Commit a75ef505 authored by Frank Bergmann's avatar Frank Bergmann

- committing changes after merge with b2-0

parent 00060a66
......@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
<version name="2.0.0" url="">
<version name="2.1.1" url="">
<owner url="">Frank Bergmann</owner>
<summary>Base for cost management</summary>
<vendor url="">Project/Open</vendor>
<description format="text/plain">Defines cost centers, cost items and investments</description>
<provides url="intranet-cost" version="2.0.0"/>
<provides url="intranet-cost" version="2.1.1"/>
<requires url="acs-subsite" version="5.0"/>
<requires url="intranet-core" version="2.0"/>
<requires url="intranet-core" version="2.1"/>
......@@ -1059,6 +1059,7 @@ check(start_date < end_date);
-- The amortized amount of costs is calculated by summing up
-- all im_cost_items with the specific investment_id
prompt *** intranet-costs: Creating im_investments
create table im_investments (
investment_id integer
......@@ -1072,12 +1073,7 @@ create table im_investments (
references im_categories,
investment_type_id integer
constraint im_investments_type_fk
references im_categories,
amount number(12,3),
currency char(3)
constraint im_investments_currency_fk
references currency_codes(iso),
description varchar(4000)
references im_categories
......@@ -1089,7 +1085,6 @@ insert into im_biz_object_urls (object_type, url_type, url) values (
prompt *** intranet-costs: Creating Investment categories
-- Intranet Investment Type
delete from im_categories where category_id >= 3400 and category_id < 3500;
......@@ -1104,7 +1099,6 @@ VALUES (3407,'Office Furniture','Intranet Investment Type');
-- reserved until 3499
-- Intranet Investment Status
delete from im_categories where category_id >= 3500 and category_id < 3599;
INSERT INTO im_categories (category_id, category, category_type, category_description)
......@@ -1116,3 +1110,66 @@ VALUES (3505,'Amortized','Intranet Investment Status','No remaining book value')
-- reserved until 3599
-- Costs
-- Costs is the superclass for all financial items such as
-- Invoices, Quotes, Purchase Orders, Bills (from providers),
-- Travel Costs, Payroll Costs, Fixed Costs, Amortization Costs,
-- etc. in order to allow for simple SQL queries revealing the
-- financial status of a company.
-- Costs are also used for controlling, namely by assigning costs
-- to projects, customers and cost centers in order to allow for
-- (more or less) accurate profit & loss calculation.
-- This assignment sometimes requires to split a large cost item
-- into several smaller items in order to assign them more
-- accurately to project, customers or cost centers ("redistribution").
create table im_costs (
cost_id integer
constraint im_costs_pk
primary key,
constraint im_costs_item_fk
references acs_objects,
name varchar(400),
cost_status_id integer
constraint im_costs_status_fk
references im_categories,
cost_type_id integer
constraint im_costs_type_fk
references im_categories,
project_id integer
constraint im_costs_project_fk
references im_projects,
customer_id integer
constraint im_costs_customer_fk
references im_customers,
asset_id integer
constraint im_costs_asset_fk
references im_assets,
due_date date,
payment_date date,
amount number(12,3),
currency char(3) references currency_codes(iso),
-- variable or fixed costs?
variable_type_id integer
constraint im_cost_variable_fk
references im_categories,
-- cost has been split into several small cost items?
redistributed_p char(1)
constraint im_costs_var_ck
check redistributed_p in ('t','f'),
-- points to its parent if the parent was "distributed"
parent_cost_id integer
constraint im_costs_parent_fk
references im_costs,
-- "real cost", "planning" of "quote or purchase order"
planning_type_id integer
constraint im_costs_planning_type_fk
references im_categories,
description varchar(4000),
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