Commit ad4a2457 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Now dropping additional dependent triggers before

  changing the type of im_projects.project_name and project_nr.
parent 05c01d10
SELECT acs_log__debug('/packages/intranet-core/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-','');
-- drop view before changing the size of the im_projects fields
-- drop stuff that depends on im_projects before resizing
drop view if exists im_timesheet_tasks_view;
drop trigger if exists im_projects_calendar_update_tr on im_projects;
drop function if exists im_projects_calendar_update_tr();
alter table im_projects alter column project_name type text;
alter table im_projects alter column project_nr type text;
......@@ -14,6 +22,7 @@ alter table im_projects alter column description type text;
alter table im_projects alter column note type text;
-- re-create the view
create or replace view im_timesheet_tasks_view as
select t.*,
......@@ -32,5 +41,117 @@ from
im_projects p,
im_timesheet_tasks t
t.task_id = p.project_id
t.task_id = p.project_id;
-- add trigger again
create or replace function im_projects_calendar_update_tr ()
returns trigger as $$
v_cal_item_id integer;
v_timespan_id integer;
v_interval_id integer;
v_calendar_id integer;
v_activity_id integer;
v_recurrence_id integer;
-- -------------- Skip if start or end date are null ------------
IF new.start_date is null OR new.end_date is null THEN
return new;
-- -------------- Check if the entry already exists ------------
v_cal_item_id := null;
SELECT event_id
INTO v_cal_item_id
FROM acs_events
WHERE related_object_id = new.project_id
and related_object_type = 'im_project';
-- --------------------- Create entry if it isnt there -------------
IF v_cal_item_id is null THEN
v_timespan_id := timespan__new(new.end_date, new.end_date);
RAISE NOTICE 'im_projects_calendar_update_tr: timespan_id=%', v_timespan_id;
v_activity_id := acs_activity__new(
'acs_activity', now(), null, '', null
RAISE NOTICE 'im_projects_calendar_update_tr: v_activity_id=%', v_activity_id;
SELECT min(calendar_id)
INTO v_calendar_id
FROM calendars
WHERE private_p = 'f';
v_recurrence_id := NULL;
v_cal_item_id := cal_item__new (
null, -- cal_item_id
v_calendar_id, -- on_which_calendar
new.project_name, -- name
new.description, -- description
'f', -- html_p
'', -- status_summary
v_timespan_id, -- timespan_id
v_activity_id, -- activity_id
v_recurrence_id, -- recurrence_id
'cal_item', null, now(), null, ''
RAISE NOTICE 'im_projects_calendar_update_tr: cal_id=%', v_cal_item_id;
-- --------------------- Update the entry --------------------
SELECT activity_id INTO v_activity_id FROM acs_events WHERE event_id = v_cal_item_id;
SELECT timespan_id INTO v_timespan_id FROM acs_events WHERE event_id = v_cal_item_id;
SELECT recurrence_id INTO v_recurrence_id FROM acs_events WHERE event_id = v_cal_item_id;
-- Update the event
UPDATE acs_events
SET name = new.project_name,
description = new.description,
related_object_id = new.project_id,
related_object_type = 'im_project',
related_link_url = '/intranet/projects/view?project_id='||new.project_id,
related_link_text = new.project_name || ' Project',
redirect_to_rel_link_p = 't'
WHERE event_id = v_cal_item_id;
-- Update the activity - same as event
UPDATE acs_activities
SET name = new.project_name,
description = new.description
WHERE activity_id = v_activity_id;
-- Update the timespan. Make sure there is only one interval
-- in this timespan (there may be multiples)
SELECT interval_id INTO v_interval_id FROM timespans WHERE timespan_id = v_timespan_id;
RAISE NOTICE 'cal_update_tr: cal_item:%, activity:%, timespan:%, recurrence:%, interval:%',
v_cal_item_id, v_activity_id, v_timespan_id, v_recurrence_id, v_interval_id;
UPDATE time_intervals
SET start_date = new.end_date,
end_date = new.end_date
WHERE interval_id = v_interval_id;
return new;
end;$$ language 'plpgsql';
create trigger im_projects_calendar_update_tr after insert or update
on im_projects for each row
execute procedure im_projects_calendar_update_tr ();
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