CREATE TABLE im_menus (
-- Make sure there are no two identical
-- menus on the same _level_.
constraint im_menus_label_un
unique(package_name, label)
create or replace package im_menu
function new (
......@@ -7,3 +7,229 @@ where
category_type='Intranet Translation UoM'
create table im_start_weeks (
start_block date not null
constraint im_start_weeks_pk
primary key,
-- We might want to tag a larger unit
-- For example, if start_block is the first
-- Sunday of a week, those tagged with
-- start_of_larger_unit_p might tag
-- the first Sunday of a month
start_of_larger_unit_p char(1) default 'f'
constraint im_start_weeks_larger_ck
check (start_of_larger_unit_p in ('t','f')),
note varchar(4000)
create table im_start_months (
start_block date not null
constraint im_start_months_pk
primary key,
-- We might want to tag a larger unit
-- For example, if start_block is the first
-- Sunday of a week, those tagged with
-- start_of_larger_unit_p might tag
-- the first Sunday of a month
start_of_larger_unit_p char(1) default 'f'
constraint im_start_months_larger_ck
check (start_of_larger_unit_p in ('t','f')),
note varchar(4000)
-- Populate im_start_weeks. Start with Sunday,
-- Jan 7th 1996 and end after inserting 1000 weeks. Note
-- that 1000 is a completely arbitrary number.
v_max integer;
v_i integer;
v_first_block_of_month integer;
v_next_start_week date;
v_max := 1000;
FOR v_i IN 0..v_max-1 LOOP
-- for convenience, select out the next start block to insert into a variable
select to_date('1996-01-07','YYYY-MM-DD') + v_i*7
into v_next_start_week
from dual;
insert into im_start_weeks (
) values (
-- set the start_of_larger_unit_p flag if this is the first
-- start block of the month
update im_start_weeks
set start_of_larger_unit_p='t'
where start_block=to_date(v_next_start_week)
and not exists (
select 1
from im_start_weeks
where to_char(start_block,'YYYY-MM') =
and start_of_larger_unit_p='t');
show errors;
-- Populate im_start_months. Start with im_start_weeks
-- dates and check for the beginning of a new month.
for row in (
select unique concat(to_char(start_block, 'YYYY-MM'),'-01') as first_day_in_month
from im_start_weeks
) loop
insert into im_start_months (
) values (
end loop;
show errors;
update im_profiles set profile_gif='admin' where profile_id=474;
update im_profiles set profile_gif='customer' where profile_id=478;
update im_profiles set profile_gif='employee' where profile_id=482;
update im_profiles set profile_gif='freelance' where profile_id=486;
update im_profiles set profile_gif='proman' where profile_id=490;
update im_profiles set profile_gif='senman' where profile_id=494;
update im_profiles set profile_gif='accounting' where profile_id=498;
update im_profiles set profile_gif='sales' where profile_id=502;
v_top_menu integer;
v_top_menu := (
package_name => 'intranet-core',
label => 'top',
name => 'Top Menu',
url => '/',
sort_order => 10,
parent_menu_id => null
update im_menus set parent_menu_id=v_top_menu where label='main';
update im_menus set parent_menu_id=v_top_menu where label='project';
alter table im_payments add
cost_id integer
constraint im_payments_cost
references im_costs
insert into im_costs
invoice_id as cost_id,
invoice_nr as cost_name,
null as project_id,
null as cost_center_id,
null as investment_id,
invoice_status_id as cost_status_id,
3700 as cost_type_id,
null as cause_object_id,
invoice_template_id as template_id,
invoice_date as effective_date,
null as start_block,
null as amount,
null as currency,
null as variable_clost_p,
null as needs_redistribution_p,
null as parent_id,
null as redistributed_p,
'f' as planning_p,
null as planning_type_id,
null as description,
from im_invoices
-- Can only be executed when im_costs is filled with data
update im_payments set cost_id=invoice_id;
alter table im_payments drop constraint im_payments_un;
alter table im_payments drop column invoice_id;
alter table im_payments add
constraint im_payments_un
unique (customer_id, cost_id, provider_id, received_date,
start_block, payment_type_id, currency);
alter table im_payments drop constraint im_payments_start_block;
alter table im_payments add
constraint im_payments_start_block
foreign key (start_block) references im_start_months
alter table im_menus
add constraint im_menus_label_unn unique(label);
alter table im_invoices drop column customer_id;
alter table im_invoices drop column provider_id;
alter table im_invoices drop column creator_id;
alter table im_invoices drop column invoice_date;
alter table im_invoices drop column due_date;
alter table im_invoices drop column invoice_currency;
alter table im_invoices drop column invoice_template_id;
alter table im_invoices drop column invoice_status_id;
alter table im_invoices drop column invoice_type_id;
alter table im_invoices drop column last_modified;
alter table im_invoices drop column last_modifying_user;
alter table im_invoices drop column modified_ip_address;
alter table im_invoices drop column vat;
alter table im_invoices drop column tax;
alter table im_invoices drop column note;
alter table im_invoices drop column payment_days;
alter table im_invoices add
reference_document_id integer
constraint im_invoices_reference_doc
references im_invoices;
SQL> update im_costs set cost_status_id=3802 where cost_status_id=602;
SQL> update im_costs set cost_status_id=3804 where cost_status_id=604;
SQL> update im_costs set cost_status_id=3810 where cost_status_id=610;
SQL> update im_costs set cost_status_id=3814 where cost_status_id=614;
create index im_proj_payments_cost_id_idx on im_payments(cost_id);
update im_categories
set category_type='Intranet Cost Template'
where category_type='Intranet Invoice Template';
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