Commit 03c012fa authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

Added InterCo financial document types

parent 66782aec
......@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ SELECT im_category_new (3746,'Purchase Request','Intranet Cost Type');
-- SELECT im_category_new (3748,'Purchase Etc','Intranet Cost Type');
-- 3750 reserved for cosine "mission
SELECT im_category_new (3752,'Cancellation Invoice','Intranet Cost Type');
SELECT im_category_new (3760,'InterCo Bill','Intranet Cost Type');
SELECT im_category_new (3762,'InterCo Purchase Order','Intranet Cost Type');
-- reserved until 3799
# /packages/intranet-invoices/tcl/intranet-cost-procs.tcl
# /packages/intranet-cost/tcl/intranet-cost-procs.tcl
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2009 ]project-open[
......@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ ad_proc -public im_cost_type_purchase_request {} { return 3746 }
ad_proc -public im_cost_type_purchase_etc {} { return 3748 }
# 3750 reserved for cosine "mission"
ad_proc -public im_cost_type_cancellation_invoice {} { return 3752 }
# 3754, 3756, 3758 still free
ad_proc -public im_cost_type_interco_bill {} { return 3760 }
ad_proc -public im_cost_type_interco_purchase_order {} { return 3762 }
ad_proc -public im_cost_type_short_name { cost_type_id } {
......@@ -89,7 +92,16 @@ ad_proc -public im_cost_type_short_name { cost_type_id } {
3728 { return "expense_planned" }
3730 { return "interco_invoice" }
3732 { return "interco_quote" }
3734 { return "provider_receipt" }
3738 { return "planned_purchase" }
3740 { return "customer_po" }
3742 { return "goods_received" }
3744 { return "goods_accepted" }
3746 { return "purchase_request" }
3748 { return "purchase_etc" }
3752 { return "cancellation_invoice" }
3760 { return "interco_bill" }
3762 { return "interco_purchase_order" }
default { return "unknown" }
......@@ -148,6 +160,7 @@ ad_proc -public im_cost_type_is_invoice_or_bill_p { cost_type_id } {
set invoice_or_bill_p [expr \
[im_category_is_a $cost_type_id [im_cost_type_invoice]] || \
[im_category_is_a $cost_type_id [im_cost_type_bill]] \
[im_category_is_a $cost_type_id [im_cost_type_interco_bill]] \
return $invoice_or_bill_p
......@@ -1551,7 +1564,7 @@ ad_proc im_costs_project_finance_component {
set sum [im_numeric_add_trailing_zeros [expr round(100.0 * $subtotals($old_cost_type_id)) / 100.0] 2]
append cost_html "
<tr class=rowplain>
<td colspan=[expr $colspan - 3 + $show_status_p + $show_subprojects_p]>&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan=[expr $colspan - 2 + $show_status_p + $show_subprojects_p]>&nbsp;</td>
<td align='right' colspan=1>
<b><nobr>[lc_numeric $sum "" "en_US"] $default_currency</nobr></b>
......@@ -1712,7 +1725,7 @@ ad_proc im_costs_project_finance_component {
if {!$atleast_one_unreadable_p} {
append cost_html "
<tr class=rowplain>
<td colspan=[expr $colspan - 3 + $show_status_p + $show_subprojects_p]>&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan=[expr $colspan - 2 + $show_status_p + $show_subprojects_p]>&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan='1' align=right>
<b><nobr>[lc_numeric $subtotals($old_cost_type_id)] $default_currency</nobr></b>
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