Commit 92f2d029 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- added GIF tool -> tool.15.gif

parent 42a40b70
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_gif { name {alt ""} { border 0} {width 0} {height 0} } {
"tick" { return "<img src=$url/tick.gif width=14 heigth=15 border=$border alt='$alt'>" }
"wrong" { return "<img src=$url/delete.gif width=14 heigth=15 border=$border alt='$alt'>" }
"turn" { return "<img src=$url/turn.gif widht=15 height=15 border=$border alt='$alt'>" }
"tool" { return "<img src=$url/tool.15.gif widht=20 height=15 border=$border alt='$alt'>" }
"exp-folder" { return "<img src=$url/exp-folder.gif width=19 heigth=16 border=$border alt='$alt'>" }
"exp-minus" { return "<img src=$url/exp-minus.gif width=19 heigth=16 border=$border alt='$alt'>" }
"exp-unknown" { return "<img src=$url/exp-unknown.gif width=19 heigth=16 border=$border alt='$alt'>" }
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