Commit 79be0773 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- Added upgrade script

parent e685a906
SELECT acs_log__debug('/packages/intranet-cost/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-','');
-- Delete a single cost (if we know its ID...)
create or replace function im_cost__delete (integer)
returns integer as $$
p_cost_id alias for $1;
-- Update im_hours relationship
update im_hours
set cost_id = null
where cost_id = p_cost_id;
-- Erase payments related to this cost item
delete from im_payments
where cost_id = p_cost_id;
-- Erase the im_cost
delete from im_costs
where cost_id = p_cost_id;
-- Erase the im_cost
delete from im_biz_objects
where object_id = p_cost_id;
-- Erase the acs_rels entries pointing to this cost item
delete from acs_rels
where object_id_two = p_cost_id;
delete from acs_rels
where object_id_one = p_cost_id;
delete from acs_permissions
where object_id = p_cost_id;
-- Erase the object
PERFORM acs_object__delete(p_cost_id);
return 0;
end;$$ language 'plpgsql';
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